Making a difference. Since 1365. Making a difference. Since 1365. 1 Preface The University of Vienna has a clear social mission: to educate the next generation of students and conduct research to contribute to the further development of our location’s capacity for innovation. The University’s openness to new ideas is therefore the driving force of research, enabling it to find answers to the greatest issues of our time. With 6,900 academics at 20 faculties and centres, the University provides strong impetus by presenting novel findings and developing innovative solutions. In the field of research, it cooperates with indus- try, cultural institutions and society. Approximately 10,000 students graduate from the University of Vienna every year. The University prepares them for a professional career and encourages critical thinking and self-determined decision-making. The University makes a difference in society and contributes significantly to Vienna’s position as a city of science. Join us as we take you on a journey through the University of Vienna on the following pages. You may well be surprised by its diversity. Heinz W. Engl Rector of the University of Vienna Making a difference. Since 1365. 2 Making a difference. Since 1365. 3 People at the University of Vienna Notable figures from the past and present Kurt Friedrich Gödel . Ingeborg Bachmann . Hilde Spiel . Ludwig Boltzmann . Ernst Fehr Helga Nowotny . Friedrich August von Hayek . Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach . Hans Kelsen Lise Meitner . Bruno Kreisky . Carl Auer von Welsbach . Stefan Zweig . Anton Bruckner Elisabeth Bleyleben-Koren . Martin Nowak . Brigitte Ederer . Marietta Blau . Berta Karlik Hugo von Hofmannsthal . Hertha Firnberg . Gabriele Possanner . Pascale Ehrenfreund Hugo Portisch . Elise Richter . Rudolf Kirschschläger . Moritz Schlick . Grete Mostny-Glaser Erwin Schrödinger . Eduard Suess . Erika Weinzierl . Johanna Rachinger . Marie Jahoda Karl Landsteiner . Charlotte Bühler . Stefan Ruzowitzky . Sigmund Freud . Elfriede Jelinek Heinz Fischer . Danielle Spera . Olga Taussky-Todd . Johann Radon . Oskar Morgenstern Making a difference. Since 1365. 4 Making a difference. Since 1365. 5 The driving force of a global city The Habsburg Empire has been and gone, but the oldest university in the Ger- man-speaking world is still standing. The University’s Main Building is located in the heart of one of the world’s most liveable cities. It was opened in 1884 as one of the ensemble of buildings along the Ringstrasse boulevard. The Burgtheater (national theatre), the Vienna City Hall and the Parliament are immediate neigh- bours on the grand boulevard. The diversity that has evolved at Austria’s largest research and educational insti- tution continues to provide strength and give impetus to the social and econom- ic changes taking place in a global city. The University is committed to openness and the guiding principle of curiosity in which its interdisciplinary approach is one of its major strengths. With innovative research, research-led teaching, approximately 10,000 graduates, 1,100 events and 350 (inter)national conferences and meetings every year, the University’s influence extends around the world. Making a difference. Since 1365. 6 Making a difference. Since 1365. 7 TheDie Universität University Wien of Vienna in Zahlen in numbers GraduatesAbsolventInnen StudierendeStudents ApproximatelyMit ihrer Expertise 10,000 bereichern students jährlich graduate rund RundEvery 14.000year, more beginnen than 16,000jedes Jahr students zu start their from10.000 the AbsolventInnen University of Vienna der Universität each year, studieren,studies at rundthe University 10.000 schließen of Vienna, jedes while more enrichingWien den theArbeitsmarkt. labour market Nach with dem their Stu- Jahrthan ein 10,000 Studium complete an der their Universität degree programmes. expertise.dium an der Graduates Universität of theWien University sind sie of Wien60 percent ab. 60 of Prozent the students der Studierenden are women and the Viennain unterschiedlichsten go on to work in Branchen a wide range tätig oderof sindpercentage Frauen, of im women Doktorat in doctoral liegt der programmes sectorsstarten eineor pursue wissenschaftliche careers in academia. Karriere. , Frauenanteilamounts to approximately bei knapp 50 Prozent.50 per cent. 94.00088,800 1010.000FakultätenFaculties und and Zentren centres000 MuseMuse SportkurseSport courses Von derBoth Vielfalt research unter and einem teaching Dach profitierenbenefit from Forschung the immense und Lehre. diversity Die that Universität is under Wien KastaliaCastalia ist is in the der muse griechischen of inspiration Mythologie in Greek die mythology. Muse der Inspiration.She is beherbergtone roof. Fakultäten The University und Zentren of Vienna für