Vol. VII Castleton State College, Castleton, Vermont, April 7, 1965 No. 3 Liberal Arts Students Will · Number 175 Next Fall's Enroll­ and lay!' strc. s upon, it" prep!lration_ of studcntc for the tcachi~ 111·0fo"1'10D ment Will Total 700, and it is not ndequatel.r equipped to President Reports give I\ broad or diwrsified number of choices for the per~on intt'n·sted in by Reid Bailey liberal arts. Next foll approximately 220 fresh­ Pre11Cntly, the p~am of arts and men and 40 to 60 tran!lfer 11tudent~ will l'<'iencci1 hD.8 made it podihlc for one to enter Castleton State College. major in one of three 8uhjcct areas: Of the approximately 700 students English, hi!!tory, and biologic:il i<riencc:i. who will uttend school here, about 25 AJqo, there are a number of subject per cent \\ill hf' enrolled in the arts and areas in which studcntq c11.11 minor. scicn('es curriculum. Even though Steps have been taken in 1rntiripuhon liberul arts at Castleton is not the of o. hlrger nt1mbcr of st11<.l1·nts how­ progrum upon whlch emphasis is being ever, and, according to tht• pre~ident, placed, a provi:!ion is made for the about five more areas will t'Vent1111Uy be studeuts who are interested in it. opened. Present. enrollment is about 650. The names of the propo,:c:·d subject It was the opinion of Dr. Richard J. areas were 11navail.able at the timt', but Dundas, CSC prc.;ident, however, that {>Crbaps languages and mathematics students who wish an intensive study in may be among the five udditiow•. liberal arts would be better prepared for a bachelor of arts degree if they were to complete their study nt another college or university. Enthusiasm The reason for thi!l, the prei,ident explained, is that Castleton is noted for, At Low Ebb; Pittsford Party Planned By Hillel Club Members Talks Held The newly formed Hillel Club has Student Association planned numerous educational and social events for the remainder of this Prisident Says Activ­ semester and the following semester. ities Lack Support Under the able leadership of Judi Kllmburg, the club, despite its small Ronald Butterfield, Student A..~ocia.­ membership and lack of substantial tion president, commented recently on funds, has become an integral part of the di!'cut!Sions being held concerning campus life. apathy. On March 8, Hillel invited Rabbi When asked why these di!l<!u&iiona ~ . Henry M. Weiner, a member of the Holding d own r oses,- Earline Orvis smiles at photographer after being named Miss Castleton State are being held, he said that there ii Chautauqua Society, to lecture to the College of 1965. Her selection came last Thursday in the second annual preliminary to the Mi11s Vermont generally a lack of enthusiu.sm on our student body on Jewish philosophy. Pa(teant. campus. Butterfield further stated In return Rabbi Weiner has invited the that only approximately JO pen-cot or club members to visit his synagogue, in the i;tudents take part in activitieAI Glens Falls, N. Y., for an evening of 9 because no one is interested w~hat ii Library Completion Ea~Iine, i , religious and cultural exchange. going on here. Everyone goe~ overt he • Wins Among Hillel's coming events are a state line or home on wceken~. Beauty party for the children of the Caverly " We don't expect to accomplish Child Hf'alth Center in Pittsford, and great miracles," he said, "but by dis­ Date Is Mid-August Pageant Here the presentation of the movie "Anatomy cussing the conditions on campus, we of a Murder." Plans for the Second will get an idea of why students are 80 are New Facility Will Hold .J0,000 volumes-double tbe number Before approximately 400 spectators Annual Latke Party, for next foll, apathetic." being made now. 40,000 Volumes, Two in the pl'('>ent library. in tfie college gymnat-ium-uuditorium At these di11Cussions you can talk The building \\ill hav<.' its own air last Thu~duy, Earline OrYis, 19, a about llll)1hing you wi.Qh and offer Temporary Classrooms conditioning system which will he the sophomore from Bristol, was selected It's Doctor Aborn, constructive cnticism. type without refrigPr:ttion, .,imply ~t i ss Ctt;,tleton State College of 1965. After Eight Long Years These meetings will serve a dual by Peter Simon s dehumidifying the air without cooling Earline, daught~r of Mr. und Mrs. purpose: to become aware of faculty it. The lighting b~ tillpplied by In t ht• middle of ,\11gusl :i new build­ will Sherman K Orvis, won the preliminary members' views, and to ui;c their CSC's newest Ph. D. is ~f. Robert inJ.