Livetpool and District Society Manchester and District Society, David Yorke Fred Parker, 80 Green Lane, 21 Haigh Lawn, Vicars Cross, St.Margarets Road, Chester. CH3 5LE Bowdon. WAl4lXX Tel: 0244-350252 Tel: 061 -9284462 CHESHIRE RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Cup and Plate Competitions T ,1 The Tetley Bitter Cheshire oup was won by Macclestïeld R . F . C . who beat Sale F . C . at the Wilmslow i NOTICE is hereby given that the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the CHESHIRE RUGBY club. The Tetley Bitter Cheshire Plate Final was also played at Wilmslow with New Brighton F . C . a i • FOOTBALL UNION will be held at the CHESTER RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION CLUBHOUSE, HARE defeating Wilmslow R . F . C . • LANE, VICARS CROSS, CHESTER on THURSDA Y, 9TH JULY 1992 at 6.3Op.m. 7,Beaumaris Drive, Disciplinary Thingwall, D.I.ADAMS Wirral, Honorary Secretary Merseyside L61 7XP 20th June 1992 In the West of the county 34 players were seen by the Disciplinary Sub-Committee (Chairman David Wright and Secretary Des Mason). In the East the Sub - Committee (Chairman C.Coventry, Secretary M. Williams) dealt with 22 players, two clubs, Caldy and Wallasey, had four or more players sent off. AGENDA Individual Members 1. Notice of the Annual General Meeting. This Section continues to provide useful revenue for the County, and is thriving under the leadership of 2. To confirrn the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Ilth July 1991 David Wright. Annual subscription for membership is f6, and Life Membership is onIy f50. Further information and supplies of sweaters, ties and umbrellas, available from David Wright (051 - 652 0402) 3. To adopt the Hon. Treasurers report and Accounts. Fixtures 1992 - 93 4. To adopt the Committee's Report. CountyXV 5. To elect the Officers for the Year 1992/3. The Committee nominations are: (a) President: J . M . Young 25th November v. Cumbria (Away) (b) Past Presidents: li. V . Middleton, W. J . Thompson, G. C . Noden, 5th December v. East Midlands (Home) N . A . Steel, A . F . Koenan, P . G . Turner, A. H . Rushton, G. C . Cox, 13th December v. Staffordshire (Burton) A. 1 . Hart, M. Cohen, W . Gott 19th Decembe v. Notts, Lincs & Derby (Home) ( ) Crt (c) Senior Vice - President: F . R . Povall (d) Vice - Presidents: C. J. Coventry, N. if. Middlebrook, J. N. Lenton, D. P. Wright Division 6. The following officers being eligible and no further nominations being recieved are hereby elected a. (a) lIonorary Secretary: D. 1 . Adams 5th December v. South West (Headingley) ! (b) Assistant Honorary Secretary: J. N . Lenton 12th December v. Midlands (Waterloo) i (c) Honorary Treasurer: M. Cohen ~ 19th December v. London (Stoop Ground) ;. tJ (d) Assistant Honorary Treasurer: N. H . Middlebrook rt~ 7. Proposed by W . Gott Seconded by N . Lenton : - Honorary Match Secretary : L . Galey 8. To elect the Committee for the year 1991/92. One reF ..~sentative from each club, one member from each of the Referees' Societies and two representatives from the schools . 