40 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW JANUARY,1931 While only a few flashes were observed, the “howler”’ extreme southern region in the following periods: 8th- on the composite telephone was very noisy, sounding like loth, 18th-20th) 24th-26thj and 27th-29th. Anticyclones, static on a radio. This was probably due to lightning all moving from southern Chile toward Argentina, were near Port Angeles. The Navy radio operator said that charted from 4th to 7th, 12th to 17th, and 24th to 26th. he had not noticed any lightning, but that the static had December.-Despite the advance of the season the been bad all night. atmospheric circulation continued active, ending in a severe storm in the south near the summer solstice. Well CLIMATOLOGICAL SUMMARY FOR CHILE NOVEMBER AND defined depressions crossed the southern region during the DECEMBER, 1930 periods 2d-3d, lOth-l3th, and 18th-2lst. Anticyclones By J. BU~TOSNAVARRETE showed but little intensity, the one with greatest develop- [Observstorio del Salto, Santiago, Chile] ment being that of the 22d-26th moving from southern November.-Atmospheric circulation was less active Chile toward northeastern Argentina and Brazil.-Trans- than in October. Important depressions crossed the luted by W. W. Reed. 1 The composite phones “ring” hy a buzzer +rrangement which is heard through the “howler.” This is nothing more than a receiver with a small horn to amplify the ;,ound. It is connected to the line so that any noise on the line is heard through the howler.” FRANKLIN G. TINGLEY, 1871-1931 Franklin Ginn Tingley was born October 8, 1871, at for many years he was connected with the administrative Marion, Ind., and died at Hyattsville, Md., January 26, branch of the bureau. 1931. He was educated at the public schools of his native Meanwhile he became deeply interested in certain sci- town and at Purdue University, from which he was gradu- entific problems, especially as bearing upon the question ated with the degree of bachelor of civil engineering. He of extending the period of weather forecasts. In June, was appointed to the Weather Bureau July 16, 1898, 1916, he was assigned to the climatological division to and was one of tha pioneer observzrs of the West Indian pursue his studies of forecasting and also to take charge weather service organized by the bureau during the of the marine section of that division. On April I, 1920, Spanish-American War primarily for the protection of the marine section was made a separate division, and the American fleet in Caribbean waters. After a brief Tingley became its chief. He served in this capacity up period of instruction at Washington, he served at Icings- to the time of his death. The marine work of the bureau ton, Jamaica, as assistant to W. B. Stockman, who was was greatly enlarged under his capable direction, includ- in charge of the West Indian service. When the head- ing, aniang its more recent developments, a comprehen- quarters of the service were moved from Kingston to sive revision of wind-roses for the Pilot Charts and the Habana in January, 1899, Tingley remained at Kingston beginnings of a far-reachixg study of surfacewater tem- in charge of the station. In June, 1899, he was trans- peratures. ferred to Habana. In -4ugust, 1899, on account of illness, Modest, gentle, and unselfish to an estraordinary de- he was recalled to the United St’ates, and served succes- gree, Tingley won the affection of everybody with whom sively at the Atlanta, Wilmington, and Jacksonville sta- he came in contact. His death was a grievous personal tions of the Weather Bureau. In November, 1901, he loss to his late colleagues and associates.-0. F. T. was assigned to the central office at Washington, where BIBLIOGRAPHY C. FITZHUGHTALMAN, in charge of Library RECENT ADDITIONS International commission for the study of clouds. International atlas of clouds and of states of the sky. Abridged The following have been selected from among the titles edition for the use of observers. Paris. 1930. ii, 41 p. of books recently received as representing those most 41 plates. 32 cm. likely to be useful to Weather Bureau officials in their Internationallr rapport meteorological de la Commission organisation. internationale de l’annbe polaire meteorological work and studies: 1932-1933. Compte-rendu des travaus de la commission pendant sa premikre annee de travail. Prochs-verbaux- Ashbel, Dob. des seances de la reunion A Leningrad aoQt 1930. Leyde. Die Niederschlagsverhiiltnisse im sodlichen Libanon, in 1930. iv, 152 p. figs. plates. 24}< cm. (Sec. de I’Organ. Palastina und im nordlichen Sinai. Berlin. 1930. 79.p. met. internat. No. 6.) figs. 23 cm. (1naug.-Dissert. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univ. Kochergin, V. Berlin.) Atmosferny’e osadki Zakavkraz’ia. Tiflia. 1928. xxv, 347 Clyde, George D. p. 25 cm. [Rainfall in Transcaucasia.] (Tranacaucasian Establishing snow courses and making snow surveya. Lo an. water admin. Div. sci. invest. no. 51.) n. d. 16 p. illus. 23 cm. (Utah agric. exper. ata. 8rc. McEwens George F- 91. Dec. 193G.) Results of evaporation studies conducted at the Scripps institution of oceanography and the California institute Gall6, P. H. of technology. Berkeley. 1930. p, 401-415. 275 cm. Klimatologie van den Indischen Oceaen. V. Neerslag. VI. (Bull. Scripps inst. ocean., Tech. ser., v. 2, no. 11.) Frequentie van luchtdrukkingen en stormachtige winden. pettersson, Vilhelm I., & pettersson, VII. Tropische cyclonen. Amsterdam. n. d. 31 p. Cartes spnoptiques triniestrielles donnant la temperature et illus. plate (fold.). 24 cm. (IC. Ned. met. inst. no. 102. la alinit6 de l’eau de surface de l’oc6an Atlantique Nord. Med. en verh. 29c.) n. p. n. d. [3 p.] fig. plates (fold.) 35 cm. Harmer. Paul M. Richard, W. Prevention of wind injury to crops on muck land. East Wetter und Verkehrswesen. v. p. figs. 30 cm. (Die Reichs- Lansing. n. d. 8 p. illus. 23% cm. (Agric. exper. sta. hahn. nr. 37-39. Jahrg. 1929. 11, lS, 25 Sept.) Mich. state coll. Soils sec. Circ. bull. no. 103. March, Welter, L. 1927.) Note sur I’organisation de la protection ln6tborologique de la HSlcke, Theodor. navigation ebrienne en Afrique Occidentale Franpaise. Der Einfluss der Hohenlage auf die Niederschliige in Thuringen. [Paris. 1930.1 S p. figs. 2534 cm. (Bull. du comm d’6tudes Weimar. (1930. 47 p. figs. map (fold.). 21 cm. (Mitt. hist. et scient. de 1’Afrique Occident. Franc. Annee 1930. der Thiir. Landeswett. Heft 2.) T. 13.) Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/30/21 11:47 AM UTC.
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