The Dr. Alister MacKenzie Chronology The 19th Revision November 2016 The MacKenzie Chronology Project The Project In the late 1990’s Nick Leefe and Bob Beck launched an effort to document the physical presence and movements of the great architect Dr. Alister MacKenzie. That effort sparked club secretaries, historians, architects, professional writers, enthusiasts – in short, a global community of MacKenzie admirers – to share their knowledge. This, the 19th Revision of “The Dr. Alister MacKenzie Chronology,” is the latest product of that collective and continuing generosity, and once again expands upon the previous revision. Why are MacKenzie’s whereabouts important? A timeline establishes a foundation of fact. Upon this foundation researchers can build their narratives of history. Without this fact base, large gaps in time appear, and speculation is the all too-common and unfortunate result - the quality of scholarship is impoverished. The ramifications can be significant - original design features and perhaps entire courses disappear or suffer disfiguration, writings are misunderstood or misinterpreted, attributions are missed or made improperly. As readers, as golfers, and as caretakers of the game of golf, we suffer. Dr. MacKenzieAdvertisement photographed for on The American Golf Course ConstructionCover of a printed version of one of CharacteristicRobert Hunter, undulating S.H. Woodruff, MacKenzie unknown, and Dr. Alister board the S.S.Company Berengaria showing en-route the 3rd green at MacKenzie & Hunter’sMacKenzie’s many lectures on the subject greenMacKenzie at his new at proposed Morecambe Dana GC Point Golf Course, California to England, MarchLake Merced 9, 1926 Golf & Country Club in San Francisco of Architecture and Greenkeeping. coursePhoto incourtesy: England Dana Point Historical Society Photo courtesy: Neil Crafter Photo courtesy: Sean Tully Photo courtesy: Neil Crafter Why? Why are MacKenzie’s whereabouts important? A timeline establishes a foundation of fact. Upon this foundation researchers can build their narratives of history. Without this fact base, large gaps in time appear, and speculation is the all too common and as an unfortunate result - the quality of scholarship can be impoverished. The ramifications can be significant - original design features and perhaps entire courses disappear or suffer disfiguration, writings are misunderstood or misinterpreted, attributions are missed or made improperly. As readers, as golfers, and as caretakers of the game of golf, we collectively are the poorer. Above – Postcard of Mackenzie’s Cavendish Golf Club in Buxton, England. Courtesy: Richard Atherton Above – MacKenzie photographed with a group of Jockey Club officials in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in April 1930 A chronology is much more than a series of dry facts. To read this Photo Courtesy: Pedro Cossio document is to know MacKenzie the designer whilst gaining an insight into the man. We are given the gift of seeing, in a single sweep of pages, MacKenzie’s global and decades-long pursuit of excellence in golf design - a pursuit that ended nearly 70 years ago, but whose ramifications and influence, improbably, continue down to our day. Further Research The process of compiling and continuing the research to update the MacKenzie Chronology has sparked two additional significant pieces of scholarship: * A detailed list of the golf courses MacKenzie designed, remodelled, or consulted to, and; * A bibliography of MacKenzie’s writings, both public writings in the form of newspapers, magazine articles and books, as well as private correspondence, plans, and reports. For a man who achieved such a rich and productive career, surprisingly few primary source documents are known to researchers. Some have been lost to fire, some to time. The authors therefore urge anyone with information on Dr. MacKenzie to contact them. Left - MacKenzie with fellow golf architects Billy Bell and George MacKenzie Research Group Thomas at Riviera CC, Los Angeles Nick Leefe [email protected] Below left – MacKenzie at Augusta Leeds, England National with Bobby Jones Below – caricature of Alister and Neil Crafter [email protected] his brother Charles MacKenzie Adelaide, Australia Sean Tully [email protected] San Francisco, USA Niall Carlton [email protected] Glasgow, Scotland Mark Bourgeois [email protected] USA Mark Rowlinson [email protected] Manchester, England Nick Norton [email protected] London, England PAGE SIX. CAS'S CITY CHRONICLE Cass City, Michigan, March. 5, 1926~. EAST GREENLEAF. Directory. Smart Afternoon Frock Bolsheviks Destroy a Cathedral Nice weather for March 1. P. A. SCHENCK, D. D. S. Is of Dark Blue Satin Those visiting Cass City the first of Dentist. the week were Mrs. E. Mills and son, Graduate of the Universfty of Mich- Alvin, Mrs. A. Patrick, Jr., Stanley igan. Office in Sheridan Bldg., Cass Jackson, J. Wright and wife and oth- ¢ City, Mich. ers. D .C. McCall had a radio installed DENTISTRY. in his residence last week. i I. A. Fritz, Resident Dentist. L. Krahling was a business caller & (}fl%o nvov I~nrke'.q Dru~ Store. We in town Mondav. solicit your patronage when in need F. Krause of Pontiac ..... the ¢ of -work. week-end at his home here. ¢. 