ROCKLAND GAZETTE ESTABLISHED lHSfl. ( &{n $resa is tin ^rc^imebean £eber tfjat globes tin ffllorlb at tTbio dollars a gear j DOLLARS A YEAR IN ADVANOKr ROCKLAND COURIER ESTABLISHED 1874. ( (SINGLE COPIES PRICK PTYK CENTS. V o l. 7 . — N ew S e r ie s . ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, JANUARY 1, 1889. N umber 51. extensive [In Thomaston,* or even In Knox Chestnut street, value .$1000; the G. H. Cleve­ Carleton A Co. of the stock In the Rockport and the prospects better than nsnaJ at this sea­ others will cut a large amount into beading and B U S Y K N O X . County, as that of the preceding year by far, land tbree-story frame block on Main street, Icc.Co. held by Hon. N. T. Talbot, Joseph H son of the year. There are also fire saw mills in stave Inmber. as we learn. The. manufacture of limo gives value $0000; the Johnson Knight brick block Gould and Gen. J. D. Rust, the new firm op­ town where cooperage and long and short him- Wejhave made quite an improvement in the more employment to men than that of any on Mechanic street, [three stories, containing erating under the name of the Rockport Ice ber are manufactured giving employment to a way of building this year. Mrs.[ Susan la n ­ other buslness[ln this town, and the disburse­ four stores, Masonic and Odd [Fellows halls, Co. number of persons,and making a ready market ders has bnllt a aotise and ell; also Romanzo ment of monev-among the.people as the result offices nnd dwellings (nearly completed) value Business in general (throughout the village for the surplus lumber of the farmers. And yet Spear basbnilt a house and stable adjoining the What the County’s Various of this Industry is very extensive. In fact, it $35,000; improvements to the Simonton & has been good In.spite of the bad weather and the,best water power in town is at present idle, lot of E. S. Carroll, who built a house and now is the most Important, business ot the Gill store, Elm street, value $25,000; house for some 12 or 15 new houses have been built or the privilege known as the Powder Mill priv­ stable last fall,making fonr bouses, two stables Towns Have Been Doing town, nnd one which seems to stand by us, al Frank Thorndike, Pearl street, value $1500; are In process of construction,one in particular, ilege. and a store built witbln|>a little more than a though it requires a large amount of capital to house for Israel Thorndike, Knowlton street, that of Mrs. McKIsson on Summer street, hav­ The past year Rockland parties have bought year. David Dickey has purchased the corn- carry It on, nnd It does not at all times yield value $2000; house for H. C. Small, Meguntl- ing one of the most finely decorated interiors the Buxton farm which contains large deposits house formerly owned by J. W. Farrar of the Past Year. the amount of profit that so large and rxten cook rftrttet, Taluc $1500, and a summer cot­ of any in the county, the work E. P. Labe of of lime sfone^and; have expended $12,000 in Washington, used as a store-house by D. O. sivc a business should yield.' We hope this tage ' at Lake City for Capt. I). S. Martin, Rockland, while such houses as those built by clearing the dirt, breaking into the quarries and Wade A Co., who since June lst[ have sold enterprise will continue to flourish, and that it Camden, va|ne $1500. H.L. Shepherd,W. A.Merriam,Walter Tolman erecting a kiln and shed, giving employment to 11,725 bushels of corn and meal,|18 tons of may prove of profit to all concerned In all Its C. P. Brown Has built a stone porter’s lodge and several others are nn ornament to any town a large number of men, and[developing n busi­ shorts and 50 barrels of flour. branches of manufacture. If the lime business for A. M. Judson, New lYork, on Ogier Hill, and indicate the comfort of home life in our ness which bids'ffair to be permanent. They Trade nt the store, which is run lnj[coonect- Fads and Fjcares That Slionld fails us where are we ? Certainly we should value $3000; house for Ezra Bramball, Chest­ village. have already left $3000 among the laborers and ion with the steam mill, was very good in the see dull times in reality. nut street, value $3500; double tenement The advantages of Rockport as a summer farmers while operating here. At present there first part of the season. Several severe and terrible accidents have house for Joseph P. llall, Boston, Elm street, resort are beginning to be appreciated, nnd