' '.., , Home of the New, AI. the News of Ail the Pointes Every Thursday Morning ross~ Point~, ews Complete News Coverage of AU the Pointel , . 28 Pages - Two Sections - Section One ,1 , IIE"OI ..INt:~ Students Obiect to School Dress' Code iTwo CouncilmenlWa!Ch Kids Of the I • . " .. Delihe ..at~ly. WEt~K IAgaln Delay Plans Ruin Walks As Compiled by the Grosse Pointe News IF Cd' .. Residents S fa n d By as or on omlnlum I Little Monders Traipse Thursday, 'September 18 and Ride Bike Through Ecclestone.Barne~ Project Thwarted for' Third Time , Fresh Cement A MAINTENANCE WORK.. r ERS' strike will delay indefi.' Despite Approval by Five of the Seven By pbili:;anger nitely Monday's schedule<I open. City Council Members . Woods residents, who ing of the fall term at Michi. By Pepper Whitelaw stood by and watched their gan State University, Acting president Walter Adams, told 'fhe third attempt by E. Llwyd Ecclestone, Jr. and children walk or pedal the university's 40,000 stUdents I James T, Barnes, Jr., to have the Grosse Pointe City through freshly-poured ce. not to report to dormitories Council amend the zoning ordinance to permit them ment on a number of side- or lor registration until further to build a 36-unit complex of condominium apartments, walk repair projects on the notice. in five buildings fronting on East Jefferson between city's. southeast side, were ... \ S1. Clair and Neff and including the parcel of land blasted this week by Woods Friday, september III I formerly occupied by the O'Leary Cadillac Agency, was City Manager Chester Peter. REJECTING ALL PRO- ,thwarted Monday, September 22. se!!'The Woods 'sustained more PO SED modifications, the The B9ard of Appeals of the"'.------------- House voted Thursday to abol- City of Grosse 'Pointe voted 5.2 Ithan $1.000 in damages to these repair areas," lamented Peter. ish the lSO.year.old Electoral to permit the construction, 9utarPop k Ad ts sen, who claimed that aU the College and provide for thp peo. under Michigan statute a 3/4 "patches" were barricaded. "1 pIe to directly elect thei:r presi- vote, or 8-1, is req~ired to pass 0 de have reports from a number - dent. It was the first measure zoning amendments if owners ~ tnance on of repairmen and witnesses that proposing reform of the pre.oi. of 20 percent or more of the L f p. k some parents watched their dential election mechanism to adjacent frontage object ea f,C UpS children tromp through the pa~s the House in 166 years. A Petition Presented I new cement and ride their bi- two.thirds vote was reQuired I for passage, The final tally wasi Michel McMechan, B08 uni,'1 R 'd' A L d' 'c cycles in it. Most of the van- vo.rsity, representing The Citi- eSI. ents SlIe, to. .. 0- dalism took place on Friday, 339 to 70. •• « ,I ,zens Adviso!~ Co~mit~ee; pre- 'I operate before New September 19." sented a ~etition WIth slgnature~ . Law Be~omes En- Petersen said the greatest JAMES M. HARE, 59, a.n- representmg 13 land parcels, 'f b I amount of damages were in- nmmced Thursday he will step eight of which were qualified 0 r c e a .e on curred in those repair areas d'lwn'in 1970 after 16 years as " protesters to' the' Board of December I along Cook road and Crescent secretary, 'of state. Hare sairl Appeals. objecting to the con. Pear Tree and Peach Tree ,hp. has been greatly disapT'.oin~. 'I ed at not getting some of hIS ,struction of the Ecclesl.one- The Park council adopted lanes. Woman Wades In programs through the lel!isla- ,Barnes condominiums. This rep. a new ordinance on Monday, "'I 'b li th . resents 27.8 percent of the ad. S t b 22 hi h ill can t, e eve at people ture, Hare added that he mil!ht ' , \ '. ---- '. d ep ~m er . ' w c W could be so unaware of respon. be a candidate for-'one of the " ; ,_:_A.