PORTLAND VISITORS GUIDE FROM NATURAL WONDERS TO CULTURE AND CUISINE, THIS IRRESISTIBLY GREEN REGION IS THE ESSENCE OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST. travelportland.com 1 TRAVELPORTLAND.COM WELCOME what makes portland so special? Some will tell you it’s all about the trees, fresh air and proximity to the mountains, rivers and ocean. Others think the indie music and arts scenes define our particular brand of cool. We’re also partial to the amazing food and drink you’ll find here. How can one place have so much going on? Come find out for yourself. CONTENTS PORTLAND REGION Transit 4 Columbia River Gorge 30 Parks & Gardens 6 Mount Hood 31 Attractions & Museums 8 Historic Oregon City 32 Festivals 10 The Tualatin Valley 33 Performing Arts 11 Around Oregon 35 Shopping 14 Regional Map 36 Dining 16 Beer, Wine & Spirits 20 Local Music 22 Neighborhoods 24 Outdoor Activities 28 Created in partnership with Columbia County Tourism, Oregon’s Mt. Hood Territory and Washington County Visitors Association. Cover photo © 2011 Susan Seubert Photography SE 123rd SE 123rd dR htrowsllE ES ES htrowsllE htrowsllE dR dR SE 127th SE 127th SE 125th SE 125th N SwiftN Swift Hwy Hwy ES ES ht311 ht311 SE 18thSE 18th SE 109th SE 109th SE RiveridgeSE Riveridge SE PorterSE Porter SE 18thSE 18th SE 19thSE 19th N TomahawkN Tomahawk Island Island SE HillcrestSE Hillcrest Porter Porter SE FrenchSE French SE LieserSE Lieser N LotusN Lotus Beach Beach N LotusN Lotus Beach Beach SE 95th SE 95th SE 19thSE 19th N Force AveN Force Ave N PierN 99 Pier 99 SE LieserSE Lieser Point Point SE MaxonSE Maxon SE 97th SE 97th SE 114th SE 114th SE 96th SE 96th SE 123rd SE 123rd N LotusN IsleLotus Isle SE 124th SE 124th SmithSmith Lake Lake SE 100th SE 100th N MarineN DrMarine Dr SE EvergreenSE Evergreen SE Image SE Image SE 21 5th SE 21 SE 21stSE 21st 5th SE 21 N Chatham N Chatham Heron HeronLakes LakesGolf Golf SE 94th SE 94th SE 131st SE131st SE131st SE 132nd SE132nd BiddlewoodBiddlewood Park Park SE132nd SE 98th SE 98th dR htrowsllE ES ES htrowsllE htrowsllE dR dR LakeLake Force Force SE 106th SE 106th SE 100th SE 100th ColumbiaColumbia River River SE 130th SE 130th ColumbiaColumbia Slough Slough SE 9th 9 SE 9th 9 N DenverN Denver Ave Ave N AnchorN Anchor N HarbourN Harbour NE TomahawkNE Tomahawk Island Island SE 23rdSE 23rd 14 14 SE ForestSE Forest SE 1 SE 04th 1 SE 04th 1 SE 99th SE 99th SE 105th SE 105th N Force N Force SE 24thSE 24th NE WilliamsNE Williams Ave Ave SE 101st SE 101st SE 102nd SE 102nd SE 24thSE 24th N BridgetonN Bridgeton NorthNorth Portland Portland Harbor Harbor SE 125th SE 125th SmithSmith and Bybeeand Bybee Lakes Lakes Park Park N MarineN Marine Dr Dr SE AngusSE Angus SE 112th SE 112th SE BurlingtonSE Burlington Union Union N Haight N Haight ht111 ES ES ht111 ht111 N SwiftN SwiftHwy Hwy N Gantenbein N Gantenbein N VictoryN Victory N VancouverAve N VancouverAve NE BridgetonNE Bridgeton SE 27thSE 27th SE 26thSE 26th N Moore N Moore NE 1st NE 1st SE Ellsworth SE Ellsworth N Williams N Williams NE 1st NE 1st SE 112th SE 112th SE 113th SE 113th ColumbiaColumbia Slough Slough NE 3rd NE 3rd NE RothNE Roth NE 2nd NE 2nd NE 5th Ave NE 5th Ave N Upland N Upland N BellinghamN Bellingham