MARCH/APRIL 1984, No. 45, $3.50 • • POWERMATIC ROCKWELL. HEGNER. INCA. PORTER-CABLE. HITACHI. BLACK & DECKER.tjtrl �o ONLY BRATTON MACHINERY HAS THE BIG 4. .. �> <.....� ROCKWELL, POWERMATIC, HITACHI & MAKITA t3• • IN FLORIDA: .....tP 1-800-874-8160 1-800-342-2641 ROCKWELL'S NEW trl -------------- � Unifeeder Stock Feeder 00 r- -------------------- (FOB MemphiS, TN) trl �::> BM&S PRESENTS X-V ROUTERMATIC Increases productivity with a:: (Manufactured by North American Machinery Enterprises) less effort, feeds stock con­ trl tinuously from 20 to 90 FPM, � �Eo< up to 11\" thick, motor sup­ trl o ROCKWELL plied with reversing switch & ::tl o overload protection. adapts to • Il. Bandsaw 28-283 most table saws and wood 14" • shapers up to 3 h.p., econom­ I:..., with enclosed steel ically priced! o 00 stand, beltguard, List ...............$566, ::tl Il. ¥. hp single phase Create Distinctive Carving Instantly ............. SALE $475. o )1 motor & push bullon trl switch mounted and Z Fixed overhead router with X-V table wired in stand 00 t) list ........... $866. :s to allow for decorative carving or ......... trl �z profiling using a template. A pin SALE $669. Z 00 router cannot compete! (FOB Memphis, TN) (1 �Z Operates of a 1:1 ratio with a l'h h.p. CALL FOR MORE SPECIALS C!) router motor. Comes complete & ready a::5: � to run. Make your first carving within '"tl an hour. r--'--------------------------�00 �o BIESMEYER FENCE RETROFIT SPECIAL • • For PowermaticlRockwell Table Saws: FOB Tallahassee, FL SALE $2,995. 00 ......•............................•..........•..... 'tj L-___________________ � Model 26· .................................................... SALE $253. 000 � Model 38· .................................................... SALE $276,00 0 Model SO' SALE $299. 00 � >t Fl000A Planer-Jointer FOR ALL YOUR � For Light Duty Table Saws: > list ..........$1 ,999. .........................................•.......... ...... Super 28· SALE $189,00� SALE . $1,399. WOODWORKING NEEDS, .................................................... �)1 Super• 40· SALE $199,00c:: �00 CALL BRATTON NumberIndlce ... IIof Inc .... 10 rt hI 01 b.... �(1 ..... HITACHI • � POWERMATIC FA700 SUPER-SURFACER • (Freight Prepaid from Atlanta) Model 26 -Shaper Japan's answer to the wide­ 'h and :y. inter­ belt sander. 3 h.p. motor, chang able spindles. � (Table < max. culling hI. 7 9/32, min. 3 hp single phase � Model 66 with Not � thickness W', max culling 230 volt motor. Biesemeyer fence Included) width 10" at 0·, 5" at 60·, magnetic controls 10" model 66 with Q Wt. 254 Ibs. List ......... $1 ,888. ...... BeisemeYf>r Model • • SALE . $1,799. SALE . .. $2,499.00 50, 50 inch rt, (FOB McMinnville. TN) c:: of blade. 1 ph., 3 h.p., -FREE­ en 230 volt magnetic controls UA130 Finishing List ... , ...... ,.. $2.239. (FOB McMinnville. TN) � Grinder-$ 64(I ........... ",/ue SALE $1,799. (1 when you buy the FA-7oo. UAI30 c:: POWERMATIC List ............. $1.989. capacity: 15" long. .......... SALE $1,699. • 'flU thick knife. Standard Model 66 Saw 1-< .....:>�00 Freight prepaid. �oZ 00 POWERMATIC o 45 o < �------------------------------ Model l' � Lathe with Safety Shield 8.M.AS. POWER TOOL CORNER 00 � Safety start 'feature'. ¥. h.p. 1 ph .. mag • < controls. t t5 volt only. PORTER CABLE Z List ..................., ... $2,074. z Model 360- MAKITA ................... o SALE , . $1,849. o Belt Sander (Dustless) (FOB McMinnville, TN) �::0 �o 3 x 24 o z List .................. $269. z • SALE . $185 > List SALE ::0to 269. 115. > 205. 101. 00 205. 15•. 86. 87. ::: 145. 101. 00trl FINE WOODWORKING Editor John Kelsey Managing Editor Paul Bermrelli Art Director Deborah Fillion Associate Editor Jim Cummins Assistant Editors Dick Burmws David Sloan Copy Editor Nancy Scabile Arsistant Art DirectorRoland Wolf MARCH/ApRlL 1984, NUMBER 45 Editorial Secretary Par Zimmerman Contributing Editors Tage Frid, R. Bruce Hoadley, DEPARTMENTS Richard Srarr, Simon Warts 4 Letters Consulting Editors Methods of Wo rk George Frank, Orm Heuer, Ian). Kirby, 10 A.W Marlow, Don Newell, Laminated bracket foot; joint Richard E. Preiss, Norman Vandal for chair spindles; router subbases Methods of Work 16 Questions & Answers Jim Richey Detachable highboy legs; reactive finishes; defunct tool companies 22 Books Working harmoniously with wood; decoy-carving; wooden planes 102 Events/Connections Cover: Th ere are seven pieces of wood in a traditional drawer. The trick 106 Notes and Comment is, you fit the parts to the opening Letters fr om afar; Oregon toys; befo re you join them together. Tage trade-show news Prid explains how on p. 32. THE TAUNTON PRESS Paul Roman, publisher; Janice A. Roman, asso­ ciate publisher; JoAnn Muir, director of admin­ istration; Tom (uxeder, business manager; Bar­ ARTICLES bara Bahr, secretary; Lois Beck, office services coordinator; Patricia Rice, rece tionist; Liz Cros­ 32 How to Make Drawers by Tage Prid p by, personnel assistant; Mary Galpin, production Design for drawing table illustrates the principles manager; Mary Glazman, data processing; Pau­ line Fazio, executive secretary. Accounting: Irene 36 Drawer-stop ideas from three makers Arfaras, manager; Madeline Colby, Catherine Sullivan, Elaine Yamin. An: Roger Barnes, de­ 39 Varnish Finish That's Rubbed On by Joe Th omas sign director; Kathryn Olsen, staff artist. Books: Laura Cehanowicz Tringali, editOr; C. Heather Sanding is the way to a glass-smooth surface Brine, assistant art director; Roger Holmes, assis­ tant editor; Deborah Cannarella, copy editor. 