Orange Bowl Queen, Ruthie Garst, n, smiles at her Miami subjects as she rides on the Regal Float in the Orange Bowl Jamboree Parade New Year's Eve, said to be the most spectacular one in the eighteen years of the festivities and witnessed by the largest crowd ever assembled in Miami. -Miami Daily News Photo • SIGMA KAJPPA 6frt·~ng_le Winter 195IL Official Magazine of Sigma Kappa Sorority Founded at Colby College 1 November1 1874 Editor-in-Chief, FRANCES WARREN BAKER Contents VOL. 45 NO.4 Ruthie Garst Reigns Regall y Over Orange Bowl Festivities 3 Theo Hunnicutt, ~ . Is W oman of the Year in Houston . 6 W e'll Really See the Country on Our Special Trip to Con- NATIONAL COUNCIL vention . 7 Registration Blanks fo r 195 2 Convention .. ... 8, 9, 12 The Huntington Will M ake Us Right W elcome 10 National PreJident-Katha'rine Tener Lowry (Mrs. Swift Lowry) 12700 High U . S. Officials Are Enthusiastic in Praise of American Shaker Blvd., Cleveland, Ohio Farm School in Greece 10 Clara l ee Edgar Pioneers with Guidance Clinic . 11 For Poetry and Police Work the H artman Si sters Win National FirJt Vier Pr<Jident-Edna Plaudits . 13 Brown Dreyfus (Mrs. Monroe Drey· Alpha Sigma Celebrates Silver Anniversa ry at W es tminster ' 15 fus) 122 Beverly Pl., Hammond, Ind. lucil e M. Allen Directs Social Service in Korea H os pital 16 NPC Meets and W orks for High Standards for All Greeks 17 Betty S_pencer M erm an Brings Us Up to Date on " Her National Sec ond Vice PrtJident­ D ays . .. · · · ·. · · · 20 Ernc:stine Duncan Seaman (Mrs. Grace M. Heacock Is Pl anner of Programs for l oca l M eet- William Seaman), 4102 Fir St., Van­ couver, Wash. ings . ......... .. .... .. · ... .. ........ 20 ~ IC Is Stressing Our American H eritage in National Project 21 W as hington, D .C., Alumnre H ear Mrs. Burton at Founders' National Coumelor- Marion Race Dinner ... .... ..... ... 22 Cole (Mrs. Russell Cole) 15~16 Ap· Ahoy the "Sunbea m '" I . ..... .. .. 23 poline St., Detroit, Mich. Julia W eertman Studies Ph ys ics in Paris on Rotary Fell ow- ship ..... .. ......... ....... ... 25 Has Your Chapter Started W ork on Poster for Miss ion N~ttional Stcrtt~Mry-Trt~~.turtr--Mar­ Contes t ? ........ .... ...... 26 garet Hazlett Taggart (Mrs. Edward D . Taggart) Room 1217, 129 East Sigma Kappa Place Mats . ..................... 27 Market St., Indianapolis. Ind. lucy Osborne Sh ares Highlights of Memorable European Summer 29 W ith Our Co ll ege Chapters 31 BOARD OF EDITORS Salient News of Sigmas . 44 Eiitbr·in·Chief-FRANCES WARR EN Initiates 50 BAK ER (Mrs. James Stannard Baker) Pledges 52 433 Woodlawn Ave., Glencoe, Ill. Milestones ..... 56 Directory ........... 61 College Editor-MARTHA J EWETT ABBEY (Mrs. Wallace W. Abbey) 104 Portland Ave. , Cedarburg, Wis. SI GMA KAPPA TRIA NGLE is published in Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter by the George Banta PubliShing Company, official publishers for Sigma Kappa Soronty, at 450 Ahnaip street, Menasha, Wu. Subscription price $2 a year; single copies 504 ; life subscription $1~ . Alumnte Editor-BEATRICE STRAIT Send change of address, subscriptions, and correspondence of a business LINES (Mrs. Harold B. Lines) 234 nature to Mrs . .E. D. T aggart, 450 Ahnaip street, Menasha, Wis., or Salt Springs Rd., Syracuse 3, N.Y. 129 East Market Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Correspondence of an editorial nature is to be addressed to Mrs. J. S. Baker 433 Woodlawn ave., Glencoe, III. Chapters, college and alumnz must ;end manuscript in time to reach their respective editors before the fifteenth of O ctober, J anuary, April, and August. CENTRAL OFFICE Member of Fraternity Magazines Associated. All matters pertaining to national advertising should be directed to Fraternity Magazi nes As­ Dirtc/or-MARGARET HAZLElT TAG­ sociated, 1618 Orrington avenue, Evanston, III. GART (Mrs. E. D . Taggart) Room Entered as second-class matter at the post office at Menasha, Wis .. 1217, 129 East Market St., Indian· under the act of March 3. 1879; accepted for mailine . at sp~cial rate apolis, Ind. of postage provided for in the act of October 3, 1917. Pnnted 1n U .S.A. Orange Bowl Queen, Ruthie Garst, n, smiles at her Miami subjects as she rides on the Regal Float in the Orange Bowl Jamboree Parade New Year's Eve, said to be the most spectacular one in the eighteen years of the festivities and witnessed by the largest crowd ever assembled in Miami. -Miami Daily News Photo • SIGMA KAJPPA 6frt·~ng_le Winter 195IL Official Magazine of Sigma Kappa Sorority Founded at Colby College 1 November1 1874 Editor-in-Chief, FRANCES WARREN BAKER Contents VOL. 45 NO.4 Ruthie Garst Reigns Regall y Over Orange Bowl Festivities 3 Theo Hunnicutt, ~ . Is W oman of the Year in Houston . 6 W e'll Really See the Country on Our Special Trip to Con- NATIONAL COUNCIL vention . 7 Registration Blanks fo r 195 2 Convention .. ... 