·,~\~£~~~ . .~ -:u~ J~" l1#?J ' t,r;. ~t r4~ \/ \ v{;J?CL/YL • . - /~~j~L~ ·~ CONN~CTICUT REGISTER, AND UNITED STATES CALENDAll, FOR THE YE~R OF OUR LORD 1819: f 'i BEING THE FOilTT THIRD OF THK IN• r DEPENDE~CE OF TKE UNllED f STA'l'ES. a -e• ,• ~TRONOMIC.lL CALCUL~TIOIIill BY 1'ATHAN DABOLL. COM,£ED UNDF.R.---···---~ TifF: J ~SP£C 1tril''l' 01' 'filE S£Clt£TARY /Jf' TR£ SI'A.f'E OF COtl!IJE'.. TJClf'l', ---c::oo-c- NEW-LONDON: PRINTF.D AND SOLD BY S .l~IUEL GRF.BN. OBSERVATION. T HE kour of the night- is, many times, more eon­ veniently estimated by the moon's southiog1 than by her rising and sitting. To nnd the moon's southing : RULE. Add three hourS to the time of high water on any given day, as it is inserted tn this alrmmack, and you will have the true time of the moon's southing for that dav. ..., N. B. If you double the time of the sun's setting, you ,.,ill have the length of the day ; and double the time of the sun's rising will be the !ength ~f t~e night. Chronological Cycles for the year 1819. Dominica! Letter, C ISolar Cycle, IJ Lunar Cycle or "?_ 15 Roman Indiction, '! Golden Number, J IJulian Period, 6532 Epact, 4 . ----------------------------Names -and Characters of the---------- Planets. (!) or 0 Sol or Sun. :W He~hel. 1z Saturn. ' l •or J) Luna or Moog, '1/. Jupiter. t Mars. E:) Tellas, er Eattb. '? Venus. ?;! Mercury. ~'ames and Charaete'rs of the Aspects. '0 Conjunction, or Planets !ituated in the same longitude. n Quartile, whea they are 90 degrees distant from eacb ot!Tea·. 3 Opposition,.,.when they are I SO degrees dis­ tant. A Trine, ·when they are 120 degrees distant. * Sextile, is when two pla11ets or l!tars aie 60 de~ ~lees distant. THERE wili ~e fo:r Eclipses this year, in the following order viz : 1. The first will be of the Moon, April the lOth, at Sh. 18m. in the morning ; illl·isible ' 1 2. The second will be a large eclipse of the sun, April 24th in the morning. (vi;ible if the air be clear,) by calculation and orthographic projec­ tion, as follows : H. M. Be~J:inning at 5 12 ~ .B.pparent Middle 6 10 time in the End 7 9 morning. The whole duration 1 h. 57 m. Quantity of greatest obscuration, 9 1-4 digit~ on the sun'lii northern lime. 3. The third wi:l be of the Snn, Septcmbet l 9th at 8 h. 5 m. in the morning, but by reason of the moon's high northern latitude, the Penumbra will nvt reach the Diurnal path