60 cents 1 1 eli MARCH MAGII7INE FOR MUSI Li Si LNERS 10. - t -4; . .- " . An Argument for . *. ;;;?,1 . R IC BR . '1;i0,4:".4;;t ST . ::q ,!: ',',yr by Glenn Gould r . ' ALSO Or Richard Strauss On Microgroove a discography www.americanradiohistory.com t+TERI[O FM MULTIPLEX MW 602M TUNE:R.AMPLIFI[R 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 IN/I C FM TURINO SLUMS o SASS INPUT SELECTOR PRONO VS PILOT 602M STEREO FM MULTIPLEX Mot 654M TUNER -AMPLIFIER 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 IN ( MIN FM TUNING MASTER VOLUME STEREO BALANCE SASE TREBLE INPUT /II.EC70A PHONO OUT PILOT 654M CHOOSE YOUR PI LOT MULTIPLEX STEREO RECEIVER On one compact chassis PILOT engineers have designed recorder or tape transport. Measures 5'3" high x 1453" wide and built the perfect electronic "heart" for a high -fidelity x 103/4" deep. Complete with cover - $249.50. stereo system -FM tuner, FM Multiplexer, stereophonic am- Also available with added AM, PILOT 602S complete with plifier and stereo preamplifier all combined to give you per- cover- $299.50. fect reproduction ... from stereo records ... from stereo tapes FEATURES 654M ...from FM Multiplex stereo broadcasts. Simply connect two SPECIFICATION -PILOT 60 watts music power- enough for any speaker system... speakers and a record changer and you're ready for the finest 14 controls including rum- in music listening enjoyment. complete control versatility from FM sensitivity 3 uy IHFM. Six inputs All PILOT FM Multiplex receivers incorporate PILOT'S unique ble and scratch filters. of record changer, turntable, tape transport signal sampling Multiplex circuitry*...the simplest (No FIL- for connection or tape recorder. Dimensions -513" high x 1453" wide x 123/4" TERS, NO MATRIXING, NO EXTRA CONTROLS)... the most effective In black and brass styling complete with (30 db or better separation) ... the most trouble -free circuitry deep. handsome yet devised for FM Multiplex reception. PILOT stereo receivers cover- $329.50. also feature two special speaker terminals to create PILOT'S exclusive STEREO PLUS CURTAIN -OF- SOUND. The PILOT 654M is the only Multiplex receiver that has a truly AUTOMATIC stereo indicator light. Regardless of SPECIFICATION FEATURES - PILOT 602M what tuner mode the receiver is set for, if the station 30 watts music power- enough to drive any popular speaker is broadcasting stereo the light will light. Unlike other receivers, the PILOT 654M will indicate which system...complete stereophonic and monophonic flexibility Multiplex stations are broadcasting stereo as you tune across the from the 12 control preamplifier... FM sensitivity 3 uy IHFM dial regardless of whether you are set to FM stereo or not. ...6 inputs for connection of turntable, record changer, tape °Patent Pending See and hear PILOT'S complete line of FM Multiplex Stereo components: STEREO TUNERS (Model 280, $99.95; Model 380, $179.50). MULTIPLEXERS (Model 100, $49.50; Model 200, $79.50). FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, WRITE: STREET, LONG ISLAND CITY 1, NEW YORK ¡"o'.OUNOLI) 1319 PILOT RADIO CORPORATION, 37 -16 36TH www.americanradiohistory.com 31 --r ......_ .. ---,.-.,. (ìifär BRAHMS Symphony N 2 in D, Op 73 I W \M ?lT:l\RI:M: ...i "This is the finest Bra 1i »is Second in stereo... The Best Classical Orchestral Album of 1961 " THE NEW YORK HERALD TRIBUNE Comiaind 35IMM CLASSICS A MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH IN RECORDED CLASSICAL MUSIC Just a few short months ago, COMMAND Records (acknowl- revealed to the critics the tremendous potential of the new edged leader in popular stereo albums) entered the highly 35 mm recording technique. selective field of classical music with a series of five releases In fact, COMMAND'S total success in faithfully repro- . all master- recorded on 35 millimeter magnetic film. The ducing the sound of large orchestras through the use of 35 mm impact this initial set of classical albums created among magnetic film, was neatly epitomized in this statement by music critics and connoisseurs alike, was nothing short of The American Record Guide, an independent journal of sensational. Even though released late in the year, William opinion: "These first five classical issues from COMMAND Steinberg's delicate reading of Brahms' Symphony No. 2 was constitute a technological breakthrough of major proportions. selected as the No. 1 classical orchestral album of 1961, in the They are the product of multiple microphone pickup of sound New York Herald Tribune's annual record review. recorded on 35 mm magnetic film traveling at 18 inches per in this newspaper's same selection of the year's best rec- second. The results are, beyond question, the most life -like ords, another of COMMAND'S CLASSICS, Pierre Dervaux's sound any of us has ever heard ... Enoch Light, producer version of Ravel's Daphnis et Chloe, Suite No. 2, was also of the records, deserves our thanks." And, American Record singled out for top classical honors. Guide was