A Public Forum For News, OpiNioN, and creAtive thought oF the goverNor’s AcAdemy January 20, 2012 volume 53, issue 5 I n t his issu e A refreshing success elisabeth bogart ‘12 Martin Luther King Jr., Day is al- were already ruing what they thought ed It o rIa l S ways an interesting day at the Acad- would be another contrived history emy. Unlike every public school in lesson when they walked into morn- Playing God? .....................................2 the neighboring area—we do not get ing meeting last Monday. Everyone, It’s Tebow Time .................................2 to sleep the day away in “honor” of however, was surprised at how the MLK Jr. Instead, each year we try to day started. With the help of four mi- honor a great man with astounding crophones, different members of our o pIn Io n accomplishments from our small cam- community stood up and shared his or pus in Byfield, MA. Freshman year, I her beliefs with the school. The brave Political Debate .................................3 remember watching black and white students and faculty who decided to Mind of Myles ...................................4 ADL films in Parsons. Sophomore year share their perspective on life made I’m pretty sure I stayed home, while an impact. We learned new ways to A Woman’s Choice ...........................4 piles and plies of snow surrounded view love, anger, joy, and redemption. my house. Junior year teachers were It is sometimes hard to see Govs as a asked to make time in class to dis- diverse community; it is after all a pri- F e at u r e S cuss his work…I attended every one vate New England boarding school. It The Shifting Paradigm .....................5 of my classes without speaking about http://www.leadership-with-you.coM/iMages/ also depends on what one qualifies as Dr. King. So, for the past three years, I Martinlutherkingjr.jpg diverse ;on MLK day people tend to fo- To Eat or Not to Eat ..........................5 haven’t felt like we—as a community— cuss Dr. King’s beliefs. cus on the color of skin. This hour ses- Faculty Spotlight ...............................6 have truly been able to honor and dis- Based on past experience, students sion began and ended with little em- Behnid the Scenes Spotlight ............7 ...Continued on Page 12 Fac Brat Chat .....................................7 Ozzie’s Kids ........................................8 the Newest Afternoon Activity Philosophy .........................................8 Maya Martignetti ‘12 Science ...............................................9 Since Volleyball moved from door sports complex in Danvers. It will on the team so most of us will drive Fashion ...............................................9 the winter to the fall in 2011, Madi- be an adult co-ed league with games ourselves. The boarders will sign out Music Mashups .................................9 son Tsao, Volleyball Co-Captain, was once a week on Wednesdays. Some through the office and go with a day looking for something to do in the teachers are also planning to play with student. Baby Names .................................... 10 winter for an afternoon activity. Madi- us. TG: What do you suggest for next Satire ................................................ 10 son gave up soccer to play volleyball, TG: How many people do you have year in order for the activity to go more and so she and former teammate Ka- this year on your team and what grades smoothly? Alfriddles ........................................ 10 tie Rudolph, who spent this past fall are they in? Is it mostly boys or girls? M&K: Make sure that you have Music Debate ................................. 11 planning the Special Olympics Tour- M&K: We have 12 people this year. everything set with the league you are TV Review ...................................... 11 nament, wanted to find a way to play It’s all seniors besides EJ and Calvin going to play in. A few of the options soccer this winter. The two seniors got who are juniors. Katie and I are the as far as leagues that we wanted to play Movie Review ................................. 11 a group together and decided to join only girls on the team, but it’s a good in didn’t end up having enough teams Jack Edwards .................................. 12 an indoor soccer league near school. time. register so the leagues never got up and The Governor recently sat down with TG: What have you been up to be- running which made it a lot harder to MLK Day History .......................... 13 the two heads of the newest afternoon fore games get started? find a league to play in. New Years’ Resolutions ................. 