Index [Italic page numbers indicate major references] A amphibolite (continued) apparent polar wander, 1, 12, 13, 28, Academy pluton, 204, 219, 220 Cariboo Mountains, 165 31, 33, 203, 221 accretionary complexes, 8 Clipper Mountains, 378 arc magmatism, Stikinia, 92 actinolite Coast Plutonic complex, 103 arc terranes, collision of, 1 Humboldt igneous complex, 242 Cogburn Creek unit, 100 arc volcanism, 3 Klamath Mountains, 182 Elk Creek, 178, 179 Pine Nut Range, 234 adularia, 24, 25 Franciscan Complex, 30 arc-graben, Central America, 347 Aishihik Batholith, Yukon, 65, 67 Hornet Creek Gneiss, 100 Arctic Alaska terrane, 21 emplacement, 65 Klamath Mountains, 173, 174, 175, Arctic Ocean, 34 shape of, 78 177, 182, 183, 186, 188 arenite, Colorado Plateau, 409 structure of, 73 May Creek terrane, 178 argillic alteration, Barneys Canyon, Aishihik Lake area, 75, 78 Owens Mountain area, 205 320 Aishihik Plutonic Suite, 65, 66 Pemberton Dioritic complex, 111 argillite, 8 Aja fracture zone, 17 Pilot Range, 279 Cogburn Creek unit, 100 Aksala Formation, Lewes River Group, Red Mountain, 177 Humboldt igneous complex, 234 50 Wood Hills, 281 Kaslo Group, 162 Alaska Highway conglomerate, 53 anatexis, crustal, southeast British Milford Group, 162 Alaska Range, 29 Columbia, 142 Argillite thrust, 143 Albion Mountains, 281, 287, 289 Anchor fault, 301, 303, 305 argon, Spuzzum intrusion, 107 albite andalusite Arguello plate, 31 arsenic Aishihik Batholith, 73, 75 Emigrant Gap composite pluton, Humboldt igneous complex, 242 194 Barneys Canyon, 319 Klamath Mountains, 177, 183, 184 Klamath Mountains, 173, 182, 183, Oquirrh Mountains, 314 Aleutian Arc, 4 184, 185 Ashlu Creek body, 105, 106 Aleutian Trench, Alaska, 17 Pilot Range, 278 Ashlu Creek fault, 104, 107, 110 Ashlu Creek shear zone, 100, 106 magnetic bight, 17 Andes Mountains, Peru, 9, 290 assimilation, southeast British Alexander terrane, 125, 168 andesine Columbia, 141, 142, 153 alkali feldspar Aishihik Batholith, 67 asthenosphere, 27, 31, 93, 249 Clipper Mountains pluton, 356 Klamath Mountains, 177 Atlanta lobe, Idaho batholith, 32 Laberge Conglomerate, 51 Owens Mountain area, 207, 209, Atlantic hotspot, 2 Mojave Desert, 356 213 Atlantic Ocean, 33 Ship Mountains pluton, 355 andesine-bytownite, Owens Mountain Spatsizi River Stock, 89 area, 207 central, formation of, 33 alkalic diorite andesite Atlas fault, 304, 305 Bonnington Pluton, 150 Cortez Mountains, 284 augite Nelson Batholith, 150 Cow Creek volcanic arc, 188 Humboldt igneous complex, 242 alkalic rocks, 23 Cowhole volcanics, 338 Lewes River arc, 49 alkalic syenite, Kuskanax Batholith, Humboldt igneous complex, 229, Povoas Formation, 52 150 234, 235, 241 augite quartz monzonite, Melrose allanite Laberge Conglomerate, 51 intrusion, 299 Aishihik Batholith, 67 Pinon Range, 284 Avawatz Mountains, 340 Clipper Mountains pluton, 356 andesitic arcs, 5. See also volcanism, Aztec quartzite, 343 Mojave Desert, 356 andesitic arc Aztec Sandstone, 296, 299, 310, 327, Allison seamount, 2 anthophyllite, Klamath Mountains, 329, 332, 334, 339, 347 almandine, Owens Mountain area, 213 177 glide blocks, 345 Alps, 27 antimony landslides, 345 aluminum, northeastern Great Basin, Barneys Canyon, 