Bibliography on the Limnology and Fisheries of Canadian Freshwaters No.3 I' by H.F. Nicholson FISHERIES AND MARINE SERVICE SERVICE DES PECHES ET DES SCIENCES DE LA MER TECHNICAL REPORT No. RAPPORT TECHNIQUE N° 566 1975 Environment Enviro nnement 1+ Canada Canada Fisheries Service des peches and Marine et des sciences Service de la mer Technical Reports Technical Reports are research documents that are of sufficient importance to be preserved, but which for some reason are not appropriate for primary scientific publication. Inquiries concerning any particular Report should be directed to the issuing establishment. Rapports Techniques Les rapports techniques sont des documents de recherche qui revetent une assez grande importance pour etre conserves mais qui, pour une raison ou pour une autre, ne conviennent pas a une publication scientifique prioritaire. Pour toute demande de renseignements concernant un rapport particulier, il faut s'adresser au service responsable. • BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE LIMNOLOGY AND FISHERIES OF CANADIAN FRESHWATERS. No.3. by H.F.NICHOLSON Great Lakes Biolimnology Laboratory, Fisheries & Marine Service, Canada Centre for Inland Waters, 867 Lakeshore Road, P.O.Box 5050, Burlington, Ontario. L7R 4A6 • • .. INTROOUCTION This bibliography is the third in a continuing series and contains a further 1,000 references and the freshwater features to which they refer. Amendment lists for Nos.l and 2 of this series are included and recipients are advised to amend their copies as soon as possible. Commencing with this issue, only those freshwater features whose names and coordinates have been approved by the Canadian Permanent Committee on G~ographical Names will be included in these Bibliographies. Unapproved features w~ ll be listed separately and kept by the compiler until they became approved. Bibliographies Nos.l and 2 are published in this series as Technical Reports Nos. 471 and 504 respectively. ,. • • INTRODUCTION Cette bibliographie est 1a troisieme de 1a serie. E11e contient 1,000 references nouvelles ainsi que les noms des entites d'eau douce auxque11es e11es s'app1iquent. Les destinataires recevront aussi des correct ifs pour 1es bibl iographies o n 1 et 2 et sont pries de corriger leurs exemp1a~res des que possi ble. Desormais, seules les entites d'eau douce don t 1es noms et 1es co~rdonnees auront ete approuves par 1e Comite permanent canadien des noms geographiques seront inc1uses dans 1eb bibliographies. Les enti tes n'ayant pas 2te approuvees seront placees sur une 1iste d'attente jusqu'a leur app~ o bation. Les bibliographies no. 1 et 2 sont publiees dans les Rapports Techniques no. 471 et 504 respecti vement. • ,. USER'S GUIDE & 1. To use this bibliography it is essential that reference first be made to the relevant Gazetteer in order to verify both the name and geographical position of the freshwater featur'e required. 2. The index contains 1,000 references, each identified by a number, and placed in numerical order. 3. The bibliography is div~ded into provinces, in alphabetical order, and each contains (a) a list of freshwater features in alphabetical order, (b) their coordinates as given in t,he Gazetteers, and (c) the relevant reference index number(s ). 