The Official JOurnal Of The SOuTh australian STaTe emergency Service VolunTeerS’ AssociaTiOn incOrpOraTed > Keith Lane a w a r d > a d e L a i d e h i ll s V e r s P > My e Veryday heroes > Unit Managers Forum JanUary 2012 PP 337586/00070 ISSN 1445-3991 On THE cOVER Keith Lane Award recipients Colin and Judy Schriever. REPOrTS Chairperson’s report ��������������������������������������������������������� 02 Chief officer’s report . 03 Executive officer’s report ������������������������������������������������� 04 Manager Training and organisation development . 05 Annual report november 2011. 07 FEATURE STORIES E-mergency Connect Update ��������������������������������������������� 08 SES ready to deploy Base Camp ��������������������������������������� 10 Farewell Allan Mcdougall ��������������������������������������������������� 11 Adelaide Hills VErSP . 12 SA ESM & Ministerial Commendations 2011 . 14 Life Membership Award recipients 2011 ��������������������������� 15 onkaparinga Civic Achievement Award . 16 Keith Lane Award ��������������������������������������������������������������� 20 My Everyday Heroes . 22 Unit Managers Forum . 24 Lions Citizen of the Year Award ����������������������������������������� 26 SES Cadet receives Award . 28 Around the Units . 30 Contents Letters ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 33 december 2011 | www.SaSeSva.Org.au SASESVA Clothing and General Merchandise ��������������������� 35 S.A. S.E.S. VolunteerS’ Association InCorPorated GPo Box 2706, AdelaidE 5001 > execuTive Committee execuTive Officer SecreTary chairperson depuTy chairperson/TreaSurer Susan CAracoussis Trevor Bond WArrEn Hicks ESM LYn LITTLE GPo Box 2706, Adelaide SA 5001 GPo Box 2706, Adelaide SA 5001 GPo Box 2706, Adelaide SA 5001 Po Box 782, Salisbury SA 5108 M 0414 877 374 H 8263 5759 F 8265 5405 M 0424 435 416 M 0402 987 051 E [email protected] M 0457 005 083 E [email protected] E [email protected] E [email protected] > Committee regiOnal repreSenTaTiveS CENTRAL REGIOn EAST REGIOn WeST REGIOn nOrTh regiOn Trevor Bond KYM BErToLA Peter CodrIngton ESM LYn BErghofer GPo Box 2706, Adelaide SA 5001 Po Box 764, Murray Bridge SA 5253 Po Box 386, Ceduna SA 5690 Po Box 2503, Whyalla norrie SA 5608 H 8263 5759 F 8265 5405 M 0457 005 083 M 0421 486 144 W 8626 2037 M 0427 269 161 M 0427 492 974 E [email protected] E [email protected] E [email protected] E [email protected] PETEr CUMBErWORTH David CousinS Jim DarlinG ESM PAULInE CHrISTIE GPo Box 2706, Adelaide SA 5001 14 Mark Ln, Goolwa SA 5214 41 West Tce, Tumby Bay SA 5605 Po Box 7, Burra SA 5417 M 0412 127 164 M 0412 809 919 P 8688 2221 M 0428 882 213 M 0459 245 756 E [email protected] E [email protected] E [email protected] E [email protected] Vick VockinS William JoB (Bill) Gordon HArtley ESM FROnTLINE M 0401 578 903 Po Box 245, Millicent SA 5280 32 Matthew Pl, Port Lincoln SA 5606 Editorial email M 0417 819 817 F (08) 8733 2936 P 8683 0504 M 0429 900 840 [email protected] or E [email protected] E [email protected] [email protected] >advertisers alert Countrywide Austral is appointed by the South Australia State Emergency Service Volunteers’ Association Inc. as the authorised publisher of FRONTLINE. For enquiries re advertising in this magazine, please contact the publishers. Countrywide Austral | Level 2, 673 Bourke Street, Melbourne 3001 | GPo Box 2466, Melbourne 3001 | P 03 9937 0200 | F 03 9937 0201 | E [email protected] >disclaimer Countrywide Austral (“Publisher”) advises that the contents of this publication are at the sole discretion of the S.A. S.E.S. Volunteers’ Association Incorporated and the publication is offered for information purposes only. The publication has been formulated in good faith and the Publisher believes its contents to be accurate, however, the contents do not amount to a recommendation (either expressly or by implication) and should not be relied upon in lieu of specific professional advice. The Publisher disclaims all responsibility for any loss or damage which may be incurred by any reader relying upon the information contained in the publication whether that loss or damage is caused by any fault or negligence on the part of the publisher, its directors and employees. >copyright All content appearing in this publication is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced without the consent of the author/owner, the S.A. S.E.S. Volunteers’ Association or the SES. All advertisements appearing in this publication are subject to copyright and may not be reproduced except with the consent of the owner of the copyright. >advertising Advertisements in this journal are solicited from organisations and businesses on the understanding that no special considerations other than those normally accepted in respect of commercial dealings, will be given to any advertiser. 