'Average Daily Net Press Rim The Weather For tbe Wedc Faded Fair, eod low SO-SS; April t . 19W fair, Inereaaliig eloudiaeai M> 14,635 morrow,, hlg^ in 60a Manchester-^A City of Village Charm MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 11, 1966 (OlM atfM AdrertlBtiig on Page 16) PRICE SEVEN CENTS YOU LXXXV, NO. 162 .(EIGHTEEN PAGES) Shortage of Bombs Cuts B52s’ Strikes ( Hunger Strike R y Regim e Self-Powered Cars Marks Anniversary DUBLIN, Ireland (API— Braced fo r Eighteen young Irish mili­ Derail; 40 Injured tants started today on a five-day hunger strike as New Riots BOSTON (AP)—Some « per­ and he said that caused the de­ their nation celebrated the sons were Injured today and a railment. , 50th anniversary of the SAIGON, South Viet; Passengers said ther^ were Easter uprising. Nam (AP)^The daily U.S. total ol 70 passengers were loud screams and cries when The youths said they air strikes against Viet thrown from their seats when the cars tipped over. Others would fast from noon to­ Cong targets in South Viet said there was no panic. two self-propelled diesel rail­ day until 3:45 p.m. Satur­ Nam have been' sharply road cars were derailed at a Police, ambulances and day, recalling the duration switch and overturned. priests from nearby St. of the bloody 1916 rebellion curtailed by. a temporary None of the injured was be­ Theresa’s Catholic Church crushed by the British. The shortage of bombs and lieved seriously hurt. hurried to the scene. uprising eventually led to other explosives, reliable Fourteen persons were rushed Betsy Weaver, 20, of Need­ the creation of the Irish sources said today. by police ambulance to Glover ham, a student, said “ I was sit­ Republic. They attributed the cutback to Memorial -Hospital, Needham, ting there reading when sudden­ Despite these protests, a logistic problem — presuma­ from the scene pf the wreck at ly the car began to swerve. It there were no outbreaks of bly a backlog in shipping — and Highland Station in West Rox- tipped over—and then people nationalist violence. Irish­ said they expected the shortage bury. began falling on top of me.” men celebrated the anniver­ to be overcome shortly. A nurse at the emergency Chester Tobey of Needham sary by singing patriotic Meanwhile Premier Nguyen ward at Faulkner Hospital said said "clouds of dust filled the songs or paused to remem­ Oao Ky’s military government 20 to 30 persons were brought air as the cars tipped over. I ber the bitter uprising. braced today for more street there suffering with bruises and was thrown forward and hit by violence after the Buddhist luggage and other passengers '.j , ■ .. t .v f t ! cuts. t leadership vowed to keep up V.fv- . ' A New Haven Railroad flag­ being tossed around.” demonstrations imtil the U.S.- man, John J. Furdon, said a The siding led to a warehouse Stargazer Fails, backed junta quits. near the station, railroad offi­ lock on a switch at a Highland "Only when our aspiration* cials said. Station siding had been broken. Space Agency are met and our demands satin- ‘Heartbroken’ tied will there be no more dem­ onstrations," the country’s most CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) powerful monks drolared in a — "We’re heartbroken,” said a joint statement Sunday, Soviets Indicate space agency spokesman in an­ In militant tones echoing thedr nouncing the failure of Ameri­ declarations of political wnr on ca’s Stargazer satellite after the government of the late Pres­ only two days in orbit. ident Ngo Dinh Diem three For an unknown reason, the years ago, the Buddhkrts ae- Early Moon Trip orbiting aatnl[nomlcal observ­ oused the regfime of lying, irre- atory (OAO) lost all its battery sponsibUity and placing "too MOSCOW (AP) — The Soviet to walk in space, March 18, power Sunday, and the two-ton many obstacles” in the way of Union is preparing for the cele­ 196S, said in Budapest that a satellite whirled silently and civilian rule. bration .Tuesday of the fifth Russian will land on the moon uselessly around the globe. At a news conference In Sai­ i anniversary of Yuri Gagarin’s as early as 1968. It never had a chance to exer- gon, the monks asked the nation first manned space flight, with Gagarin told the Ctecboslovak (See Page Seventoen) optlmisUc talk about putting a news agency that Soviet apace (See Page Four) man on the moon. research had advanced, more Soviet cosmonauts have beeh rapidly tbap planned. He' aaW giving indications that their he was eonvineod there wmild government will attempt man’s be a man on Um morni wltliln Progress Reported great lunar adventure sooner the next five yean. I than baA.Jaaan..expected. The cosmonaute* optimism Alexei Leonov, the first man gets auppott from two htg euo- oeBBSs ttiO Soviet space ptogtsn Vaccinations Used has already............................ achieved in 1866. First came the eoft landing on (Herald photo by Whto) SofbCodf Mines the moon Feb, 8 by the un­ To Retard Cancer stitution Plaza.' Three wooden crosses, join^ to­ manned Lama 9 spaceship. The Rev, William Johnson df‘ Drew University (at no longer capable 9t {xeduoing gether, symbolized the three participating faiths—^ Closed hy Strike On April 8 Luna 10 was put DETROIT (AP) — Wayne’ lectern) leads a crowd, estimated at 10,000 in yes­ State University medical re­ cancer-fighting antibodies. ' ■ into orbit around the moon, an­ terday’s Ecumenical Easter Dawn Service in Con- Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox. PPTPSBIUnGH (AP)--M iners searchers say they may have The Wayne group's vaoclns, other first an<) another essential I struck soft-coal 'operations‘in discovered a way to treat can­ for getting a man therei The (See Page Eight) six states today hours before most discussed plan for a cer by vaccination. the reeiBnptton of contract talks maimed landing calls for the ResUNs they claim for a four- Happy Eastern between tbe United ICine Work­ year program so far’include: V - .>rV^' " From Alleys to Avenues, trip to he made in stagee. Jump­ ers Union and mine owners. — Two cancer patients, ear­ Every Saturday mooning ing ofl for the final one from a Hie strike spread to Ohio lier given up as hopeless cases, the two young brothers lunar satellite. completely freed of their tu­ waved to the man in the early today. Miners and ma- One possible next step in the News Tidbits Christians Mark Easter window at Laurel Manor ridne dhop employes, a total of So'Viet program la a manned mors. — Eight others once consld- Convalescent Home on their about 200 men, walked .qpt at flight to explore the iriclnlty of tion of Christ’s Resurrection ered beyond help still alive, Arthur Zinner, 20, a college n e w YORK (AP) — field outside the cdty, praying the Hanna Opal Ot>. Franktln the moon without attempting a “ history’s eternal springtime.”- way to churbh. their cancers either halted or student, is under observation at before a cleft in a rock, which mine near Onto iai southeMt landing. From humble chapels along If all men listened to the And every Saturday Washington, D.G. hospital to­ they believe is the si)ot where Ohio. Soviet space flights are never growing more elowly. '* ^the twisting alleyways of Easter message, he said, he felt morning the little old. man day after dousing himself with . Christ was buried. Picket lines appeared in announced in advance. The cos­ — Two patients with ad­ old Jerusalem to stately confident about "the posslbUlty would be there to waive gasoline in front of -tiie White' Across the storied valley, on Pennsylvania, West Virg^inia, monauts give hints in general vanced tumors, their lives be­ of this triumph of unity in love House yesterday in what police _ ehurches adorning broad the Mount of Olives, Lutherans back.' Illinois, Kentucky and Alabama. terms, but the world can only lieved prolonged by the treat­ avenues, the world’s Chris- held services in the Church of and justice, in liberty and prog­ ments. said was an attempt to bum Last Saturday — Easter In Washington, a spokesman guess the rest. Mary Magdalen ' near the ress.” Others among the 20 patients himself . Another work stop* tians-^ch and poor, the Saturday — they sought at UMW headquarters said A current rumor is that anoth­ Garden of Gethsemane. However, alluding to restric­ treated showed no improve­ page occurred on tiie New York mighty aiid the humble— him out and gave him an “there wasn't any sanction” for er space spectacular will be ^ m e of the pilgrims retraced tions on Roman Catholics in Po­ ment, said Dr. Paul L. Wolf, waterfront today as shippers gathered ih^their places of Easter basket filled with the walkouts. The spokesman launched Tuesday on the anni­ land and elsewhere, the pontiff Wayna State professor of patho­ went to court to ask extension worship to cel^rate Easter the steps of Jesus along Via Do­ fruit and other things for said the situation between the versary of Gagarin’s flight. said: "Freedom is not yet the logy and director of experimen­ of a temporary injunction . lorosa to Calvary. \ consumption. union-and. the Bituminous Coal The Soviet Union, backward "Sunday, the clihiax of Holy In jam-packed St. Pewr’s normal law of many peoples.” tal pathology at the Detroit In­ Internal Revenue Service dis­ It was a happy Easter for Operators Association was un­ in agriculture and poor com­ closes no extension of deadMnb Week. Square in Rome, Pope Paul VI Stefan Cardinal Wyszynkkl, stitute of Cancer Research. an old' man, and two young­ changed from Friday.
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