City of Surrey Cemetery Services List of Interments to January 31, 2021

City of Surrey Cemetery Services List of Interments to January 31, 2021

City of Surrey Cemetery Services List of Interments to January 31, 2021 DECEASED CEMETERY INTERMENT SITE PAAT, Felicitas Gallardo Surrey Centre WILLOW-014-D-1 PAAVOLA, Kaarlo Johannes Sunnyside Lawn FIR D-14-D-3 PACKER, Rae Hilton Surrey Centre LARCH 110-A-3 PADDON, Jack Sunnyside Lawn VETERANS-BLOCK 491-013 PADHIAR (aka MAHIL), Hakim Bibi Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 136-D-3 PAETKAU, (Baby) Surrey Centre BLOCK 009B-1-S4 PAETKAU, Peter Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 046-A-1 PAGE, Albert George Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 095-B-3 PAGE, Donald Barrie Surrey Centre SEQUOIA-004-17 PAGE, Emma Surrey Centre BLOCK 206-5 PAGE, Kenneth Robert Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 095-B-3 PAGE, Myrtle Mildred Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 095-B-4 PAGE, Stephen Ian Robert Sunnyside Lawn ALDER-16-D-1 PAGEAU, Real Joseph Albert Armand Surrey Centre LARCH 108-A-31 PAGET, James Edwin Surrey Centre BLOCK 247-2 PAGET, Patti Surrey Centre BLOCK 247-3 PAIN, Amanda 'Cecilia' Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 113-A-4 PAIN, John Laird Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 113-A-3 PAIN, Ralph Sunnyside Lawn VETERANS-BLOCK 007-B-3 PAJESKA, Stephen Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 108-C-1 PAJIC, Pajo Sunnyside Lawn ALDER-08-B-3 PAKARINEN, Zachariah Quade Surrey Centre SEQUOIA-002-03 PAKENHAM, Charlotte Mary Surrey Centre LAWN-1153 PAKSI, Gyula (Julius) Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 022A-025 PAKSI, Julia Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 022A-025 PALENDAT, Dwight Arthur Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 072-B-4 PALFREYMAN, Alan Sunnyside Lawn VETERANS-BLOCK 491-023 PALGRAVE, Charles Henry Surrey Centre BLOCK 144-3 PALGRAVE, Frances Elizabeth Surrey Centre BLOCK 144-4 PALITTI, Angelo Surrey Centre LARCH 109-A-1 PALMATEER, Catherine Surrey Centre BLOCK 116-5 PALMER, Alfred Stanley Surrey Centre LAWN-1205 PALMER, Amy Surrey Centre LAWN-1205 PALMER, Charles Clarence Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 063-B-1 PALMER, Charles Roger Surrey Centre LARCH 124-A-1 PALMER, Edwin Surrey Centre BLOCK 336-4 PALMER, Frank Campbell Surrey Centre LAWN-1206 PALMER, Frank William Surrey Centre LARCH 058-C-09 PALMER, Frederick William Surrey Centre LAWN-1206 PALMER, George Moffat Surrey Centre BLOCK 336-4 PALMER, Joan Nora Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 091-A-3 PALMER, Miriam Gertrude Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 063-B-2 PALMER, Stanley Sunnyside Lawn ALDER-35-D-1 PALMER, Sydney Lewis Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 091-A-3 PALMER, William Elford Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 093-A-1 PALO, Adele Surrey Centre BLOCK 346-2 PALO, Joseph Surrey Centre BLOCK 346-1 PAMPLIN, George Sunnyside Lawn MAPLE-045 PANOULIAS, Thomas Ernest Surrey Centre LARCH 005-B-1 PAPINEAU, Richard Colin Surrey Centre SEQUOIA-004-11 'P' Page 1 of 15 City of Surrey Cemetery Services List of Interments to January 31, 2021 DECEASED CEMETERY INTERMENT SITE PAQUETTE, Charles M. Surrey Centre BLOCK 131-1 PARDOE, Liana Marie Surrey Centre LARCH 107-B-07 PARDY, James Eli Surrey Centre LARCH 108-B-23 PARE, (Baby) Surrey Centre BLOCK 019B-7-S5 PARIS, Anna Somes Surrey Centre BLOCK 035-2 PARIS, Erma Flora Surrey Centre BLOCK 035-1 PARIS, John Davis Surrey Centre BLOCK 035-3 PARIS, John Davis Surrey Centre BLOCK 035-1A PARIS, Robert James Surrey Centre BLOCK 035-4 PARK, W.H. Surrey Centre BLOCK 123-3 PARKER, Amy Surrey Centre BLOCK 057-8A PARKER, Frances Clara Sunnyside Lawn FIR-062 PARKER, George Surrey Centre BLOCK 