NE 4th NE 4th N Force N Force NE SuttleNE Suttle SE RivercrestSE Rivercrest SE 131st SE 131st BiddleBiddle Nature Nature Preserve Preserve N BroadacreN Broadacre SE EvergreenSE Evergreen Hwy Hwy N AlmontN Almont NE 5thAve NE 5thAve N JunctionN Junction Delta Park Delta Park N VancouverN Vancouver Way Way Slough Slough NE MarinersNE Mariners N ColumbiaN Columbia N UnionN Union rruB N rruB rruB N rruB N RichardsN Richards N LakeN Lake ssolB N ssolB ssolB N ssolB N HaneyN Haney East EastDelta Delta Park Park SchaferSchafer N Taft Taft N Taft N erO N gonian erO N ArmourN ArmourN gonian erO NE 2nd NE 2nd NE FalomaNE Faloma SE BiddleSE Biddle N BankN Bank NE SouthNE South Shore Shore NE MarineNE Marine Dr Dr N VanportN Vanport N IslandN Island N SwiftN Swift N BankN Bank N Tioga N Tioga N CottonwoodN Cottonwood rcaM N N um um rcaM rcaM awdiM N y awdiM awdiM N y awdiM NE MiddlefieldNE Middlefield N AstorN Astor N Kerby N Kerby N OlympiaN Olympia N DenverN DenverCt Ct swodaeM nedy nedy swodaeM swodaeM N KerbyN Kerby NE 6th DrNE 6th Dr N OlympiaN Olympia N ColumbiaN Columbia N Expo N Expo N VictoryN Victory Blvd Blvd N Buchanan N Buchanan N NorthN North Portland Portland Rd Rd NE WalkerNE Walker NE GolfNE Court Golf Court N Woolsey Woolsey N N MearsN Mears Woolsey N N Taft NTaft N Geneva NTaft N Geneva NE MeadowNE Meadow aH N N aH aH NE MeadowNE Meadow N Calhoun N Calhoun N FessendenN Fessenden StN Powers StN Powers GeorgeGeorge Park Park NE VancouverNE Vancouver Way Way stroP N ht mou stroP stroP N ht mou stroP N EsperanzaN Esperanza N Whitaker RdN Whitaker Rd N CeceliaN Cecelia NE Gertz Cir NE Gertz Cir N NashtonN Nashton N CeceliaN Cecelia N Chautauqua N Chautauqua NE WalkerNE Walker St St N Fairhaven N FairhavenN Alma N Alma N ColumbiaN Columbia Way Way NE McconnellNE Mcconnell N Burr N Burr NE Gertz Cir NE Gertz Cir NE LijaNE Lija N Hurst N Hurst N SenecaN Seneca RaceRace NE Gertz NE Gertz NE Edgewater NE Edgewater N JeffreyN Jeffrey N Gertz N Gertz N Macrum N Macrum N ColumbiaN Columbia Blvd Blvd N SmithN Smith St St N SedroN Sedro N Berkeley N Berkeley NE 3rdNE 3rd N Mckenna N Mckenna NELija NELija NE BlueNE HeronBlue Heron N FessendenN Fessenden NE Gertz Ct NE Gertz Ct NE Sunderland Sunderland NE N SmithN Smith N TrentonN Trenton N Schmeer N Schmeer Sunderland NE N Ida N Ida N JuneauN Juneau NE13th NE13th eneG N N va va eneG eneG NE 16th NE 16th NE FairwayNE Fairway etexE N N r r etexE etexE N ColumbiaN Columbia Boulevard Boulevard RaceRace Race Race NE 3rd Ave NE 3rd Ave N Macrum N Macrum NE GertzNE Gertz NE LebeckNE Lebeck Juneau Juneau aH N ven NaH ven aH NE BlueNE BlueHeron Heron N Minerva N Minerva NorthgateNorthgate Park Park N NewarkN Newark N SmithN Smith N FortuneN Fortune N Gilbert N Gilbert N NewarkN Newark N RochesterN Rochester Adriatic N Adriatic N N AttuN Attu N NewarkN Newark N Dwight N Dwight NE 17th NE 17th N Newman N Newman 99W99W PortlandPortland Intl Intl Airport Airport NE Vancouver Way NE Vancouver Way Race Race Race Race Race Race gdoH N N e e gdoH gdoH arruB N N ge ge arruB arruB N SherwoodN Sherwood ebliG N rt ebliG ebliG N rt ebliG N NewarkN Newark RaceRace N Woolsey N Woolsey N nineP N N r alus r nineP alus nineP N SchmeerN Schmeer Rd Rd NE