6 Leslie Hewitt and family were SHELDON B. YOUNG, M. D. guests at the Mrs. Mills' home Sun- Cass City, Mich. day. Telephone--No. 80. The Misses Florence Britton and Violet Jackson.spent the week-end at T their respective homes here. Footwear Fashions I. D. McCOY, M. D. Mrs. Geo. Jackson was the guest of Surgery and Roentgenology. .~ relatives at Ubly last week. Office in Pleasant Home Hospital. ? Several in this vicinity had their Phone, Office 96-2R; Residence 96-3R radios taken out of their residences X for Spring last week. ?." .t W. A. GIFT, B. Sc.; M. D. ? ¢. ~,, Medicine- Surgery-Roent genology A. We are nov/ displaying some of the ¢ Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat. NOVESTA. ? Phone 28. Marlette, Mich. The Ortlmdox cathedral in Warsaw, erected by the late czar o~ .t~.a~m, ! Mrs. Clarence Prestage of Scobey, ? most attractive styles in slippers it has ? is now being demolished by the 8oviet~ in order that the last sign o~ imperial Montana, was a week-end guest, of Russia may be eliminated. McKAY & McPHAIL Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Niles. ¢ ever been our privilege to offer. You will New Undertaking Parlors. Miss Hazel McLean is on the sick Lee Block. surely see just what you want ~here. Special list this week. No Withdrawa~ O~r~ch a~ Food Everything in undertaking goods al- Bobby and Betty were indulging in ways on hand. Day and night calls The flesh of the ostrich is ~sed a conversation consisting mostly of g orders taken. promptly attended. Office phone 182. NOVESTA CORNERS. for food to a limited extent in the boasting. "My father," remarked sections of the world where the e~- Mr. and Mrs. John Wentworth of Bobby proudly, "works in a bank thal trich is bred. It is used fairly f~ A. J. KNAPP, Funeral Director Cass City spent Tuesday evening at has more deposits than any bank ta quently by the Arabs, who regard tt and Licensed Embalmer. Mrs. Knapp, the Ben Wentworth home. town. I heard him tell my mother." as most wholesome and palatable. The I. SCHONMULLER Lady Assistant with LiCense. Night There was a silence While Betty col value of the feathers, however, makes Here is a smart afternoon frock of John Collins and family expect to THE CROSBY STORE, CASS CITY and day calls receive prompt attention. lected her thoughts. "What's the mat- it improbable that the flesh of the lustrous dark blue satin, with collar leave for Pontiac in the near future City phone. ter with that bank?" she asked a~ o~trlch will ever be used to any con- of champagne ~atin, worn high, "the whdre they expect to get employ- length. ,Is it for men only?" Mderable extent. same color of satin forms the lower ment for the summer. CASS CITY LODGE NO. 214, L. O. L. half of the tailored balloon sleeves, meet the second and fourth Saturdays Panels on either side give the bouf- Wm. Collins and family of Pontiac have returned to their farm for a few of each month at Town Hall. fant effect. weeks or until he fully recovers from recent illness that laid him off from for Zconomicai Transportation E, W. KEATING Two-Piece Frock Still work. Real Estate and Fire and Automobile th Insurance. in Fashion Limelighl Mr. and Mrs. Win. Patch, Jr., nd What’s New in the 19 Revision?CASS CITY, MICH. The two-piece, merrily named the children spent Tuesday at the home th Jumper suit, is the answer to theth gen- of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Soles. th This 19 Revision fills in a numberR. ofN. McCULLOUGHgaps in the chronologyeral demand fromfor travel, the morning 18 wearRevision, Mr. and Mrs.with John nearly Davis were 70 en- new, revised or expanded entries. This 19 AUCTIONEER and general utility. This type of tertained Sunday at the home of Mr. dress promises to have a vogue as Revision has primarily concentratedAND REAL on ESTATE newspaper DEALER sources from Great Britain,and withMrs. Leon the Asheroft. British Newspaper Archive being a good source for new universai and as enduring as the CASS CITY. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sweet were chemise frock and the cloche hat. II information. Highlights of this Farmrevision sales a specialty.include: Dates may Wednesday afternoon callers at the is a most satisfactory all-round cos- Ben Wentworth home. be arranged with Cass City Chronicle tume. For the trim little coat and * MacKenzie’s recollection thatOffice in he Corkins first Building played golf skirtat thewhich agethe best of couturiers18 while are onMr. holidayand Mrs. inA. H.Scotland. Henderson making, kasha appears to be the spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and most successful material, with serge, h~rs.
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