ofour vertex, con­ sequently the eclipse will be invisible to us. 4. The fourth will be of the 1\loon, October 3d, at 10 h. 35m. in the morning, con:oequeutly iu visible to us. ,.. FREEMEN'~ MISSTINGSa FaEEMIHPS :MBB1:u:IGs threllglleut tfie eiB~ Af CeARIU:ti£wl1 111 c Itch! iiRRYallt eft :lle tltirlt ~n day iA ~eptentbeP, tutd on chc ~ilo~tdaJ foEunih§ tl fi&·..t T11e~day in Apt :-t. -?h~,~~J~ --% /16' . renee o .Htgh- ule!· at Mt•ertzl fllacell fro•n J\ e'v-I.ondcn. HF. lixth column of·each monthly page llle\vs the T time of High-water at t-:ew·Lontlon, New-York, €-lizabethtnwn Point, Tarpaulm Cove, Cape-Hornlopeo, 'ock-. pur. in Georgia, and Bruofwiclc, in North-Caro· ina-to which if you add and f~btrad: as in the apnexe•· table, you will have the timf' of lligh·water at tbe fol­ owing places.--(A) lhews that the aonrxed quaotitie• oftime mull: be added; (S) fubtrad:ed~(~) fta!ldl fo1 hours, (M).for minutes. NarntSofPiilcll• II·M · r NlftnuofPJncts. R·M· Aibany ' A e 3ojNewburyport A 2 45 Ambov S o 4.i New Haven A 1 sc jAnnapolis, Mlf,., 9 ~ r. jNcw Prniderite S 1 2,; -\nnapolis. Nt-vf. A 3 Oj);ewtown La~ding A I o N<:\Y·Bedford S ' •21 Norwich La.ndi~~J A o 4S Bofion . A 2 •SjPenobfcol ~ 3 Burlington A 'o :W · l'enfac!ll~ S Can•o A 2 $01Pbill¥!elphia A "Pt'·A:nn A 2 4stt•ik.:tta,var A ape Fear S I Oj Ply"louth ~ Cafco '8.>y A ~ 1 ~~ Poicpels lOand A Charl,·fton B~r S 2 ao Port Royal, S. C. ~ Fairfield A 2 o Portfmooth A re<le rica,G~M·Jin, S 1 o Provir!ence S o cnrg<town Bar S a 20 Purilburgb, ~- C. 8 '1 o ruilfotd A I 30 Q.ueb,.c A 3 o lia~:kenfaclf .1\ 3 o Reedy-Illand ~ 2 IS alifax A 3 olRhorlc·Uland S <tS Hell Gate A o 3 Salem . A ll'lrtl'ord A 2 :o j s ~.•dy·l-l<'ok S Hin~ham S 1 311<; "'annab S ftunring~ A 2 o S~y"r"ok A bfwick A. 2 4lj.'t. Auguft in!!, B. S J~mestOWI\ . A 0 soj"t- John's, N 6l.lf. A K.i11g!Lown,Etop14s1 1\ 6 o S.10h~.ry, Gtorgi.11 A l.ouifuonrgh A 3 ~!Tybee B~r A o •s ain Oce;on S o 4>\Whit~ -tor.e A 2 ~ ,_obilt~·Roin~ A 6 ciWitlbmlbnrg, Yn. A l 1s ntucket S r 30 Wtimin!lton,!'[.C. A. 2 s J I ~ I-;,..--,----::~J.,A,--1'\-::cU AitY h •lll :H <I a ,. s. I ''i rst qr. 3J. Jh.ss·~~-1 "Ca5t"Cjr-:-t9d ·4i1-:-s6\l1:-;,;;;"f Fnil fYl"· 1lr1. 6h. 49;n. m. (l'ew mo. '25<i. Ph ~Jm. af./1 '~lw! Calendar. &c. \()r~s.p:.s7-a.jr. :D-:;. l ,IJ jC.r'u. Day t.l k . .:>ll.-llru 7 2b ·..t .>2 I 5:110 ·'~ 2,7j7"''s south 8~1. <1111. 