9. To accept the amendments to the mies proposes by W . Gott seconded by M . Cohen. :,10. To elect the Auditor for the year 1992/93 . The Committee ' s nomination is : W. Potts F. C. C . A. Il. Any other Business. COMMITIEE'S REPORT 1991/92 e; COMMITTEE Six Commiacc Mœtinp were bcld during the )'Car and the foUowing i.s a record of attendance: 1. M . Y OIntg (President) 6 P. Cornelia (L~) 4 1991 C J . Coventry. (Senior".President) 3 R . Farrirnond l~cclesfield) 1 F .R . Povall (Vice President) 6 2 BALANCE AT BANK N .R Middlebrook (Yice Pmoident) S ~', r~~~Ma~~~",) 4 1364 Youth Development Officer Account 559 J . N . Lcnton (Vice President) 3 J . C . B PiminB!<>n (r'!ew Brigbton) 6 D, P. Wrillht (Vice President) 3 G . KClUledy (NorthwlCh) 5 R V. MidilietOll (Past President) 1 D, J . Masan (Old Anselmians) 6 W. J . Thom~ (Past President) o D. Ewing (Old Birkonians) 2 G . C . Nodei! (PaS! President) o A. E. Bushell Unstonians) 3 N. A ,Steel (Pas! PresidCllt) 4 A . J. JOllCS (Otd Rocld'errians) 2 A. F. Koenan (Put President) o R . Lowe (Old Salians) 2 1364 559 P. G. Turner (Put President) o A.Orabe (Oldershaw) 0 A, H . Rushton (Pas! President) o A . Muir (Parkonians) O. C. Cox (l'astPresidentl R. F. U 2 J . J . Moscrop (Peninsular Vets) -,:' _Repmoentative) A . 1. Hart (Pas{ President) 2 M. Cohen ~ President) 3 D. Jones (Port Sunlight) D. 1. Adams (Hon Secretary) 6 1 . Stewart (Sale) :.0 ,A . Ripley (Hon Match Sec",tary) o J . Wyatt (Sandbach) 5 B . Ewing (Colts) 4 0 1991 M .Williams (Ashton - on - Me""y) S g: R~~e (~~~ ~~fw)n) 6 O. MaIT8 (Birkenhead Park) 5 f C . Gibson (Bowdon) 3 H ,Rees (Wallasey) 4 INCOME T .1. F . Price (Caldy) 1 D. Roberts (Whitéhouse Park) 0 200 Cheshire RFU 400 o . Hod-»on (~enhW'St) o M . J • HamIin (Wi1mslow) 3 o Rugby Football Union o B . E . Ifaister (Cheshi", Police) 1 J ,Davi.. (Winnington Park) 5 21000 Wendel! Wakefield Trusl 21420 J . A • Jatvis (Chester) 5 J . Leary (WinsfoRl) 1 198 Deposit ACCOWlt Inl:c'rest 114 P. E. Orinter . (Chester College) o D . B . Lewis (Wirral) 0 2524 Excess of expcnditure over Incorne S. Faulkner (Chrialeton) o W . Buckland (Liverpool Referees) 6 805 D . A . Pa1in (Congleton) 4 G . Hulthes (Manchester Referees) 3 J . M. Farr (C",we & Nantwich) 5 M. J . Briers (Schoo!s West) 0 23922 22739 R . Haalehursi (Davenport) 3 R ' Davenport~chOO!s East) 0 M . 1. Lon! (We of Man) 4 1. Chamock 'ni IJunior) 4 M .S . Nield 'leld) o T. Alherton (l .21) 2 B. McLean e!sby) 1 C . Hugbes (Y, D . O. ) 3 2 B: ~~~ ~~e?,·pel) 6 MINI AND JUNIOR CLUBS TIle Annual Cheshire Cluœ' Minis' Festival results:- Altrineharn - Kersal Crewe and Nantwich Old Anselmians Southern Nomads Ashton - on - Mersey Davenport Old Birkonians Vagabonds Birkenhead Park Douglas OJd Salians Wallasey Runnees • ul' Bowdon Duckinfield Oldershaw Western Vikings * Caldy Helsby Parkonians Whitehouse Park Under 8's Sandbach Winnington Park Capenhurst Holmes Chapel Wilm,low Peninsular Vets * Under 9's Davenport Macclesfield Castletown Hoylake Port Sunlight Winnington Park UnderlO's Winnington Park Davenport Cheshire Constabulary ICI Wothounds Prenton Winsford Cheshire Regiment * Lymm Ramsey Wirral Underll 's Caldy Davenport Chester Maeclesfield Sale Underl2's Birkenhead Park Macc\esfield Chester College Marple Sanatogents Christleton * MOQre Sandbach f \ l ) Congelton New Brighton Shell (Carrington) Crewe