057-4 PARKER, Nora Gladys Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 083-D-3 PARKER, Patricia Jean Surrey Centre LARCH 032-D-2 PARKER, Violet May Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 091-A-2 PARKES, Gordon Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 065-B-4 PARKES, Robert Surrey Centre LARCH 097-A-31 PARKES, Russell Kenneth (Baby) Surrey Centre STILLBORN 13 PARKES, Theresa Surrey Centre LARCH 097-A-32 PARKHURST, Elizabeth 'Anne' Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 142-D-1 PARKIN, Baby Boy Surrey Centre CYPRESS-005-05 PARKS, (Baby) Surrey Centre BLOCK 014B-7-S4 PARNALL, William Oliver Surrey Centre BLOCK 280-1 PARNELL, K.B. (Mrs.) Surrey Centre BLOCK 127-8 PAROLIN, Winnifred 'Joan' Surrey Centre BLOCK 024-4 PAROVEL, Paul Peter Surrey Centre LARCH 058-B-24 PARR (nee Staley), Rose Helen Surrey Centre BLOCK 082-1 PARR, Ada Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 016-C-4 PARR, Ethel Victoria Surrey Centre BLOCK 082-3 PARR, Henry Laverne Surrey Centre BLOCK 082-1 PARR, Henry Vincent Surrey Centre BLOCK 082-4 PARR-PEARSON, Frederick Daniel Hazelmere BLOCK 134-C-03 PARRY, Lorne Douglas Sunnyside Lawn ROCKERY-MEM 04-C1 PARRY, Mary Jane Surrey Centre BLOCK 068-4 PARSONS, Ellen Maude Surrey Centre BLOCK 043-8 PARSONS, Emily Jane Sunnyside Lawn FIR A-045 PARSONS, Grace Susan Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 043-C-4 PARSONS, Henry Novello Surrey Centre BLOCK 043-7 PARSONS, Herbert Edward Surrey Centre BLOCK 003B-4 PARSONS, Jessie Delgarno Sunnyside Lawn FIR C-17 PARSONS, Leonard Birkett Surrey Centre BLOCK 003B-3 PARSONS, Phillip Edward Surrey Centre BLOCK 192-8 PARSONS, Reginald Alfred Sunnyside Lawn FIR A-035 PARSONS, Robert Christopher Sunnyside Lawn FIR C-23 PARSONS, Terence Rupert Sunnyside Lawn FIR C-23 PARSONS, Wilfred Surrey Centre BLOCK 024B-1 PARTLO, Elizabeth Simpson Surrey Centre BLOCK 028-5 PARTRIDGE, Agnes Surrey Centre BLOCK 013B-2-S1 PARTRIDGE, Charles Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 025-A-2 'P' Page 2 of 15 City of Surrey Cemetery Services List of Interments to January 31, 2021 DECEASED CEMETERY INTERMENT SITE PARTRIDGE, Dorothy Beatrice Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 025-A-2 PARVIAINEN, Irja Surrey Centre SEQUOIA-022-C-4 PASCHE, Joachim Hans Adolf Sunnyside Lawn ALDER-17-A-1 PASHANDI, Kamal Sunnyside Lawn ALDER-33-A-2 PASSENGER, Darren Stephen Surrey Centre SEQUOIA-010-15 PASULLA, Roman Surrey Centre LAWN-0415 PATCH, Alfred Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 031-B-1 PATCH, Eveline Eunice Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 031-B-2 PATE, Alexander Surrey Centre BLOCK 091-3 PATERSON, Diane Elizabeth Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 034-D-2 PATERSON, Doreen May Hazelmere BLOCK 134-C-27 PATERSON, Ethel Maud Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 011-A-07 PATERSON, Frederick Finlay Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 011-A-06 PATERSON, Frederick Julian Surrey Centre LARCH 062-D-2 PATERSON, Nell Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 028-C-1 PATERSON, William Potter Sunnyside Lawn VETERANS-480 PATIENCE, Edward James Ross Surrey Centre WILLOW-021-A-2 PATIL, Ravindra Surrey Centre LARCH 101-B-3 PATON, Duncan Andrew Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 022A-122 PATRASZEWSKI, Maryla Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 144-C-3 PATRICK, Beatrice Wilhelmine Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 022C-C-30 PATRICK, Edith Mary Surrey Centre LAWN-0303 PATRICK, Frank Richards Surrey Centre LAWN-0304 PATRICK, Joseph Surrey Centre LAWN-0304 PATRIQUIN, Russell Stephan Thomas Surrey Centre LARCH 068-D-29 PATROS, Frank Surrey Centre LARCH 100-C-3 PATTERSON, (Baby) Surrey Centre BLOCK 016B-6-S1 PATTERSON, Agnes Gardner Surrey Centre BLOCK 320-2 