THE ANN ARBOR REGISTER. VOL. xiv. NO. 13. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1888. WHOLE NO. 692. him, and fitting cobblerwise poured forth AT LAST, AT LAST. Clara Ionise KcUoffif- THE GLEEFULGLEE CLUB. the well-known legend of Tobias and Bjhunkus. The interests of Tobia9 were The School Board are Determined now Sirce Miss Kellogg's debut as a lyric THAT OF THE MICHIGAN UNIVER- looked after by tenors; those of Bohunkus to have a new School Building. artist there has not appeared upon the SITY GIVES A SUCCESSFUL by the basses. "Bias, bias," screamed the operatic stage an artist who has so suc- CONCERT. tenor3. " Hunkus, hunku*," grunted the basses. At the meeting of the school board, cessfully and brilliantly mastered a success last Thursday night, a resolution was in almost every prominent role of the Central MusioHnll, Filled with a At each change of the song the singers adopted to the effect that Spier & Rohns operas of Meyerbeer, Verdi, Gounod, Am- JOHN KOCH, Fashionable Audience, Resounds altered their positions. Sometimes they (Lately of KOCH A II V II 1 i: with Tuneful Airs and the laughter sat on the back of the chair, and some- be the architects for the proposed school broise Thomas, or any of the prominent or the Amused listeners.— Words of times they stood. The tenors sang the building, provided they will furnish satis- composers of the Italian, French, and Ger- man schools. A large audience will have Some of Their Odd Little Songs.— last verge: factory plans and specifications, as full as The Imitation Italian Opera of ••«». These brothers now are dead and gone, an occasion to judge this lyric star April Ba, Black Sheep." No more on earth they dwell, E. E. Myers & Son do, according to their Is Now at the Old Keck Stand, Tobias went to realms above, 9, when she appears in Ann Arbor at the Bohunkus wtnt to—> printed articles of agreement, and to do all opera-house in two acts of La Fovorita they (Meyer & Son) agree to do by said From the Chicago Tribune: "Hunkus, hunkus," shouted the basses: and Rigoletto in beautiful costumes and 56 and 58 SOUTH MAIN ST. and to this day no man would have known articles of agreement, and will charge 3J The Duke of York, the Duke of York, with stage settings. The first part of the With twenty thousand men, the destination of Bobunkus if the club per cent, commission on the contract price progara will consist of the great duet of The Duke of York marched up a hill, had not suddenly overturned their chairs, Having purchased the entire Stock of Furniture, Car- And then marched down again. which is not to exceed $24,000. Spier & " Martha," Wagner's celebrated song, and there on the bottom of each chair was " The Evening Star," and many other fav- pets and Draperies of Riohmond & Treadwell, will make And when they were up they were up, up, up, inscribed the name of the Inferno. Rohn are further to agree to act as super- And when they were down they were down, This brought the concert to an end, and intendents of the building and examine orite songs; selections from favorite operas a FIRST-CLASS Furniture establishment. Fine line of down, down. will also be on the program. And when they were half-way up, up, up, the audience, in the best of moods, depart- the work as the building progresses once Chamber Suites in Cherry, Walnut, Antique Oak, and They were neither up nor down. ed with the melody of "Ann Arbor" on or twice a week and when called for. Sycamore, for $20.00 and upwards. their lips : The Michigan University G!ee Club They must guaraatee that if the school Frank Deshon who is the star in the We love thy classic Blades and shrines, Starr opera company which will play in New Goods arriving every day. Have employed one of started off with this ballad at the Central We love thy murmuring elms and pines, board build according to their plans and Where'er our future homes may be, Ann Arbor all next week, is a favorite in the most skillful workmen in the State, especially for or- Music-Hall last night. The hall was well Our hearts, our hopes are all with thee. specifications, the building so built shall East Saginaw. According to the Saginaw filled, and the audience was distinctly- come within $24,000, including their com- Evening Sews of March 16, he was pre- dered work. I have been In the business in Ann Arbor fashionable. It was the first visit of the mission, ventilation, heating apparatus, sented with a large floral elk head and many years, and understand what is wanted. Societies, THE JUNIOR EXHIBITION. antlers by the East