13 activity to ask how they got started and M&K: Before break we played out- TG: Overall, would you say Indoor Poem ............................................... 14 how things are going. side on the turf because it was warm Soccer has been a successful winter ac- The Governor: Was it difficult -get out. Now that it is a little colder, we tivity so far? Photos ............................................. 15 ting a new afternoon activity passed? decide each day on a plan – either go M&K: So far everything has gone Madison and Katie: We are tech- outside and play on the turf or wait for well with the exception of joining a B a c k pa g e nically a special activity so we had to a court to open up in the field house. league (but it seems like we will be Birthdays ......................................... 16 submit a proposal for our activity. All TG: Has it been hard coordinating playing in Danvers starting soon!). We of the players had to be juniors or se- with the Athletic Department to find have a lot of fun as a group just playing Poll ................................................... 16 niors and had to have permission from room in the field house to practice? pick-up games. A lot of times, other This issue of The Governor is printed on 50% recycled their parents to participate. There were M&K: Wotty and Mrs. McLain students will join in and play. paper. a lot of details to figure out initially but have been great about making sure Katie and Madison are perfect the overall process wasn’t too hard. we have a court time. Though we usu- examples of students taking initiative TG: How often and when do you ally have a late time, sometimes we can and getting something done on cam- play games? Will they all be at the sneak onto a court earlier if a team has pus. They wanted to play soccer this Topsfield Arena? a game or conditioning. winter, and they made it happen. Who M&K: We still aren’t sure what TG: How will you be getting the knows, maybe indoor soccer will be a league we are playing in but the league team to and from your games? lasting tradition with students at the we are hoping to join is at the new in- M&K: There are only 4 boarders Academy down the road! to: o t d n e S e d i t o r i a l s t h e g o v e r n o r 2 the goverNor A Public Forum For News, OpiNioN, it’s tebow time and creAtive thought oF the goverNor’s AcAdemy January 20 2012 volume 53, issue 5 john daMianos ‘12 edItorS-In-chIeF: M a St h e a d : Lindsey Harrigan ‘13 Rachel Cabitt ‘12 Abby Matses ‘11 Neil He ‘13 As a quarterback, Tim Tebow is to one conclusion: we are in a society John Damianos ‘12 Natalie Sullivan ‘13 Lauren LaBrique ‘12 a d v is o r S: Alex Curran-Carderelli ‘14 arguably at best mediocre. He cer- filled with Evangelicals. Disagree? Let Dan Capobianco ‘14 Elaine White Chris Mucci ‘14 tainly is inconsistant. So what’s all me ask this: What if a Muslim player M a n a g I n g Peter Mason Katie Quimby ‘14 this hype about, and why is he ranked overtly prayed on a football field in e d I t o r S : Nicole Wotton ‘14 Mei Li Johnson ‘13 S ta ff W rIt e rS: Kendall Ham ‘14 America’s favorite pro athlete based front of thousands? There would be Tina McGrath ‘12 Andrew Coleburn ‘12 Abby Katz ‘15 on an ESPN poll? The answer is de- a national outrage. People would be Myles Badger ‘13 Maya Martignetti ‘12 Hansika Vijayaraghavan ‘15 Alfred Cerrone ‘12 Garth Robinson ‘15 ceivingly simple: He’s not your typi- furious and offended, and the player p h o t o g r a p h y Elisabeth Bogart ‘12 Michael Eberle ‘15 cal quarterback. Usually after three would probably face some sort of con- Chad Martin ‘12 Christina Merullo ‘14 e d I t o r S : Katie McKay ‘12 sloppy quarters leaving the Broncos sequence. Thus, we are hypocrites. Christine Lee ‘12 Joe Benson ‘13 Jean Bower ‘13 Jimmy Monroe ‘13 trailing in the fourth, Tim Tebow does We boast that America is a haven for Jaicey Bang ‘13 Molly Fulton ‘13 something. He prays. He kneels down, religious freedom, where people can bows his head, and prays. And when freely exercise their faith. It seems we he takes the field, the game changes. haven’t changed from the days of the The offense clicks; Tebow gets into his Puritans: we exalt the Evangelicals and rhythm. They score. And then some- scorn those of any other creed. Playing god? how they score again. Perhaps even This same Evangelical fervor has again. In the end, the Denver Broncos spilled over into the realm of politics. tina Mcgrath ‘12 emerge victorious, leaving the oppos- Throughout the GOP race, I have heard ing team scratching their heads in be- more about religion than I’ve heard of When Dolly the sheep became the a Frankensteinian monster is entirely wilderment.
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