List of Abbreviations and Short Titles The Boo\ of the Gradual Sayings (Anguttara-Ni- \aya), ed. F. L. Woodward and E. M. Hare, 5 vols., London, 1932-1939 (PTS). AA Aitareya Aranya\a, ed. A. B. Keith, Oxford, 1909. AB (= Aitareya Brdhmana). Rigveda Brahmanas: The Aitareya and Kausita^i Brahmanas of the Rig- veda, ed. A. B. Keith, Cambridge, Mass., 1920 (HOS XXV). Abhidharma\osa L'Abhidharmakosa de Vasubandhu, tr. Louis de la Vallee-Poussin, 6 vols., Paris, 1923-1931. Abhinaya Darpana The Mirror of Gesture: Being the Abhinaya Dar- pana of Nandi\esvara, ed. A. K. Coomaraswamy, with Gopala Kristnaya Duggirala, Cambridge, Mass., 1917. Aeschylus, Fr. In Nauck (see below). Ait. Up. (= Aitareya Upanisad). In The Thirteen Prin- cipal Upanishads, ed. R. E. Hume, 2nd ed., rev., London, 1931. Angelus Silesius (Johann Scheffler) Cherubinischer Wandersmann, new ed., Munich, 1949. The Cherubinic Wanderer, selections tr. W. R. Trask, New York, 1953. Anugita The Bhagavadgita, with the Sanatsugdtiya, and the Anugita, ed. Kashinath Trimbak Telang, Oxford, 1882 (SBE VIII). Apuleius The Golden Ass, tr. W. Adlington, revised by S. Gaselee (LCL). Aquinas 1. Sancti Thomae Aquinatis, doctoris angelici, Opera omnia ad fidem optimarum editionum ac- curato recognita. 25 vols. Parma, 1852-1872. 2. See also Sum. Theol. below. Aristotle 1. De anima, tr. W. S. Hett (LCL). 2. The Metaphysics, tr. Hugh Tredennick (LCL). 3. The Nichomachean Ethics, tr. H. Rackham (LCL). 4. The Physics, tr. Francis M. Cornford (LCL). 5. The Poetics, tr. W. Hamilton Fyfe (LCL). Arthasdstra Kautilya's Arthasastra, ed. R. Shamasastry, 2nd ed., Mysore, 1923. xxm ABBREVIATIONS AND SHORT TITLES Aryabhata Aryabhatlya, tr. Walter Eugene Clark, Chicago, 1930. 'Attar, Farldu'd-Dln 1. Farid ud-Din Attar, The Conference of the Birds (Mantiq ut-Tair), tr. C. S. Nott from the French of Garcjn de Tassy, London, 1954. 2. Mantic Uttair, ou le langage des oiseaux, tr. Garc,in de Tassy, Paris, 1863. 3. Saldmdn and Absdl, . with a Bird's-Eye View of Farid-Uddin Attar's Bird-Parliament, by Ed- ward Fitzgerald, Boston, 1899. Atthasalinl The Expositor (Atthasalinl): Buddhaghosa's Com- mentary on the Dhammasangani, ed. P. Maung Tin and C.A.F. Rhys Davids, 2 vols., London, 1920- 1921 (PTS). AV 1. Atharva Veda, ed. W. D. Whitney and C. R. Lanman, Cambridge, Mass., 1905 (HOS VII, VIII). 2. The Hymns of the Atharva-Veda, ed. R.T.H. Griffith, 2 vols., 2nd ed., Benares, 1916-1917. Avicenna Metaphysices compendium, Rome, 1926. Avencebrol (Solomon Ibn Gabirol) Fons Vitae, see Fountain of Life, tr. Alfred B. Jacob, Philadelphia, 1954. BAHA Bulletin de I'Office Internationale des Instituts d'Archeologie et d'Histoire d'Art. Baudhayana Dh. Su Das Baudhayana-Dharmasutra, ed. Eugen Hultzsch, Leipzig, 1922. BD The Brhad Devata of Saunafa, ed. A. A. Mac- donell, Cambridge, Mass., 1904 (HOS VI). BfeFEO Bulletin de I'fLcole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient (Hanoi). BG The Bhagavad Gltd, ed. Swami Nikhilananda, New York, 1944. Boethius The Theological Tractates and the Consolation of Philosophy, ed. H. F. Stewart and E. K. Rand (LCL). Bo\hari Muhammad ibn-Isma al-Bukhari. Arabica and Islamica, tr. V. Wayriffe, London, 1940. BrSBh (= Brahma Sutra Bhdsya) The Veddnta-Sutras with the Commentary by San\ard\drya, ed. G. Thibaut, 2 vols., Oxford, 1890-1896 (SBE 34, 38). BSOS Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies xxiv ABBREVIATIONS AND SHORT TITLES BU (= Brhadaranya\a Upanisad) In The Thirteen Principal Upanishads, ed. R. E. Hume, 2nd ed., London, 1931. Chuang-tzu Chuang Tzu: Mystic, Moralist, and Social Re- former, ed. H. A. Giles, London, 1889. Cicero 1. Academica, tr. H. Rackham (LCL). 