Monday, January 14, 1974 Spartan Daily Serving San Jose State University Since 1934 Venuto tape dilemma waits Bunzel decision By Dean Daily The Faculty Grievance Committee is tape recorder malfunction. Since the awaiting the decision of President John tape recording is the only official H. Bunzel on its most recent proposal to record of the Grievance committee either close or work around a 40-minute proceedings, Bunzel would not make a gap in tape recorded hearings on the ruling on the Venuto case until the dismissal of SJSU Professor Peter missing portion of the record was Venuto. restored. If Dr. Bunzel decides to accept the The closed grievance committee proposal, the details of which were not hearing was held on how to resolve the made available, he is expected to then gap problem though not under con- make his final ruling on the Venuto ditions satisfactory to Venuto, who left case. early. In Venuto's absence, the panel In December the 20-hour long tape of decided how to resolve the information the committee's hearings was handed gap. over to Walter Fox, coordinator of Despite the grievance committee's audio-visual technical services, who action, the final resolution of the tape apparently was unable to properly problem depends on the actions of both amplify the 40 minute inaudible section. Bunzel and Venuto. Bunzel must decide Spokesmen for the committee and if the grievance panel's decision on Dr. Venuto would not comment on the restoring the missing information is content of the 40-minute section but said satisfactory. Assistant to the President it was "important." George Halverson, who has handled The committee was ordered by Dr. many of the details of the Venuto case Bunzel to resolve the tape problem last on behalf of Dr. Bunzel would say only Monday. Donald Stranburg, grievance that Bunzel is considering the matter. committee chairman, said the com- However, the tape itself is due for a mittee met, decided how to solve the possible review by Venuto. Late problem and sent its proposal to Dr. Friday, Venuto said he would request Bunzel for approval. Bunzel to allow him to hear the tape Dr. Bunzel, however, had apparently personally, and make written com- not made a decision as of press time ments on how well he felt the grievance Friday. committee's attempts at information Dr. Venuto, assistant professor of restoration were successful. Venuto management, early this semester may hear the tape Friday, and send any appealed a decision by Dr. Bunzel to of his written comments to Bunzel. dismiss him to the faculty grievance If Bunzel finds the grievance com- committee early this semester. mittee's decision on the tape However, when the tapes of the satisfactory, the way is then clear for Maro Lipton hearings were sent to Dr. Bunzel, he him to proceed on the actual decision on Going skiing? Your rack may have to hold more than skis discovered a 40 minute section in one of whether Venuto be retained or the tape recordings of the last hearing dismissed, and if he should be granted was inaudible due to an apparent promotion and tenure. Letter grades given Committee allocates $3,830 Students ineligible by Carol Tognetti the project themselves. counseling for its members. Hopefully, she said, the booklet will The A.S. Special Allocations Com- Irizarry said the purpose of the radio Zannella said the money would be be printed in time to be distributed for credit/no credit mittee allocated a total of $3,830 Friday program is to give the students and used to staff the office and provide during Wornen's Week beginning pending A.S. Council approval, almost community access to the media to materials and services for the union. March 11. By Linda Malligo completely depleting its remaining present "things that are important to Linda Robinson, representing Representatives from Women's Week About 400 students expecting semester units on a creditno credit resources of $3,938.80 for the fall themselves and their communities." students from the Women's Health were also present requesting and creditno credit grades from one or basis. semester. The Disabled Students Union, Issues Class in the Women's Studies receiving an allocation of $1,000 to fund more classes this semester will receive However, these units must be in Cosa Nuestra, an SJSU student represented by chairman Ray ZaneIla, Departnment, requested $725 to publish their program. traditional letter grades for those classes outside the student's major and organization, requested $930 from the asked the committee for $3,042 but was a Health Booklet. Holly Hill, committee member, said courses. minor and cannot include general committee to supply the organizaiton allocated $1,300. The ammended allocation of $700 will the activities will include a fair in the According to Kaz Nose, manager of education requirements needed for with materials to produce a radio The Union, which serves able-bodied be used for materials and printing costs Student Union fashion show, university the registrar's office, half of the 8900 graduation. program on KSJS, but received $830. as well as disabled students, offers pre- for the booklet which will include pre- and community speakers "and possibly students who chose to take courses Lower division and graduate students According to Walter Irizarry, co- registration, class room location marital and fiscal health, editorial and Jane Fonda may come." under the new grading system are not may receive creditno credit grades chairman of the organization, the changes for easier access to disabled factual information, according to eligible to do so, and will be given letter only in classes for which the new students involved have been funding students and peer and professional Robinson. grades on their report cards next grading system is used mandatorily. month. These courses include field work, Ninth Street Nose said most of the students who theses, projects, individual studies, mistakenly chose the creditno credit directed reading and internships. option when they turned in their Creditno credit grades are also given Academic Council to receive plaque; closing packets last October were lower for course credit received by division and graduate students. Only challenge examination. upper division students are eligible for Nose explained that all SJSU in- studied the new grading system. structors will use the traditional will discuss new calendar proposal She said the registrar's office has A,B,C,D,F, grading system for their The traffic division of San Jose is gone through the 800 class cards from students, whether or not they are to be studying the possibility of closing Ninth students who chose the new system given creditno credit grades. The presentation of a plaque com- known as the Faculty Group. It has May 29. Street, between San Carlos and San since registration and compiled the When report cards are processed at memorating the existence of the since grown to 63 members, including One problem posed by the Jan. 15 Fernando Streets, according to a city final list of those who were to receive the computer center, students who Academic Council as the first faculty administrators and students. starting date is that most midyear spokesman. creditno credit grades last month. chose the creditno credit option and advisory body in the state university Regular council business will include transfers from local community Last month the San Jose City Council "Because of the time element, we qualify for it will be given credit for and colleges system will highlight the the discussion of an "early" early colleges don't end their final asked its staff to look into the problem were not able to notify the students that courses in which the instructor has regular council meeting today at 2 p.m. semester calendar and the adoption of a examinations until the last week of because of the large numbers of they were not eligible," Nose said. assigned a grade of C or better. No in the S.U. Loma Prieta Room. Student Grievance Code. January. students who cross Ninth St. going to "Some of them won't find out until they credit will be given for a grade of D or During the ceremony, which will be and from the Business building. get their report cards." F. open only to present and past members Council has already adopted a The Student Grievance Code seeks to The Ninth Street study is part of a She said many are probably already Nose said many students might have of the council, a special tribute will be resolution calling for an academic establish a code which can be followed, comprehensive study of traffic con- aware they are being graded wrongly signed up for the new grading made to the late Dudley, T. Moorhead, calendar that would start and end the either by an Academic Fairness ditions around SJSU. The city is also traditionally because it was stated on system because they did not fully un- first chairman of the council. spring semester earlier than preferred Committee already in existence or a considering ways of improving traffic their class cards they would receive derstand the restrictions of the The plaque will be presented to Mrs. by the Chancellor's Office. proposed Student Grievance Com- on San Carlos, San Salvado, San Fer- letter grades if they were not eligible creditno credit policy. Dudley Moorhead and later will be The council's approved dates are mittee, in hearing academically or non- nando and San Antonio Streets. for the creditno credit option. She suggested that any student who is placed on permanent display in Tower Jan. 15 and May 21, respectively, for academically related grievances.
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