~ceni~~fel'endiim.indicated that 98 per~ent of thinkno:,c6de should be iniposedand thai'only' parents Ja~ent property ()wners an re-reqmre resIdents to bag sibility," said Petersen. "In state-wide educatinnalpQsts, tl~~ :p.9inte~:p:ub1ic higli..sChOOl'Students prefer a -modi-have the right to dictate on the subjeofof;aress, are, ~~~~~d~at the state statute be leaves rath~r than' piling o~e case, .our workma~ was •• * .. fied'~er~~qn ..ofJ~e schd(Wdtess' code, prepared by the left to right; PETER'OSE'I'EK, CHRIS LOCK,'KAREN ,C()uncilmen George Henry and It~em alongsIde the curb for still smooth~ng out a section of Saturday, Septeinber 2fI Student Association at South High. Among those who FRY and BRUCE KERR, all students at''South, Alfred Reuther Jr oPpOSed pIckup. \ cement, ~hlCh was surrounded -, ---~----- th . ' dm' ts The ordmance will not become by a barrJcade, when a woman PRESIDENT NIXON CAN-, e zonmg amen . en . I enforceabte until December 1w~ked right through the fin. CELED draft calls ~ridav f. or Center Plans Police O,ffer Eccleston~ and Barnes pre- \ at which tiJJJ..'e It . will tak~ 'isI1ed area. The stunned v.:0r~. a total of 50,000 men m Nov,e.m- I, HI', gh School ~'''''oaches. Find '. sented a sca!e model of ~e effect, but it i~ hoIM:d that the map asked ~er why she dId It ber and Decemb\!r. He also an-,. '. IF S''d . I .~_..._.-l r,,! W proposed project at Mondays citizens will'not wait until that. and sh~ rephed that hl' had not f' n'lnnced plans to makp.basic iDinne,for ." ewer .._tu .ents-,nt.@r~~t~:h,-,<...up"on- ....:ays meeting. The cOlllP~~wUts time, and will cooperate by'~l!t-herit was wet cement. She ~- draft reforms by executive or. , ," . ., '. ',. .' , \ would have floor space areas using plastic bags. Just walked away. from the der if Cong!ess fails to act "b I. A't.W. te C. 't'tt" T C t C ·m'e of between 2100 and 2400 The new law also requires lice.ne." this year on his proposals. A ie'ontrl. utors n e IC ompe 1 on 0 u rt square feet, and be of Georgiau that aU rubbish be placed li1 Petersen said that special po. prime objective ,of the retol'm I Colonel. deslg~. TJ.1eywould in- plastic bags, and that branches ~ce patrols are no,,: operating is to put 19-year-oTd!, at. t~~.~on , ':, . b' Also C'te Definite Slackening in School Spirit. Easier M C f 8 k' clude aIr ~onditionmg, elevators, and brush be cut to a length 1D the areas of repair a.nd that. of the list for draft ellglblhty. :~even ,NewMem ers. to I and Poorer Attl'tude C t"b t I ,a!,y . as,~s, 0 ,rea '"9 TV s~rveillance, a doo~anand no longer than four feet, and they 8re bent on preve,nting fur- • • • 'Be Elected at Annual Living on rl u e and Enterln9 Could. Be a patio area. E.ach umt woutd placed between the curb and ther damage and wltl. arrest 'l'WO DETROIT PUBUC hi!!h 'E t S h dId f to Changed.Atmosphere ,Avoided if, Residents sell f~r approXimately $70,000 sidewalk for pick up. I anybody they see .:!estroymg the schools were closed and cl~sses ven c e ue . or ------- " , to prIVate o~ers and none _ It was pointed out that the "~atches" a.nd charg~ them were disrupted at two others September 29 By Phil LOranger. Would Cooperate would be available for rental bagging of leaves wilI not only With destruction of public prop. Friday by militant Ne!!ro stll- For the average high school"aged youth attending purpOses. be labor saving but it will help erty. dents protesting the death sen- All Grosse Pointe War classes at any' of the Pointe scnools, the choice of studies By Phil Loranger There are now several ave. lil beautify the' city by making "How parents can be so un. tence given. to Fred Evans, a Memorial's supporters are .and. ~tra-cur~cular activties available will. be more div- Although the role of the mies open to Ecclestone :md it cleaner, and it will also,pre- aWlire ~fwhat Is expe,~ted ~f Clevelano ~lack NatiO.!'alist. , ' d d erslfled than In' the past few years, solvmg many old law,. enforcement agencies Barnes, They could build single vlmt loosely piled leaves from them IS ~,b,eyo~d me, said The schools mvolved were Nor- cordially lJ~V1ted an . u:ge. problems, creating several new ones and still- lep,ving of tlle Pointe is to enforce family dwellings on the prop- blowing on 0 the r people's Petersen: I!I1 sllre many have thern, North.west~rn. Conlev and to attend the. AssocJati~n S some questions unanswered. to the best of their ability erty, petition the Council to pl'Operty and throughout the s~en theIr children r~turn home Murray Semor HI!!h Schools, IAnnualF3. ouly Contrlbu- .' -------------) the laws of the community, permit duplex housing,fequest city in general. ' With, e~ment on thell' shoes or • • ,. tors' Dinner on Monday eve- Two maJor areas .of concern "Although we have had a pol!ce are.callin,g ?n the reactivati<ln of commercial zon. Ba R bb' h Too clothmg 8nd, not have even Sunday, september 21 ning, September 29 in the: to paren.ts and hlg~ school good turnout thl's ye'I' fior.
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