: ;•• ,. i •*,.. • '••• THE CONCORDIAN Volume XXXIX Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota, Friday, December 12, 1947 Number 10 Spiritual Life Conference New Science Hall Annual Christmas Concert Scheduled To Be Presented To Be Held After Vacation Milo Johnson, Kansas City, as- For Presentation Saturday, Sunday The Spiritual Life conference will be held on the campus sistant division engineer for the A string orchestra under the direction of Prof, Sigvald Jan. 7-10. Federal Works agency, will pre- Thompson, as well as a string quartet and a brass ensemble, The sessions will be held every evening in the college chapel sent to the college the new science will appear with the three college choirs in the Christmas con- at 7 o'clock. The conference will open with a program in hall which was constructed by his cert Saturday and Sunday nights at 8 o'clock in the armory. chapel Wednesday morning. That organization under the Lenham Chimes played by Kathryn Act, announces Mr. J. L. Rendahl, Quam will open the program.' Alpha Phi Wins Trophy Concordia vice president. Marinda Thompson will then play zations on the campus will attend a flute introduction, written by a dinner. The chapel choir will For Efficient Operation The acceptance and dedication Prof. Thompson, to the hymn, O, sing at the Friday evening meet- of the science hall will be held Little Town of Bethlehem. The ing. Communion services at Trin- Concordia's chapter of Alpha during the regular chapel hour on melody will then be played by a ity Lutheran church Saturday Phi Gamma, national journalism Tuesday, Dec. 16. The new buil- string quartet consisting of Miss evening at 8 o'clock will conclude fraternity, has received the na- ding will be dedicated by Presi- Elaine Kjerstad, Miss Gertrude the meetings. The Concordia choir tional trophy for being the most dent J. N. Brown. Szaroleta, Mr. Leiv Christianson, will sing at the Communion ser- efficient group in the United and Prof. Thompson. States. Construction of the science hall vices. was begun in May and completed Speakers at the conference will The silver engraved cup is Joyce Anderson will sing the re- early in November of this year. citative and the Concordia choir be: the Rev. Oscar Anderson, awarded to the chapter that en- It provides 15,000 square feet of president of the International gages in the most activities during will sing Vigil by F. Melius Chris- classroom and laboratory space tiansen. Young People's Luther league and the school year. The Concordia and will house the biology and pastor of the Lake Harriet Luth- group organized a new chapter at chemistry departments as well as The audience will then sing the eran church in Minneapolis; the MSTC last year 'and published a several general classrooms. hymn, From Heaven Above, ac- Rev. J. W. Ylvisaker, pastor of booklet, the "Cobber Classic," be- companied by the brass ensemble. Our Saviour's Lutheran church in sides carrying out its routine busi- The material for its construc- Under the direction of Mr. Minneapolis; and Miss Alice-San- ness. tion was provided by the complete Earnest Harris, the women's chor- ne, executive secreary of the Fresno State college of Fresno, disassemblement of five buildings us will sing Carol of the Christ- Women's Mission Federation. Calif., held the cup last year. It is of the hospital unit' at the Sioux mas Bells, a Ukrainian Christmas awarded permanently to the col- City Army Air Base, Sioux City, carol; Break Forth, O Beauteous Iowfc. Heavenly Light, Bach; and Christ- lege that wins it three years in PROF. PAUL J. CHRISTIANSEN Essay Contest Is Open succession. \ The contract for the construc- mas Carol, Kodaly. Constance Levin, '47, was pres- tion of the building was awarded The string orchestra will play To Concordia Students ident during the year Concor- Jby the Federal Works agency to Music for Flute and Strings by Three cash prizes amounting to dia won the cup. Officers of Alpha the Barnes Matteson company of College Parly Planned Bach. Prof. Thompson will con- 40 dollars will be awarded Con- Phi Gamma this year are Marg- Minneapolis. The architects re- duct and Miss Thompson will play cordia students in the annual Nor- uerite Ellingson, president; Bev- tained by the college for planning By Juniors For Thursday the flute solo. wegian-American Steamship Line erly Malme, vice president; Joyce the construction of the new hall Miss Ruth Berge will play the Kvaalen, secretary; Loretta were William Ingemann and Mil- Last get together for Cobbers essay contest ending April 1, 1948. preceding the Christmas vacation offertory music on the Hammond All Cobbers are eligible to enter. Thomas, treasurer; and Jack Ny- ton Bergstedt of St. Paul. electric organ, which is being stul, sergeant-at-arms. Prof. Pe- will be the all-college party spon- Essays may be on any phase of The entire cost of the construc- sored by the junior