40 A Dehumidifier Kiln by Donald Klimesh Fulfillment: Carole E. Ando, subscription man­ Home-dried lumber with no frills ager; Terry Thomas, assistant manager; Gloria Carson, Dorothy Dreher, Claudia Inness, Marie 43 Pipe Clamps Johnson, Cathy Koolis, Peggy leBlanc, Denise Pascal, Nancy Schoch; Ben Warner, mail-ser­ Six versatile tips vices clerk. Robert Bruschi, distribution super­ visor; David Blasko, Linnea Ingram, Marchelle 44 Knockdown Furniture by Curtis Erpelding Sperling, David Wass. Production Services: Form follows junction Gary Mancini, manager; Nancy Knapp, system operator; Claudia Blake Applegate, Annette 48 Doweling Jigs by David Sloan Hilry and Deborah Mason, assistants. Promo­ tio'n: Jon Miller, manager; Dennis Danaher, Putting nine to the test publicist; Elizabeth Ruthstrom, assistant art di­ rector. Video: Rick Mastelli. 52 Boston Bombe Chest by Lance Patterson Advertising and Sales: Richard Mulligan and Bulging drawer fronts are all shaped at once lames P. Chiavelli, sales representatives; Vivian E. Dorman and Carole We ckesser, sales coordin­ 57 How to make slope-sided boxes atOrs; Kimberly Mithun, coordinator of indirect sales; Laura Lesando, secretary; Kathy Springer, 58 A Patternmaker's Carving Tips by Wa llace C. Auger (203) 426-8171. customer-service assistant. Tel. And a portable carving kit for whittling wherevet you are 61 Boomerang by AI Gerhards Fine Woodworking (ISSN 0361-3453) is pub­ A laminated flier that's prettier than plywood lished bimomhly, January, March, May, July, September. and November, b The Taunton Throwing the boomerang 064y 70. 63 by John Huening Press, Inc., Newtown, CT Telephone (203) 426-8171. Second-class postage paid at 06470, 64 The Bottom Line for Turned Bowls by Wendell Smith Newtown, CT and additional mailing i984 Versatile chucking plug permits a variety of designs offices. Copyright by The Taumon Press, Inc. No reproduction without permission of The Taumon Press, Inc. Fine Woodworking<!' is a 67 An Eye on Marquetry, Here and Abroad by Jim Cummins registered ttademark of The Taumon Press, Inc. You can begin with an easy kit, bur the sky's the limit Subscription rates: United States and posses­ $16 $30 sions, for one year, for two years; Can­ Winners fr om the British Marquetry Show $19 $36 71 1983 by Ernie Ives ada, for one year, for twO years (in U.S. dollars, please); other counrries, $20 for $38 72 Laying Plastic Laminates by Jack Gavin one year, for twO years (in U.S. dollars, please). Single coPy, $3.50. Single copies ourside Understanding the basics of this ubiquitous "veneer" U.S. and possessIOns, $4.00. Send to Subscrip­ tion Dept., The Taumon Press, PO Box 355, 76 The Wo odworker's Tools by Pa ul Bertorelli 06470. Newtown, CT Address all correspon­ Function is bur one reason for making dence to the appropriate department (Subscrip­ tion, Editorial, or AdvercislO ), The Taumon 52 g 355, 79 Portfolio: Garry Knox Bennett by John Kelsey Press, Church Hill Road, PO Box Newtown, CT 06470. U.S. newsstand disrri­ Oakland innovator takes on the trestle table bution by Eastern News DisrributOrs, Inc., ill Eighth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10011. 116 Superior ex machina Postmaster: Send address changes to The Taunton Press, Inc., PO Box 355, Newtown, CT 06470 3 Letters Recently, Fine Woodworking has published photographs of I don't mean to imply that the crafts are an inferior pur­ work that is obviously flawed. It is most disturbing to see suit. One does what one does best. The thing Castle does best detail such as in the color photograph on p. 81 of issue #43 is make furniture. But somewhere along the line he, or his (November), because it would appear as if boxwood stringing dealer, got their semantics crossed up. No one in his right with tension failures from bending represents an acceptable mind would lay our $40,000 for a table, and then actually level of quality in workmanship. People correctly or incorrect­ eat linguine off it. So why build such an object in the first ly assume that if FWW publishes it, it therefore must be the place? You are doomed to resort to hype to get it sold, rather best, or at least more than just acceptable. Neither would than letting it stand on its merits as an honest piece of work. open miter joints (#43, p. 33) be deemed appropriate join­ -Jack Sp iegelman, Glendale, Calif ety. Even though the emphasis of that article is on speed, haste should not be an excuse fo r a lack of quality. Here's a suggestion that might be of value to your readers. For Fine Woodworking not to take a firm, perhaps contro­ Make friends with the local typewriter repairman.
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