“When it comes to the ‘authentic’ interpretation of the faith, the magisterium plays a role that theology simply cannot take to itself.” CNS documentary service cussions held in Rome over the period 2004- contents 2011. The report acknowledges an inevitable 641 Theology Today: tension, while emphasizing a need for har- Perspectives, Principles mony, between the practice of theology and and Criteria the exercise by the pope and bishops of the by the International Theological Commission magisterium, the church’s teaching author- ity in matters of faith and morals. “Bishops 661 Update to Bishops on and theologians have distinct callings and Contraceptive Mandate by Cardinal Timothy M. must respect one another’s particular com- Dolan petence, lest the magisterium reduce theol- 664 Datebook ogy to a mere repetitive science or theo- logians presume to substitute the teaching 664 On File office of the church’s pastors,” the theologians write. “Theology investigates and articulates the faith of the church, and the ecclesiasti- Theology Today: cal magisterium proclaims that faith and authentically interprets it,” the report says. In Perspectives, their pronouncements, bishops should draw on the work of theologians in order to dem- Principles and onstrate a “capacity for critical evaluation,” Criteria among other virtues, the report advises. “On the other hand, the magisterium is an indis- International Theological pensable help to theology by its authentic Commission transmission of the deposit of faith (‘deposi- tum fidei’), particularly at decisive times of Theologians and bishops have complemen- discernment,” the authors add. The report tary roles in furthering understanding of was approved for publication by Cardinal the Catholic faith, but the former must ulti- William J. Levada, prefect of the doctrinal mately defer to the latter on questions of congregation. Its appearance here in Origins definitive interpretation, according to a new marks its first publication in English. report from a Vatican panel of theological advisers. The report from the International Preliminary Note Theological Commission, a group of theo- he study of the theme of the sta- March 15, 2012 logians appointed by Pope Benedict XVI to tus of theology was already begun Volume 41 study themes of current interest and offer by the International Theological Number 40 expert advice to the Vatican’s Congregation Commission in the quinquennial for the Doctrine of the Faith, is based on dis- t continued on page 642 continued from page 641 ments. Catholic theology has sought to follow Pope Benedict XVI delivered session of 2004-2008. The work was done by a the path opened by the council, which wished the following address Dec. subcommission presided by Father Santiago to express its “solidarity and respectful affec- 2, 2011, to the International Theological Commission del Cura Elena and composed of the fol- tion for the whole human family” by entering during its plenary meeting at lowing members: Archbishop Bruno Forte, into dialogue with it and offering “the saving the Vatican: Archbishop Savio Hon Tai-Fai, SDB, Fathers resources which the church has received from “It is a great joy for me to Antonio Castellano, SDB, Tomislav Ivancic, its founder under the promptings of the Holy be able to receive you at the Thomas Norris, Paul Rouhana, Leonard Spirit.”1 close of the annual plenary Santedi Kinkupu, Jerzy Szymik and Dr. However, this period has also seen a cer- meeting of the International Thomas Söding. tain fragmentation of theology, and in the Theological Commission. I Since, however, this subcommission had dialogue just mentioned theology always would first like to express a heartfelt thank you for the no way of completing its work with the pub- faces the challenge of maintaining its own words that Cardinal William lication of a document, the study was taken true identity. The question arises, therefore, as Levada, in his capacity as up in the following quinquennial session on to what characterizes Catholic theology and president of the commis- the basis of the work previously undertaken. gives it, in and through its many forms, a clear sion, has addressed to me on For this purpose, a new subcommission was sense of identity in its engagement with the behalf of you all. formed presided by Msgr. Paul McPartlan and world of today. “The work of this session composed of the following members: Bishop 2. To some extent, the church clearly needs coincided this year with the first week of Advent, Jan Liesen, Fathers Serge Thomas Bonino, OP, a common discourse if it is to communicate an occasion that reminds Antonio Castellano, SDB, Adelbert Denaux, the one message of Christ to the world both us that every theologian is Tomislav Ivancic, Leonard Santedi Kinkupu, theologically and pastorally. It is therefore called to be a man of Advent, Jerzy Szymik, Sister Sara Butler, MSBT, and Dr. legitimate to speak of the need for a certain a witness keeping watch, Thomas Söding. unity of theology. However, unity here needs who enlightens the ways The general discussions of this theme were to be