319 stratigraphy, 344 270 Oquirrh Mountains, 314 tectonics, 344 Alwin Creek porphyry dike, 161, 163, Antler orogenic belt, 290 165 Antler orogeny, 253, 254 B ammonites apatite Mount Brock volcanics, 87 Aishihik Batholith, 67 Badshot Formation, 161, 162 Whitehorse Conglomerate, 54 Clipper Mountains pluton, 356, 370 Baker, California, 327 ammonium-illite, Oquirrh Mountains, Mojave Desert, 356 barite 316 aphanite, Cowhole Mountains, 335 Barneys Canyon, 331, 332 amphibole aphibolite, Clipper Mountains, 378 Oquirrh Mountains, 314 Humboldt igneous complex, 237 aplite barium Klamath Mountains, 177, 182, 183 Aishihik Batholith, 67, 71, 73, 75, Barneys Canyon, 319 Owens Mountain area, 220 78 Mojave Desert, 354 amphibolite Hobson Lake pluton, 166 Barkerville subterrane, Kootenay Aishihik Batholith, 71, 75 Melrose intrusion, 300 terrane, 165, 168 413 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/958699/spe299-bm.pdf by guest on 03 October 2021 414 Index Barneys Canyon, gold deposit, 313 biotite (continued) Bolivia Spring, 236, 240 barometric studies Horseshoe Bay, 104 Bonanza Formation, Vancouver Island, northeastern Nevada, 267 Humboldt igneous complex, 236, 101 northwestern Utah, 267 237, 242 Bonanza Group, Vancouver Island, 100 basalt Klamath Mountains, 173, 182, 183, Bonanza King Formation, 378, 387 alkalic, 8 184, 185 Bonanza-Island Intrusion, 125 Cow Creek volcanic arc, 188 Mojave Desert, 356, 382 Bonanza-Island Intrusion arc, flood, 1. See also flood basalts Mount Jasper, 104 Wrangellia, 95, 101, 125 Humboldt igneous complex, 229, northeastern Great Basin, 270 Bonnington Pluton, 143, 149, 150, 235, 239, 241 Owens Mountain area, 205, 207, 151, 152 Karmutsen Formation, 101 210, 213, 220 Boston Bar Formation, 99 Kaslo Group, 162 Pilot Range, 278 boudinage, Aishihik Batholith, 71, Orocopia Schist, 30 Princess Royal Reach granodiorite, 75, 78 tholeiitic, 8 117 Boulder batholith, 32 Western Klamath terrane, 178 Ryan River, 105 Bowen Island Group, 100, 101, 103, xenoliths, 52 Sechelt Peninsula, 104 104, 105, 120, 123, 125 basaltic andesite Ship Mountains pluton, 355 Bowman Lake-Cisco Grove area, 232 Griffith Creek volcanics, 90 Silver Island Mountains, 271 Bowser Basin, 84, 87, 92, 168 Humboldt igneous complex, 229, southeast British Columbia, 143 Bowser Lake Group, 92 235 Taono Range, 280 Boyer Ranch Formation, 231, 235, Laberge Conglomerate, 51 White Rock pluton, 178 236, 241, 242, 246 Lewes River arc, 49 biotite gneiss, Clipper Mountains, Boyer Thrust, 235 Povoas Formation, 52 377 Bralorne-Kwoiek Creek fault systems, Basin and Range province, 12, 24, 27, biotite granites 99 30 Ladybird stock, 151 Bridge River Group, 96, 99, 123 formation of, 2 Melrose intrusion, 299 Bridge River terrane, 96, 99, 125, 127, Bass Lake pluton, 204, 210, 219 biotite granodiorite 169 batholiths, 9, 15 Bayonne Batholith, 143 Bristol Mountains, 340, 345, 353, creation of, 1 Big Julie pluton, 120 388 defined, 9 Elbow Lake, 104 Brittain River, 120 formation of, 31, 32 Malispona pluton, 110 Brooks Range, Alaska, 19 major, 32 Quarry Bay intrusion, 111 Brooks Range fold and thrust belt, Sierra Nevada, 9 biotite-hornblende granodiorite, shortening, 21 See also specific batholiths