2. Brutus, tr. G. L. Hendrickson (LCL). 3. De natura deorum, tr. H. Rackham (LCL). 4. De officiis, tr. Walter Miller (LCL). 5. Pro Publio Quinctio, tr. John Henry Freese (LCL). 6. Tusculan Disputations, tr. J. E. King (LCL). Claudian, Stilicho On Stilicho's Consulship, tr. Maurice Platnauer, London and Cambridge, Mass., 1956. Clement 1. Miscellanies, tr. F.J.A. Hart and J. B. Mayor, London, 1902. 2. The Clementine Homilies, Ante-Nicene Chris- tian Library, vol. XVII, Edinburgh, 1870. Cloud of Unknowing A Boo% of Contemplation the Which is Called the Cloud of Unknowing in the Which a Soul is Oned with God, anon., ed. E. Underhill, London, 1912. Coptic Gnostic A Coptic Gnostic Treatise Contained in the Codex Treatise Brucianus, ed. Charlotte A. Baynes, Cambridge, CU (= Chandogya Upanisad) In The Thirteen Prin- cipal Upanishads, ed. R. E. Hume, 2nd ed., Lon- don, 1931. D (= Digha-Ni\aya) Dialogues of the Buddha, ed. T. W. and C.A.F. Rhys Davids, 3 vols., London, 1899-1921 (PTS). DA (= Dlgha-Nif{aya Attha\atha) The Sumangala- vilasirii: Buddhaghosa's Commentary on the Dlgha Ni^aya, ed. T. W. Rhys Davids and J. Estlin Car- penter (vol. I), and W. Stede (vols. II and III), London, 1886-1932 (PTS). Damascene St. John of Damascus. See Migne, PG, Vols. 94-96. Dante 1. Convito (1529); facsimile edition, Rome, 1932. Dante and his Convito: A Study with Transla- tions, W. M. Rossetti, London, 1910. 2. Dantis Alighieri Epistolae: The Letters of Dante, ed. P. Toynbee, Oxford, 1966. 3. The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri, tr. Charles Eliot Norton, 3 vols., Boston and New ABBREVIATIONS AND SHORT TITLES York, 1895-1897. (This is AKC's preferred edi- tion, but he had a dictionary of Dante's Italian and may have done translations on his own in addition to using Norton; he also used the Tem- ple Classics edition.) Dasarupa The Dasarupa: a Treatise on Hindu Dramaturgy, tr. G.C.O. Haas, New York, 1912. Dh The Dhammapada, ed. S. Radhakrishnan, London, 1950. DhA (— Dhammapada Attha\atha) Dhammapada Com- mentary, ed. H. C. Norman, 4 vols., 1906-1914 (PTS). Dionysius 1. De coelesti hierarchia, see ha Hierarchie celeste, ed. G. Heil and M. de Gandillac, Paris, 1958 (Sources chretiennes LVIII). 2. De divinis nominibus and De mystica theologia, see The Divine Names and The Mystical Theol- ogy, ed. C. E. Rolt, London, 1920. 3. Epistles, see Saint Denys L'Areopagite, Oeuvres, ed. Mgr. Darboy, Paris, 1932. Divyavaddna Divyavaddna, ed. E. B. Cowell and R. A. Neil, Cambridge, 1886. Dpv Dipavamsa, ed. H. Oldenberg, London, 1879. Epiphanius Epiphanius (Ancoratus und Panarion), ed. K. Holl, Leipzig, 1915-1933. Erigena John Scotus Erigena. See Migne, PL, Vol. 122. Euripides 1. Euripides, tr. A. S. Way (LCL). 2. Fragments in Nauck. Garbha Up. (= Garbha Upanisad) In Thirty Minor Upani- shads, tr. K. Narayanasvami, Madras, 1914. Garuda Purana 1. The Garuda Puranam, tr. M. N. Dutt, Calcutta, 1908. 