The Biography, Genealogy, History and Antiquities of Essex County, Massachusetts

The Biography, Genealogy, History and Antiquities of Essex County, Massachusetts

A QUARTERLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE BIOGRAPHY, GENEALOGY, HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS SIDNEY PERLEY, EDITOR ILLUSTRATED SALEM, MASS. 'Zllbe @$set: Bntiquacian I go6 CONTENTS. ANSWERS,43,48; 325, 48: 32% 93; 415, 48; HOUSE,THE OLD, 21, 143. 416, 93; 417. 144; 444. 93: 450, 144; 4529 INSCRIPTIONS.See Groveland fnrwiph'ons. 191; 461, 192. IPswrcn COURTRECORDS AND FILES, 32, 79, APPARELOF THE FIYSTSB'ITLBRS, 49. 170. BANCROIT-BONY~HON,169. LEACH,LAWRENCE, WILL OF, 168. BEAN'S, JOHN,FIRST WIFE, 77. LEE, THOMAS,WILL OF, 113. BLANEYNOTES, 92. LUNT,HENRY, WILL OF, 181. BWHFIELDNOTE, 131. NORFOLKCOUNTY, OLD, RECORD^, 89, 109. BONYTHON.BANCROFT-, 169. PIONEERS.GOD'S, 79. BOWDENGEN~L~IES, 38, 40, 44, 45. PUBLICATIONS,NEW, gj. 144, 192. BOWDITCHGENEALOGY, 55. PURCHASE,THOMAS, OF PEJBPSCOT,132, 167. BOWENGENBAL~GY, 57. QmRlEs, 453. 454, 48; 455-459, 92; W463, Bowus NOTES,I 79. I44 ; 464, 4659 191. BOYCEGENEALOGY, 58. REA, DANIEL,WILL OF, 130. BOYNTONGENEALOGY, 97. REVOLUTION,SOLDIEFS AND SAILOPS W THE, 182. RINGE,DANIEL, WILL OF, 75. BROWNU,WILLIAM, W~LL OF, 150. ROW,JOHN, WILL OF, 130. BURT,HUGH, WILL OF, 43. SALEMIN 1700, NO. 22, 21. CALL, PHILIP,WILL OF, 16g. SALEMIN 1700, NO. 23, 60. DAVIS,JENKIN, WILL OF, 74. SALEMIN 1700, NO. 24, 114. DICKINSON,THOMAS, WILL OF, 76. SALEMIN I 700, NO. 25, I 52. FIREPLACE,THE OLD, 185. SMITH,JOHN, WILL OF, 31. FULLER,ANNE, WILL OF, 168. SOLDIERSAND SAILORSOF THE REVOLUTION, GOD'SPIONEERS, 79. 182. GRAY,ROBERT, WILL OF, 131. SUPFOLKCOUNTY DEEDS, VOLUME 11, 134. GROVELANDINSCRIPTIONS: ANCIENT ~URYING WITTER, WILLIAM,WILL OF, 20. GROUND,I. ILLUSTRATIONS. BECKETHOUSE, ANCIENT, I. MAP OF PARTOF SALEMIN 1700, NO. 23, 63. CHAPLEMAN,MICHAEL, HOUSE, 127. MAP OF PARTOF SALEMIN 1700, NO. 24, 115. DANIEL,STEPHEN, HOUSE, I 17. MAP OF PART.OF SALEM IN 1700, NO. 25, 154. Housss: POPE, SAMUEL,HOUSE, 70. Ancient hcket, Salem, I. SALEMHOUSES. See Houccs. Mictuel Chapleman, Salem, 127. SALEMIN 1700, MAP OF PARTOF, NO. 22~23. Stephen Daniel, Salem. I 17. SALEMIN I 700, MAP OF PARTOF, NO. 23, 63. '' House of the Seven Gal>lrs," 49. SALEMIN 1700, MAP OF PARTOF, NO. 24, 115. Benjamin Pickmnn, Solem, 145. SALEMIN 1700, MAP OF PARTOF. NO. 25, 154. %muel Pope, Salem, 70. SEALOF DR. SAMUELTHOMSON, 172 John Turner, Salem, 49. THOMSON,DR. SAMUEL,SEAL OF, 172. Zachariah White, Salem, 67. TURNER,JOHN, HOUSE, 49. Simon Willard, Salem, 97. WHITE, ZACHARIAH,HOUSE, 67. MAPOF PARTOF SALEMIN 1700, NO. 22, 23. WILLARD,SIMON, HOUSE, 97. BLANK PAGE SUBJECT INDEX Abbe Gmcalogies, I: 14,33,66, 149. 