District of: Quebec Division No. 01 - Montréal Court No. 500-11-049256-155 Estate No. 0000265-2015-QC List "A" Unsecured Creditors MAGASIN LAURA (P.V.) INC. / LAURA'S SHOPPE (P.V.) INC. No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1 20 Vic Management Inc. 1200A The Tower at Midtown 19 445,80 0,00 19 445,80 Saskatoon SK S7K 1J5 2 20 Vic Management Inc. Carlingwood Mall 37 308,80 0,00 37 308,80 2121Carling Avenue suite 18A Ottawa ON K2A 1H2 3 20 Vic Management Inc. Dome Tower 52 626,29 0,00 52 626,29 333 7th Avenue SW Calgary AB T2P 2Z1 4 20 Vic Management Inc. Pen Centre Administration 68 745,14 0,00 68 745,14 Hwy 406 & Glendale Avenue St Catharines ON L2T 2K9 5 2023011 Ontario Limited c/o Fishman Holdings North America Inc. 155 000,00 0,00 155 000,00 500 Rexdale Boulevard, Suite A100 Toronto ON M9W 6K5 6 24/7 Distribution Inc 1801Albion Rd., Unit 5-7 270 000,00 0,00 270 000,00 Toronto ON M9W 5S7 7 3266494 Canada Inc. Tommy 407 - 5425 Casgrain 9 130,92 0,00 9 130,92 Montreal QC H2T 1X6 8 3482731 Canada Inc. 4, Granville Road 0,00 14 882 225,00 14 882 225,00 Hampstead QC H3X 3B1 9 3540081 Canada Inc 603 - 433 Chabanel Ouest 82 751,96 0,00 82 751,96 Montreal QC H2N 2J4 10 3934390 Canada Inc C/O Administration Office 25 348,44 0,00 25 348,44 134 Primrose Drive Saskatoon SK S7K 5S6 11 4272196 Canada Inc.(Elgo) 300-9333 Boul. St-Laurent 15 058,01 0,00 15 058,01 Montreal QC H2N 1P6 12 4336909 Canada Inc 807-333 Chabanel O. 766 314,25 0,00 766 314,25 Montreal QC H2N 2E7 13 713949 Ontario Limited St-Laurent Mall Administration 165 434,19 0,00 165 434,19 1200 St-Laurent Boulevard Ottawa ON K1K 3B8 14 7178051 Canada Inc. Ruby Vetements 40 553,30 0,00 40 553,30 9945 Avenue Lausanna Montreal QC H1H 5A6 15 9067957 Canada Inc 5758 Royalmount 301 267,38 0,00 301 267,38 Montreal QC H4P 1K5 16 9082-7841 Québec Inc. 2000-300 rue Léo-Pariseau 71,88 0,00 71,88 Montréal QC H2X 4B3 17 9095-5550 Québec inc. 311-350 rue Louvain O. 5 246,88 0,00 5 246,88 Montréal QC H2N 2E8 18 9139-6366 Québec inc. 324, Aime-Vincent 5 171,94 0,00 5 171,94 Vaudreuil QC J7V 5V5 19 9163-6100 Québec Inc. 601-9475 Meilleur 1 168,74 0,00 1 168,74 Montreal QC H2N 2C5 20 9180-7305 Québec inc. 1610, Route 222 224,20 0,00 224,20 St-Denis de Brompton QC J0B 2P0 21 9191-3723 Québec Inc. 4115, Autoroute des Laurentides 265 829,34 0,00 265 829,34 Laval QC H7L 5W5 District of: Quebec Division No. 01 - Montréal Court No. 500-11-049256-155 Estate No. 0000265-2015-QC List "A" Unsecured Creditors MAGASIN LAURA (P.V.) INC. / LAURA'S SHOPPE (P.V.) INC. No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 22 9215-5035 Québec Inc. (Boy Ky) 300, Sauvé, bureau 150 5 077,89 0,00 5 077,89 Montreal QC H3L 1Z4 23 9216-3443 Québec Inc. 306-5445 De Gaspe 1 079,47 0,00 1 079,47 Montreal QC H2T 3B2 24 9252-1806 Québec Inc. ( LANG) 303-9494 Boul St-Laurent 6 385,41 0,00 6 385,41 Montreal QC H2N 1P4 25 9257-3880 Québec Inc. 307-9494 St-Laurent 1 213,00 0,00 1 213,00 Montreal QC H2N 1P4 26 9272-8849 Québec Inc. 601-9475 Meilleur 471,98 0,00 471,98 Montreal QC H2N 2C5 27 9273-3013 Québec Inc. 600 - 99 Chabanel 22 148,78 0,00 22 148,78 Montreal QC H2N 1C3 28 9274-7872 Québec Inc.(Donald) 204-9050 Avenue du Parc 10 404,67 0,00 10 404,67 Montreal QC H2N 2Y8 29 9276-4943 Québec Inc (Ming Hua) 9668 Boul, St-Laurent 7 070,40 0,00 7 070,40 Montreal QC H3L 2M9 30 9282-8516 Québec Inc 433 Chabanel Ouest, CH 405 Nour Nord 65 875,50 0,00 65 875,50 Montreal QC H2N 2J4 31 9294-7506 Québec Inc. 302- 9475 rue Meilleur 1 695,78 0,00 1 695,78 Montreal QC H2N 2C5 32 9318-5494 Québec Inc. 4, Granville Road 0,00 17 430 000,00 17 430 000,00 Hampstead QC H3X 3B1 33 9319-2862 Québec Inc.