at Is strong talk of a railroad from Union to the la Kept for Reference. occurred In Thomaston during the year. That vnlde $2500; houso]'nnd stable'for Capt. Ed. Ballard Park the cottages of Mr. Miller of the Knox A Lincoln at this place and the town Is of Will Spear was the most severe and pitiable. Anderson, Pearl street, value $2400; a summer firm Miller A Luce of West Quincy, Mass.,and asked tojloan its credit in aid of the enterprise, By the discharge of duallne in the q tarry be cottage for Mrs. Gookln, of Indianapolis, Ind., that of Mrs. Pascal of this place, both built which we trust will be done. lost both arms above the elbows and was badly at Lake City, value $700. i He has also put this year, together with the cottages ot Gen. The past year there has been five new bouses A Cheeflng Report—New Business and A County Where the Towns are injured otherwise. Thomas W. Dunn hnd his new.sllls and a new floor into the basement of J. D. Rust, N. T. Talbot, C. F. Richards and erected : Romanzo Spear’s and Mrs. Landers' Bright Prospects. leg crushed by a stick of timber while dis­ the Baptist Church, and is now; at work upon others, form a nucleus of what bids fair very at West Warren, Harrison Parker, Oliver Union, which has lain in a dormant state charging a vessel. The son of Joseph Rich, the stone and frimekstable of Hon. J. B soon to lie a very pleasant and much frequent­ Wide, Very Wide Awake. Vlnal and Joseph I.ockle ut the Village. and whose business has been growing less for ards met with a terrible Hccidcnt at Mill River Stoarns, at “Norurabegn,’’ to cost when com­ ed resort. On the west shore at McIntire's Frank Wotton has also built a mill in place of the past few years, has reason to rejoice, when by getting his clothing entangled In the over pleted about $5000. Grove several cottages have been built,and the the one burned in September. she looks over the past year and notes the Im­ shot wheel at the grist mill. Other accidents S. C. Tyler has built a house for Walden outlook for next season is ull that the most The agricultural interests of this town are Dyer on Summer street, value $1200, and one sanguine could wish. provements and increased business in the town. have occurred, and the chapter thereof has second to none in the county. There arc many The population which has been on the decrease Agricultural, Piscatorial, Industrial on the same*street for Sanford Dyer, value been quite extensive. In the shipyard of Carleton, Norwood A fine farms in town cultivated by intelligent and for the past ten years is conceded by all ob­ The past season being it very rainy one our $1200; house for George Mills, on Central Co. one vessel is now being built, n large industrious farmers who by economy nnd strict and Other Topics Treated. street, value $1200; house for Ronelo Eldridge, serving citizens to have reached the lowest roads have been In a very bad condition, and 3-mastcr, and the prospect is that they will attention to their chosen occupation have be­ point and is now on the Increase, as several we have had very extensive washouts, the Park streot, value $1500, and a house for him­ build a vessel or vessels the coming year. come well to do. self on Mountain street, value $2500. families have moved into the town the past few most extensive of which has been that at the The Rockport Collar Co., a comparatively The educational interests of the town arc well months and to obtain a tenement in the village Meadows, costing the town (it is said) not far D. G. Hunter has built a house on Washing­ new enterprise employing two or three men in looked after, and the churches are well kept and ton street, value $1100,nnd sold it. at the present time is one of thc[|lmpossibUI- THOMASTON. from $400. The falling in of tbo McLoon the manufacture of heavy collars tor draft well supported. ties. With the prospect of a railroad we look quarry bank will necessitate the town's raising James Ludwig has built for himself a house horses, has increased Its business very .rapidly Warren is a thriving nnd industrious town and barn on Cross and Central streets, value forward to a large .amount of building and in­ Its Record for the Year—Business, Disas­ money to rebuild the bridge over the same de­ the past year under the management of C. with a good community and as bright prospects creased business anotherjseason.
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