southeast British Columbia, 143 Bunker Hill Stock, 143 Bayonne Batholith, 143, 149, 150, biotite-hornblende quartz diorite, Bute Inlet, 110 151, 153 Friday Creek, 57 Butte Mountains, 308 Bear Mountains fault zone, 25, 203, biotite monzogranite, Melrose Butte synclinorium, 308 204, 205, 212, 218, 219, 220, intrusion, 299 bytownite-anorthite, Owens Mountain 222, 223, 224, 225 biotite-muscovite granite area, 209, 213 Bear Mountains igneous complex, Bayonne Batholith, 143 243 Windermere Supergroup, 166 C Bear Mountains ophiolitic mélange, biotite-muscovite leucogranite, Consumnes River area, 232 southeast British Columbia, 143 Cache Creek subduction complex, 160 Bear Peak pluton, 178 biotite-muscovite schist, Owens Cache Creek Terrane, 67, 80, 81, 84 Bendor pluton, 99, 120 Mountain area, 205 obduction, 92 Bennett Batholith, 52, 80 biotite-quartz monzonite, Ladybird Cache Creek terrane, 159, 168 bentonite Suite, 143 Cadwallader arc, 125 Carmel Formation, 394, 397, 399, biotite schist, Owens Mountain area, Cadwallader Group, 99, 115, 117, 120, 405 205, 220 126 Navajo Sandstone, 405, 406 biotite tonalite Cadwallader terrane, 96, 99, 127, 168 Page Sandstone. 399. 405, 406 Bendor pluton, 120 Calaveras Complex, 199 Bering Sea, 29 Princess Louisa pluton, 107 calc-alkalic andesite, Challis magmatic floor, 17 Stave Glacier intrusion, 117 belt, 24 Big Bend area, 232 Bird Spring block, 345 calc-alkalic granodiorite, southeast Big Julie pluton, 107, 111, 120 Bird Spring Formation, 329, 345, 388 British Columbia, 150 Bingham mining district, Utah, 313, Bisbee Basin rift, 23, 33 calcarenite, Humboldt igneous 314, 317 Bishop Tuff, 407 complex, 234 Bingham porphyry copper deposit, Bitterroot lobe, 17, 28, 32 calcite 314 Black Bluff thrust, 143 Laberge Group, 56 Bingham Sequence, 317 Blackhawk fold, 301, 303, 308, 310 Mojave Desert, 356 biotite Blackhawk monocline, 307 Pilot Range, 278 Aishihik Batholith, 67, 73, 78, 79 Blind Hills, 378, 380, 382 calderas, 9 Aishihik Plutonic Suite, 66 blueschist, 8, 29, 31 Andes Mountains, 9 Clipper Mountains pluton, 356 Bridge River Group, 99 formation of, 1, 31, 92 Cow Creek, 179 Feather River peridotite belt, 192, Hazelton Trough, 92 Cowhole Mountains, 336 199 Camp Cove Formation, 125 Cowhole Pluton, 336 Franciscan Complex, 30 Canadian Basin, formation of, 21 Griffith Creek volcanics, 90 Shuksan Metamorphic Suite, 24 Canadian Cycle, 17, 32 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/958699/spe299-bm.pdf by guest on 03 October 2021 Index 415 Cannonville, Utah, 407 chlorite (continued) Colorado Plateau, 296, 333, 334, 389, carbonate Toano Range, 280, 281 393 Aztec Sandstone, 332 Chocolate Mountains thrust, 30 clay mineralogy, 401 Barneys Canyon, 313, 319 chrome spinel, Klamath Mountains, rotation of, 5 Cowhole Mountains, 329 182 sedimentology, 395 Oquirrh Mountains, 314 chromium, Mojave Desert, 354 stratigraphy, 395 Caribbean cycle, 22 Chuckwalla Spring, 378 Colton Hills, 388 Caribbean region, 19 Chuckwalla Spring pluton, 356, 380, Columbia River Basalt Group, Oregon, Cariboo Mountains, British Columbia, 382, 383, 385, 386, 387 12, 24 159, 160, 161, 165, 168 Chukotsk
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