9 STATE LIBRARY 0C1 « = o ? ?. 7- t- 1 t- c: c o »- -.- H H c ►-• .Connecticut Daily Campus c. O Sewing Storrs Since 1896 L M c "-S CO VOL. CXV1I, No. 9 STORRS. CONNECTICUT WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 26. 1962 New Lows Reached to Babbidge To Arrive CD In House Averages X Figures released by the Divi- French Hall A 22.62 sion ol Student Personnel indicate Alsop A 22.52 On Campus Monday that house averages have reached- Spencer Hall A 22.41 Sprague Hall 22.00 • new low. The figures for the Beard Hall B 21.46 Dr. Homer D. Babbidge will and to enable more students to Homer Babbidge at a reception •ecend semester of 1961-62 year Stowe Hall C 21 40 arrive on the Uconu Campus of- attend the convocation, all 3:30 to be held in their honor at the show that Whitney Hall under- Crawford Hall C 20.86 ficially on Monday, October 1, Thursday classes will be cancelled Albert N. Jorgensen Auditorium graduates again lead the houses 1962. According to University of- and the Student Union will be on Friday evening from 9 to 1. With a 28.78 average. Phi Sigma All independent ficials he has expressed a desire closed. Both the new president and his Sigma still leads the sororities, houses 23.39 that he meet as many students Speaking to the social chair- wife will receive- students in the while Alpha Epsilon Pi replaces as soon as possible. men of the women's houses on receiving line to be held at the Alpha Gamma Rho as the top Sororities In accordance with this desire, Monday, Miss Joan McCall stat- reception. I utir lainiii.nt fraternity scholastically. one of Dr. Babbidge's first offi- ed that she sincerely hO|>es all The following list indicates the Group Ratio cial functions will be to address students take advantage of this In the intermission, from 10:00 relative scholastic standing of Phi Sigma Sigma 26.50 the students of the University at opportunity of hearing Dr. Bab- to 10:45. entertainment will be the Independent Women's Dor- Delta Pi 26.08 a convocation to be held on bidge. provided by a University musical mitories, Sororities and Frater- Pi Beta Phi 25.48 Thursday, October 4. 1962. Personal Metlsg group, doing selections from the nities. There are no figures avail- Alpha Epsilon Phi 25.02 Attend Convocation Students will have the oppor- music of the past year. Music able for the Independent Men's Kappa Alpha 24"$8 Both in honor of Dr. Babbidge tunity to meet both Dr. and Mrs. 'for dancing will be provided by dormitories. The Fraternity and Delta Zeta 24.96 the Landerman Band. Sorority averages include only Kappa Kappa Student Support the respective members of the Gamma 24.87 Miss Elizabeth Noftsker, As- group that are living in the unit Aloha Delta Pi 24.73 Campus Rally To Demand sistant Dean ol Students, empha- and do not include the Independ- Phi Mu 24.32 sized the Importance ol student ents living there. All Sororities 25.30 support of this, the new presi- All Women 23 04 Victory At Yale Game dent's Qrsl BOCial event I; i- ?-,■ >t Independents Fraternities a 'date affair," but rather an Group Ratio By Joe Brzezinski The Council, a body newly opportunity for groups of Stu Friday night at 7:30 the Storrs formed last year With the help and individuals both to benefit Group Rutio Alpha Epsilon Pi 24.91 Whitney Hall Alpha Gamma Rho 24.57 area will begin rumbling with the of Mr. Schimpf of the Office of from a personal meeting with the Theta Xi 24.48 enthusiastic strains of a student Men's Affairs, expects the rail} new president and his wile (Undergi aduatesl 28.78 rally calling for victory at the to be the beginning-of another French Hall B 25.47 Kappa Psi 23.10 Phi Epsilon Pi 22.59 "Bowl." The evening's festivi- year of successful operation. Beard Hall A 24.71 ties will begin with a "Peparade" Last year, it sponsored a num- lUCF Director Holcoinb Hall 24.44 Sigma Phi Epsilon 22.35 Zeta Psi 22.33 starling in the North Campus ber of movies for the entire Merritt Hall A 24.40 Area at 7:00. North Campus Area before vaca- Speaker Tonight Crawford HaTI D 24.17 Phi Kappa Tau 22.31 Sigma Chi Alpha 21.76 The "Peparade" led by the tions; these movies were instru- The University Christian Fel- Hollister Hall A 24.01 Uconn Cheerleaders and Pep mental in keeping those times Hollister Hall B 24.01 Theta Chi 21.73 lowship will si age a short <• • Crandall Hall C Beta Sigma Gamma 21 £8 Band will then march up to the relatively quiet. This year, in ao 21.01 Towers, down route 195 to South dition to