T H U R S D A Y , FBBRUART 14. If4f 1 9" " A r s n t^ Dflily Cirenfattion pyiiTWXLVB ilanrlieBtpr Ett^tting Por tho Month od Jaaaary, 1948 Thfl WMthcr ’ 9,030 Forseant od U. B. Weather Bnis— List Program ' Member of tha Aaflit .fireOsM below wnva zero; tonight; con tinned fiva eoMahovo sat- to About Town Appeals Board Popiilur Orchestra to^Play at Manonic Ball Here Barsan nd Olrenlatloaa JH anrljTjg tTr lEitTu ittg Ife m lb nrday; fair tonight and Satordny; For Services D IA N A ’S dliMnlahlag no^west wtnAa Manchester~~-A City of Village Charm BM *-« Ferdle GUm . Bon of Mr. Meets Tonight Km. M. 8. Giles of 82 Flor- VOL. LXV., NO. 116 (Claaalfisd Adverttslng oa Page IX) ■treet. is retumlnR to the Siinduy , Vespers at PACKAGE STORE MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1946 ■ aboard thei (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CEI Emanuel in Charge' of 136V2 Center St. Tel. 3914 s tha "Magic Carpet" The txnectefi tO Krilie Out w u expected to dock at San • Herman Johnson Open Monday Through Saturday Until 9 P. M. jeranciaeo on February 10. Large Crowd Gale Damage at Buffalo The Sunday Vesper service st Lebanon Charges have been Town Motors Inc., An exceptional large gather­ the Emanuel Lutheran church will appointed Kaiaer-Fraaler dealers ing Is expected to be present at be in charge of Herman Johnson, a Peter Haig's Look for Sfettle for Manchester. member of the Board of Adminis­ the Zoning Board of Appeals meet­ tration of the church. He will have ing tonight to be held at the Miinl- fifth $2.50 Sovereignty Now Pfc. Alexander F. Makvaha of charge of the devotional period Rock & Rye 118 Wells street waa discharged cipal Building at 8 o'cloek. snd has chosen for his topic "CJOr- Monday from the Billings General There are fourteen matters for ners for Goifi." The service will be hoapital. after serving two years held st 7:30. Gladstone Of 2 Major Strikes; In the Army, part of which he the board to-consider but the one The Beethoven Glee Club under In Grave Danger served overseas in the h.astcm that is expected to bring out the the direction of Fred E. Werner Gin fifth $2v95 theater of war. Before entering erowd is the application for an air­ will present tWo groups of num­ the Army Pfc. Makvalis worked port. This airport is to be located, bers. with Mrs. Elsie Gustafson as Demands ‘Immediate In the Pratt and Whitney division according to the notice, north of soloist, and Mrs. Eleanor A. Ben­ Wines fifth 79c of United Aircraft. He was an the proposed Wilbur Cross High- nett as accompanist. Arm y Cuts Pay-Price Plan Given And Simultaneous expert on truck and tractors. I way and west of Deming atreet. The Holiday Inn orcheatra of Hartford will play at the Masonic Ball at the local Topple on K, The musical program will be as I Thia project it is said has the baek- evening. February 22. This orchestra la well known in their vicinity and It plays each Ss1iiida> follows: Evacuation^ o f All For­ I Ing of the local Air Power League REFRIGERATED ALES AND BEER Down Rate ning at the YWCA Auditorium In Hartford for dancing. _______________ |____________________ Thou My Strength eign Troops from Soil Quick Action in Steel j and many of fts members are ex­ Arranged by Helge Pearson New Formula Arnold Tells WASHING M.\CHINES pected to appear in support of the Jesus’ Joy of Man's Desiring In Accusation of Brit­ O f Fitness And Automobile Pm- REPAIRED AIJ. MAKES petition. .to miles out of New York harbor. J. S. Bach The board will also take up There Is another boat with the Town to IJave In a Monastery Garden ain and France Today Gives Faster Test Plans duction Disputen It Years’ eixperlenoe! ! f.pain the question of the applica­ Grade Pupils same name now; a crude knife A. Ketelbey Reasonable Bates! tion for package store license made which had been pounded out of Steel A w a y ......................F. Lynes Physical Standards Set Appear as Possibil­ by Frank Blanchard which was to A. BREWER shrapnel, found In a German home; Ten Taxicabs Old Gray R o b e ............ F. Huntley Bulletin! Price Relief For Bombs ity; Dewey Arranges have been heard last month but Hold Exliibit two Arabian clasp knives w'hlch At * Absolute Mini­ Ihlephooe *-054t - Any Tlmsl John Peal ..................M. Andrews London. Feb. 15.