carefully understood so as not to be con- of understanding the Word made flesh. We could say that held in numerous meetings of the subcom- fused with uniformity or a single style. knowledge of the true God mission and during the plenary sessions of the constantly tends toward and same International Theological Commission is fed by that ‘hour,’ which is held in Rome from 2004 to 2011. The present “The church clearly needs a com- unknown, at which the Lord text was approved in forma specifica on Nov. will return. Thus, keeping mon discourse if it is to communi- 29, 2011, and was then submitted to its presi- vigilant and enlivening the hope of expectation are not dent, Cardinal William Levada, prefect of the cate the one message of Christ to Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, secondary tasks for a correct the world both theologically and theological thought, which who authorized its publication. finds its reason in the person pastorally.” of the One who comes to Introduction meet us and illumines our understanding of salvation. 1. The years following the Second Vatican Council have been extremely productive for The unity of theology, like that of the “Today I would like to reflect briefly with you on the three Catholic theology. There have been new theo- church as professed in the creed, must be themes that the International logical voices, especially those of laymen and closely correlated with the idea of catholicity Theological Commission has women; theologies from new cultural con- and also with those of holiness and aposto- been studying in recent years. texts, particularly Latin America, Africa and licity.2 The church’s catholicity derives from The first, as has been said, Asia; new themes for reflection such as peace, Christ himself who is the savior of the whole concerns the fundamental justice, liberation, ecology and bioethics; world and of all humanity (cf. Eph 1:3-10; 1 question for all theological reflection: the question of deeper treatments of former themes, thanks Tm 2:3-6). The church is therefore at home in God and in particular the to renewal in biblical, liturgical, patristic and every nation and culture, and seeks to “gather understanding of mono- medieval studies; and new venues for reflec- in everything for its salvation and sanctifica- theism. From this broad tion such as ecumenical, interreligious and tion.”3 doctrinal horizon you have intercultural dialogue. The fact that there is one Savior shows that also delved into an ecclesial These are fundamentally positive develop- there is a necessary bond between catholic- theme: the meaning of the social doctrine of the church, paying special attention to ISSN 0093-609X, Origins, CNS Documentary Service, is published weekly (except biweekly during July, August and a theme that is of great rele- December's last week) by Catholic News Service, 3211 4th Street N.E., Washington, D.C. 20017-1100. Copyright © 2012 vance to contemporary theo- by Catholic News Service/U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Periodical-class postage paid at Washington, D.C. logical thought about God: Editor, Edmond Brosnan; Associate Editor, Mary Esslinger; Layout, Emily Thompson; Director of CNS, Tony Spence. the question of the actual Editorial: (202) 541-3284. Circulation: (202) 541-3290 - www.originsonline.com. status of theology today, in its Subscriptions: One year, $114; two years, $199; three years, $284; foreign postage additional. Single copy: $8. Back perspectives, in its principles issues: Inquire for availability and rates. Attach mailing label to change of address requests and subscription corre- and criteria. spondence. Postmaster: Send address changes to Origins, CNS Documentary Service, 3211 4th Street, N.E., “Behind the profession of the Washington, D.C. 20017-1100. Christian faith in the one Documentation in Origins is selected on the basis of interest and usefulness in reference to current issues. Publication does not signify endorsement by Origins or its sponsoring body, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. 642 origins ity and unity. As it explores the inexhaust- Theology, in all its diverse traditions, disci- ible mystery of God and the countless ways plines and methods, is founded on the funda- God one finds the daily pro- fession of faith of the people in which God’s grace works for salvation in mental act of listening in faith to the revealed of Israel: ‘Hear, O Israel: The diverse settings, theology rightly and neces- Word of God, Christ himself. Listening Lord our God is one Lord’ (Dt sarily takes a multitude of forms, and yet as to God’s Word is the definitive principle of 6:4). The unheard of fulfill- investigations of the unique truth of the tri- Catholic theology; it leads to understanding ment of God’s unreserved love une God and of the one plan of salvation cen- and speech and to the formation of Christian for all people is realized in tered on the one Lord Jesus Christ, this plural- community: “The church is built upon the the incarnation of the Son in Jesus Christ.
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