October 10, 2013 BOWLING NEWS Page 1 California Thursday October 10, 2013 P.O.B Box 4160, Downey,owling CA 90241 • Online: www.californiabowlingnews.com • Email: [email protected] n ews• Office: (562) 807-3600 Fax: (562) 807-2288 Cheer for and Barstow Bowl COBB’S CRUISES & TRAVEL meet 4th ANNUAL BREAST CANCER the Grand Opening Greatest AWARENESS BOWL 4 A CURE NORWALK — Malcolm & Marva Cobb, owners of COBB’S CRUISES & TRAV- bowlers EL hosted their 4th Annual BOWL 4 A CURE No Tap Tournament, at KEYSTONE in the world LANES, Saturday, October 5th at 1:00 p. m. The tourna- ment consisted of 4 man teams and was open to men, women & kids. The tournament sold Alex Hernandez, Paula Vidad, Bonnie Launder-Hernandez out 46 and half lanes with 186 BARSTOW — After being the full day of fun, family and bowlers. closed for almost 2 years, Sat- friends. A special hotel rate Over 150 people came urday is the BIG day for Bar- has been arranged with the out to help show their sup- stow as they welcome bowling Stardust Inn for Friday and port. As people bowled and back into their community. Saturday night. Single bed $36 others supported their teams, BE ON TV Revolutions Barstow Bowl is and two beds $40 per night. over 150 prizes were raffled The First Place Trophy was awarded to: now owned by three So Cal Call (760) 256-7116 for reser- off. There was a 50/50 cash Bruce Hobbs, Melinda Neal, Craig Sipp & Dean Townsend. bowlers, Alex Hernandez, vations. raffle, a special raffle with 4 all shows Bonnie Launder-Hernandez of 11am Sunday morn- Bowling Balls that included Bowlers. All Men were given & Felicia Vaughn. Palmdale and Paula Vidad of ing kicks off with a 5 Game a Pink Heart Bowling Ball a ticket for a chance to win a The Looking Good Award to air on ESPN Sun City, who grabbed the op- Scratch tournament, $50 entry, with matching Towel &Bowl- Special Large Gift Basket. Team # 1 Michelle Ward, portunity of a lifetime to own a sidepots and brackets are op- ing Bag. Also raffled off was The First Place Trophy was Alexis Gossett, Celeste Steger, bowling center. tional or watch NFL Sunday a 24in Pink Flat Screen with a awarded to Team # 20: Me- & Chelsey Evans. We would The formal ribbon cutting Ticket in the bar while sipping Pink DVD Player. The Grand linda Neal, Dean Townsend, like to thank Keystone Lanes starts the festivities at 10am Bloody Mary’s for $3.50. Prize & Monetary Raffle tick- Bruce Hobbs & Craig Sipp. and their staff, Brent & the Jr. with City Officials and com- The three new proprietors ets (presence not required to Jonathan Huff bowled (2) Bowlers, the Snack Bar for munity dignitaries. 10am - encourage bowlers to stop win) were also awarded with perfect games 300. great food, the Bar, our vol- 5pm has open bowling at dis- by on their way to Las Vegas Mickey Atherton winning the Other trophies were award- unteers, and everyone who counted prices, $1 hot dogs, to say,”hi” and enjoy a cen- 3-Day Baja Cruise for two ed: Men High Series – Jona- participated in this event for $3 draft beer, and plenty of ter where bowling on wood Grand Prize. than Huff 866, Men’s High making it once again a huge giveaways, raffles, etc. lanes is fun again! Or try Breast Cancer & All Can- Game- Edward Gardner & success. We look forward to A 5 person handicapped their deep fried pickle spears cer Survivors in attendance Aijalon Chambers 290, Ladies seeing everyone next year, and No-Tap Tournament starts the and Route 66 burger. Their were acknowledged and given High Series – Charlene Peter- hope to see even more new evening at 6pm, then live en- motto is “Owned by Bowlers, a Glass Jar of Candy. They son 675, Ladies High Game- faces. Remember this event is South Point tertainment in the bar by local for Bowlers” and is located were also entered into a Sur- Janice Haynes 287 always held the first Saturday Hotel & Casino, band The Sandoval Bros. at at 750 E. Main St, Barstow, vivor’s only raffle to win an Last Place - Team # 6, in October, to kick off Breast Las Vegas, NV 9pm. Glow Bowling contin- CA 92311 (760) 256-8676 or exclusive Survivor’s Basket. Krashandra Edwards, Tanya Cancer Awareness Month. ues through 2am to round out www.BarstowBowl.com. Now we didn’t forget our Men Alexander, Phyllis Calloway Malcolm & Marva Cobb PBA World Series of Bowling V Bowling news HONOR ROLL Name Score Date Center RICHARD GREENZWEIGHT 300 09-30-13 canoga