Saginaw Lodge of Churches, etc., would do well to call and oonsult me when club to Chicago. seating for hall and rooms ready to occupy Elks, No. 47." Just as the curtain was "We got as near as Hyde Park," said for school purposes. they want anything in the way of Furniture. CLASS 'VI NOT AT ALL BEHIND ITS falling on the scond act of " Chimes of Mr. R G. Cole, a modest young fellow, PREDECESSORS. At a meeting of the board last Friday Normandy," Rev. Rowland Connor, of Baby Carriages, Latest Novelties, at Very Low Prioes- who directs the club, "and there our evening Mr. Spier was present and ac- East Saginaw, stepped out of the proscen- ium boxes and presented the gift to him. Sell Carpets Close. courage failed us." cepted the resolution after the part rela- The High School Chapel Thronged.— tive to "heating apparatus" was changed Mr. Deshon is a member of the order. "How long have you existed?" Excellent Essays and Speeches. to "eteam piping and conuections with "Four years. Mr. Wilson, who is —Music, Flowers, Pretly the boiler now in the present high-school Faces, etc., etc. OTIC 25 CENT COLUMN. among the audience tonight, organized us. building." It was arranged that Mr. Spier Advertisements, such as To Rent, For Bale, or Three of us boys then constituted ourselves make a ground plan arranging, for the use Wants, not exceeding three lines, can be Inserted They were so pretty, fresh, and gay, of Prof. Chute, for two rooms on the first t iree weeks for 35 cents. committee of examination. All candi- Six junior maidens fair; floor of the east end of the new building, In white they stood in pleasant mood ICYCLE FOB SALE.—A 54-inch American dates were brought before us. We picked And spoke their essays there; and two rooms in the basement, connect- Star, in first clas:lass condition. PricPricee 165.00« , And four there were of sterner stuff ing the floor by stair-cases, and that the BWm. A.Campbel 1, 21S. State-st, Ann Arbor. out those whom we considered the best Sat by the six so proud; and here is the result." Ten juniors all who in the hall basement be from nine to ten feet in KE3SMAKING by the French Livingston The result was flattering. Everything Had praises long and loud. height as may be found best to accommo- DSystem. A prefecectt fitfit guaranteed'. Mrs. M. date his work. Cook," 96 E. Washingtonst. was received with shouts of laughter and They talked of fools and jesters bold, WHY Did the Workinpen The truth-tellers of their time; The new building as it will probably be "PROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT for any Gentle- applause. Old fellows vowed they hac They taught that party loyalty XT man or Lady. Ex'ra percentage, immediate not laughed so much since they were boys Makes voting "straight" a crime; constructed will be a handsome building. returns, no risk. Agents wanted to sell The Miss- OF THIS COUNTRY IN THE PAST YEAR USE OVER themselves, sir. And they got together Discoursed of moonshine, fiction, war, An elevation of it is to be seen in Judge ing Sense ; sells easily at slgbt; no subscriptions Of legends old and sleek ; needed. Address C. W. Wooldridge, Ann Arbor, between the parts, and compared notes Of oracles and pencil points, Harriman's office. It will stand fifteen Mich, or call at 45 S. Ingalls-st. and criticised the changes that had been And even Vol&puk. teet north of the ugly-looking building HE WOMAN'S ENPLOYMENT BUREAU is made in songs which they remembered The Junior exhibition in the Ann Arb) which is now the high-school building, Tlocated at No. 8S E, Washingtonst, in charge 1,000,000 PAIRS and were positive that in their day the and the two will be connected by a glass- of Miss Sperry. words ran like this or like that. And the high school passed off with its usual eas covered passage-way. It will be 70 feet fOR RENT—A furnished house from May to lads and pretty girl?, who had no such and good taste last Friday evening, befor wide and 114 feet long. The lower part t September. Inquire at 27 Ann-st. reminiscences, just clapped their hands a fine audience. The chapel was prettilj will be of the field-boulders, and the upper OR RENT—Unfurnished Rooms at 35 S. Uni- half of cut stone and brick. The hall verslty-ave. Suitable for housekeeping. and laughed, and were happy. decorated with evergreens. Oa the plat F The military adventures the Duke oi will seat 1500 people. The northwest rv\O RENT.—My Dwelling, No. 41 S. Fourthst n form sat members of the school board, th JL Eleven rooms.
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