(Berj) 2262, rue Fauteux 5 157,72 0,00 5 157,72 Laval QC H7T 2S6 34 9320-1853 Québec Inc (Sunflower fashion) 204-5165 ch. Queen-Mary 41 863,42 0,00 41 863,42 Montreal QC H3W 1X7 35 A C Door Service Direct inc. 5068 , Silverbirch Lane 4 799,54 0,00 4 799,54 Beamsville ON L0R 1B5 36 A.S.M. Fashions 400-9250 Park Avenue 54 702,89 0,00 54 702,89 Montreal QC H2N 1Z2 37 A-1 Design Electric Ltd. 47 Houde Drive 378,16 0,00 378,16 Winnipeg MB R3V 1C4 38 A25-Le Lien Intelligent 6801, boul. Lévesque Est 41,57 0,00 41,57 Laval QC H7A 0E1 39 ABC Environnement inc. 143, 21e rue 856,56 0,00 856,56 Crabtree QC J0K 1B0 40 ABC Gestion Parasitaire 170 rue St-André Ouest 459,90 0,00 459,90 Granby QC J2G 1Z2 41 Abell Pest Control Inc. 109 - 3851Manchester Road S E 367,50 0,00 367,50 Calgary AB T2G 3Z8 42 Abell Pest Control Inc. 14315-129 Avenue NW 96,16 0,00 96,16 Edmonton AB T5L 4N9 43 Abell Pest Control Inc. 48 Trider Cres, Unit 8 93,61 0,00 93,61 Dartmouth NS B3B 1R6 44 Abell Pest Control Inc. 669 Ridley PL Ste 207 141,75 0,00 141,75 Delta BC V3M 6Y9 45 Abraxas Contemporary Jewelry 138-2688 Shell Road 7 581,07 0,00 7 581,07 Richmond BC V6X 4E1 District of: Quebec Division No. 01 - Montréal Court No. 500-11-049256-155 Estate No. 0000265-2015-QC List "A" Unsecured Creditors MAGASIN LAURA (P.V.) INC. / LAURA'S SHOPPE (P.V.) INC. No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 46 Accent Labels Inc. 225 Chabanel St. West, Suite 710 33 491,34 0,00 33 491,34 Montreal QC H2N 2C9 47 Accruals 2 000 000,00 0,00 2 000 000,00 48 Accruent 10801- 2 N. MO PAC EXPY., Suite 400 8 502,26 0,00 8 502,26 Austin, TX 78726 TX 78759 USA 49 Adorable Junior Garments Inc. 200 - 5353 Boul. Thimens 661 391,01 0,00 661 391,01 St-Laurent QC H4R 2H4 50 Adorn Fashion 1402 - 1407 Broadway St 74 769,66 0,00 74 769,66 New York NY 10018 USA 51 Adrianna Papell 500 - 7Th Avenue 10th floor 136 507,80 0,00 136 507,80 New York NY 10018 USA 52 Advanced Bardode Systems LLC 930 North Heritage Street 3 780,00 0,00 3 780,00 Mesa AZ 85201USA 53 Aerus Electrolux 353 Victoria Avenue 948,21 0,00 948,21 Westmount QC H3Z 2N1 54 Agence Montage Inc. 3451St-Laurent, Suite 400 482,90 0,00 482,90 Montreal QC H2X 2T6 55 Agences Martin Blais inc. CP 353 Rive Nord 1 408,45 0,00 1 408,45 Boisbriand QC J7E 4J4 56 AKA Mystique 389 Fifth Avenue, 4th Floor 53 541,22 0,00 53 541,22 New York NY 10016 USA 57 Alberta Lock Solid 9816 - 51ST Avenue NW 143,85 0,00 143,85 Edmonton AB T6E 0A6 58 Alejandro Arce-Gonzalez 7094 Christophe Colomb 9 500,00 0,00 9 500,00 Montreal QC H2S 2H5 59 Alexia Admor for the French Design Group 242 W. 36th ST, FL #2 33 618,08 0,00 33 618,08 New York NY 10018 USA 60 All-Brite Electric Co. Ltd #10 - 3918 Arthur Rose Avenue 648,38 0,00 648,38 Saskatoon SK S7P 0C9 61 Altifica 465 rue Saint-Jean, Suite 1004 2 299,50 0,00 2 299,50 Montreal QC H2Y 2R6 62 Alzintex Ltd. 140 - 9500 Meilleur 51 940,13 0,00 51 940,13 Montreal QC H2N 2B7 63 Andrew Koenig International 1523 Summerhill Ave. 8 649,37 0,00 8 649,37 Montreal QC H3H 1C2 64 Anick Leblanc 6987 Chambord 2 931,25 0,00 2 931,25 Montreal QC H2E 1W5 65 Anna Basak # 201- 4000 SOMERVALE CRT 450,00 0,00 450,00 Calgary AB T2Y 4J3 66 Association des marchands des Galeries J 1075, boul. Firestone 229,95 0,00 229,95 Joliette QC J6E 6X6 67 Astra Electric Inc. 31-600 Bowes Rd. 885,92 0,00 885,92 Concord ON L4K 4A4 68 Atex Business Forms Inc., 200-6800 Cote De Liesse 2 382,13 0,00 2 382,13 Montreal QC H4T 2A7 69 Atlantic EDM inc. 995, 1e Avenue 330,53 0,00 330,53 Ste-Catherine QC J5C 1C5 District of: Quebec Division No. 01 - Montréal Court No. 500-11-049256-155 Estate No. 0000265-2015-QC List "A" Unsecured Creditors MAGASIN LAURA (P.V.) INC. / LAURA'S SHOPPE (P.V.) INC. No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 70 Atlas Sign & Awning 26697 Gloucester Way 4 830,00 0,00 4 830,00 Langley BC V4W 3S8 71 Aubin Pélissier 3605, rue Bellefeuille 143,72 0,00 143,72 Trois-Rivières QC G9A 5Z6 72 Auclair & Landry Québec inc.
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