150; 65, 11: 150; 69, I: 134; 73, 11: 182: Abbot Genealogies, I: 35, 58, 79, g6, 103, 117, 74, I: 150; 75, I: 166; 80, I: 166; 81, I: 128, 141, 188; 11: 22, 38, 74, loo, 113; 182; 82, I: 182; 83, I: 182;87, I: 198; 88, 111: 13. IX: 143;89, 11, 16; 93.11: 16;95, 111: 16, Abbott, Thomas, Will of, I: 165. V: 80; 96, 11: 182; loo, 11: 32. V: 32; 101. Abolitionists. The. I: IZF. 11: 182: 102, 111: 48; 103,II: zoo; 106, 11: Aborigines, our, c:39. - 16; 107, 111: 80; 108, 111: 64; log, 11: 16; Aborn Genealogies, I: 161; 11: 132, 140; 111: 6, 111, 11: 68; 116, 11: 32; 118, 11: 102; 121, 36. 111: 96; 122. 11: 16; 123, 11: 16; 125, It: Abraham Family, I: 1 74. SO, 134,111: 112, 128,144;126, 11: 50; 127, Abram Family, I: 174. 11: 32; 133, V: 32; 134, 11: 85; 140, 111: Acie Genealogy, I: ]go. 160, 176; 141, 111: 194;143, IV: 16; 146, Acres Genealogy, 11: 9, 166. 111: 16; I~O*IV: 32; 152, 111: 32; 153, Adam Genealogies, I: I 7, 40, 62, 76, 87, I I I, IV: 64; 154, IV: 64, V: 48; 156, 11: 117, 142, 160; Iv: 37. 118; 158,111: 80: 161, IV: 192; 163, V: Ager Family, 11: 128. 64; 164, 111: 128; 165, V: 16; 166, 11: Ager William, Will of, V: 132. I,111: 112; 168, IV: 48; 170, V: 16; Alderman, John, Will of, VII: 79. 171,IV: 176; 177, IV: 144; 178, 11: zoo; Alford Notes, 111: 103. 179, 111: 32; 182, 111: 16; 184, VI: 96; Alger Notes: 111: 73. 186, VII: 95; 193, V: 64; 194,V: 64; 19S, Allen Genealogies, 11: 135, 161, 176,199; 111: 7, 111: 64: 197,V: 32; 203, 111: 96; 204. V: 17, 37, rw, 134,147, 168, 182;1V: 31, 38. 144; 208, V: 192; 210, IV: 128: 216,VIII: Alley Genealogies: 111: 49; IV: 68, 85. 143, IX: 47; no, 111: 144;222, VII: 190; Ambrose Family, 111: 74. 226, 111: 160, IV: 16, 64: 227, VII: 143; Ames Genealogies, 111: 88; 1V: 56, roz, 120, 231,IV: 144; 232, 111: 176, IV: 96;238, 182. 111: 194; 239, VII: 190; al)o, VII: 190; ~mei~irder,The, 11: I. 243, VI: 144; 245, IV: 32; 246, IV: Amesbury Inscriptions: - 32; 249, IV: 192; 250, IV: 80; 252, Cemetery near depot, I: 51. VIII: 47, 95; 253. IV: 48; 254, IV: Salisbury Plains Cemetery, 1: 167, 190;11: 30. 112; 255, VIII: 47; 257, V: 96; 258, Salisbury Point Cemetery, I: 28. VIII: 47; 260, IV: 80; 264, IV: 160; Union Cemetery, I: 1x9, 143, 164; 11: 10. 265, IV: 96; 271, IV: g6, VIII: 191; Ancestor, The, I: 141. 273, IV: 112; 274, VIII: 191; 275, IV: Ancestor's Dream, 'The, 111: 37. 96, 144;276, IV: 112; 277, IV: g6, 1x2; Anderton Note, IV: 150. 278, IV: 176; 281, IV: 128;284, IV: 128, Andover in the First Loukburg Expedition, I: 160;286, IV: 128; 293, IX: 48; 306, IX: 177. 95; 307. IV: 176, V: 144, 192, IX: 95; Andover Inscriptions: 314, IX: 95; 316. VI: 144; 319, VII: Old Soutb Burying Ground, 11: 119, 143. 47; 320, V: 32,48; 321, V: 48; 322, V: West Parish Burying Ground, 11: 39. 96; 323, v: 80, VII: 95; 324, VI: 144; A~drewsGenealog~eG 111: 97, II~,136, 155; 325. X: 48; 326, X: 93; 330, V: IV: 118, 134, 170. 187;V: 6. 144; 3399 VI: 48; 340, Vi Igt; 341, Andreas, RobeFt; Will-of, I: 142. VI: 48; 342, V: 192; 343, VI: Annable Genealogy, 111 : 169; V: 63. 