20-MANCHESTER h e r a l d , Friday. Jan. 26. 1990 ,MUSICAL MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE MISCELLANEOUS CARS CARS I CARS ITEMS IFOR SALE FOR SALE IFOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE MARBLE top. hand FOR SALE-Plano. War- carved Victorian coffee FOR SALE: Bolens 13 CHEVY-1 980 Monte TRANS AM, 1987, GTA. HONDA-1968 Civic. 4 TOYOTA-1962, 4x4 pick­ liter Upright. (Con­ horse power lawn trac­ tables. Excellent condi­ sole). $990 firm. Maho- END ROLLS Carlo. V-8, air, very Loaded, automatic, wheel drive wagon. 5 up. Good condition. tion, $500 each: 1 to r with plow. $1,500: 2716" width — 509 good condition. $1,300. white with fan interior, speed. AM/FM $4,500 or best offer gany. Excellent one large office desk, French Provential condition 649-8151 13" width — 2 for 509 642-6595.__________ 350 Chevy engine, like Cassette. $10,500. 643- Call 647-1261. $125: two tw in beds 7235._____ couch, cream color Nswiprint «nd rolls can bs OLDS-1977 Toronado. V- new inside and out. background with with night stand; one 8, loaded. 80K, excel- Must see. Only 21K. large bureau. $550. picked up at ths Manchsatar FORD-1987 Taurus, auto­ ITRUCKS/VANS mauve and baby blue Herald ONLY before 11 am. lent mechanical Asking $12,000. 649- matic, air, 63K. grey, design. Like new. Paid Must sell. Call 568- Monday through Thursday. condition. $1000/best 3634, FOR SALE 4795. excellent condition. $900, w ill sell fo r $400; 1 MISCELLANEOUS offer. 847-1175.___ $7000. 646-3084. Duncan Phyfe buffet FOR SALE HOLIDAY Matrix llfe- PONTIAC. 1986 Flero- F ^O ^“ TieiTF^^a n. SUBARU-1961 Brat. 4x4 server, $460, Large, time membership. Excellent condition, Fully loaded, excellent FORD-1978 Fairmont. 2 Good little truck heavy, cane back, Renewal $10.00 per WE DELIVER 48K, 6 cylinder, loaded. condition, original door, 4 cylinder, 4 Needs minor repairs mauve upholstered SKI Boots, ladles site 7. month. $1,300. 742- For Home Delivery. Call $4,900. Call 643-1969. owner. $7,500, Call 646- speed, nice. $850. 649- $750. 649-6039 Ralchle, used one sea­ 7645. ___________ _ 5153, leave message. 6039.______________ chairs, $75 each: 6 4 7 -9 9 4 6 Matching dining table, son. $75: Skis, 180cm's We’ll HELPING PEOPLE sa­ PLYM0UTH-1978T~^0- $300. Country china. with bindings. $50. Call help you word your ad Monday to Friday. 9 to 6 1 T 0 N D a T i 9 8 5 , A c c o r d 643-2711. tisfy their needs and lere. 6 cylinder, auto­ CARS $600, originally $1600:1 649-8525 LX. 5 speed. 44K, matic. 4 door, very I wants ... that’s what want loaded, original owner. gold couch, tuxedo ads are all about. clean. 52K. $750. 649- FOR SALE velvet, $150. Other mis- $6500. Call 643-7235. 6039. cellaneous Items I CARS I CARS Lamps. TV’s etc. Call I9 H f OR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE 649-8151, LAST DAYS - HURRY! G U AR ANTEED REBATES END THIS W EDNESDAY 1 /3 1 /9 0 lyyu L,MKY5LhK 1990 PLYMOUTH LASER RS TURBO NEW YORKER SALON #3094 Aft conditlonina. C.D. player, e q u o lw , reor wipef. crube coni., CARDINAL BUICK’S VOLUME- power tocki. power vAxtow i. 2.0 Inlercooied lurbo. voled *10 O eif by tr S f #3089 Ak condlRonlng. cruHe coni., til. powor loc te. Bumlnlalod enify. Cor A Driver Mogazlnei. >wVo whneb powot wtrrdo\w«. p o s ^ w of. oulp doy/n»ghl mkror. i«curlly PRICING. SAVES,YQ.UCASHI otoffn. conelle. weH ooulppod. :b u R 199*0 BUICKS *ARE HERE!