4. All names and coordinates of freshwater features i n this bibliography have been or will be approved by the C.P.C.G.N. 5. When there is a change of name of a freshwater feature, it invariably becomes out of alphabetical order. It is then deleted and antered into the l atest issue. Thus some of the reference index numbers given here refer tc the previous two Bibliographies . .. .. GUIDE D 'UTILISATION 1. Pour uti1iser c 2tte biblil)graphie, ·.U est essentie1 de se reporter tout d'abord au ~epertoire geographique approprie afin de verifier 1e nom et 1e lieu de l'entite d'eau douce recherchee. ... 2. L'index contient 1,000 references identifiees individue11ement par un numero et p1acees par ordre numerique. 3. La bibliographie est divisee en provinces, par ordre a1phabetique. Chaque division comprend: a) une 1iste des entites d'eau douce placees par ordre a1phabetique, b) leurs coordonnees telles qu'el1es paraissent dans 1es repertoires geographiques, et c) les numeros correspondants dans l' index.' 4. Tous les noms et toutes les coordonnees des entitesd'eau douce paraissant dans cette bibliQgraphie ont ete ou seront approuves par Ie Comite. 5. Quand Ie nom d'une de ces entites est change, il ne figure pl us par ordre alphabetique. II est en1eve et joint a la derniere parution, ce qui explique que certains numeros de reference donnes ici renvoient aux deux bibliographies precedentes. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The compiler expresses his appreciation to Mr. Alan Rayburn, Executive Secretary to the Canadian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names, for his continual help in ident ifying many of the features whose names or coordinates are either unknown or incorrect. Appreciation is also expressed to Mrs. Emma Fosdick , Librarian at the Canada Centre for Inland Waters, and her staff, for cheerfully complying with my requests for inter-library loans. I would also like to thank Dr. M.G.Johnson, Director of this laboratory, whose initial encouragement was responsible for the pUblication of this series. H.F.Nicholson MlENDMENTS TO BIBLIOGRAPHY No.1 Reference Index #317. CAMERSON J R.D. 967. - Delete reference. #744. FRY, F.E.J.J & t~NNEDYJ W.A. 1937. - Delete reference. British Columbia McCULLOUGH LAKE - Amend name to read 'McCULLOUGH LAKE (RESERVOIR) ~ . Delete 'P.U ....... Lake' & replace by '49.46 : 119.11' Manitoba BAD RIVER - Delete ent i re feature. BEAUFORD LAKE - Delete 'P.U ...... Man.' & replace by '(50.32 : 100.12)*' CRAWFORD LAKE - Delete 'P.U ...... 21W' & replace by '50.31 : 100.16~ ELDON RIVER - Delete entire feature. HANSON CREEK - Delete 'P.U .. ... 16E' & replace by '49.50 : 95.15' LA SALLE RIVER - Delete 'P.U ...... 03E' & replace by '49.45 : 97.09 7 LITTLE LINE LAKE - Delete 'P.U ...... F.R.' & replace by '51.47 : 100.59' MARY JANE CREEK - Dele~e asterisk. McGAVOK LAKE - Delete entire feature. ST.MALO LAKE - Delete asterisk. SALE RIVIERE - Delete entire feature TELFORD POND - Delete 'P.U ...... 16E' & replace by '49.50 95.22v New Brunswick MIRAMICHI RIVER - Delete Reference #s (15)(17)(23)(111)(164) Newfoundland BECKFORD RIVER - Delet e 'P. U...... Bay' & replace by '(46.53 : 53. 