48; 344, VI: 191; 348, VI: 96; 349, VI: Annis Genealogy, 111: 184;IV: 76. 96; 350, VII: 95: 357, VI: 144, VIII: 143: Answers to Queries, I,I: 52; 3, I: 34;4, I: 34: 5, 361, VIII: 191 ; 362, VI: 144, 191; 364, I: 118;6, I: 34: 7, I: 34; 8, 11: 15, 50; 11, VII: 95; 372, VI: 191 ; 373, VIII: 191; I: 67; 12, 11: 32; 14,11: 68; 18,II: 133;19, 375, VI: 192; 379, VII: 47; 381, VII: I: 68; 20, I: 118; 21, I: 86; 22, 11: 85, 133; 190; 385, VIII; 95;412, VII: 144;415, X: 24, I: 134; 26, I: 86; 30. 1: 102; 32. 11: 48; 416, X: 93; 417, X: 144: 425, IX: 117;34, 11: 102; 35, I: 182;11: 16; 36, I: 191 ; 431, VIII: 144; 433, VIII: 95;438, 134; 37, I: 198; 38, I: 134; 39, 11: Ix: 191; 442, Ix: 143; 444, x: 93; 450, 32; 40, 11: 150: 41, 11: 133; 42, 11: 133; X: 144, 452, X: 191; 461, X: 192. 43, I: 102, X: 48; 44, 11: 117: 45, Antrum Note, V: 71. 11: 166; 46. I: 150; 47, 11: 150; 48, Apostrophe, IV: 69. 11: 68; 51,111: 48: 52, I: 102; 53, I: 118; Apparel of the First Settlers, X: 49. 54, 1: 1.34; 55, 11: 166; 61, 11: 32; 64, I: Appleton Genealogy, IV : I, 26. v Vi THE ESSEX ANTIQUAKIAN. Archer Genealogy, IV: 33; V: 86, 120. Bennett Genealogies, VIII: 88, 91. Army Button, An, VI: 135. Berry Genealogies, VIII: 102, 173; IX: 25, 86. Anow-Head, An, IV: 7. Beverages in the Old Da)s, 11: 33. Ashby Family, IV: 56. Beverly Inscriptions: Atkins Family, IV: 75. Ancient Burying Ground, 111: 1, 31, 38, 56, Atkinson Family, IV: 81. 772 90. Attorney, The Poor, 111: 183. Anclent North Beverly Cemetery, 111: 122. Atwood Famlly, IV: 106; VI: 34. Dane Street Cemetery, 111: 129, 150. Aurora Borealis, The, IV: 85. Dodge's Row Burying Ground, 111: tog. Austin Genealogy, IV: 120; VI: 59. Green Family Burying Ground, 111: 171. Averill Genealogy, IV: 129. North Beverly Meeting House Cemetery, 111: Averill. William, Will of, V: 30. 182. Ayer Genealogy, IV: 145, 172, 182. Bickford Genealogy, VIII: 61. Biles Genealogy, VIII: rm. Babbidge Genealogy, IV: 188. Biscoe, Elizabeth, IX: 108. ' Babson Genealogy, V: I. Bishop Genealogies, VIII: 122, 124, 125; IX: BacheUer, Henry, Descendants of, VII: 134. I 13. Bacon Family, V: 24. Bisson Genealogy, VIII: 132. Bacon, Mrs. Rebecca, Will of, VI: I 13. Bixhy Genealogy, VIII: 145. Bacon, William, Will of, V: 45. Black Genealogy, VIII: 174. Badwck Fam~ly,V: 37. "Blaisdell", "Johnny", VIII: 150. Badger Genealogy, V: 49. Blanchard Genealogies, IX: 26, 71. Badger, Glles, Will of, 111: 61. Rlaney Genealogy, IX: 32; X : 92. Bagley Genealogy, V: 65; VI : 128. Blasdell Genealogy, IX: 49. Bailey-Bayley Genealog~es,V : 81, I 10, 123. Blashfield Note, X: 131. Bailey, Rev. Jacob, I: 69 Bligh's, Peggy, Voyoge, From, V: 23. Bailey, Richard, Will of, 111: go. Blunt Genealogy, IX: I 10. Baker Genealogies, V: 158, 163, 166, 168; VI : Blyth Genealogy, IX : I 12. 155, 170. Boardman Genealogy, IX: 145. Balch Genealogy, VI: I.

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