11 2ll .~ :32. 2 :r;·l I :,::Jl 3 ;. C,2d af. C!:ri,t's. o 0 J) 7 \!i -1:33 i3 20 moru. 412 j0a\s iucrcasc lUm. 7 2 7 433 4 :; i 4 s'3,Epiph. Plea~ant wcalha 7 :lli -l3.J! 1\ .H' 2 ilj ull.t for the i 2tl-l 3-1' s 31 :> o1 7.51fnf. oO~ sen-.on. 72!,-t25i U lS 4 14! 8' o Victory, by G.hckson 7 24 !301 i 8 5 7 ()'71 J) Apo. J) rull3 high. 7 2.1 -136J i 5!' 6 0 tolc1,st Suo. after I'!Jiph. i 23 1-l3il 8 W o li~ 1112 11·u!l ). Cr./dChiliin~ 722'-J{;S 0 3! :;>ri•e 12 31·7•'s south 8 o'cl'k. rviwl 7 ~~~4 SE 10 :2 .'J 50 13 ~Day I.Jreak 5h. 37m. anti 7 2t -139 I J i~ ll 47 IL15 Osl.ol"cl'k.9m.p•~rhup' 720 ·~ 1011 51 7 50 15 616 0 "2J. , M1111e SIIO/l ) 20 .\ ·10 l~lOf~ 8 51 1617 ¥> Statioo:u'y: rzear the" 7 1n .141 o 3f' () !>7 liiO~<Iafterf'piph. day ' 71814.2 1 lUll 0 1812! R~m - mber the poor. 7 1 i 4 <13 2 i tnom 101s1 ~St:1lionary. 00)]). 71514..1 2 4tl 0 10, j201410enter~~2 1 1.41m,aft 715145 · 3 33 I 211 :21,5 Day break 5h. 30ru. I lJ .\tHj 4 2lj 2 <10: 22 6 1E:r:pca severe C()ld tVealh i I a 1-l7 5 2 '13 5G: 23,7j crifnolsnowalhn:,u 712 1.\-18 fj 27 5 l4 21C,3.1 af. .Epiph. )lpPrigc• 7llli.ll0 i 3-l o 181 252 1Couver.St.Poul. 6 0Jl; 10 .1.'.0 3 4() J)sers ::'U3 1i"''ssuuthih lm [h tid(<' i !l--!511 9 43 5 -i:l 274.Gslow(lfclock_.)l'll. i 8!-152 =o 41 i 2 285i)runslow.GrtJw~mnrti 7h53 I 3: S 20 20 0 Oars iucr. 48m. TJien .•mlt 7 6/115·i ~ft.~( '1 30 30 7 K. Chal"lcs 1st. i\bl'iJ-r. l 5 t!iS I b ,l 40 3tiC 4 aft. Ep!p. ~Gr. Elnn~ 7 4• t .'1 h 1 !:· r FhBHUAB.Y hath 28 rl ..p; 1:'•~~~~~~--~~~--~~~~~~•. t q•·· Jri, Sh. :lim. ah.l J,c.,. qr. lld. 311 5Jm. af. f-ull m.IOd.th. 28'll.m'>r. N~w m.'' 4d. 7n. 6rt) . mor. ~~lwl Calendar, &c. (i:)r.l®s lt·.~t:ilr. j) 11. lpl\ •J 1 IJ '' .'ltl.~.tut.n(:) j) 17 J 1.t :J7 :t a3 nwrn 2~· ~· Pn!'if. .B V M. 7 2 .4 58 3 tl o 50 .. ~ l -~~lo w of c!•Jck i .rtm. 7 I .159 4 ! 1 52 t s I • ·' ~ :o:rtuth 611. 20m 6 50 5 l 4 5t 2 55 :,w ') At>"'!.ce. J) runs high. i; ~g 5 2 !J 4t: 3 51 t;17 ' ) " Y~ i ~< ctca<>e Ih. tlm () ,r,; 5 3 6 3f 4 47 7•' " !'l!!a ~ r-11 . Stlllrl. 5 5(i 5 4 7 23 5 33 x!2 !)'1 , h•·r>a k 5h lO·n. 65 .\ .'l 6 3 li 6 Ill +I Coltl blu>terimr ti 5!'! 5 7, 9 4 7 5 rl} ~ .... ..,: )) • ftlea/ht!l', {) 5·. 5 819 4(:l J) rise l5 t 1\'h!ll;!. b•t! ,-•oon ti5 • !i o,lo 32 6 4.1 12 u- .~.,,..,·mv; more b .to 5 Ill' II H 7 47 ,3 7 'S wllh "2/.
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