*! SCRANTON llSf S20.M0 SCRANION LIST 8 i; j4 9 SCRANION DISC. $2192 SCRANTON DISC. ‘ $1399 CHRYS. REBATE 5900 1 7 a m CHRY& REBATE $1000 * - i a o 5 0 3 N0 W Y o rker Salon$ In Slock ALor BILOW 6 laiort In Slock AT or BILOW MUSI ASSUME DtUVERY.BY JANUARY 31” . MUST ASSUME DIUVERY BY JANUARY J l ” . 1990 PLYMOUTH GRAND 1990 PLYMOUTH ACCLAIM LE ling, healed mkrort. power w M o w t. power locle. VOYAGERS AM/FM cosseHe more. #3026 Til. c a Aw i coni., ovotheod console. M slw tpar«, powor quortor JIlanrhpHtpr Hpralb 1990BUICK SKYLARK 1990 BUICK CENTURY 1990 BUICK LeSABRE wlnd<M. o i. A M /F m couelte^^^^Kkaoe^^^^p<»ieno#f. ORDERED VEHICLE Stk. #1006 Stk. #1081 On«Of Conn^cttcifti 4 Dr. Sedan, Automatic, A/C, Tilt 4 Dr. Sedan, AT. A/C, Tilt, R. Del. 4 Dr. Sedan, AT, A/C, P. Locks,Cruise, MilSvtocnon Cassette, Wire Wheel Covers f Of Voyciyvn »rice;35 CehTs SCRANTON UST $19,582 SCRANION UST 814.87) Saturday, Jan. 27,1990 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm SCRANTON DISC. $1^1 SCRANTON DISC. 8 I3 ;i '10,446 '12,298 *15,489 CHRYS. REBATE $1000 O fT Y S REBATE $790 ^Prices include Factory Rebates! B Grand Voyogera In Slock AT or BILOW fj Acclaimt In Stock AT or BELOW MUSI ASSUMt DtUVtRY BY JANUARY J l" . MUST ASSUME DELIVERY BY JANUARY 31". ON SELECT MODELS. 4.8% A.P.R. FINANCING IS AVAILABLE IN LIEU OF FACTORY REBATE! OFFER EXPIRES 2/2/90 Scranton mmliTH itlnans... PRE-OWNED CAR OF THE WEEK * 1987 Cadillac Brougham Low Mileage! Loaded! see THIS ONE tVatc/t This $pac0 Bach Week MUST BE SEEN! *12,980 t' USED CARS BEST VALUE USED CARS 1987 PLYM. HORIZON 1988 DODGE RAM 50 1989 GRAND CARAVAN 1989 Buick Century Coupe............. $10,980 1987 Buick Regal Coupe....................... $8,695 30.C00 ml*<. one vwoe* lio d » k\ 4X4 7 Poeanqar. 6 c y l. A /C . 18.000 rr ia v o r d rrtora 1988 Cavalier Z-24............................^,9 8 0 1986 Pontiac STE Loaded.....................$7,980 S; 1988 Chevrolet S-10 P/U Truck........ $7,495 1986 Mercury Grand Marquis................ $8,980 S! iS-sll 1988 Chevrolet S-10 Ext. Cab P/U....$9,980 1986 Pontiac Trans-Am......................... $8,995 ~ T 9 8 5 d o d g e 600 ES * i a a s o 1987 LeSabre T-Type Cpe................$9,980 1986 Pontiac Firebird............................ $6,895 ft d r . o re ownar f fo d t 1987 CHRY. LEBARON GTS 1987 Buick Century Ltd. Sedan.........M ,285 1986 Chevrolet Corvette......................$18,995 O reoM wer. 1987 Oldsmobile Hrenza Cpe...........» ,9 8 0 S 1986 Celebrity Sedan............................ $6,380 1987 PLYM. RELAINT 1987 Chevrolet S-10 P/U Truck.........