sufficiently impressed with the COMMAND 35 mm These new COMMAND CLASSICS (including the Rach- recording technique to terminate their review with the maninoff Symphony No. 2; the Mussorgsky -Ravel Pictures at observation that "to all record companies, the message by an Exhibition, and the two capriccios; Tchaikovsky's Capric- now should be loud and clear enough: the word is convert cio Italien and Rimsky -Korsakov's Capriccio Espagnol) -to 35 mm film." NEW 35 /MM CLASSICS on the represent FROM The four albums pictured left COMMAND'S latest contribution to the crusade for true COMMAND sonic realism in the recording of classical repertoire. Again featuring some of the world's finest classical musicians, these 1 albums reflect the latest advance in the realization of greater range in dynamics, frequency and dimension, now made pos- sible through the use of 35 mm magnetic film as a recording medium. BRAHMS Symphony No. DEBUSSY La Mer /Fetes/ If your classical library doesn't yet contain the COMMAND 1 in C minor, Op. 6b. Ibéria - PIERRE DER - WILLIAM STEINBERG VAUX. L'Orchestre des CLASSICS it's lacking the most exciting advance in and the Pittsburgh Sym- Concerts Colonne. ... phony Orchestra. recording history since the advent of high fidelity. And you're missing an adventure in musical listening that will positively exceed your fondest expectations. COMMAND CLASSICS IEOMiO NAMMNO YID IAtCIY ZAYDE are available in stereo, monaural and 4 track tape versions. See your COMMAND record dealer now! Send for free descriptive brochure of all COMMAND releases MOLNi MENDEl89ONM R00.1RI BERLIOZ Symphony Fan - LEONID HAMBRO & tastique, Op. 14 -ANDRE JASCHA ZAYDE, world RECORDS VANDERNOOT / I'Or- renowned duo -pianists, a$%4fl4td National. now play MOZART/ chestre MENDELSSOHN/ Manufacturedc by Grand Award Record Co., Inc. SCHUBERT. 1501 BROADWAY, New York 36, N. Y. CIRCLE 30 ON READER-SERVICE CARD MARCH 1962 1 www.americanradiohistory.com COMPARES... to his... TC \T r stereo fluxvalve pickup PICKERING & COMPANY INC. offers the stereo fluxvalve pickup in the following models: the Calibration Standard 381, the Collector's Series 380, the Pro -Standard Mark Il and the Stereo 90. Priced from $16.50 to $60.00, available at audio specialists everywhere. " F O R T H O S E W H O C A N H E A R T H E D I F F E R E N C E " Pickering and Company- Plainview, Long Island, Now York CIRCLE 68 ON READER-SERVICE CARD 2 HIGH FIDELITY MAGAZINE www.americanradiohistory.com G., ....,,,,,,,..e Pao, 53 Pagr 55 high fideli Music and Musicians 45 The Glories of Late Strauss: an editorial 46 An Argument for Richard Strauss Glenn Gould 50 Richard Strauss on Microgroove: a discography Herbert Glass 55 A Biedermeier Man in West Berlin: Dietrich Fischer -Dieskau Peter Heyworth 58 Watch Your Jacket: the art of record annotation Charles Cudworth 16 The Fine Arts Quartet: an interview Shirley Fleming 22 Notes from Abroad -London, Vienna, Paris 67 Music Makers Roland Gelait Sound Reproduction 53 Testing Tubes at Home Lewis A. Harlow 61 Equipment Reports Lafayette LA -550 Stereo Power Amplifier Electro- Acoustic Model 7002 Record Changer Tannoy "Monitor" Speakers: GRF and Belvedere Enclosures Korting Model 158S Tape Recorder 107 High Fidelity Newsfronts Reviews of Recordings 69 Feature Record Reviews Cilea: Adriana Lecouvreur (Renata Tehaldi, Mario del Monaco, et al.) Beethoven: Variations for Piano (Alfred Brendel) 71 Other Classical Reviews 84 The Imports Gene Bruck 91 The Lighter Side 99 Jazz 103 The Tape Deck MARCH 1962 VOLUME 12 NUMBER 3 Pubrshed moalhly al Great Barrington, Moss. by The Billboard Publishing Co. Cop, right L 1962 by The Billboard Publishing Co. The design and contents of High Fidelity Magasine are fully protected by copyright and must not be reproduced in oey raaner. Second-clots poetoge paid at Great Barrington and at additional oll.n0 offices. One year subscription in Ll. S., Possessions, and Canada $6.00. Erseuhero $7.00. Indexed in the "Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature."' Change of Address notices and undelivered copies /Form 3579) should be addressed to High Fidelity, Subscription Dept., 2160 Patterson St., Cincinnati 14, O. www.americanradiohistory.com LAFAYETTE RADIO presents 14 Mori Pp Lh L Stvito Plum} Sptent katunitti The FAMOUS LA -250A 50 -WATT STEREO AMPLIFIER CHOICE OF 6ARRARD AT-6 DIAMOND STEREO CARTRIDGE PICKER- ING 380C A LAFAYETTE LA -250A 50 -WATT STEREO AMPLIFIER LAFAYETTE Cover Desyn. by Roy Lindstrom OUR BEST STEREO SYSTEM BUY BASE SHURE M7D LAFAYETTE SK -58 MATCHED COMPONENTS 12" COAXIAL SPEAKERS Lafayette LA -250A 50 -Watt Stereo Amplifier 99.50 Garrard AT -6 4 -Speed Record Changer 54.50 Roland Gelatt Pickering 380C Diamond Stereo 29.85 LAFAYETTE Cartridge Editor in Chief Lafayette Wood Base EL IPT OFL EX 3.95 BOOKSHELF 2 Lafayette SK -58 12" Coaxial Speakers ENCLOSURES @ 29.50 each 59.00 Joan Griffiths Executive Editor Total Price if Purchased Separately .
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