55 )~~, BELLE HARBOUR BROOK - Delete 'P.U ...... Bay' & re~lace by '(47.42 : 55.18)*' CHAMPNEY'S BROOK - Delete entire feature. DAVIDS BROOK - Delete entire feature. DEER HARBOUR BROOK - Delete 'P.U ...... Bay, & replace by '(47.54 : 53.49)H FEMME HARBOUR BROOK - Delete 'P.U ..... Bay' & re:;Jlace by '(47.37 : 55.59)'~' FORTUNE BROOK - Delete 'P.U ...... Bay' & replace by '(47.04 : 55.50)'~' LITTLE BAY BROOK - Delete 'P.U ...... Basques' & replace by '(47.36 : 59.04)*' LITTLE HEARTS EASE BROOK - Delete 'P.U ...... Bay ~ & replace by '(48.00 : 53.42)*' LOCKSTON BROOK - DeleJc..e entire feature. NONSUCH BROOK - Delete 'P. U...... Bay' & replace by '(47.27 : 53 .39 )~H NORTH BRANCH RIVER - Amend name to read 'NORTH BRANCH' PARSONS POND - Delete 'P.U ...... Bay) & replace by '49.59 : 57.37 " POPE'S HARBOUR RIVER -Delete entire feature. AMENDMENTS TO BIBLIOGRAPHY No.l(Continued) Newfoundland(Cont.) PORTLAND CREEK POND - Delete entire feature. RED HARBOUR RIVER - Del ete 'P.U ...... Harbour' & :c'eplace by '(47.18 : 55.00)-: ~ ' TAYLOR'S BAY RIVER - Delete 'P. U..... Bay' & replhce by '(47.33 : 55 .39) -l ~' Northwest Territories • BEECHY LAKE - Amend name to read 'BEECHEY LAKE' Nova Scotia GRAND LAKE(44.55 : 63.36)-l*- - Delete entire featu:.~e. BLUFF LAKE - Delete a s ~erisk. Ontario BASS LAKE - Delete 'P.U ....•. Co.' & replace by 944 .43 81.00' CHESNEY LAKE - Delete entire feature. COTTON LAKE - Delete entire feature. EUCALIA LAKE - Amend longitude to read '78. 25' JACKSONS CREEK - Amend name to read 'JACKSON CREEK'. Delete asterisk. LITTLE CAUCHON LAKE - Add (727) after (945). LITTLE OTTER CREEK - Delete entire feature. MANITOU LAKE(45.50 : 82 . 20)* - Amend coordinates to read '45.47 82.00' Delete asterisk. OPEONGO LAKE - Delete #(744). ROUND LAKE(50.11 : 86 .44) - Amend name to read ' ROUNDS LAKE'. Dele-:,e asterisk. SOUTH CASTOR RIVER - Amend name to read 'SOUTH C. STOR CREEK'. Delete 'P.U ...... Co.' & replace by '45.15 : 75. 23' SOUTH OTTER CREEK - .A:uend coordinates to read '42.38 : 80.48'. Delete asterisk. Add (485) ~fter (492). STORY CREEK - Delete entire feature. SULPHIDE CREEK - DeleJse 'P.U ...... Co.' & replace by '44.30 77.17' QUEBEC AIGLE, RIVIERE DE L' - Amend coordinates to read '46.27 76.03' Delete asterisk. ARES, LAC - Delete 'P.U ...... Lake' & replace by '(54.47 66.47)"(- ' ATOCAS, LAC AUX - Delete 'P.U ...... Tremblant' & replace by '46.19 : 74.31' EAU, LAC DE L'ANSE A L' - Amend coordinates to read '48.09 : 69.43' Delete asterisk. GENE LAC - Delete 'P. '] ...... Lake' & replace by 954.47 : 66.44' HERSEY LAC - Delete asterisk. LOUTRE, LAC A LA - De l ete asterisk. OSPREY LAC - Delete ~P.U ...... Lac) & replace by '54.44 : 66.43' AMENDMENTS TO BIBLIOGRAPHY No.l(Continued) Quebec (Cont. ) . PARENT LAC - Delete ast erisk. SANS NOM LAC (46.59 : '75. 28 )~~ - Delete entire feat ure. SCHRYER LAC - Amend n&~e to read 'SCRYER LAC' . Delete 'P.U ...... Papineau' & replace by '45.50 : 73.13' Saskatchewan • ECHO LAKE(50.00 : 106 .00) - Delete entire feature. LITTLE TROUT LAKE .- Delete entire feature. NORTH SASKATCHEWAN RIVER - Delete reference #(317). ~~NDMENTS TO BIBLIOGRAPHY N~ .2 Reference Index #1265. CARTWRIGHT, J.W. 1961. - Delete reference. Alberta ASSINEAU RIVER - k~en d latitude to read '55.24' BOURGEAU LAKE - Delete asterisk. COUPEE RIVIERE - Delet e entire feature . • LARIX LAKE - Delete entire feature. REVIILON COUPE - Amend longitude to read '111.25 'J. Add (1200) after (1377).
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