8, 9, 12 The Huntington Will M ake Us Right W elcome 10 National PreJident-Katha'rine Tener Lowry (Mrs. Swift Lowry) 12700 High U . S. Officials Are Enthusiastic in Praise of American Shaker Blvd., Cleveland, Ohio Farm School in Greece 10 Clara l ee Edgar Pioneers with Guidance Clinic . 11 For Poetry and Police Work the H artman Si sters Win National FirJt Vier Pr<Jident-Edna Plaudits . 13 Brown Dreyfus (Mrs. Monroe Drey· Alpha Sigma Celebrates Silver Anniversa ry at W es tminster ' 15 fus) 122 Beverly Pl., Hammond, Ind. lucil e M. Allen Directs Social Service in Korea H os pital 16 NPC Meets and W orks for High Standards for All Greeks 17 Betty S_pencer M erm an Brings Us Up to Date on " Her National Sec ond Vice PrtJident­ D ays . .. · · · ·. · · · 20 Ernc:stine Duncan Seaman (Mrs. Grace M. Heacock Is Pl anner of Programs for l oca l M eet- William Seaman), 4102 Fir St., Van­ couver, Wash. ings . ......... .. .... .. · ... .. ........ 20 ~ IC Is Stressing Our American H eritage in National Project 21 W as hington, D .C., Alumnre H ear Mrs. Burton at Founders' National Coumelor- Marion Race Dinner ... .... ..... ... 22 Cole (Mrs. Russell Cole) 15~16 Ap· Ahoy the "Sunbea m '" I . ..... .. .. 23 poline St., Detroit, Mich. Julia W eertman Studies Ph ys ics in Paris on Rotary Fell ow- ship ..... .. ......... ....... ... 25 Has Your Chapter Started W ork on Poster for Miss ion N~ttional Stcrtt~Mry-Trt~~.turtr--Mar­ Contes t ? ........ .... ...... 26 garet Hazlett Taggart (Mrs. Edward D . Taggart) Room 1217, 129 East Sigma Kappa Place Mats . ..................... 27 Market St., Indianapolis. Ind. lucy Osborne Sh ares Highlights of Memorable European Summer 29 W ith Our Co ll ege Chapters 31 BOARD OF EDITORS Salient News of Sigmas . 44 Eiitbr·in·Chief-FRANCES WARR EN Initiates 50 BAK ER (Mrs. James Stannard Baker) Pledges 52 433 Woodlawn Ave., Glencoe, Ill. Milestones ..... 56 Directory ........... 61 College Editor-MARTHA J EWETT ABBEY (Mrs. Wallace W. Abbey) 104 Portland Ave. , Cedarburg, Wis. SI GMA KAPPA TRIA NGLE is published in Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter by the George Banta PubliShing Company, official publishers for Sigma Kappa Soronty, at 450 Ahnaip street, Menasha, Wu. Subscription price $2 a year; single copies 504 ; life subscription $1~ . Alumnte Editor-BEATRICE STRAIT Send change of address, subscriptions, and correspondence of a business LINES (Mrs. Harold B. Lines) 234 nature to Mrs . .E. D. T aggart, 450 Ahnaip street, Menasha, Wis., or Salt Springs Rd., Syracuse 3, N.Y. 129 East Market Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Correspondence of an editorial nature is to be addressed to Mrs. J. S. Baker 433 Woodlawn ave., Glencoe, III. Chapters, college and alumnz must ;end manuscript in time to reach their respective editors before the fifteenth of O ctober, J anuary, April, and August. CENTRAL OFFICE Member of Fraternity Magazines Associated. All matters pertaining to national advertising should be directed to Fraternity Magazi nes As­ Dirtc/or-MARGARET HAZLElT TAG­ sociated, 1618 Orrington avenue, Evanston, III. GART (Mrs. E. D . Taggart) Room Entered as second-class matter at the post office at Menasha, Wis .. 1217, 129 East Market St., Indian· under the act of March 3. 1879; accepted for mailine . at sp~cial rate apolis, Ind. of postage provided for in the act of October 3, 1917. Pnnted 1n U .S.A. .RUTBIE GARST Orange Bow/ Queen Ruthie Garst Reigns Regally Over Orange Bowl Festivities UTHIE GARST, · n '53, blonde at half a million persons, the largest crowd "package of personality" from Flori­ ever assembled in Miami according to the R da State university, was chosen by police. The spectacle had all the pageantry five judges from finalists selected from an that Miamians have become used to--forty original field of 100 candidates to be Miami's floats, two dozen bands, 724 pretty girls, 1952 Orange Bowl Queen and reign with marching men, and giant balloons. graciousness and charm over the week long "Blossomtiine on New Year's Day" was Orange Bowl Festival. the theme of the 1952 half time extravaganza Winning honors is nothing new for Ruthie, at the Orange Bowl football classic, at which popular 19 year old junior at Florida State. Georgia Tech nosed out Baylor 17 to 14. She was chosen "Miss Tallahassee" last spring A huge fruit bowl moved out to the center and during the summer was voted "Miss of the field between halves. Band after band, Southern Belle" at Daytona Beach and was one corps of majorettes after another, dancers, runner up in the "Miss Dixie" contest. She baton twirlers, cadets, cavalettes and ,glee also is a former "Campus Cutie" at FSU and clubs took the field. Some played, others was a member of the Homecoming Queen's danced, some leaped high in acrobatic display court.
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