2. The Garuda Purana, tr. Ernest Wood and S.U. Subrahmanyam, Allahabad, 1911 (SBH IX). GB Gopatha Brdhmana, ed. R. Mitra and H. Vidya- bushana, Calcutta, 1872 (Sanskrit only). Grassmann H. G. Grassmann, Worterbuch zum Rig-Veda, Leipzig, 1873 (cf- a^so R'g-Veda; ubersetzt und mit fyritischen und erlduternden Anmer\ungen ver- sehen, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1876-1877). Gree){ Anthology The Gree\ Anthology, tr. W. R. Paton (LCL). Harivamsa Harivamsha, ed. M. N. Dutt, Calcutta, 1897 (prose English translation). xxvi ABBREVIATIONS AND SHORT TITLES Hamsa Up. (= Hamsa Upanisad) In Thirty Minor Upani- shads, tr. K. Narayanasvami, Madras, 1914. Heracleitus, Fr. Heracliti Ephesi Reliquiae, ed. Ingram Bywater, Oxford, 1877 (see modern editions by G. S. Kirk and Philip Wheelwright; Coomaraswamy numbers Fragments according to Bywater). Hermes Hermetica: The Ancient Gree\ and Latin Writings which Contain Religious or Philosophic Teachings Ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus, ed. W. Scott, 4 vols., 1924-1936. Hesiod Theogony and Wor^s and Days, tr. Hugh G. Eve- lyn-White (LCL). Hippocrates Wor\s, tr. W.H.S. Jones (LCL). HJAS Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies. The Iliad and The Odyssey, tr. A. T. Murray Homer (LCL). Homeric Hymns, tr. Hugh G. Evelyn-White Homeric Hymns (LCL). Epistula ad Pisones (== Ars Poetica), tr. H. Rush- Horace ton Fairclough (LCL). HOS Harvard Oriental Series. IPEK Jahrbuch fur prahistorische und ethnographische Kunst. (= Isa, or Vsavasya, Upanisad') In The Thirteen Isa Up. Principal Upanishads, ed. R. E. Hume, 2nd ed., London, 1931. (== ltivutta\a) The Minor Anthologies of the Pali Itiv Canon, Part II: Udana: Verses of Uplift, and Iti- vutta\a: As It Was Said, ed. F. L. Woodward, London, 1935 (PTS). The Jata\a, or Stories of the Buddha's Former Births, ed. E. B. Cowell, 6 vols., Cambridge, 1895- 1907. Jacob Boehme 1. Signatura rerum, see The Signature of All Things, and Other Writings, new ed., London, 1969 (includes Of the Supersensual Life and The Way from Dar\ness to True Illumination). 2. Six Theosophic Points, and Other Writings, ed. J. R. Earle, Ann Arbor, 1958. 3. The Way to Christ, new ed., London, 1964. JamI Lawa'ih, A Treatise on Sufism, ed. E. H. Whin- field and M. M. Kazvlni, London, 1906. JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society. XXVH ABBREVIATIONS AND SHORT TITLES JB 1. The Jaimiriiya-Brdhmana of the Samveda, ed. R. Vira and L. Chandra, Nagpur, 1954 (San- skrit). 2. Das Jatminlya Brdhmana in Auswahl, text and German translation by W. Caland, Amsterdam, 1919. JHS Journal of Hellenic Studies. JISOA Journal of the Indian Society of Oriental Art. Jan van Ruysbroeck The Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage; The Sparkling Stone; The Boo\ of Supreme Truth, tr. C. A. Wynschenk, ed. Evelyn Underhill, London, 1914. JRAS Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. IUB (= Jaiminlya Upanisad Brdhmana) The Jaimiriiya or Talavak&ra Upanisad Brdhmana, ed. H. Oertel, Journal of the American Oriental Society, XVI (1896), 79-260. Kaus. Up. (= Kausltakj Upanisad) In The Thirteen Princi- pal Upanishads, ed. R. E. Hume, 2nd ed., London, 1931. KB Kauslta\i Brdhmana. Rigveda Brahmanas: The Aitareya and Kausita\i Brahmanas of the Rigveda, ed.
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