( on cnmpus ";u he cornpl<.'h:d. tOnt'Culed fluorescent fixtures in the event to the :\Iiss \'ermont Pageant in experience to help solve our problems. Aborn, chairman of the :\fusic Depart­ It i~ the $-103,/26 librnry. It is being :iccou~tic tile, soundproof rciling. Win­ o. competition that included six other These discussions arc held e\'ery ment :ind director of the college choir. p:iid b)· a 813J,5i5 frdcral grunt and dow;; \\ill h:n·e solar scrt'<.•n.;; to prevent contestnnts. '.\Iondo.y night there are no Senate thC' direct ruy:s of the :c-un from entering. Dr. ..\born spent the pa.t;t eight years the rest by the state. Second pince went to J anine Lincourt, Meetings in Leavenworth Lounge, Plnet>d alternntdy on every other working toward his doctorate which The lihrary will be I 6 1 feet long by :1 freshman from Bennington. beginning at 6:30. Two faculty mem­ 18, WllS 6.nully bestowed upon him a few 102 fl·1:t wide with a 15 by 25-foot book slwlf \nll be tipnre for couts, huts bers will be present at. cacb d.i...."l:usoion. Linda Lane, 20, of ChesU)r, was judged weeks ago by lncliarut University. The lobby. On l11<.' \lest <'nd, toward the nnd hoots. the third place \\inner. Al~o competing title of his dissertation was "The 1;cicnN buildinJ.(, thc·rt.• will be two Parkiug ''ill not be nllowed in th~ wert' Judith Allen of Fair Haven, Alice Influence on American Mui.icul Culture Several From College temporary ci:l,.:;mom... Ench room imnwdiatt> area us tht• land in front of Boorsc of Philadelphiu, Trisha Powsner of Dvorak's Sojourn in America." \\ill Ix• about :?i b) :u kd :ind will the building \\ill be tt'rrured. Attend Eastern States of Benninitton anJ Judith Ru"!!Cll of Dr. Aborn re<"eived his bachelor of h11w ib own luborntory facilities. The Rutland. music from Oberlin in 1954 and his On :'.\larch 25, 26, and 2i Dean room~ will be :scp:1rntl'<I hy remo\'nble CORRECTION :\liss Jean Conner, ~liss \-ermont of ma.-.ter's in muEic from Indian.a two pu rt it ions. Florence Blad.:, :'.\1h;s Elizabeth Bale, 1!)64, was mistress of 1.-eremonies and years later. His preparation has faculty ad\;sor; Ron Butterfif" ld, S. A. The librury will httvt' nn initial Th<'rc is u typographical <.'rror on the rendered three Yocal S<'lections. During included European piano study \\ith president; Paul Corologos, ~nior dele­ :1til~ cup:idt~ of :ihuut 200 plus :?5 l'('Vi,.•d dress regulation i;hl'Ct dis­ the proitram J udy Xewton, :\liss Louis Kentner in London in 1957. gate; Susan Summers, junior delc-gate; udiviclunl :-t udY tab It·'· Tht•re will be tribukd. The cort1:ctcd ,.._.ntenre should Castleton of 1964, recei\'ed an ovation. He was a piano a.s.•i.stant at Indiana JanPt ~h:\hel, sophomore drlegate; bout 15 d,.y ~hai,.,_ iu the periodic/lb rend: :\fen: Bu<ioe;,:, i;11it, !'port jacket Earline received a bouquet of red before coming to CSC. He a6o in­ and :'.\fare Goldman, freshman delegate, n•n. Tl c•re \\ill IX' ,lwlf "P.'l<'C for or ""l·nh•r OR "hirt nnd --l11ck.... (Continued on Pa1te Two) struct~ in piano at :'.\fiddlebury College. (Continued on Paire Two) Page Two THE SPARTAN From The Horse's Mouth I lonL 1!11" II 1l h l111111c11dly l'°mt.h• • h·· ""II• i.:•· '11'lllllll lo MVI' tl1•• llhl C hr&pcl flll n 11 rmorial of t 11 fif'l!t m"dJr 11 l!C ltool 111 tl11 nrea. II lliUJ 1e to h1 1l11n•· 1!11 r 11 JM I mullt tx mo\1 d LO orHJll1• r itr 1111 11 rcw1v 1t11l 01 u coEt. of nppr11x1111otdy ar.,ooo llr.dur1ral awl MP•ltr.al ""K'intiPI! l18V' I XJITf' 11 1111 i11trr1 l!I 111 l!llV111g 1lu• huilifir11(, li11t "" tl11111u1 11t1111d """ tl11• 111• cc·l!l!llr~ html hrtJ 1101 llVRtl!llilo • llurnor: Oaetl• t1J11 lato <..NII• Rl '11'ill Ji• t n 11('\\ nr.in••. A111\\cr: No,< • C' 1t ~hall IX!, llt111111r: •n, ... '"" ,,..rf tf'llllbt 11111~ r, gaul111g prnJJC rat t irP \\Ill l>t• 1•r1f11r1-cd • .'\.1111\\ 1 r : Thift 1~ Ii-fl 111 tl11 di~1·r..tio11 ul till' 0111• l'llJ11·rvifinl(, flllf'h U8 th•• 11 •01 l11•r 111 n 1 la !!Hllllll, ,\ riy prul>ll'ln" n 1ltlfdi11g impropN ult in• ~·ill 1>1· hn111llrol Ii) t hr• fH11d1·11t \ l'l'(Kiall1111 if pos!1l>l1•. lt11rn11r: TltPrt• \\1111"• c• 1~>-t·1h1rntin1111l 11 rn11tnry on rn111p11s. ,,\1111\\n: Tho"""' durmitori•~ huH h1·t•11 dl't<IJtn<•d nnd l111ill 1<0 thut th1•y l'nn, if 111•rel!l!nt)", he ro-f'd11c11ti111111I.
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