TREASURE ANNUAL REPORT 2005/6 REPORT ANNUAL TREASURE TREASURE ANNUAL REPORT 2005/6 TREASURE ANNUAL REPORT 2005/6 Foreword 4 Introduction 6 Tables 7 List of contributors 10 Distribution maps of Treasure cases 14 Catalogue England 1. Artefacts A. Bronze Age 16 B. Iron Age 54 C. Roman 58 D. Early Medieval 72 E. Medieval 104 F. Post-Medieval 134 G. 18th–20th centuries and Undiagnostic 170 2. Coins A. Iron Age 184 B. Roman 188 C. Early Medieval 207 D. Medieval 209 E. Post-Medieval 215 Wales 220 Northern Ireland 231 References 232 Valuations 238 Index 243 Illustrations 269 Cover: Iron Age electrum torc (no. 82), c. 200–50 BC. Found in Newark, Nottinghamshire, by Mr M Richardson while metal-detecting in February 2005. CONTENTS 2 3 This is the eighth Annual Report to Parliament on I would also like to praise the contribution made Following a consultation by my Department we the operation of the Treasure Act 1996. Like its by the staff of the British Museum and the staff of transferred the administrative responsibilities for predecessors, it lists all the finds that were reported as the National Museum Wales. The Treasure process Treasure to the British Museum in March 2007. potential Treasure to the British Museum, the National requires input from their curators, conservators, The British Museum has recruited two full-time Museums & Galleries of Wales, and the Environment scientists and a central treasure registry, all of whom and one part-time post in order to deal with these and Heritage Service, Northern Ireland. This Report continue to achieve high standards of service despite additional responsibilities and both organisations contains details of 592 and 665 new cases reported an increased workload. believe that the delivery and efficiency of the during two years: 2005 and 2006. Of these cases, 282 process has improved as a result. new Treasure finds have been, or are being, acquired I am most grateful to the Treasure Valuation by museums across the country, while 557 have been Committee for its provision of independent advice on disclaimed, 206 were deemed not to be Treasure and the valuation of Treasure finds. I commend particularly 212 cases are still to be determined. the Chairman, Professor Norman Palmer CBE, for continuing to guide the work of the Committee with From 2007 there will be a single annual report on such an expert hand. In addition, Dr Jack Ogden, Treasure and Portable Antiquities. We feel that it Mr Trevor Austin and Ms May Sinclair have continued Margaret Hodge makes sense to bring these two reports together and to give freely and generously of their time and Minister for Culture, the combined report will provide a single complete expertise. Mr Thomas Curtis and Dr Arthur MacGregor Creative Industries and Tourism 2008 reference for all the most important finds reported in retired from the Committee during this period, after 2007, whether they qualify as Treasure or not. Because having given valuable service, and we now welcome the final disposition of some Treasure cases may not the following new members to the Committee which be known for a year, next year’s report will contain has expanded from six to eight members: Messrs Peter detailed summaries of the more important cases from Clayton and John Cherry, Professor Ian Carradice and 2007 together with a table listing all the Treasure Dr Tim Pestell. cases from 2006 with a note of their disposition and valuation. The work of the Committee receives vital support from the panel of expert advisers from whom the The number of finds being reported as Treasure Committee commissions provisional valuations: continues to increase rapidly: in 1998, the first full year Mr Michael Sharp of Dix Noonan Webb, Mr James Ede of the Treasure Act, there were 201 cases and by 2002 of Charles Ede Ltd, Mr Tom Eden of Morton and Eden, that number stood at 240 cases, while in 2007 the Mr James Morton of Morton and Eden, total stood at 749. This is largely due to the expansion Ms Emily Barber of Bonhams, Ms Chantelle of the Portable Antiquities Scheme in 2003, when 21 Waddingham of Bonhams, Mr Mark Bowis of Christie’s, new Finds Liaison Officers were appointed across the Ms Judith Nugee of Christie’s, Mr Peter Clayton of country. Finds Liaison Officers play a crucial role in the Seaby’s, Ms Joanna van der Lande, Mr Richard Falkiner effective operation of the Treasure Act, encouraging and Mr Peter Spencer. I would like to express my finders to report their finds and guiding them through appreciation of their knowledge and advice. the Treasure process: 97 per cent of finds of Treasure are reported to the Finds Liaison Officer in the Funding bodies play an essential role in supporting the first instance. acquisition of Treasure finds by museums, particularly the Art Fund, the V&A/MLA Purchase Grant Fund, and I would like to congratulate those finders who promptly the Headley Museums Treasure Acquisition Scheme report their finds in accordance with the Code of (www.headleytreasures.org.uk), which operates in Practice on Responsible Metal Detecting. I am glad to conjunction with the Purchase Grant Fund. record the results of their actions in this Report and to praise them for their enthusiasm for and commitment In January 2006, my Department launched a new to the responsible practice of their hobby. 