the rally, the Council and conversion period tonight Crawford Hall A 23.77 Alpha Zeta Omega 21.62 Sigma Nu Alpha' 21.55 Campus, and then to West Cam- expects to sponsor a number of at the Community House at 7:30 Alsop B 23.6S pus, increasing in size as mem- dances and movies for the North Wheeler Hall C 23.67 Chi Phi 21.53 alter Vespers. Mr. Warren L. Theta Sigma Chi 21.50 bers of these residences join the Campus area. Molton. the new Director of the Hook A 23.63 parade. The "Peparade • rally" Is a Spencer Hall B 23.57 Alpha Sigma Phi 21.10 U.C.F., will lead off the discus- Delta Chi 21.00 The "Peparade" will file into comparatively new idea on the , sion with a short speech about Merritt Hall B 23.50 1 Uconn campus, paving been tried Hook B 23.25 Tau Epsilon Phi 20.97 the field behind Hawley Armory I his philosophy of campus minis- Phi Sigma Kappa 20.95 at about 7:30 for the pep rally. ]only once last year in circum- try. Following the speech, Mr. Manchester Hall 22. !W stances which severely limited its Crawford Hall B 22.<tt Phi Sigma Delta 20.63 The cheerleaders will lead the i Molton will Welcome questions Lambda Chi Alpha 20.53 rally in singing songs and shout- effectiveness. This year, however, and discussion by anyone inter- Sigma Alpha ing great expectations before a ! early indications have shown ested on the focus and variety Last Chance -ID'S Epsilon 20.20 giant bonfire. After the rally, the i that the "pep rally'' can become ■of the rapidly growing U.C.F. Tau Kappa Epsilon 19.91 HUB will sponsor a dance for all an affective means of boosting movement. Today is the last chance for student and team morale. Students to have Identification interested. The University Christian Fel- pictures taken. The phologi. flier All Fraternities 21.90 NCPC Sponsorship Frosh Beat Fppcrcliissmen? lowship is the campus ministry will he in Room 178 of Admin- All Men 21.23 The "Feparsde and Rally" is This year's freshman class to Protestant students and Is istration from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. being sponsored by the North seems particularly enthusiastic sponsored by the American All students are urged to have President Kennedy now has on Campus Presidents Council, who as its members of the North Baptists, Con 51 egationalists, Meth- their pictures taken. IDs entitle hjs desk, for signature, the con- have made all arrangements for Campus demonstrated in a Fresh- odists, and Presbyterians. The Students to admission to inter-col- gressional bill authorizing him to the parade, rally, pep band, cheer- man week rally. The rally start- UCF ollicc is located in the Com- legiate athletics on campus, lib- mobilize 150,(XXI reservists if the leaders, bonfire, and a public ed by Wayne Pipkin. House Ad- rary service, health service and situation in Cuba or elsewhaere address system guaranteed to viser of Litchfield Hall, rapidly Student Union facilities. grows more threatening, shake the campus. formed into a group of approx- imately 400 students, which ser- enaded nearly every woman's dormitory on campus. This group serving as a nu- cleus for Friday's rally should be able to induce more timid upper- classmen and coeds to join. The North Campus Presidents Council iiopes that all students on campus and all organizations will cooperate In making this event a success. Inside Pages NS.\ ^ ,M»rl . see page '.'. New r.ngiand Colleges ex- pand programs - . see page REV. WAKKF.N MOLTON 3. Board of Governors I,••.doc munit) House ol the Siorta series . see page 3. Congregational Church Tin' Rev. Molton received his Cilia plus spOrbj cars . Bachelor of Arts degree from sec page »■ i.i.G-st on Cuba . see page Wofford College; his Bacheloi af 3. Divinity degree from the South- New racial unrest in tin- ern Baptist Theological Seminatv; smith . see page 5. and his Master ol Sa< '. ■ More on' the new free trade olog) degree from the yak? Di- hill . BOO page B. vinity School. Vale-l't-onn game provit-w Before assuming his presold . see page 8. post. Mr, Molton served six yean I're-seasoii look at I he Cross SS pastor of the Poquonno. k THE UNIVERSITV OF CONNECTICUT tool ball t. am hoping for that Victory. The hand Countiv team . sec page ti. Bridge Baptist church In Poquon- Marching Bund i-lmwn with a spectator) can under the direction of Alaa Glllespe has be«-n Out come of the I.Nton-Pat- nock Bridge, Connecticut While ke heard almost every night practicing.
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