PRlbAY, JAUmART T, 1^2 'AGE Twenty iS9ahrI;?Btpr 1Ettwtti0 If^aU) Average Daily Net Press Run For The Week Ended The Weather lift of vemon left the road and N ovem ber 80, 1071 Clear tonight, low In 20s. Sun­ YWCA Will Open House About Town Drug Center struck a telephone pole. day partly sunny with high near 40. Precipltaticm chance near The Drug Advisory Center, Porants, COMPLAINTS 15,590 zero throughout. For Winter Oass Preview The deacons of Second Con­ 88 Park St., Is open Monday gregational ' Church will meet through Saturday from noon Wednesday night, the battery Wifiioiii Manchester— A City of Village Charm A preview ol the Manchester ners, 7 to 9:30 p.m., a number tonight at 7:80 at the church. to 10 p.m . was stolen from a car parked In PflriiMfi TWCA winter classes will be o' projecte In several different A telephone backup service an unlocked Holl St. garage. VOL. LXXXXI, NO. 83 (EIGH TEEN PAGES— T V SECTITON) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1972^ (ClaMlfled Advertising on Page 16) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS , . _ .__ media. Jeff Strong, instructor. Grade 7 Youth. Instruction is axallablei when the center Mhnchehtar Parenta given at an open house Tuesday Wedne^ay Class of Zion Evangelical Lu­ Is closed. r Last night, while lU own^ Portnen meet Snd from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the on^ In for all YWCA mem- theran Church will meet tomor­ ' For drug advisory Informa- er was In Lig*ett Drugs at the Tuesday of each month at S Oommunlty Y, 79 N. Main St. bers, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., bridge. row at 9:30 a.m. at the church. Uon, ca ll 646-2016. Parkade for five minutes, a car ‘ p jn . at Oommuntty Ba^^iat Tile event Is open to the public, bcwl, ping pong, volley ball, GODGEIATIONS with the keys in the IgnlUon was Churoh, 666 B . C enter S t , Refreshments will be served paint or relax. Coffee provided. stolen. Mhnoheater. In the last previous century A family named Veltch lived The board of trustees of ' and bfliby-slttlng provided. Duplicate bridge, 9 a.m. to South United Methodist Church Cong Launch If widowed, dlvoread. .aep* Ni Prom 10 t* 11, Shirley Banks noon. No partner needed and Manchpter didn't have any the second house east of Cot- Police Log SomeUme during the day yes­ municipal sewage disposal sys­ will inebt tonight at 7:80 at the erated or nesrer married and will give a Toga demonstra- yw CA membership not requlr- terday, a house at 196 Oak St. Pakistan Frees tem. Most people had a cess­ tage St. on Maple. They also church. have one Uvliig oMM, you tlon, and from U to noon, Liz ed. Fractional points g^lven to- raised pigs and hung the was burglarized, and a few pool for liquid waste of adilch Theodore B . Reed, 62, o f 2 are eligible t6 join. U Wter- Humphrles will demonstrate oil month, 9:30 to noor^. A new carcasses In an apple tree to Items, Including green stamps there was no great volume, be­ The Junior High Methodist eated, call 604710. painting. structor. cool after scalding and scraping Youth Fellowship of South Unit- Pearl St., Apt., 3 charged with and an ash tray were stolen. Watercolors, bridge, mac- Koffee Krafters, first and cause few families had any In­ door pluhibing unless, perhaps, over a big iron kettle. A butch­ ed Methodist Church will meet reckless burning, and Intoxica- Hot Barrage rame and crafts Will be display- third Wednesdays of each ering sdawys attracted a size­ tonlght at 7:80 at the church. tlon, last night after town flre- ed during the open house. Rep- ward masters. Mrs. Pyka, In- a faucet at the kitchen sink. able audience. Kids for blocks resentatives from the Koffee craft project each month. From the first that O.C. can men, summoned on a complaint Bengali Leader remember, Cheney Bros, had around wouldn’t want to miss Krafters, Newcomers, Com- Creative Art for Children, 8 smoke, allegedly found Reed extended their water and sewer that show. This place was not as passe and Young Adults Clubs to 13 years, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m., pastor of the Presbyterian " popular with the kids because Church, will conduct a service smoking In bed, and bum will be available to discuss the sketching, drawing, ccllage, lines Into the area wdiere he LOIG30N (AP) — Sheik Mujl-* representative said. Sheik Mu- port by Ian Sutherland of the nothing was given away. Every­ On GI Bases activities of- their respective or- block suid sponge printing In- was bom and