94 per initiative to encourage finders and landowners to cent of the finds in this Report were found by metal- consider donating finds to museums, by giving detector users and I would like to acknowledge the certificates to all those who have waived their rights role that the National Council for Metal Detecting to a reward. It is very encouraging that in this Report has played, not only in disseminating advice and interested parties have waived their rights to a reward information to its members, but also in communicating in 25 cases in 2005 and a further 44 in 2006. the views and experiences of those members back to my Department. FOREWORD 4 5 CORONERS BILL UNREPOrted FINDS OF POTENTIAL TREASURE other national heritage agencies and museums in the In the Treasure Annual Report 2004 it was noted that Since October 2006 MLA and the BM has had United Kingdom and the Crown Dependencies, had the Government had published a draft Coroners an agreement with eBay to monitor the site for commissioned Oxford Archaeology to carry out a and Death Certification Bill which would include a unreported Treasure. During the first year 183 cases survey of illegal metal detecting. The data-gathering number of amendments to the Treasure Act, including, were questioned and the number of potential Treasure phase of this project is now complete and a report will most significantly, a single coroner who would deal on eBay finds has declined markedly over the course of be published later in 2008. with all cases of Treasure from England & Wales. The the year. One member of staff has become a Special Government has now included this Bill in its Draft Police Constable with the Metropolitan Police Service’s Legislative Programme 2008/09, published in May 2008. Art & Antiques Unit. Roger Bland, OBE INCREASE IN TREASURE caSES It was also noted in the previous Treasure Annual Head of the Department of Portable Antiquities This year’s Annual Report, which includes details of 592 Report that English Heritage, in partnership with and Treasure, British Museum cases from 2005 and 665 from 2006, compared with 506 in the 2004 Report and 427 in the 2003 Report, reflects the continuing increase in Treasure cases which TABLE 1. ANALYSIS OF 2005 FINDS BY PERIOD AND TYPE OF OBJECT is the consequence of the expansion of the Portable Antiquities Scheme in 2003. NOT TO BE OBJECTS ACQUIRED DOnated DISCLAIMED TOtal TREASURE DETERMINED ACQUISITION OF TREASURE BY MUSEUMS Bronze Age 25 6 7 - 4 42 282 new Treasure finds have been, or are being, Iron Age 5 2 1 - 8 acquired by museums, while 557 have been disclaimed, Roman 6 3 27 5 4 45 206 were deemed not to be Treasure and 212 cases are Early Medieval 36 3 22 1 7 69 still to be determined. Index B lists those museums that Medieval 25 2 79 3 11 120 have acquired finds. Post-Medieval 34 4 94 2 4 138 18th–20th - - - 53 - 53 Over the past four years museums have acquired centuries more cases of Treasure as the overall numbers of Undiagnostic - - 8 14 - 22 finds reported as Treasure has increased. However, Total 131 18 239 79 30 497 the proportion of finds acquired by museums in Coins comparison with those disclaimed has remained remarkably constant. Iron Age 7 - 2 1 1 11 Roman 13 4 23 5 7 52 As in previous years museums have received help to Early Medieval 3 - - - 1 4 enable them to acquire Treasure from the Art Fund (12 Medieval 6 2 6 - 3 17 cases: nos. 12, 30, 67, 82, 199, 251, 252, 425, 528, 537, Post-Medieval 0 1 6 1 3 11 1132, 1187), the V&A/MLA Purchase Grant Fund (28 Total 29 7 37 7 15 95 cases: nos. 12, 30, 32, 34, 199, 224, 257, 266, 267, 269, Grand Total 160 25 276 86 45 592 271, 275, 318, 340, 402, 417, 508, 511, 537, 561, 1041, 1061, 1062, 1072, 1111, 1127, 1187, 1189) and the TABLE 2. ANALYSIS OF 2006 FINDS BY PERIOD AND TYPE OF OBJECT Headley Museums Treasure Acquisition Fund (26 cases: nos. 7, 12, 30, 32, 67, 82, 120, 199, 224, 257, 266, 271, NOT TO BE 272, 318, 340, 402, 417, 425, 508, 511, 561, 722, 1062, OBJECTS ACQUIRED DOnated DISCLAIMED TOtal TREASURE DETERMINED 1111, 1126, 1187).
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