02 Reports ChairprSon’S ReporT Warren hickS eSm well another year has gone Past and aLthoUgh Most Our Association, your SASESVA, has recently been contacted Units haVe exPerienced a qUiet sPell or two, it has been by our interstate colleagues with the view of creating a National a bUsy year. I therefore hope that as many of you as possible had SES volunteers body. At this stage it has only involved emails and an enjoyable and Merry Christmas spending these festive times a teleconference, with the hope to have a face-to-face meeting with family and friends, rather than responding to incidents. At this early this year. The initial discussions have highlighted a number of time of year when the focus is on giving it is also a time to reflect on common issues across the states and territories, so it may be time the unselfishness of volunteers who help out in any way they can. to form together to provide a voice to the Federal Government on The number of inter and intra state deployments undertaken by the matters affecting SES volunteers and local communities. SES in 2011 highlights just how unselfish SES volunteers are every The Association has recently held its AGM (12th November day of the year. 2011) and my Annual Report is included for all to read. The AGM The New Year is also traditionally a time to reflect on the was followed by a two-day committee meeting, which gave your previous year and set goals for the new. To say the service is about volunteer representatives valuable time to discuss issues and to undergo significant changes would provide feedback on a range of topics be a bit of an understatement. However, i asK that important to SES volunteers. these changes are vital if the service is to On the Saturday 12th November, many continue to exist in future years. In these yoU get of the committee attended the SES Life tough financial times, governments are Membership Dinner, to acknowledge the looking to save money wherever they can inVolved with the commitment of those volunteers who have and unless the SES can prove that it has discUssions that donated a large part of their life to the a role to play in providing an efficient, well SES. It also allowed the Association the trained volunteer service, then there will be “are taKing place. opportunity and a forum to announce the calls from outside the Service for others to winners of the Association’s Keith Lane do the jobs we currently do. the oUtcoMes will Award, Colin and Judy Schriever from The discussion paper on a merger of affect yoU so yoU Strathalbyn Unit. I would like to thank Chris some units, currently circulating through Beattie for inviting the committee to the the SES and CFS ranks is proof that the need to haVe a say. awards dinner and allowing the Association pressure is upon all and with a review of the to be a part of the awards ceremony. Emergency Services Act not far off, we can expect a bit more of So the New Year begins, and with it more opportunities for these types of proposals and discussions. staff and volunteers to build on improving the Service. But, I ask Another potential issue for the Association is the changes to that you get involved with the discussions that are taking place. the Occupational Health and Safety regulations as the Federal The outcomes will affect you so you need to have a say. If you can’t Government attempts to standardise legislation across the states do it directly pass your comments on to one of your Association and territories at this stage it is unclear how this will impact on representatives so they can pass it on. Be part of the solution not a volunteers, either in extra training or in increased paperwork. part of the problem. The Volunteers’ Association will continue to get involved reminding politicians, the media and State Headquarters staff that volunteers and their views are important, and volunteers need support to do their job in the community. This is what we are here to do, so make use of the Association, let us know how you feel, your ideas to improve the Service and how we can help you. I look forward to hearing your views this year. Until next time, Stay safe. www.sasesva.org.au Reports 03 Commission of Inquiry into the 2011 Queensland floods, provide a useful reference for SASES to consider the adequacy of our current capabilities and capacity. In this sense the findings from these reviews provide a prism through which current community and government expectations can be considered given a South Australian context. Over the coming weeks we will undertaking further work on the implications of these findings to identify where there are gaps or opportunities to improve our collective flood management capabilities. On a lighter note, the Service now has a new Minister with the Chief Officer’S Hon.
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