THE ANALYSIS OF UNITED KINGDOM DEFENCE POLICY UNDER TONY BLAIR (2001-2007) AND DAVID CAMERON (2010-2016) ADMINISTRATION IN THE CASE OF 9/11 AND ARAB SPRING By IRANTI MANTASARI 016201300070 A Thesis presented to Faculty of Humanity President University In partial fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelor Degree in International Relations Concentration in Defense and Strategic Studies January 2017 ii iii iv ABSTRACT Title: The Analysis of United Kingdom Defence Policy Under Tony Blair (2001- 2007) and David Cameron (2010-2016) Administration In The Case of 9/11 and Arab Spring Ever since the end of the Cold War, especially after 9/11 attack in 2001, the security in world politics has become more complex. This has urged world leaders, including Tony Blair and David Cameron to maintain strong and firm defence policy as the main tool to deter the threats posed to UK. The emergence of the uprising during Arab Spring also brought the impact towards the security of UK. Terrorism as the effect of 9/11 and dictatorship in the emergence of Arab Spring were perceived threatening UK national security and national interest. Hence, building the security relations with regional organizations is deem necessary for UK to form a strong alliance to also deter the threats. However, defence policy implemented by states is most likely affected by the idiosyncratic factors or personal characteristics of the leaders. This particular research centered upon the explanation of the relations between the idiosyncratic factors of Tony Blair and David Cameron with the defence policy implementation as the response of 9/11 and Arab Spring, by analyzing the threat perception, national interest, and strategic environment of the leaders. The time frame of the research is the second to third term of Blair administration (2001-2007) and the first to early second term of Cameron’s administration (2010-2016). Qualitative method with the descriptive order will be utilized to analyze the defence policy implementation during the two former prime ministers administration. This research aims to find the similarities or differences of the defence policy implemented by Tony Blair and David Cameron during their administration. Keywords: Tony Blair, David Cameron, United Kingdom, Defence Policy, Idiosyncratic Factors, 9/11, Arab Spring v ABSTRAK Judul: Analisis Kebijakan Pertahanan Inggris pada masa Pemerintahan Tony Blair (2001-2007) dan David Cameron (2010-2016) dalam Kasus 9/11 dan Arab Spring Sejak berakhirnya Perang Dingin, terutama setelah serangan 9/11 pada tahun 2001, keamanan di politik secara global menjadi lebih kompleks. Hal ini telah mendorong para pemimpin dunia, termasuk Tony Blair dan David Cameron untuk menerapkan kebijakan pertahanan yang kuat dan kokoh sebagai alat utama dalam melawan ancaman yang ditujukan pada Inggris. Munculnya pemberontakan ketika Arab Spring juga membawa dampak pada keamanan Inggris. Terorisme sebagai akibat dari peristiwa 9/11 dan kediktatoran pada kemunculan Arab Spring dianggap mengancam keamanan nasional dan kepentingan nasional Inggris. Oleh sebab itu, membangun hubungan keamanan dengan organisasi-organisasi regional dianggap perlu bagi Inggris untuk membentuk aliansi yang kuat untuk melawan ancaman. Akan tetapi, kebijakan pertahanan yang diimplementasikan oleh suatu negara akan sangat mungkin dipengaruhi oleh faktor idiosinkratik atau karakter personal dari para pemimpin tersebut. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada penjelasan hubungan antara faktor idiosinkratik Tony Blair dan David Cameron dalam implementasi kebijakan pertahanan sebagai respon dari 9/11 dan Arab Spring, dengan menganalisis persepsi ancaman, kepentingan nasional, dan lingkungan strategis para pemimpin. Kerangka waktu penelitian ini adalah periode kedua dan ketiga pemerintahan Tony Blair (2001-2007) dan periode pertama hingga awal periode kedua pemerintahan David Cameron (2010-2016). Metode kualitatif dalam kerangka deskriptif akan digunakan untuk menganalisis implementasi kebijakan pertahanan semasa pemerintahan kedua perdana menteri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan persamaan atau perbedaan dari kebijakan pertahanan yang diimplementasikan oleh Tony Blair dan David Cameron semasa pemerintahannya. Kata Kunci: Tony Blair, David Cameron, Inggris, Kebijakan Pertahanan, Faktor Idiosinkratik, 9/11, Arab Spring vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Alhamdulillahirabbil ‘alamin. Praise be to Allah who still give me the opportunity to live up to this university life and has showered His blessings to me up until today. Allah the Almighty saying in the Quran, “Allah does not charge a soul except with what it can bear. (2:286)” has strengthened me that everything faced