class. Festivi- furnished through the courtesy of ter Anderson is faculty adviser to tion was borne by the Federal the Daveau Music company. Norwegian life, such as geography, the organization. ties will begin at 8:00 p. m. Thurs- history, culture, or literature. Works agency as a part of their day in the college gym. Following the hymn, Hark, the The entrant may use either the In order to qualify for member- veterans' education facilities pro- Herald Angels Sing, sung by the English or the Norwegian ship in Alpha Phi Gamma, a stu- gram, with the exception of the Loren Johnson is in charge of audience, the chapel choir, under language. Suggested length of the dent must have reported for The sidewalks, transportation of the general arrangements. Heading the direction of Mr. Harris, will essays is 1800 to 3000 words. Qual- Concordian for two years, have utilities up to the toiilding, and the program committee is Russell sing three selections, Song of been -appointed to an editorial po- providing of the architects' plans. Halaas, assisted by Russell Sano- ity, not quantity, will determine den, Phyllis Bakke, and Ruth Sa- Praise, Bach; Our Father, Gretch- placement. sition on The Concordian or the aninolT; and Christmas Carol, Cobber, have worked as an edi- When the science hall is turned tre. Students wishing to enter the over to the college Tuesday, full Charles Ives. contest must register with some torial assistant on the Cobber for Phyllis Overvold is in charge of two years, or have received an ap- possession will be given to the col- The women's chorus and the member of the sponsoring com- lege with no control or supervision decorations. Other members of the chapel choir, directed by Mr. Har- mittee on or before Jan. 10, 1948. pointment as head of a depart- committee are Margaret Ann Ras- ment, such as advertising, busi- of the building on the part of the ris, will sing, antiphonally, The Members of this committee are federal government, Rendahl mussen, Lars Ingulsrud, and Nor- Fairest of Roses by F. Melius Miss Frida Nilsen, Dr. Mae R. An- ness, or circulation, on The Con- man Arveson. cordian or the Cobber. pointed out. Christiansen. derson, Mr. Carl R. Narveson, and Publicity i. being handled by Dean Peter Anderson. The Federal Works agency will be represented at the dedication Jean Knecht, chairman; Enid Jer- The entrant must file two un- This is the last issue of the de, and Donald Pederson. signed, typed copies of his essay Concordian before vacation and by Mr. D. C. Thatcher, assistant on or before April 1, 1948. Addi- there will not be a paper the district engineer of St. Paul, and Marie Everson is chairman of tional information may be ob- week following the holidays. Mr. B. L. Lerboe, project engineer, the food committee and she will tained from members of the spon- as well as by Mr. Johnson. be assisted by Mary Ann Lindem, soring committee. Although classes are now being Beatrice Wilson, and Joyce War- held in the science hall, not all ner. of the $20,000 worth of laboratory * Wigtil Heads Committee Let's Contribute! tables and equipment ordered by Each student on the campus of the college to completely equip it Two Concordia Debate For Christmas Parties Concordia college has been or will has been installed. Groups of students and alumni be contacted and asked to con- In connection with the science Teams Tie For Firsts will gather in communities tribute to the United Mission Ad- hall project, a warehouse provid- throughout the Northwest to lis- vance. Concordia's goal has been ing 1500 square feet will also be At the speech tournament of ten to the traditional Christmas set at $5000 and so far the contri- dedicated to the college. The ma- the Upper Mississippi valley Pi radio program to be presented by butions have totaled approxima- terial for the heating plant which Kappa Delta fraternity at St. Olaf, the students of Fargo-MoQrhead. tely $1000. Proceeds from Christ- is now under construction on the Dec. 5 and 6, the two men's debate The half hour program will em- mas card sales and a joint con- campus was also donated by the teams each tied for first in their anate from Fjelstad hall at a date tribution from the LDR and Federal Works agency, Rendahl respective divisions. to be announced later. Brotherhood will also go to this added. Robert Onkka and Cecil John- Norval Wigtil is chairman of fund. "The completion of the science son, debating on the negative side the broadcast and will be assisted If you have not been contacted hall makes it possible for the col- of the debate question, Resolved: by Vernon Toso, Jean Knecht, you may give your contribution to lege to serve over 1100 students in That a Federal World Government Barbara Fevig, Joyce Wick, Doug- your class president, to Rolf Aas- contrast -to 532, the largest num- Should Be Established, won three las Swenseid, and Doris Hilmo.
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