The original documents are located in Box 9, folder “2/23/76 - U.S. Governors” of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald R. Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 9 of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library Date L:;Jcd_fl9/76 DyP. Howard Revised ---- FACT SHEET Mrs. Ford's Office Event DINNER C~roup s and Their ses -~===--~.t-..::.=~=--=:......=.:.:...:....:::..::...:.:...:::..~~. ..::::.:=...:.:.._-::...:;:,::.:::_:~:::_~_i:_~~-~----------------·-----~ 1976 8:00 Phone------ Men----- x Children---- President and Mrs. Ford Principals involvt'cl --------------------------------··· ·---·- Participation by Principal ----'y_e_s________ SRcceiving Remarks rcqnfrc,1 s -...:....--~---·--------- 1h ck;r ro mHl es while they are REQUrREMENTS Soci::ll: Entertainments Office will distribute) Programs yes Menus yes Refreshments Dinner Forn1at Lntcrtainn1t.~nt s ---~--------------·----------------·---- D l~ C'O rations/ flow e rn yes Music s Social Aides yes Coat check Y' 3 Press: Reporters__ ye s Photop:rnphcrs s -~~------------------------------------- TV Crews--.!.-'::.=... _____________________________________ _ White Honse Photo~rnphcrs _____y_e_s ____ _ Color yes Mono. Other Technical Support: s PA Other Rooms yes ? Lights___ ..:.._. __________~------------------------ Transport;1 ti on thru SW Gate) -==~· rounds Other s 2927 · Prok:ct Co-ordinator ·---------------Pat Howard Phone------ Site dia;;rams should be 3ttachcd if technical support is heavy. Date Issued_z_L9fil ByP. Howard Revised FACT SHEET 'Mrs. Ford's Office Event DINNER Group In Honor of Governors and Their Spouses DATE/TIME February 23, 1976 8:00 p. m. Contact Pat Howar~ Phone '927 1 1 Number of guests: Total f68 : ~! fWfi ne\'lomen x Men----- x Children----- Place State Fl or Principals involved President and Mrs. F ord Participation by Principal yes (Receiving line) yes R cm arks required es--------------' -------------- ------------------------------------~---,.----,,.------- Ba~kpround The President and Mrs. Ford wish to give a dinner honoring the Governors and their spouses while they are in Wash., D. C. for the Governors Conf. REQllIREMRNTS Social: Guest list (Social Entertainments Office will dis tribute) I nvitations_--.J.y-"e'-'s~----------- Progrnms yes Menus yes Refreshments Dinner Format l ntertainmcnt Decorations/flowers----- yes ____ ,;..___ ~~------------~--~------~~--.;..._- M c es Social Aides yes Drcs s Black----------------------------------~---------- Tie Coat check yes Other -------------------------------------- Press: Reporters ---------------------------~--~~~~-~-~~ Photogrnphcrs es ~-«-~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~--~------~- TV Crcws__ y,L..=;.e~s------------------------------ Color yes Mono. White House Photor,rnphcrs___ _.Y_e_s ____ ----- ------ Other-------------------------------------------- Technical Support: f\Hcrophones yes PA Other Rooms yes ? ~--~----~~---~-~ -------- Recordi Lights _y_e_s______________________ __:_~~-F o-=~~ Transportation cars (enter thru SW Gate) -T,;~ Parking. South Grounds -----------------------~----_.::,;___ _ f I ousi nr, ____ -----------------------~...._- O th cr________________ ( R iscrs,st age, platforms)_ __,~--- Project Co-ordinator Pat Howard Phone 2927 ~--------------~--------~ ------ Site diagrams should be attached if technical support is heavy. For immediate release Friday, February 20, 1976 THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary to Mrs. Ford The President and Mrs. Ford will host a black tie di_nner honoring governors of the 50 states, the Commonwealth of Peurto Rico, and the three United States territories (Guam, the American Samoa and the Virgin.Islands) at 8:00 P.M. on Monday, February 23, 1976. Dinner will be followed by toasts by the President and Governor Robert D. Ray of Iowa, Chairman of the National Governor's Conference. After dinner, guests will be entertained·by popular singer Tony Bennett, \ followed by dancing in the Grand Hall to the music of the Marine Dance Band. Mrs. Ford has chosen a classic9l folk art theme, '·'The Peaceable Kingdom" for the decor of the State Floor. Much of the inspiration for the decorations comes from the paintings of Pennsylvania artist Edward Hicks (1780-1849), which depict the Biblicai concept of unity -- wild and domestic animals living together in-tranquility. In his paintin~s ,) _lie often ill.tegrated the idea of. the p~aceful coexistence ·o:f ·west.ern civilized man with native American Indians. .. Hand-crafted animals and birds will be used as centerpieces. Each an American antique, the carvings are made of wood, stone, metal and fabric, and will be placed in a natural setting of multi-colored spring flowers. Candleholders are fashioned of antique wooden spools used in the mills