PATTERSON, Douglas William Surrey Centre LARCH 023-D-4 PATTERSON, Ellen Sophia Surrey Centre LARCH 059-A-3 PATTERSON, Frederick Lorne Surrey Centre LARCH 012-A-4 PATTERSON, James Surrey Centre LARCH 059-A-3 PATTERSON, James Pullen Surrey Centre BLOCK 301-5A PATTERSON, John Surrey Centre BLOCK 164-1 PATTERSON, June Mavis Surrey Centre LARCH 023-D-4 PATTERSON, Leonard Albert James Perritt Surrey Centre BLOCK 320-1 PATTERSON, Magdalena Christina Surrey Centre LARCH 012-A-4 PATTERSON, Robert John Surrey Centre BLOCK 012B-5-S4 PATTERSON, Robert William Surrey Centre LARCH 021-B-3 PATTIE, Brent Garry Surrey Centre LARCH 068-D-26 PATTINSON, Joseph Surrey Centre BLOCK 076-7 PATZER, Benjamin Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 007-B-3 PAUL, Donna Faye Surrey Centre LARCH 088-C-10 PAUL, Harold Jim Hazelmere BLOCK 127-A-1 PAUL, Peter Surrey Centre LAWN-0148 PAULGAARD, David Jonathan Surrey Centre BLOCK 035-6 PAULGAARD, Sarah Evelyn Surrey Centre BLOCK 035-6 PAULS, John Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 022-D-13 PAULSE, Edgar Reginald Surrey Centre SEQUOIA-008-06 PAULSEN, Annie Louise Surrey Centre BLOCK 155-1 'P' Page 3 of 15 City of Surrey Cemetery Services List of Interments to January 31, 2021 DECEASED CEMETERY INTERMENT SITE PAULSEN, Christian William Surrey Centre BLOCK 180-4 PAULSEN, David Arnold Surrey Centre LARCH 063-D-3 PAULSEN, Violet Surrey Centre BLOCK 180-5 PAULSON, William Surrey Centre CYPRESS-001-14 PAVLIK, Amelia (Elsie) Sunnyside Lawn ROCKERY CB-02W-C09 PAVLIK, Elizabeth Isabel Sunnyside Lawn ROCKERY CB-02W-C09 PAVLIK, Michal (Mike) Sunnyside Lawn ROCKERY CB-02W-C10 PAWIS, Karen Yvonne Surrey Centre LARCH 108-B-13 PAWLUIK, Laura Hollister Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 063-B-3 PAYNE, Beatrice Surrey Centre LARCH 075-C-4 PAYNE, Charles Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 046-D-3 PAYNE, Frederick Surrey Centre LARCH 075-C-4 PAZDYK, Andrzej Surrey Centre SEQUOIA-027-03 PAZMANY, Elisabeta Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 129-A-2 PAZUIK, Paul Surrey Centre BLOCK 360-8A PEACEY, Albert Henry Hazelmere BLOCK 042-4 PEACEY, Clara Hazelmere BLOCK 023-2 PEACEY, Elva Jane Hazelmere BLOCK 042-4 PEACEY, Hubert John Hazelmere BLOCK 023-3 PEACEY, Kathleen Hazelmere BLOCK 023-1 PEACEY, Margaret Evelyn Hazelmere BLOCK 002-4 PEACH, Thomas Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 145-C-2 PEACOCK, Edward Surrey Centre BLOCK 269-8 PEACOCK, Elias Winslow Sunnyside Lawn FIR B-067 PEACOCK, Gertrude Alanna Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 011-C-46 PEACOCK, John Oliver Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 011-C-48 PEACOCK, Melvin Frank George Surrey Centre LARCH 095-C-4 PEACOCK, Robert (Ron) Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 067-D-2 PEAKE, Evelyn May Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 034-A-2 PEAKE, Lewis John Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 034-A-1 PEARCE, (Baby) Surrey Centre BLOCK 085-6 PEARCE, Douglas Leonard Surrey Centre LARCH 097-B-06 PEARCE, Edna Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 011-C-47 PEARCE, Elton Thomas William Sunnyside Lawn FIR A-111 PEARCE, Evangeline (Angela) Surrey Centre LARCH 078-D-08 PEARCE, Harold Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 011-D-13 PEARCE, Harry Surrey Centre BLOCK 193-8 PEARCE, Laura Helen Surrey Centre BLOCK 193-8 PEARCE, Martha Boyd Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 011-D-14 PEARCE, Richard Charles Surrey Centre LARCH 019-A-2 PEARCE, Robert Sunnyside Lawn VETERANS-BLOCK 491-037 PEARCE, Shirley Ann Surrey Centre LARCH 108-D-13 PEARCE, Susanna Gertrude Sunnyside Lawn FIR A-101 PEARCE, William Surrey Centre LAWN-0748 PEAREN, Elsie Idonia Edith Sunnyside Lawn CEDAR 069-A-1 PEARMAN, Elsie A.

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