by human will not exceed our capacity. He is also the One who ease my college study until I can step myself up to the very last phase of my bachelor study: thesis. Without His permission and guidance, I will not be able to finish this masterpiece. I also would like to express my thank you and gratitude to those who sincerely have supported and encouraged me to finish this very work: 1. Prof. Anak Agung Banyu Perwita, Ph. D as my first thesis adviser and also one of my influential lecturers during my study in President University, who has spared his time in the midst of his activities inside and outside campus to thoroughly advised my thesis writing. Also to sir Indra Alverdian, S.S, M.Si who has advised and gave inputs towards my thesis. Both’s supports and encouragement are something I couldn’t pay with anything. 2. The rest of the lecturers of International Relations Study Program who have shared they knowledge to us, since I enter this university in 2013 until I finished my college study in 2017. The knowledge which will be useful for our future. 3. My fellow colleagues of International Relations batch 2013, especially those who are taking Defense and Security Studies. We have done our ‘hard power’ to every details of our thesis guys! 4. To Hei Sei People: Ima, Uum, Intan, Yos, and Nani, thank you for everything that we have been through and our 7 years togetherness and still counting forward. Thank you for the humor-to-hereafter discussion and the reciprocal encouragement to finish our last stage of university. Arigatou Gozaimasu geurigo Saranghamnida! 5. My little group discussion since the very first of our consentration, Cute Socks/Poached Eggs: Lanny, Marella, Gaby, and Ronald, thank you for the knowledge sharing and everything since 5th to 10th semester, that is worth to everything. Also, you guys also made me as an “IR student”. And I can’t be vii more thankful for the simulations we did to prepare our thesis defense, the inputs for my slide, just, thank you guys. Thank you.. 6. For Ega, who became my dorm-mate and all classes-mate before our concentration program, and she even became my kons-mate at AA3. Thankyou for everything that we’ve been through, Negah! Thank you for coming to Cikarang from Jakarta only to watch my thesis defense and backed my back. I love you lah, Ga! 7. For Jihan-Jeje, my very first Arab-Sunda-roommate when I enter this university. Syukran katsir for everything we’ve been through together in that B12-24 tiny room and PS: I won’t forget when we were freezing because of the AC-remote was ran out of battery. Don’t you Je? 8. For Zhaty Thibiya-Jate, my sister from another mother. Thankyou for the motivations, supports, laugh, silliness and sisterhood. Thankyou for all memories we’ve shared and those “Te, Behave!” stuffs back then. You know I love you, right? Even though I’m not involved in GAM. 9. For Rafia tapi CIDIS and Mustamir’s angels ukhties: Onie, Putri, Dita, Ahdha, Arsy, Mitha, Kak Etak, Namira, jazaakunnallahu khayran katsir for everything, the laughs, shared memories, the dinners, and so on. I can’t be more thankful to Allah for knowing you in this college life. Ana Uhibbukunna Fillah! 10. Ukhties from Zahirul Ma’ala, my one and only organization in President Univeristy and other friends that I cannot even mentioned all of the names here, thank you very much for the memories, laugh, support, and encouragement you guys gave to me. It worths to everything! 11. Last but not least, my dearests Mantasari: Ibu, Bapak, Buchil, Abuy, and Fatih which by the time Kholah finish this thesis you are still in Buchil’s womb, tons of thank you for the endless prayers, support and cheers. You know my ups and downs in finishing this thesis. And this thesis is presented to you. Everyone mentioned here, Allah is the One who will rewards all of you much better than I could ever give, if not in dunya, then in the hereafter. Cikarang, January 2017 Iranti Mantasari viii TABLE OF CONTENTS THESIS ADVISER RECOMMENDATION LETTER .... Error! Bookmark not defined. DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY .............................. Error! Bookmark not defined. PANEL OF EXAMINER APPROVAL SHEET ............... Error! Bookmark not defined. ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................... v ABSTRAK ......................................................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................ vii TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................... ix LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................. xi LIST OF FIGURES .........................................................................................................
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