12 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE January 3, 2001 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The We widely acclaim his innovative ap- [From the Baltimore Sun, Dec. 31, 2000] clerk will call the roll. proaches within the Navy and most re- JANET L. HOFFMAN DIES; LOBBYIST, ADVISER The legislative clerk proceeded to cently, focused senior leaders on his ac- TO CITY call the roll. quisition innovations. FINANCE EXPERT STEERED STATE AID TO Mr. BAYH. Madam President, I ask From December 1991 to May 1996, Mr. BALTIMORE unanimous consent that the order for Boyer was the Senior Procurement Ex- (By C. Fraser Smith) the quorum call be rescinded. ecutive for the Federal Management Janet L. Hoffman, a lobbyist whose polit- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. LIN- Agency. In this capacity he directed a ical and financial wizardry helped Baltimore COLN). Without objection, it is so or- nationwide contract, grant, and co- shoulder the burden of urban poverty, died dered. operative agreement program in sup- yesterday of kidney failure at Oak Crest Health Care Center in Parkville. She was 81 f port of the Agency’s all hazard mis- sion. His duties included direct support and had lived in Mount Washington for many TRIBUTE TO MR. ROBERT BOYER years. to the multibillion dollar state and Mr. THURMOND. Mr. President, I A strategist as well as a master of govern- local municipality efforts to improve ment finance, Mrs. Hoffman used Balti- rise to recognize the service and career their disaster mitigation programs, re- more’s fading power with pre-eminent effi- of Mr. Robert Boyer, a member of the sponse, and recovery efforts. From 1971 ciency, building coalitions and making senior executive service, upon his re- to 1991, Mr. Boyer worked in various friends in the highest places. tirement after 33 years of honorable acquisition positions within the De- ‘‘She was the best thing the city had in An- and distinguished service. Throughout partment of Navy. Mr. Boyer served as napolis,’’ said state comptroller and long- his career, he has epitomized the Navy a U.S. Army Infantry Officer from 1968 time Baltimore mayor William Donald Schaefer. ‘‘Everybody trusted her. She never core values of honor, courage, and com- to 1970. mitment and has displayed an excep- misled anybody. Her credibility was 100 per- Mr. Boyer was born in Annandale, cent in Annapolis. She was brilliant.’’ tional ability to advance the Navy’s fa- Virginia, but adopted South Carolina A woman who dressed simply, she walked cilities requirements within the De- as his home while attending the Cita- the corridors of the State House and City partment of Defense and the Congress. del where he earned his Masters in Hall in one of the many berets she wore. I commend him for a superb career of Business Administration. He is married ‘‘She had a passion for the city that drove service to the Navy, our great Nation, to the former Julie Mandell. He and her,’’ said Marvin Mandel, Maryland’s gov- and my home state of South Carolina. Julie have a son, Robby, and a daugh- ernor in the 1970s. ‘‘Everybody respected her. Mr. Boyer received the 2000 Presi- She was aggressive, too. But in the end, she ter, Tracy. was one of the most knowledgeable persons dential Rank of Meritorious Executive Madam President, I wish him and his for sustained superior performance, in Annapolis.’’ family the best in his well-deserved re- ‘‘She was the most effective governmental leadership and management. He has a tirement. lobbyist in the history of our state,’’ said distinguished reputation as one of the U.S. Rep. Benjamin L. Cardin. ‘‘I owe my government’s leaders in strategic ac- f sensitivity toward fiscal matters to her.’’ quisition, business innovations, and As Baltimore’s first and longest-serving ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS contract initiatives. As the lead senior lobbyist in Annapolis, she invented a posi- civilian with the Naval Facilities Engi- tion soon copied by the state’s largest sub- neering Command, Mr. Boyer is a vi- divisions as they competed with her for state sionary, directly responsible for the TRIBUTE TO JANET L. HOFFMAN aid. She continued in the job for 33 years, re- ∑ tiring in 1986 but returning as a consultant implementation of new acquisition Ms. MIKULSKI. Mr. President, I rise periodically until 1996, when she left the strategies and innovative operations to bring to the Senate’s attention the State House for good. and organization changes that serve passing of a great and unique woman— Then 77, she had served in city or state Navy operating forces, senior leaders of Janet L. Hoffman. She was described government for almost a half-century. On industry, and other customers world- by the Baltimore Sun as ‘‘a lobbyist her last day of city service, the House of Del- wide. As the Executive Director of Ac- whose political and financial wizardry egates passed a resolution commemorating quisition during the past three years, helped Baltimore shoulder the burden her work. Mr. Boyer established a creative and of urban poverty.’’ She was known in her prime as Maryland’s 48th senator, an institutional honor that ground-breaking an acquisition pro- I first became acquainted with Janet gave her a ‘‘kick.’’ In truth, she had more gram copied both within and outside Hoffman in 1971 as a member of the real power than many of the 47 men and the federal government. The global Baltimore City Council. I came into women who earned the title at the polls, and scope of his responsibilities and the politics as a fiery protestor and had to she served far longer than any of them. depth, breadth and sheer quantity of learn how to turn my protest placards In marathon lobbying sessions of 1976, she contractual actions under Mr. Boyer’s into legislation. Janet Hoffman really won funding for the Baltimore subway and purview are staggering. While Mr. taught me, guided me and mentored me the downtown Convention Center from the Boyer continues to champion innova- in the strategy of governance and the General Assembly. She was so exhausted she collapsed and was driven home by a state tion and initiative within the entire wiles of government finance. I learned trooper. Command, he continually exceeds the how to operationalize my good inten- ‘‘I remember going up to the gallery and execution and performance goals of his tions and learned how to budget. She speaking with Donald Schaefer and Janet,’’ Acquisition program. His loyalty and was patient, persistent and a strong ad- Cardin said. ‘‘It was a very dramatic mo- integrity are unequaled, as is the re- vocate for women’s rights. She was so ment, an incredible night.’’ spect that he has earned from his proud of seeing me come to the Con- Earlier in the decade, working with city workforce. His combination of superior gress, the Senate and a member of the budget official Charles Benton, she rec- talent, leadership acumen and genuine Appropriations Committee. ommended selling what is now BWI Airport to the state and using the proceeds to build love of his work make him a gifted ex- She’d be so proud in having her biog- the National Aquarium. ecutive. raphy included in the CONGRESSIONAL The trust of those she worked with com- Mr. Boyer’s acquisition innovations RECORD on the day that four new bined with a keen sense of history to bring have changed construction and service women are sworn into the United her city an annual bonanza of financial aid, contracting ashore and set new stand- States Senate. She would have including a 1960s realignment of responsi- ards within the Department of Defense cheered—and would have wanted to bility for welfare that freed the city of for programs such as the Public-Pri- make sure they understood govern- strains that might have precluded the down- vate-Venture for the Family Housing ment finance. town renaissance of the 1980s. She also cre- ated financial formulas to pay for portions of and Utility product lines. He has made Mr. President, the Baltimore Sun de- city fire, police, highway and educational ex- dramatic operational improvements, scribed Janet Hoffman best. I ask that penses. realigning scarce resources to acquire the Sun’s article on her life and legacy Eight governors were elected during her the best possible value for the Navy. be included in the RECORD. service: William Preston Lane Jr., Theodore VerDate Aug 31 2005 10:24 Feb 28, 2007 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0685 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR01\S03JA1.000 S03JA1 erjones on PRODPC74 with SENATE January 3, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 13 R. McKeldin, J. Millard Tawes, Spiro T. state. The state’s major employment center MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE Agnew, Marvin Mandel, Harry R. Hughes, was protected, and other, equally poor, juris- William Donald Schaefer and Parris N. dictions profited from the formulas she de- At 4:09 p.m., a message from the Glendening. vised. House of Representatives, delivered by ‘‘On the outside she was rough and tough,’’ Adherents and adversaries alike were at Mr. Hays, one of its reading clerks, an- said former Speaker of the House R. Clayton times awed by her forward-looking approach. nounced that the Senate be informed Mitchell Jr., a Kent County Democrat. ‘‘I had the best teacher in the world,’’ said that a quorum of the House of Rep- ‘‘But when you got to know her, she was Blair Lee IV, son of the former acting gov- resentatives has assembled; that J. sweet and lovable. You could rely on her fig- ernor, Blair Lee III, and a former lobbyist for DENNIS HASTERT, a Representative ures.
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