Eastern Michigan University DigitalCommons@EMU Alumni News University Archives 1983 Eastern Today, August 1983 Eastern Michigan University Follow this and additional works at: http://commons.emich.edu/alumni_news Recommended Citation Eastern Michigan University, "Eastern Today, August 1983" (1983). Alumni News. 57. http://commons.emich.edu/alumni_news/57 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at DigitalCommons@EMU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Alumni News by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@EMU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • I • o-Tice fer Alu,mi ReliftiortS E.ULK RATE 2(2 M::Kenny Union 'Jen-Profit Org. IJ.3. POSTAG= Easten M ichi5an U ni\.oCr,;i:y Ypsila,t1, Michigan 4819"7 PAID Cli..e Branch, MS =>amit No. 171 • I • Classic Black writing nstruments are attractively gift packaged. Suggested retail prices arc: ball pen or pencil $16.50, the set $33.00, soft tip pen $24.00, ball pen and soft tip 1>cn $40.50. • Volume I, number l EASUrn Today is published mne times a year for alumni and J;iends of Contents £astern Mkhigan LJ,iiw•rsity. PrUthlC'ed b_r the 0/fic e uj /11/Urmatiun I f Servifes and Publications. Ad,•ertising 2 Home Sweet Home represemative: Unit•ersity NetK·ork Publishing. Inc., 667 Mo,lison Ave., EMU's campus has been home for countless students Suilt'601, Ne.... · York, New York �' .A., over the years. Now it's gearing up to welcome them /()()}/. Views expresjed in Ea.surn ........-,. Today by conlributing \\'filers are nol back for Homecoming '83. ne<"t'ssorily those of the Unfrersity. EASTERN TODAY 6 Education: Politics, Professionalism, Progress, Pride . PUBLICATIONS and Pearl COMMITTEE Jim Brunnemer, director of alumni The College of Education chapter of the EMU Alumni relations Association presents a Homecoming conference Cathy Can,onctta, a))i)tant d1rc1.;tor featuring EMU alumni Carl Pursell, Donald Cameron of alumni rcla11oni> Deborah Koroch, coordinator of and Ronald Edmonds ... plus Pearl Bailey! alumni relations Kathleen Tinney. director of informalion services and publications Departments Sue McKenz.ic, editor Marty HcatQr, student intern 4 Coast to Coast Larry Schcfncr, graphic designer Dick Schwarze, photographer 5 Eastern Today 8 Campus News LUMNI ASSOCIATION l E Sports �� � ��rtin. '67. Class Notes president 1310 Normajean I. Anderson, 'J5. '44, 1st Ivice president Nick M. Madias. '59.·so. 2nd·s1. vice president Joan Doerner Hartsock, '72, treasurer Mary Wiermanski. secretary John W. Porter , ex-officio member ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS On the Cover Robert A. Ackerman. '55, '74 The band, the cheerleaders and the football players all are part Charles Eugene Beatty: '34 of the Homecoming spirit. Graphics Supervisor Larry Scheffler Mar garet McCall Bell, '52. '73 captures that spirit in the cover illustration, which also gives a Donald M. Currie. '47 glimpse of Starkweather Hall and the Water Tower, two of Judith Mansfield Goodman. '62, '71 Charles M. Greig, ·44 Eastern's oldest landmarks. For more on this year's VanLc1ti M. Hamilton. '49 Homecoming, turn to the story on page two. Shirley Green Hou�eman, "69 Joan Rieman Mo.st, '69, '72 Ronald E. Oc�trike, '54 John G. Rosenberg. '69. ·73 James E. Rynearson, '56, ·57 Robcn 8. Stone, 'SJ Earl E. Studt, '32 Eric W. Walline. '71, '7M, ·79 Barbara B. Wei». '59, '69 John H. Wood, '7 I. '74 Ann Marie Foley, �tudcnt rcpre�cntati\·e BOARD OF REGENTS Richard :"\. Kohb, cha1rmJn Beth Wharton Milford, vice chairperson arrcn L. Board • mothy J. Dyer. '61. '65 l.icraldinc M. Ellington Dolorc) A. Kin,cl William Simmons, '42 Geneva Y. Titsworth. "6M, ·72 EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY 1 • By Marty Heator A kiss on the cheek from mom, a pat on toward alumni. On Friday, Homecoming the back from dad, a lick on the hand from will be kicked off with the College of your dog and the aroma of good home Education Conference-"Politics, Profes­ cookin'. Ah, yes ... there's no place like sionalism, Pr<?gress and Pride in Educa­ home. Home is where the heart is, and "There's No Place Like Home," and this tion." The conference will feature Pearl home is where the family sits around the year's get-together will prove different Bailey, the well-known entertainer who living room on a lazy afternoon sharing than any of its predecessors. went back to school to get a degree. Other memories. "We will have something for everyone," speakers will include Donald Cameron, BS Several thousand EMU students have, Brunnemer said. "We'll start with the '61, MA '62, who heads the 1.7 million­ at one time or another, made their home on Education