NEW TAX EVIDENCE AGAINST KLAN UNCOVERE A Newspaper « A Constructive PER COPY VOLUME II, NUMBER 64 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1950 PRICf SIX CENTS ! • / ’ * / LeMoyne Opens Rumor Another^ Ethiopian / Film Festival Italian War In Offing February lOtfc - A Film Festival, featuring, that are not available at neighbor­ hood theatres and of Interest those who regard the cinema a* Selassie For Italy s Great Strides Made By Union art. technique, will bring the In world film productions on alter­ Protective In 1949-Planning nate Fridays, during February Rule Over Somaliland March, in the Lecturb Room of Expansion Program This'Year Moyne College. Each film GENEVA, Switzerland — 'ANI’I — Unless the UN Officers and directors of the Un­ agree that the Improvements and will be proceeded by a brief sion of the film Itself. husteeship can dig up some solution compatible to both ion Protective Assurance Company Increase in each phase of operation This will be the first Mim Italy and Ethiopia — principally the latter — there will be disclosed at the Annual Stockhold­ are indicative of perfect team work " ers Meeting last Friday, Jan 27 Recognizing the trust and confi­ tival sponsored by LeMoyne a war in East Africa, with the two countries fighting it out that great strides had been made dence placed in the company by will be directed by Prof, for control over ltaly’s"T<frn>r colonies of Eritrea and So­ by lite company in all departments the many friends and well wishers Goldberg of the English maliland. during the past yem A dividend who hiyve pledged themselves to the ment. Admission will be available only In front, Ethiopia does not want Italy for a next door of fifteen per cent was declared. firm, Mr. Twigg continued, "It is Statements and reports of the of­ therefore to our best Interest beyond to those reserving in advance neighbor because of the latter’s mercenary ambitions and ficers were received with approval all else, to live up to the traditions (Continued On Back Page) also for fear Italy might have some grandiose scheme for and appreciation for a banner year and principles of Union Protective another conquest of Ethiopia. [and the Board of Directors and of- the traditions of Service and Principles of Friendliness.’’ Trio Arrested Recently, the UN trusteeship Too. Great Britain has announc­ J ficers were re-elected without Notable accomplishments were al­ council approved an kg cement gtv- ,ed it will pull troops out of So­ ichange ling Italy control of Sotnalliard lor j so made in the Agency Department maliland at the end of March. Tha In his report to the stockholders. In Theft Of Gl 110 years, after which the territory Lewis H Twigg, president of the I under the supervision of W. W But­ troops replacing them will be Itali­ Insurance Company, said "compar­ ler. director of agencies. In his is to become independent. Ethi­ an With Ethiopia persisting in Dividend Check ed to the financial stateipent of the annual statement, Mr. Butler spoke opia objected to tills on lite grounds US objection to the trusteeship Three men were arrested previous year, you will certainly- of the-team cooperation which was that the UN charter provides that Wednesday in what is believed agreement, Somaliland will be a responsible for the great advance "any trusteeship agreement must be be the first case Involving theft (Continued On Hack Patri made in the various agencies. drawn tip with the consent of states a GI Insurance dividend directly concerned." _ ____„ , LeMoyne Alumni Many field objectives "were listed They were Leon Bennett, 21, of ELECT DR. EMORY ROSS PRESIDENT OF PHELPS- right, a trustee of the famous philanthropic or­ Italian. Sotpaliland and EtiUta | Informational by Mr. Butler as an aim for lfco. North Bellevue; Luther L, ' border on Ethiopia A> former Ital- [ among them the Increase of per­ STOKES FUND-Dr. Emory Ross, center, newly- ganization^ following his election at the board Speaker Sunday 22, of 909 Randle; and Louis dan colonies, they wen1 used as I elected president of the Phelps-Stokes fund, was meeting in New York City last week. On the Meet Vets sonnel and agency force; to insti­ Moore 21, 1210 Looney street. springboards for Mussolini s 1935 I For tute training courses In all districts: Jieartily congratulated by Dr. Ralph J. Bunche, left is Dr. Channing H. Tobias, director of fhe Thi check, belonging to Mack invasions of tne Abyssinianj Kmg- At Leqion Post to extend operations to still other Tibbs, of 234 Lucy for the fund.