INDEX Aegirine Syenite Aplite, Allt a' Excursions, 103, 180, 181, 276 Mhuillin, 162 Flow of water over land surface, 85 Analyses; FORSYTH, I. H., Marine Shell-Bed, Aegirine Syenite Aplite, Allt Estuarine Series, Raasay, 273 a'Mhuillin, 158 FRANCIS, E. H., New Evidence of Assyntite, Ledbeg Cottage, 158 Volcanicity in West Fife, 71 Biotite garnet nepheline syenite, Friockheim, gravel terrace, 256 Bear Paw Mts., 157 Geological time-scale, revised, 203 Borolanite (" Younger Borola- Glacial deposits, Lunan and Bro­ nite "), Loch Borolan, 157 thock valleys, 241 Ledmorite, Achmelvich, 160 Glacial and post-glacial history, Ledbeg River, Assynt, 158 Rhu More, Coigach, 160 River Don, Aberdeen, 141 Quartz Syenite, Cnoc na Sroine, Glaciation-deglaciation cycles and 158 river terraces, 176 Two-pyroxene basalt, Kinpurney Glauconite for dating sedimentary Hill, 111 rocks, 190 Wester Denoon, 111 Glaucophane-schist, Pinbain Burn, Angua, glacial deposits of S.E., 241 47 Appalachians, dating plutonic GOODLET, G. A., Mid-Carboniferous events of, 185 Sedimentation in the Midland Arbroath, gravel ridge, 252 Valley of Scotland, 217 Arenigian cherts, S. Uplands, 60 Graded Bedding and structures Assynt alkali suite, chemical data, simulating it, Dalradian, 137 156 Granite, origin of, 266 Assyntite, 159 Gravel ridges, Brothock valley, 251 BAILEY, E. B. and W. J. MCCAL- LIEN, Ballantrae Serpentine, 33 strata, under or in delta, 173 terraces and ridges, Lunan val­ Ballaird area, spilitic volcanics, 44 ley, 244 Ballantrae Serpentine, 33 GREENSMITH, J. T., Sandstone Dyke, Bennane Head anticline, 39 Queensferry, 54 Borolanite, Ledmore River, 156 HARRY, W. T., Old Red Sandstone BOWES, D. R. and K. A. JONES, Sedimentary Features and Tec­ Lavas of the Eastern Sidlaws, 105 tonics, Dalradian, Perthshire, 133 Hillslope elements, 83 Brothock valley, glacial deposits, 249 Hillslopes, uniformitarian nature, 81 Cambrian, limiting dates for base, HOLMES, A., A Revised Geological 191 Time-Scale, 183 Climatic origin of river terracea, 165 Holoptychius nobilissimus, occur­ Conodonts in S. Uplands cherts, 60 rence in Dura Den, Fife, 179 Corresponding Fellows, 182 Honorary Fellows, 182 COTTON, C. A., Eustatic River Ter­ JONES, K. A. and D. R. BOWES, racing, seaward down-flexure, 165 Sedimentary Features and Tec­ CUNNINGHAM, R. J. H., geological tonics, Dalradian, Perthshire, 133 appreciation, 265 K40/A*° and Rb^/Sr" methods of Current bedding, structures simu­ dating, 187 lating, 135 Katanga, uranium mineralisation, Dalradian, sedimentary features and 193 tectonic style, Perthshire, 133 KELLING, G., Ripple-Mark in the Deltaa, dimensions of, 170 Rhinns of Galloway, 117 Denudation in hillslope evolution, 84 KING, L. C, The Uniformitarian Dolerite-Sandstone contact pheno­ Nature of Hillslopes, 81 mena, 113 Knob and Kettle topography, Downan Point, apilitic lavas and Lunan valley, 245 ashes, 43 Knockdolian-Sallachan anticline, 38 Dura Den, Fife, Holoptychius nobi- Knockdolian Spilitic Group, 37 lissimus, 179 KURSTEN, M., Metamorphic and Tectonic History of the Outer Earth materials, behaviour under stress, 94 Hebrides, 1 East Lomond, Fife, dolerite-sand- Laminated clays, Lunan valley, 249 stone contact phenomena, 113 LAMONT, A. and M. LINDSTROM, Estuarine Series, Jurassic, Raasay, Arenigian and Llandeilian Cherts, marine shell bed in, 273 S. Uplands, Conodonts in, 60 277 278 INDEX Ledmorite, Assynt, 159 Sandstone dyke, Queensferry, 54 Leptite, South Uist, 4 Secondary effects of climatic oscil­ LINDSTROM, M. and A. LAMOOT, lations on terrace deposits, 169 Arenigian and Llandeilian Cherts, Sedimentary facies, early Namurian, S. Uplands, Conodonts in, 60 235 Lingula shale, Kailblades Coal roof, late Visean, 234 238 lateral variation, 228 Llandeilian Cherts, S. Uplands, 60 variation in time, 229 Loch Fithie, sand pita, 244 Sedimentary Features, Dalradian, LUMSDEN, G. I., Glacial and Post- Perthshire, 133 Glacial History, River Don, 141 Seismic origin of sandstone dyke, Lunan Valley, glacial deposits, 242 Queensferry, 57 Serpentine, age relations of Ballan­ MCCALLIEN, W. J. and E. B. trae, 45 BAILEY, Ballantrae Serpentine, 83 Sidlaws, Old Red Sandstone Lavas, Mass movement of rock waste over 105 land surfaces, 89 South Ballaird, agglomerate and Mid - Carboniferous sedimentation, serpentine, 45 Midland Valley, 217 South Harris, metamorphic history, Mineral localities, recorded by Cun­ 22 ningham, 267 rock types, 19 Millenderdale, serpentine, 43 structure, 23 South Uist, gneisses west of the Non-igneous tuffs, West Fife, 78 thrust belt, 3 metamorphic rocks of the Old Red Sandstone lavas, Eastern thrust belt, 10 Sidlaws, 105 mylonites, 16 Outer Hebrides, chronological table structure of thrust bell, 13 of geological events, 28 younger dykes, 19 metamorphic and tectonic his­ Southern Uplands, Arenigian and tory, 1 Llandeilian Cherts, 60 Spilites, Ballantrae, 35 Pediments, 