raised. Sunday at .8:16 a.m. on radio marks on the bedding. Court bur Rahman, president of jib, showing signs of fatigue British Foreign Office, then es- thing like bladder, stomach station WIIW; The program is date Jan. 24. ganlzations. eluded. Susan Vilsack, Instruc- The cesspools were some- SMGON (AP) — Viet C^ng forces launched their Bangladesh, was released In after his 8-hour flight, took the corted to an airport VTP lounge Umes as much as eight feet In Intestines was, saved for sponsored by the Manchester Pakistan today and flew to Lon- arm of a colleague. where the two men talked for Reglstration week for winter tor. h^viest shelling attack against U.S. \troops in South YWCA classes will be from Jan. Yoga, co-ed, 7 to 8 p.m., be- diameter and as much as that casings to hald saus^e meat. Area Council of Churches and Steven W aldo, 17, of 16 E va don where he called for world Mujlb was greeted at the air- more than an hour. 10 through Jan. 14.Registration glnners; 8 to 9 p.m .. Inter­ deep. They were lined with a Then came Ed Dunn’a^ place. the Clergy Association of Man­ Dr., charged with operating a Vietnam in sik months Friday night, mortaring a fire recognitlmi of his new nation. Mujlb then left for the Clar- ior the classes, which begin the mediate, Mrs. Banks, instruc- dry wall of field or quarry A nice white house and\bam. chester. motor vehicle while the right to base only 20 miles from Saigon while the GIs were hav­ He also asked that it be admit­ idge -Hotel in central London week o f Jan. 17, must be made tor. I stone and roofed over with Always a beautiful spirited par drive is under suspension yes­ ing dinner. ------ --------------------------------- ted, to the United Nations. amid tight security precautions. a week In advance as most Thursday heavy wooden timbers or riage horse. An apple orchffi Cub Scout Pack 47 of the terday morning, released on a Two <^er shelling attacks Regiment and one South Viet- The sheik told a news confer­ He was expected to hold talks classes have a limited enroll- Indoor Golf at Golfland, Rt. planks. Often they were cover- where the British American South United Methodist Church promise to appear'. Court date, aNoJnfit the South Vietnam ese nan^ese soldier, ence that Bangladesh is "an ' with British (tfficials on the ment. YWCA membership Is re- 83, Talcottvllle, 9 to 10 a.m., in­ ed with enough soil to have a Club is now. Then a large .mow- ^11 m eet tonight at 7 In the Jan. 17. were reported In the Saigon The U.S. Command said the unchallenged reality." question of diplomatic recogni­ quired unless otherwise sped- termedlate; 10 to U a.m., be­ good turf like the rest of the ing lot at the comer of Maple back yard of the Concordia . casualties were the highest tion for his new government. Lutheran Church on Pitkin St. Mujlb said he had been kept lled. Baby-sitting is available ginners. A1 Gayson, instructor, lawn and there was nothing and Spruce, ACCIDENTS m 18 Americans m d six from a shelling attack since in a condemned cell tmder a Sheik Mujib’s supporters re­ to show their locations. When for a toboggan party. for all morning classes. fThose Beginners Bridge, 9:30 to 11 Going east on the south side o f S o u t h V i e tnam 6se were July 5 when five Amerl- sentence of death by hanging joiced at the Bangladesh mls- ccxmections were made to the' A written warning for driving wishing more information may a.m. Mrs. Pyka, instructor, Maple St. next to Sullivans was woi^ed. A U.S, Command pans were killed and 38 during most of the more than siem in the NotUng Hill district. sewers the cesspools were The Rev. Dr. Clifford after drinking was issued to contact the YWCA office at the Book Discussion, 9 to 11 a.m. an open lot with a large garden spokesro^, MaJ. CSiester Han- wounded by seven rockets that nine months he was held in "We are all delighted," a Community Y. Dorothy Wilkins, instructor. abandoned and In most cases Simpson has, canceled his regu- Thomas H. Ryan, 64A Chestnut son, said the OIs "were In the hit the Da Nang air base, spokesman said. "It is a day of at the rear. Later a two family lar Sunday eVening program on St., after his car left the road West Pakistan. He was ar­ Classes scheduled to begin the Basketball for Women, 9:30 to forgotten. No one bothered to process a t eafing and probably qiie command skid, however, great happiness for all." house was built here and oc­ radio station W NF fer this Sun- at E.
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