and Alsager College Northwich Shell (Stanlow) l * These Clubs are NOT affiliated to the RFU Under 16 Clubs XV RESUL TS: " SCHOOLS v. Buckinghamshire Won 21 - 0 Altrineham G . S . Croft County Primary Sehool Malbank School Ruthin Sehool v. North Midlands Lost 6 -3 Ballakermeen H. S . Dormie House School Margret Danvers College Rydal School v. Lancashire Lost 17 -7 Bebington H. S . Ellesmere Port Catholie H, S . Marple Hall school SI. Ambrose College ,J~. Beech Hall School Fallibroome County H. S . Middlewich Count C. S. St. Anselm's College Birkenhead Sehool Hilbre Secondary School -- Neston Comprehensive St . Ninian 's H. S . - Referees' Society Birkenhead 6th Form College Hyde Sixth Form College Oldershaw School Sale G. S . Bishop Heber County H . S. King Willimams College Park H. S . Sandbrook Primary SChCKI! Once again we express our sincere thanks to the Liverpool and Manchester Societies for providing referees Blaeon H. S . King's School , Macclesfield Plessington Catholie H. S . Sandbach Sehool for cup ,league and friendly fixtures for clubs and county teams. Bramhall County H . S . King's Sehool , Chester Poynton Cou nt y H. S . Sir John Deane 's College Next season sees many changes in the laws of the game and the Liverpool Society is organising a Bridgewater County H . S . Kingsly St . John's Primary Queen Elizabeth H. S. Stockport G. S . n conference on the new laws on Sunday 12 July at the Liverpool St; Helens club. Ail clubs in the Caldy Grange G. S . Knutsford County C . S . Ramilles Hall School Tarporley County H. S . Merseyside area are invited to send along their referees , coaches and captains to this conference. The Carlett Park College Leftwich H. S . Ramsey G, S . Terra Nova Sellool Castle Rushen High School Lindisfarne College Ridge College Victoria Community Schc _. Manchester Society is organising Road Shows in July , with a meeting on 25th August - full details will be Cheadle Hulme School Lymm H. S . Ruskin County H . S . Wallasey School ~, sent to clubs. Whitby County Comp. New members are always we1come in both societies and anyone interested in taking up refereeing should Wirral G. S. contact the secretaries: YOUTH DEVELOPMENT OFFICER :eCOUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP BALANCE SHEET AS AI J01h APRIL J.m Results: Owshire v. Durham (Away) Lost 30- 0 1991 Oleshire v. Ea.<t Midlands (Away) Won 34 - 13 YOUTI! DEVELOPMENT OFFICER CAPITAL ACCOUNT 136t 1364 Less Excess ofExpenditure aver incorne 805 559 Oleshire v. Siaffordshire (Sale FC) Won29-10 o Add Creditor o Players representing the County were: )"":.. 1364 559 , Durham Ea,t Midlanù.' Stafforùshire '*M. Elliolt Liverpool St.Helens F .B. L.W. YOUTH DEVELOPMENT OFFICER D. Wa,Ulam Birkenhead Park R.W. *J. Baxendale Wilmslow R.C. R.C. R.C. Accounts fur ~ YeM Ended JQth April, 1992 (Season 1991/92) R. Ellis Lymm L.C. L.C. L.C. 1991 •*R. Davie.. Sale L.W. ER. Tushingham Bedford O.H. O.H. O.H. 1. H. 1. H. EXPENDIlVRE *S. Campbell Birkenhead Park 1. H. *R. Sproston Liverpool S . H . No.8 No.8 No.8 22768 Y ODth Development Officer 5a1ary 21024 fS. Haler Orrell O.S. O.S. O.S. 960 Youth Devclopment Officer Expenses 1339 B.S.
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