-(ANP). ' dom. Control of theselie.se two wat ask- , « communities which are In need of of 9121.00 was stolen from his ' ed by Ethiopia following World War1 An informational meeting will be the services offered by Union Pro­ box. The arrested men, held at held al Headquarters of Autress "II. tective; and to enlarge the educa­ writing in default of 11,000 Russell Post No. 27, Beale Avenue ' ' ' I tional and training program which must appear before the “KYGMIÉ BALL” TONIGHT WILL Auditorium,■ on Saturday night, REQUEST MODIFIED was Initiated in 1949 Grand Jury February »th. However, Ethiopia had to modify February 4th. Commander Grover C. FAITHFUL ils request a bit. it |s now willing Burson Is calling the meeting so Union Protective Assurance Com­ to agree to the Italian trusteeship , that all Legionalres of the city can pany offers Industrial Burial, and CLIMM LOCAL NEGRO FIGHT Dean Sewell To over Somaliland, providing it is become familiar with the changes Disability Insurance.. Its policies granted control of Eritrea. But the made nt the National meeting of are serviced by ‘the Funeral Homes fate of the latter colony has not yet the American Legion. of T H Hayes and Sons, 8. W. Head Lane As SERVANT been decided. Chances made at the National Qualls, and Hayes and Langston. meeting will effect the charters of It is an Old Line Legal Reserve. President TONIGHT'S THE. NIGHT! tire-lover the right to attend At present, a five-man commis-, the State and it is important that The Company is divided into five In the lingo of "those tn the and dance to the music of one Dean Richard F. Bewell of sion, made up of representatives | each Leglonaire acquaint himself districts: Memphis, Nashville, Chat­ i know ." every "Cgt" and “Chick" the city's most popular orchestras. elevated to position of president from Norway. Burma. Colombia. with the new rules and regulations. tanooga. Knoxville, and Jackson, who knows how to hucklebuck or Luther Steinberg's aggregation, who No member veterans are welcome Iwne College Tuesday of thl$. W4 . Pakistan and South Aktoa, are en- with both the home office and a it wae announced by Bishop ' , is capable of "pitching a mean Ap­ ai furnishing their talent« free TH route tp Asmara to investlgote Erl-1 to .attend the 7 P M meeting 1 district office in the Bluff City Arthur Hamlett, presiding ple-Jack Boogie" will be on ha'xl charge The Board of Directors, re-elect/ A faithful M-year-old servant, , trean conditions and report theft . of the Second Episcopal and strippea down for action at PARK COMMISSION HELPS ed this year, are; Lewis H. Twigg, who had served four generations of findings to the "Little Assembly"1 of the C. M E. Church, sponsor Memphis' and the Tri-States' first The dance will be under the spon­ Site Purchased chairman: O. T. Westbrooks, Dr. the same family, was laid to rest by June 15. The latter will In turn the institution. Election ot an annual ."Kygmie Ball." sorship of, the Recreation Division make recommendations to the gen- j W O. Speight, E. R. Kirk. A. L. Wednesday in the family plot at minlstrator of the college to The "Kygmie Ball' is the name of the Memphis Park Commission. Rawl.y. A. M. Woods, and E. O. Elmwood Cemetery. She was Mrs. I eral assembly in September. For E. Memphis ceed President J. H, White adopted by the Negro Division of Mr. Marion Hale, an official of the Horne Annie Boyd Savage, who died in It is said that Burma, Pakistan | made durinc a meeting of the Memphis chapter of the In­ Recreation Division is spear-head­ Willie S. Taylor, graduate of the John Oaston Hospital 8unday af­ fantile Paralysis Foundation, in its ing, the activities outlined for the and Colombia are against giving Nursery are: board of directors. cliss of 1937 will be speaker for Officers of the company ternoon at 3 o'clock. drive to help raise funds to fight dance. Eritrea to Ethiopia,, pecause they The newly organized Board of Di­ Lane Is one of the largest LeMoyne Alumni Sunday after­ Lewis H Twigg, president; Dr. W. the menace of poliomyelitis in this Nat. Di Williams, WDIA radio favor an "Independent” country rectors of the proposed Nursery in 0 Speight, vice-president and medi­ best known institutions Before the Civil War, Mrs. Sav­ noon, Feb. 5, in the New Commons. age was a slave on a plantation area and the nation. disc jockey and chairman of the The U. S and Britain both prom­ East Blnghampton will meet Sun­ cal director; *E. R. Kirk, secretary­ by the C. M. E. Church. It bears Mr. Taylor Is a native of Ripley. at LaGrange, Tenn. She started ised’ Ethiopia the important »ast­ day afternoon, February 5, in Van- treasurer; 0. T. Westbrooks, assist­ name of the organiser of the The "ball' will take place tonight I (Continued On Pap* Twoi ern part of Eritrea which includes | dalia Court to effect final plans Tenn., where he is currently serving work for the late Mr.
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