— (/P)—. was continued until tonight at the were picked up In Africa; a Japa­ •Beethoven Glee Club DOES TM t DOOR FIT TIGHTLY ? Meeting This After­ If the door of your refrigerator doesn’t fit tightly, the Russia threw her support to mum* in Effort to request of Mr. Blanchard. nese flag, taken on Saipan, also a Stale PU(’ Permits Ail- Consider and Hear Me . .Wooler Stern Wage Controls Asserts Arrangements Barnard School Boys rifle; grass skirts from Hawaii and I Wnlk Today Where Jesus motor rung more than It ahould. That motor may the Levant states in the Fill Draft Quotas noon Between Wilson Show Trophies anil Panama: hand grenades made into (litions to Fleets o f Wslked ■ ...............G. O’Hara NOW need adjusting. Let ua check YO UR refrigerator. United Nations Security Imposed by Program For Bikini Atoll Ex­ And Tboniu.s at Detroit cigarette lightars; German swords, Mrs. Elsie Gustafson Service NOW — SALES Soon! JAMES A. Souvenirs of War shotguns and knives; insignia Present Operators council today, declaring: their Washington, Fob. 15— (/f)— The In Effort to Head periments Like ‘Buck (American and foreign); a beauti­ 9 t MUMf {XMHItlFCt M M l rrW ofM fm O M Tm sovereljfnty had been “clear­ Army lowered its physical stand­ By The Associated Press INSURE ful hand-painted ceramic dish from A 50-mlIe gale, which swept into a-estern New York after racing across the nation within 24 hours Off Any Inflation Rogers* Adventures With The State Public Utilities Com­ ly violated” by the occupation ards for draftees to "the absolute ^ Quick eiettlement of the na­ Seventh grade boys In Mrs. .1. Florence, Italy: a mosaic pin and Ihu J?®/'"'®'; N. Y., and hurled debris 75 feet Into WOODS mission has authorized two Man- by British and French troops. minimum” today and called on Se- McKINNEY BROTHERS W. Farr’s itjom at Barnard school lavaller from Rome, Italy. COMMAfy hour in gusts, caused one death and thou­ Washington, Feb. 1. --- (>P)— Philadelphia, Feb. 15—(J>)— A r­ tion’s two major strikes— in - held an exhibition for their achool- Many beautiful luncheon sets, cheater taxi operators to increase SIMONIZING \igiirfF/c. Vice Commissar Andrei Vi- iMtive Service to comb over pre­ sands of dollars in property damage. (A P wirephoto). steel and automobile produc- | Real Estate and Insarance rangements Tor the Bikini atoll Range and Fuel Oil matce of trophies and soiivenlra of American industry will get! speed­ 505 MAIN ST. TEL.. 6050 handkerchief cases, hand embroid­ their present fleet to flve apiece. The Body Shop Method shinsky told the council a viously rejected men to fill its lae- tion— appeared as a possil^ili- 1 World War II, yesterday. The ered handkerchiefs, souvenirs of ging quotas. ier price help under the govern­ test of the atom bomb on surface The total number of taxicabs in French jiroposal to permit ty* today following announce- Local Moving and proceeda of the affair are to go to France, Belgium and England, SOl.lMENE A FLAGG. Inc. Wl SfRVt HOMfS 04KIIES-FOOD STORES-TAVERNS-RISTAUDJNTS • By this drastic means the W ar ment’s new atabiliretion formula, craft in the Marshall islands are town today is the largest number Britain and France to woiic 3 Japs Admit ment of President Truman’s ’ the Junior Red Cross fund. were displayed, also coins from 684 e n te r St. Tel. 5101 department said it waa hoped to but it imposes stern wage controls 80 futuristic that Gen. Henry H. Trucking Among the varied things of espe­ foreign countries. ever. out an agreement on with­ obt^n 250,000 men through the ‘False Statement’ (H ap) Arnold describes them as new and higher wage-price In an effort to head off inflation. SPIRELLA cial Interest were: ’Three war The exhibitors included: Herbert The permits were granted to drawal of their forces from draft during the first five months "Buck Rogers” plana. policy. These were the devel­ 29 Pearl Street maps used on Okinawa, Wake Custer. Fred Young, Neil Gray, Nick Pencheff, owner of the City Syria and Lebanon “cannot or this year as replacements for Drawing Tight The revised wage-price policy The retired chief of the Army the A rm y’s thinning ranks. providca that In general pay hikes opments : Tel. 6566 CORSETIERE laland and Guadalcanal; a Japa- John Doyle, Harve.v Alcock. Fran­ Cab and to Jo.seph Orfltolli of the satisfy the Soviet Vnlon.” Charge Stirs Row A ir Forces detailed some of the For Appointment Call neae knuckle knife: a tattered cis Findlay, Jay Ashford. Raymond Mostly dasslfled 4-F must be Federally-approved if they plans for the atom-bomb teats st Detroit Meeting Arranged Manchester Taxi Company. Pen- FOR INCOME TAX SEE Like the Weather, Everybody 1— Special Federal Mbdlator- RUTH M. A L L E N American Oag that had been down Robinson, Richard West, Eidward SelTCtlve ServicSs officials said Choking Cords are to qualify as a basis for off­ a press conference here yesterday. from the mast of the U.S.S.
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