of New England from the turn of the century through 1945. The wood has a shine created from the lanolin of the yarn which was deposited on the wood. Some of the candleholders are trimmed in brass and others in pewter. The round·tables will be draped with taffeta and antique satin table­ clothes in shades of bright pinks. Tables will be set with the Johnson China, vermeil flatwear, and the Morgantown crystal. The decorations are being coordinated by Jack Bangs, chief designer for the Gazebo of New York, who is donating his services. The Museum of American Folk Art is supplying the centerpieces, most of which are from private col~ections. The menu: Filet of Mountain Trout Meuniere, Fleurons, Roast Sirloin of Beef, Eggplant Fermiere, Cauliflower with Parsley, Watercress and Mushroom/ Salad, Trappist Cheese, Grand Marnier Scuffle with Sauce Sabayon, ·n~rnitasse. Wines: Gold Seal Pinot Chardonnay; Beringer Cabernet Sauvign6n; The Thompson Pere Marquette. # # # For Imillediate Release Friday, ·February 20, 1976 THE WHITE HOUSE OFFICE OF THE IRESS SECRETARY TO MRS. FORD The President and Mrs. Ford have asked singer Tony Bennett to entertain at the black-tie dinner honoring the Governors of the States and Territories and their wives, February 23 at 8:00 PM. Mr. Bennett previously performed at the White House during the Johnson Administration at a State dinner honoring the Prime Minister of Japan. He also has had two command performances before the Queen of England. Tony Bennett has been a popular singing star for more than two. decades. After singing with various military bands during World War II, he got his first ~ig professional break when he won a spot· on the Arthur Godfrey television show. That performance led to a tour with Bob Hope, who gave Bennett his stage name, and to his first recording contract. ·A series of hits in the 1950s placed him among the front ranks of American male vocalists. His recording of "I Left My Heart in San Francisco" in 1962 has become an American classic, and he has been active on the concert tour. Today he performs about 45 weeks of the year. He was born Anthony Dominick Benedetto in Long Island City, New York in 1926. His father died when Tony was eight, and for the next 17 years his mother worked as a seamstress in the garment industry. He began his career as a teen-ager as a singing waiter. Before the war, he enrolled at the Manhattan's School of Industrial Art and planned a career as a commerical artist. When his plans were interrupted by three years service in the United States Army, he changed his interest to music. He and his wife Sandi have three children, two sons and a daughter. They live in Englewood, New Jersey, where Bennett continues his interest in art by painting oils and watercolors. # # # For immediate release February 23, 1976 NOTICE TO THE PRESS COVERAGE OF THE GOVERNORS' DINNER - MON., FEB. 23 Note: Photographers will need a ladder to cover. Black tie for writers, but not necessary for photographers. 7:00 p.m. Pick up in press lobby for those wishing to view the table decor in the State Dining Room. 7:30 p.m. Pickup in press lobby for writers and photographers who wish to cover arrival of guests. Coverage will be inside, on the ground floor at the Diplomatic Reception Room. 8:00 p.m. Press moves from Diplomatic Reception Room to Grand Foyer to cover photo of the President and Mrs. Ford at Grand Staircase. 9:15 p.m. Pool coverage of toast; writers will be in the White House Theatre. 10:00 p.m. Pickup for coverage of Entertainment in East Room. END OF PHOTO COVERAGE Writers and reporters may mingle. 2h o-\-c} c.. ~S rn. ~\ QA-n1 , / WITHDRAWAL SHEET (PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARIES) FORM OF CORRESPONDENTS OR TITLE DATE RESTRICTION DOCUMENT List To be Cleared for Governor's Dinner, February 23, 1976 I N.D. c File Location: SHEILA WEIDENFELD FILES, Box 9, "2/23/1976 - U.S. Governors" SMD, 10/13/2016 RESTRICTION CODES (A) Closed by applicable Executive order governing access to national security information. (B) Closed by statute or by the agency which originated the document. (C) Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in the donor's deed of gift. NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION NA FORM 1429 (1-98) / Ktv;C- :b1:N"NE:u- :-Mo.il<la}r~ -:Feb"i-U.arY.-·z3~--f916-a.i:·s-:oo- e:·~.-:· bo~e~n~-rs (127) TABLE 1 TABLE 2 TABLE 3 Mr. McConahey Mr. _Lynn Mr. Zarb Mrs. Godwin Mrs. Longley Mrs. Judge Gov. Kneip Gov. Lucey Gov. Blanton ·Mrs. Calla-..~ay Mrs. Doug Bennett Mrs. Marsh Gov. Salmon Mr. Farber Gov. ·Carey Mrs. 0' Donnell Mr. Gorog Mr. Delaney Gov. Anderson Mrs. Cavanaugh Mrs. Gergen Mrs. Link Gov. Moore Gov. Thomson 1-llr. Bangs Mrs. Ruth Mrs. Milliken Mrs. King . TABLE 4 TABLE 5 TABLE 6 Mr.
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