parK BOWL Expected to be Most Exciting Yet BRENT evans 300 10-01-13 FOREST LANES jEnEllE jEllsEy 742 10-01-13 EmPirE BOwl SEATTLE – The Profes- players representing a record coverage on ESPN over seven RUBEN GONZALEZ 300 10-02-13 bruns vista LANES nAthAn grinEr 800 10-02-13 hArlEys simi BOwl sional Bowlers Association’s 22 countries, and an end-of- consecutive Sundays, starting dave PINHEIRO 300 10-02-13 HARLEYS SIMI BOWL World Series of Bowling was season battle for the PBA’s Dec. 1. VUONG DO 300 10-03-13 westMINSTER LANES SATURDAY, NOV. 2 DAviD grAnADOs 7-10 sPlit 10-03-13 El CEntrO created in 2009 to provide the most prestigious honors in- The fifth edition of the BOB NORRIS 300 10-03-13 VICTOR BOWL MICHAEL PETERSON 300 10-03-13 classic LANES sport with its greatest interna- cluding Player of the Year, World Series will retain its ROGER STITES 300 10-03-13 la HABRA “300” BOWL 9:45 AM, 1 PM, 3 PM, tony Zuniga 300 10-03-13 MISSION HILLS BOWL tional showcase and countless eligibility for the 2014 PBA traditional roots. It will feature SCOTT BARAK 300 10-04-13 deer CREEK LANES 5:30 PM & 7 PM AshlEy Dunn (16 yrs) 750 10-04-13 bruns vistA lAnEs memorable moments have League Draft, and much more four animal pattern champi- DAviD BrOwn 806 10-05-13 deer CrEEk lAnEs been recorded for the history as the extended, 14-month onships (the Cheetah, Viper, ROBERT WILLIAMS 300 10-05-13 deer CREEK LANES shAwn williAms 825 10-06-13 fountAin BOwl books. But the fifth edition 2012-13 season draws to a Chameleon and Scorpion paul BArrACO 300 10-07-13 del riO lAnEs EriC hOlguin 300 10-07-13 EmPirE BOwl SUNDAY, NOV. 3 of the multi-event champion- close. Championships, conducted on JARED McCArlEy 300 10-07-13 missiOn hills BOwl kEvin vAlmOntE 300 10-07-13 del riO lAnEs 10 AM, 12:30 PM, 3:30 PM ships, scheduled for Oct. 25- Bowling fans around the the unique lane conditioning shAnnOn wilhElm 731 10-07-13 forEst lAnEs Nov. 3 at South Point Bowling world will be able to follow patterns that bear those ani- Center in Las Vegas, is likely the action by watching more mal names), and the qualify- ATTENTION ALL BOWLERS: to provide the most drama and than 60 hours of live online ing rounds for the four animal BOWL AN HONOR SCORE THIS WEEK & E-MAIL BY TUESDAY NOON South Point excitement of all of them. coverage on Xtra Frame, the events will determine the 24 WSOB V will include new PBA’s exclusive webcasts; live finalists who will compete for YOUR NAME, SCORE, DATE & CENTER & YOU WILL BE ON THE FRONT page (Exhibition Hall B) events, a sold-out field of 240 scoring on pba.com, and 14 the 2013 PBA World Champi- E-mAil tO: [email protected] of the world’s most talented hours of nationally-televised continued on page 4 mEn: 300 - 800 & 7-10’s wOmEn: 298,299,300, 700+ & 7-10’s go dodgers!! go dodgers!! go dodgers!!... worked last week :) EVENT OR CLUB DAY DATE BOWLING CENTER ABT FALL nationals tues-sun oct 15-20 SAm’S town ABT SO CAL CITRUS belt sunday oct 13 FOOTHILL LANES King of the Hill ABT SO CAL SAN diego sat-sun oct 12-13 PREMIER LANES Sunday October 20th at 1pm (check in noon) • Teams of 4 abta saturday oct 12 BOWLIUM LANES Monthly Team Tournament with Optional Doubles • Team Event Entry Fee $20 per person adult/YOUTH DBS notap sat-sun oct 12-13 GARDENA BOWL Optional 3-6-9 - 179 & Under $120 - 180 & Over $180 • Mystery Game 2 Carry Over $450 NO tap tournaMENT SATurday oct 12 BARSTOW BOWL Call Jon at (949)770-0055 for more info or www.forestlanes.com scratcH 5-GAMER SUNDAY oct 13 BARSTOW BOWL Page 2 BOWLING NEWS October 10, 2013 Saturday October 12th ABTA at Bowlium Saturday MATCH SERIES $5,000 Match Game Est $5,000 3-6-9 $3,000 MONCLAIR — The ABTA is hosted by Popular Bowlium Saturday Oct. 12 with Quali- GRAND OPENING! fying Squads at 12:00-1:00- 2:30-4:00 & 6:00 PM with 750 E Main St. Barstow CA 92311 :: (760) 256-8676 Semi Finals at 8:00 PM and P. J. HAGGERTY WINS THIRD top 16 Single Elim Finals to follow. Top 16 is guaranteed Raffels / Prizes / Giveaways at least $100 and 3 guaranteed women to top 16. DON GLOVER MASTERS TITLE NOTE!! THE MATCH SE- by Bette Addington RIES WILL GO FOR $5,000 All Day $1 Hot Dogs and $2 16oz Draft PBR BAKERSFIELD — The seventh annual Don Glover Masters and we are working on a back Scratch Tournament drew a field of 45 entrants the weekend of up pot also.
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