Katholischeis home to the und Faculties Evangelische of Catholic Theologie, and Alsimmortalised Brunnen verewigt as a fountain ruht sie statue mittig in im the Arkadenhof middle of des the Hauptge-Main Psychologie,Protestant Philosophie Theology; und Psychology; Bildungswissenschaft, Philosophy and Rechtswissenschaft, Education; Law; Business, Wirtschafts- bäudes.Building’s In einer Arcaded Kunstinstallation Courtyard. An macht art installation der lange Schattencasting a derlong Muse wissenschaften,Economics andInformatik, Statistics; Philologische Computer Science; und Historische Philological Kulturwissenschaften, and Cultural Studies; aufshadow den Jahrhunderte of the muse währendenacross the Arcaded Ausschluss Courtyard von Frauen draws von atten höhe-- Mathematik,Historical Chemie, and Cultural Physik, Studies; Sozialwissenschaften, Mathematics; Chemistry; Lebenswissenschaften, Physics; Social Geowissen- rertion Bildung to the aufmerksam. fact that women Kastalia were wird excluded heute fromvon sieben higher Denkmälern education schaftenSciences; sowie LifeGeographie Sciences undand EarthAstronomie, Sciences, Translationswissenschaft, Geography and Astronomy, Sportwissen as well- vonfor bedeutendencenturies. Today, Wissenschafterinnen Castalia is flanked flankiert. by monuments Die Muse to istseven auch 2,533 2.474The University of Vienna gets people schaft,as theMolekulare Centres forBiologie Translation und LehrerInnenbildung. Studies; Sport Science, Molecular Biology, Micro- Namenspatininfluential female des ersten academics. Ruder-Achters The muse der also Universität lends her Wien. name to Die Universität bewegt: Mehr als 43.000 moving: Every year, approximately biology and Environmental Systems Science, as well as Teacher Education. the first eight of the University of Vienna’s rowing club. Sportbegeisterte nutzen jedes Jahr das 45,000 sport enthusiasts sign up for the Angebot des Universitäts-Sportinstituts: courses provided by the University Sport von Ballspielen über Kampfkunst, Tanz, WissenschafterInnen ERC Grants Nationen Institute – ranging from ball sports and Academics ERC grants Nations Turnen bis Wassersport. Wintersportkurse martial arts to dance, gymnastics and Die Universität Wien hat sich der anwendungsoffenen Grundlagenfor- Insgesamt sind Studierende aus 140 für Skifahren, Langlauf oder Snowboard water sports. Most winter sport courses schungThe University verschrieben of Vienna und and mit its ihr 6,900 rund academics 6.600 WissenschafterInnen. are committed Rund NationenIn total, 130 an different der Universität nations Wien are finden vor allem im Sportzentrum Dienten 20 1 in downhill skiing, cross-country skiing einto basic Drittel research der wissenschaftlichen open to application. MitarbeiterInnen Approximately an one der third größten of For- vertreten.represented 25 amongProzent the der students Studierenden of (in Salzburg) statt. or snowboarding take place at the schungs-the academic und Bildungseinrichtungstaff at Austria’s largest Österreichs research stammt and educational aus dem Ausland. stammenthe University aus anderenof Vienna. EU-Staaten. More than institution come from abroad. a quarter of all students admitted sports centre in Dienten am Hochkönig 40+ 180 (Salzburg, Austria). to the University of Vienna are from ~ ~180Degree programmes Das61+ European Research Council (ERC) Studien fördertThe European Forschungsprojekte Research Council mit hohem (ERC) other EU member states. Innovationspotenzial.supports research projects Seit 2007 that bekamen have high The extensiveDas reichhaltige range of degree Studienangebot programmes umfasst includes 56 Bachelorstudien. 56 bachelor’s programmes. 120 Erweite - ForscherInneninnovation potential. der Universität Since 2007, Wien more über 143 extensionrungscurricula curricula ermöglichen enable students individuelle to focus Schwerpunktsetzungen, on topics of their choice, welche equipping die 40than ERC 61Grants ERC grantszugesprochen: have been 14 awarded Advanced to them withStudierenden the specialist mit competencesSpezial-Kompetenzen needed to auf pursue weiterführende master’s programmes. Masterstudien Fur - Grants,academics 5 Consolidator at the University Grants, of21 Vienna: Starting thermore:vorbereiten. 106 master’s Darüber programmes, hinaus: 103 2 diplomaMasterstudien, programmes 2 Diplomstudien and 26 school und 27subjects Unter- GrantsAdvanced und ein Grants, ERC ConsolidatorProof of Concept. Grants, and a specialisationrichtsfächer für for Lehramtsstudierende students enrolled on sowie teacher 13 educationPhD-Curricula. programmes as well 6.600 Starting Grants and Proofs of Concept. 140130 as 8 doctoral programmes with more than 80 fields of doctoral research. Offen für Neues. Seit 1365. 8 Offen
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