Conference on Friday and end member National Education Association; Eastern's campus. As students, they shared Carl Pursell, BA '57, MA '62, representa­ with each other both the rigors of classes tive of the 2nd U.S. Congressional District; and the enjoyment of college life. In the and Ronald Edmonds, '67, professor and process, they became part of a family-the member of the Institute for Research on university family-and when they finally Teaching at Michigan State University. left Eastern, they did so with a bundle of If you have family ties in the College of memories, as well as a degree. Health and Human Services, then you can And just as family members lounge in the living room reminiscing, members of make your way to King Hall for a recep­ tion for alumni of the college. The recep­ EM U's family get together each year to rub tion, scheduled from 5-7 p.m., is for all elbows and chat during Homecoming. graduates of that college and will ''high- Homecoming, a chance for Eastern grads light and honor people who have do to go back to their former "home away outstanding work in the field," accordingl from home," is a long-standing tradition to Lyla Spelbring, acting dean. "One alu that is taking on new dimensions this year. will be honored from each program within "The alumni will be the most important the college. Their names will be engraved people on campus during Homecoming on a permanent plaque in the King Hall weekend," according to Jim Brunnemer, with the Midnight Champagne Breakfast lounge," she said. director of alumni relations. "Our job is to on Saturday night." reunite them with their university-their During the two-day period, there will The "Golden Years Reception" is a gath­ 'home away from home.' This will give be 17 different events-each one geared ering of alumni who graduated 50 years or them a chance to re-establish and re­ more ago. It will be at McKenny Union awaken their ties with EMU." from 5-7 p.m. and is being coordinated by The theme for the 1983 Homecoming celebration, to be held Oct. 14-15, is t ......._ -- --��' ..,...." IWa"" , .• 2 EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Greg Liechty, BS '32, and Thora Budd, '32. will be :i;:n.paredfor day t\\.c , of this "family Another attraction for sports far:s will As the day draws to a close, you may reunion" The ce ebration 1:1ifts into high be a set of various activities sponsored by gear \\.iththe Co]ege of Ar..s andSciences want to take a stroll to the field adjacent to women's athletics, tentatively planned for Hoyt Conference Center. A pep rally for carniv:il :rom � a.m. tc noon. "This Warner Gym. the football team will be held by the light of w/ll gi·,e a.urns a chance to neetand greet," On top of these meetings, lunches and Brunre:n.r said. At the sa:oetime, alumni a bonfire, and a fireworks display will cap brunches, there will be ample opportunity off the evening. In the meantime, there will of the Cepartrnent of H:!alth, Physical for members of Eastern's Greek communi­ Educctioa, Recr�ation arc Dance are in­ be a get-together uniting alumni and cur- ty to renew old family ties. Various Greek vited tc· .:t brunch in Warner Gym. "All 1ent s,uctent government leaders. Student organizations will hold pre-game open Body President Dave Taylor said the event grads cf the physical ecu:ation depart­ houses, post-game parties and semi-formal ment :ire welcorre," said D.r. Patric Cava­ is scheduled, but a time and place has not dinner dances. The Arm of Honor, Delta naugt-_, departmenthead. �There will be an been determined. Sigma Phi, Kappa Phi Alpha and Lambda 'Outst.ir.dng Altunnus Awad' given also." What if you are the athletic type, and Chi Alpha are among the fraternities and you start getting itchy for some action after sororities sponsoring events. Others in­ a while? No need to worry, your "home clude Theta Chi, Tau Kappa Epsilon, away from home" has the cure for what ails Sigma Alpha Mu and Phi Sigma Epsilon. you. Bowen Fieldhouse will be the site of After taking in the Greek parties, a trip an alumni basketball game at 10:30 p.m. to Rynearson Stadium before the I:30 Men's head basketball coach Jim Boyce is football game with Northern Illinois Uni­ organizing the event, which will feature versity undoubtedly will be worth your EMU alumni challenging a variety of while. The smell of authentic bratwurst opponents on the hardwood. "We may sausage will filter through the air as you have alumni versus alumni, alumni versus make your way to the College of Business members of the media or alumni versus "Brats 'n Beer Tent." The tent, pitched next staff," Boyce said.
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