$6,280 1984 Pontiac Fiero Black, Clean........... $3,795 VAigon. ore ownar Ifod* b 1989 PLYM. SUNDANCE > jg Auto . A/C. AM/TM. lA HOOmiai 1987 CHRY. NEW YORKER $ CARDINAL BUICK, INC. O re ovwn*i l«od# b But epidemic appears "A TOUCH ABOVE FIRST CLASS" $ to be on the wane.. .page 2 81 Adams Street, Manchester Acz-i-t 1986 CHRY. CONVERTIBLE (Open Eves. Monday thru Thursday) d 4 9 " 4 5 7 1 90.0X1 m la i Noriega says he’s really POW WILE MOTORS IS OVERSTOCKED!! HOUR! HOUR Attorneys take stance WE MUST LIQUIDATE 44 CARS BV THE Reginald Pinto/Manchester Herald on hearing on bail.. .page 3 ONLY HIGH WATER — The warm January weather and recent rains have combined to FRIDAY-4 P.M.-8 P.M. CLOSE OF BUSINESS THIS SATURDAY OHLV SATURDAY - 9A.M.-5 P.M. FRIDAY - 4 P.M.-8 P.M. raise local rivers and streams. The overflow spills over the dam at Highland Park inuary 26th « 27th i Wile Motors Has Leased A Local Because Of Our Lack Of Room The SATURDAY - 9 A.M.-5 P M Falls Friday afternoon Stockyard Just 400 Yards From Our STOCKYARD SALE Will Be Held At inuary 26th & 27thi Showroom. That Location •FINANCING AVAILABLE ■ AO CARS AT SACRIFICE PRICES Air crash investigators Bush budget requires EXTRA FINANCE PERSONNEL WILL BE ON HAND FOR THIS SALE SAVE THOUSANDS ON SPECIAL PURCHASE AND TOP QUALITY USED CARS looking at fuel problems VA loan^own payments WHOLESALERS 8 OEALERS ■ EKTRAORDIHARV SAVIHGS 3 of 4 engines dead.. .page 4 Vets groups cdready critical.. page WELCOME • TRADES ACCEPTED .IV-X' 1 W e have sold hundreds of cars at our Stockyard Sales. 1087 VUGO GU 851/2 FORD ESCORT GREAT TRANSPORTATION. GREAT TRANSPORTATION. LIQUIDATION PRICE LIQUIDATION PRICE [ motors I I U-HAUJ, I ROUTE 66 WATCH FOR SIGNS CALL 423-7746 FOR DIRECTIONS 87 CADILLAC BROUGHAIVI 89 ULUS CIEHA WAGON D Clegoncw Pkg . loaded LUXURY CARS BOOK V A lU r M&4S0 low milei. nicety equipped UIILE 86 Codilloc Eldorado 87 Cadillac Seville VALUE •! 1 S7S 1983 Mercury lynx 1981 AMC Spirit 88 Cadillac Broughom 66 Cadillac Brougham 1982 Olds Cutlass Supreme 1979 Pontiac Grand Prix $ Q i i R f i LIQUIDATION PRICE 1 1 .9 5 0 64 Cadillac Seville m O T O R S 67 Olds 96 Regency IIQUIDAIION PfitCE p N U P OTHERS • PARTIAL LISTIHG as OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME ROUTE 66 ouer 40 General Motors •P791. nicoly equipped 84 Buick Regal 88 Pontiac Grand Am 85 OLDS 98 REGENCY BRGHhl. BOOK VALUE ‘ M 800 loaded, nice car 86 Buick Regal 83 Mercury Cougar COLUMBIA Special Purchase Cars BOOK VALUE '8 400 87 Ponllac Bonneville 87 Olds Calais 66 Olds Cutlass Supreme 84 Buick Skyhawk llOUIDAtlON PRICE 9 .8 5 0 At Liquidation Prices 4 2 3 -774 6 lIQUtDAtlON PRICE 0 J AA Maffe wants funds Attorneys claim for schools roofs Manchester Hospital seeing that Noriega By Nancy Foley effects of national flu siege really is a POW Manchester Herald N MIAMI (AP) — A federal judge ordered Manuel The Board of Education budget should include more By the Manchester Herald That “significantly exceeds” expected levels for money for repair of school buildings, according to Fran­ and the Associated Press Noriega held without bond Friday after his attorneys the second straight week, said Dr.
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