86 Stockinray, agglomerate, 35 Perthshire, sedimentary features Stornoway Beds, 27 and tectonics, 183 Stuley, Island of; mylonites, 16 Pinbain Burn, spilitic volcanics, 44 Post-Precambrian time scale, 194 Tectonics, Dalradian, West Perth­ Pre-Sturtian granites, dating, 191 shire, 133 Pseudotachylite, South Uist, 11 Outer Hebrides, 1 Pygodus amerinus, g. et sp. nov., 67 TILLEY, C. E., New chemical data, Assynt Alkali Suite, 156 Quartz Syenite, Cnoc na Sroine, 163 Time scale, revised geological, 203 Queensferry, sandstone dyke, 54 Top Hosie Limestone, isopachs, 226 Tuffs, non-igneous, West Fife, 78 Raasay, marine shell-bed in Estu- Uniformitarian nature of hillslopes, 81 arine Series, 273 Uranium mineralisation, Katanga, Record of Papers read and of Ex­ hibits, 103, 180, 181, 276 193 Rheomorphism, microscopic; at Vents, undated, in West Fife, 77 dolerite-sandstone contact, 114 VoLcanicity in Limestone Coal Rhinns of Galloway, Ripple Mark, Group, West Fife, 71 117 in Upper Limestone Group, Rhythmic sedimentation, mid-Car­ West Fife, 73 boniferous, Midland Valley, 218 WALKER, F., Dolerite - Sandstone RICE, R. J., Glacial Deposits, Lunan contact phenomena on the East and Brothock Valleys, 241 Lomond, Fife, 113 Ripple Mark, complex, 121 WATERSTON, C. D.f Robert James longitudinal, 124 Hay Cunningham, 260 transverse, 118 WATTISON, A., Note on the occur­ River Don, Aberdeenshire, glacial rence of Holoptychius nobilissimus and post-glacial history, 141 in Dura Den, Fife, 179 River terraces, seaward down- West Fife, new evidence of vol- flexure, 165 canicity, 71 VOLUME 17, PART 1 OCTOBER 1957 TRANSACTIONS of the Edinburgh Geological Society CONTENTS Martin Kursten : The Metamorphic and Tectonic History of Parts of the Outer Hebrides, page 1 E. B, Bailey and W. J. McCallien: The Ballantrae Serpentine, Ayrshire, page 33 John Trevor Greensmith : A Sandstone Dyke near Queensferry, West Lothian, page 54 A. Lamont and M. LindstrOm : Arenigian and Llandeilian Cherts identified in the Southern Uplands of Scotland by means of Conodonts, etc., page 60 E. H. Francis : New Evidence of Volcanicity in West Fife, page 71 L. C. King: The Uniformitarian Nature of Hillslopes, page 81 PUBLISHED FOR THE SOCIETY BY OLIVER & BOYD LTD. EDINBURGH: TWEEDDALE COURT LONDON: 39A WELBECK STREET PRICE." TWENTY SHILLINGS THE EDINBURGH GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY acknowledge grate­ fully the financial assistance which they have received from The Royal Society, The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, The Peach & Home Memorial Fund, and The T. Cuthbert Day Bequest. COPYRIGHT © THE EDINBURGH GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1957 The EDINBURGH GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY was founded in 1834. Fellows pay an Annual Subscription of 30s.; or a single payment of 24 guineas may be made for life. Intending members are required to be nomi­ nated by two Ordinary Fellows. Further particulars may be had from the Honorary Secretary, The Edinburgh Geological Society, Synod Hall, Edinburgh. PUBLICATIONS OF THE EDINBURGH GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY Volumes 5-7 and 10-16 of the Transactions are available at a cost of 30s. per volume. The present part, Volume 17, Pt. 3, costs 20s. Certain parts of out-of-print volumes are still obtainable. A list of these parts and prices may be had on application to the publishers. Fellows can purchase back numbers of the Transactions at a dis- v ^unt of 20 per cent. Other publications are :— 1934 History of the Edinburgh Geological Society, 2s. 6d. 1939 Facsimile, unfolded, of Necker's Geological Map of Scotland, of 1808, 5s. 1958 Geological Excursion Guide to the Assynt District of Suther­ land (with 4 coloured and 3 line geological maps), Second Edition 7s. 6d. NOTES FOR INTENDING CONTRIBUTORS TO THE TRANSACTIONS (1) Contributions should be of Scottish or of general geological interest and must be original. (2) The normal maximum length for a paper is 10,000 words. All papers should be preceded by an ABSTRACT not exceeding 200 words; long papers should have, in addition, a list of CONTENTS. Sections should be numbered with Roman numerals. The address of the author should be appended to the paper. (3) Text must be typewritten on one side of the paper, with wide margins and double spacing. The contribution should be in its final form; extensive corrections in the proof stages are chargeable to the author. (4) Line drawings must be of draughtsmanship quality and of such dimensions, reducible if necessary, as to allow reduction to a maximum size of 6\"xV. If such illustrations do not conform to the standard required, the editors may require to have them redrawn at the author's expense. Photographs should be submitted unmounted except in the case of plates of fossils
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