LebeckNE Lebeck Rd Rd NE 4th NE 4th NE AirportNE Airport Way Way N HudsonN Hudson N SchmeerN Schmeer Rd Rd NE 20th NE 20th uahC N N ua quat ua uahC quat uahC NE FazioNE Fazio eS N ward NeS ward eS N KiskaN Kiska N N nilmaH nilmaH eralC N N odnn eralC odnn eralC N Calvert N Calvert N Patton N Patton N Chase N Chase N SkyN Sky N WestannaN Westanna N TrentonN Trenton N TrentonN Trenton N TrentonN Trenton N TrentonN Trenton RaceRace Race Race NE LeveeNE Levee N CentralN Central Wilbur N Wilbur N N Kiska Ct N Kiska Ct mmurD N N odn odn mmurD mmurD miK N ball miK N LeonardN Leonard N ball miK N TrentonN Trenton St St NE 47th 47th NE 47th NE eneG N va eneG eneG N va eneG N AlaskaN Alaska enutroF N enutroF enutroF N enutroF N AlaskaN Alaska TrentonTrenton Park Park Race Race N Wall Ave N Wall Ave N Wall UniversityUniversity Park Park NE 3rdNE Ave3rd Ave N HudsonN Hudson N Delaware N Delaware N McCoyN McCoy Ct Ct N HoughtonN Houghton N HoughtonN Houghton EN EN dr33 dr33 rD rD N Heppner N Heppner N Tyndall N Tyndall N Alma N Alma NE 47th 47th NE NE ElrodNE Elrod 47th NE cidnE N N ott ott cidnE cidnE ColumbiaColumbia Slough Slough N KelloggN Kellogg N Ida N Ida N HoughtonN Houghton N N rt rt evlaC evlaC N EasyN Easy N N sitruC sitruC N Argyle N Argyle aB N yard NaB yard aB N SuperiorN Superior anaD N N anaD anaD arruB N Neg eg arruB arruB N JerseyN Jersey N FossN Foss N ChaseN Chase N bur N liW bur liW nilmaH N N nilmaH nilmaH evA erawaleD N erawaleD evA N Berkeley N Berkeley N SewardN Seward N erawaleD evA N LovelyN Lovely N Seward N Seward N ArgyleN Argyle N HuntN Hunt N HuntN Hunt N WillisN Willis N N enay enay truoC truoC N IvanhoeN Ivanhoe N HuntN Hunt N HuntN Hunt N Fowler N Fowler ll NTynda ll NTynda diurD N N diurD diurD N FowlerN Fowler N Woolsey Woolsey N Woolsey N N ArgyleN Argyle NE AirportNE Airport N HuntN Hunt NE ArgyleNE Argyle aH N ven NaH ven aH dvlB auquatuahC N N auquatuahC auquatuahC dvlB dvlB N ArgyleN Argyle N ArgyleN Argyle N ArgyleN Argyle Drainage Canal Drainage Canal N Newell N Newell ssoF N N ssoF ssoF N WillisN Willis gdoH N N e e gdoH gdoH N WillisN Willis Blvd Blvd N N ralusnineP ralusnineP evA evA N WillisN Willis Blvd Blvd N WillisN Willis Albina N Albina N N Chase N Chase N Exeter NN Exeter Portsmouth N Portsmouth Ave Ave N N wick wick htroB htroB N Macrum N Macrum NE TransportNE Transport N GloucesterN Gloucester N WillisN Willis N ArlingtonN Arlington N SyracuseN Syracuse N Van HoutenN Van Houten WN yaldna WN yaldna N ArlingtonN Arlington KentonKenton Park Park tsruH N N tsruH tsruH nI N terstate NnI terstate nI N ArlingtonNN Halleck ArlingtonN Halleck N McclellanN Mcclellan Ave N Maryland Ave N Maryland N Westanna N Westanna N DrewN Drew NE ElrodNE Elrod N BowdoinN Bowdoin N HerefordN Hereford N HalleckN Halleck NE HalleckNE Halleck NE HalleckNE Halleck N HalleckN Halleck N N sser gnoC sser gnoC NEAir Cargo NEAir Cargo N KilpatrickN Kilpatrick N KilpatrickN Kilpatrick N N elr woF elr woF N KilpatrickN Kilpatrick St St N MckennaN Mckenna N GirardN Girard N CareyN Carey N VanderbiltN Vanderbilt Girard Girard N KilpatrickN Kilpatrick N KilpatrickN Kilpatrick N KilpatrickN Kilpatrick NE KilpatrickNE
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