PRESS , RPPTOMBER 21, 1»n4 PKTftS Knight* Of Columbus | Daughters Of Cart«ret First Aid (|,IS| Check Up 0« Wrll Injtall Officer*! Name District Delefate*'Local CWch rfes Has First LtssOn Her* New Attack On A regular meeting of Carey Three delegates to represent th« The first meeting of the First Tank AppKcatim Coundl No. 1280 Knights of Co- Deborah Rebekah I/tdge of Car- Supper Aid Squad for instruction wms held Local Grfew lumbus was held Tuesday night in Blaze 1:30 teret at a district meeting to bt last night in tihe Boroufh Hull. Firehouse No. 2 when arrange- held in Rahway Wednesday night Ther* w«re twenty-flve present. BrA| Tank Storage Com- 'reabyteriana Make PI ana Board Of HMlth Wants It But Fir* Sirwn Wfll ments were made to install the re- Szymboraki's were named Wednesday night o( For Fall and Winter — Arnotjf the numher were wveral 1I1V Wants To Build Six cently elected officers of the coun- this week at a meeting of 9w lo- merflfcers of thr jwlite force who Cleaned Up — Neighbors Sounded — cil at the next meeting October 2. Barber Shop — Firemen cal lodge, They are: Mrs. Walter were off duty. George Bloom, a ,„!,, Editorial In Out- Rev. Checter Davis Of 1 Want It K4pt Down To Fixed and A special program will be arrang Have Stubborn Fight. Vonah, Mrs. Ellen Anderson add flrrt aid Instructor of the Ameri- f Town PajHW CohdKfcnn- ed for that evening. There will he Mrs. Cornelius Ooody. All mem- Rahway I* Speaker. can Red Crow was the instructor. Old Capacity. Work Project* To1 apeaking, entertainment and re- Fire was discovered at 1 JW p. bers of the local lodge «re invited He organized the clsss and g*v« Out. I A* Fals*. Fall rally and supper of the nstructions on the general subject freshments. A large attendance is m. yesterday in the rear of Adam to attend the Rahway meeting and The Carteret abattoir ramp in expected. The county chapter of most of them plan to go. ft was an- Prenbyterian Chuith waa held of fimt aid. Mr. Bfoom presented for more criticism Tuenday night .-I,.,!ion of the General hhe order will meet tonight in Snymharski's barbershop at 82 nounced the next meeting will bt last night in the Sunday school several demonstrations. at a meeting of tne Board of Curfew will be enforced ] teret without sounding u_ ,ii Tank Storage and Ter- South Amboy and a delegation Union street by John House, who important and all members at* room with about seventy-five pre- At future m««M«irs the pnpila HeaWi. It was attacked on two i rinjinny for a permit to If a plan advaiuad> at tl» I from the Carteret council will at- lives in a house just back of the urged to attend it. Plans w«re sent, Tho principal speaker wan will be required to take tip varioun front*, m> to speak. The board ,v mnks on property near tend. Many of the local knight* made for a dance to be h«ld in O« adopted s resolution banning any of the council ImrW shop. He gave the alarm branch's of t.h« work under the carried out It , .,-„* plant of the company will attend the K. of C. chanty ball tober. Refreshments were served Rev, Cheater M. Davis, pastor of direction of tihe iuntriKtor. The further alaughtarirw of stock of , , n-ised at the meeting of in the Hotel Woodrow Wilson in from box 32 which brought out after the meeting. the First Presbyterian Church of any kind until the place is cleaned lice Conrminioner next meeting will be Tuesday at the department to ,.,„!.-il Wednesday night. Fi- New Brunswick October 12. loth companies in a record run Rahwuy. Rev. D. E. Lorentz, pas 7:30 p. m. in the Borough Hall. up to the satisfaction of Ac departm Councilmacilman Wttham &. „.,„„ nn the permit wa* de- as a call from 32 Is always regard- tor of the local church w»s the board. The- renoutlon permits the i ,,iiiil the building inspector sale of such meat as may have traduced ttie subject bf I ed as dangerous. The back of the toastrnaster. Talk* were (riven by the council that a iWf , t r iwiH-y c»n check up on the the heads of the several organiza- been stored in the refrigerator of . ;iii m and plan* in regard to shop was in flames when the Bre- Dies On Way Dome h Attl bt h * curfew regulation bad I c Edwards Heads tions connected with the church. Big Dance fall the 4battolr but no bog, cow, ed hraclturanatai I,wire to the borough build- men arrived. After working half or other animal may he nUttfhter ,„!,. Two representatives of an hour firemen believed the Wa*e Each told of the plans of his re- ed until the order to clean up is weeks ago after a <_ ,-,mpnny were present and From Heart Attack spective organization for the Fall carried out Executive OfflcW mile crime. The lattar was out and one company left. The Is Carried Amy was revived bri Mr. D*ir I fur «n immediate decision. Legion lost and Winter. Frank Born wan defofatod to carry ottier was •nronarinir to iro when imported for tie police < ;ml the company has an op- Vincent Adams, Draftsman Mra. Cornelius Doody spoke for the order to the management o~ ,,n the Isnd where the tanks flames broke out atresh in the air Land Mark That Stood For the plant and see that it it enforc that many robberies I Other Officer* Elected At At Poater-Wheeler Plant the Jr, C. E., Robert Ward spoke committed recently by tn he erected, and that the space between the ceiling and the for the Intermediate C. E. and «d. , will expire soon. Meeting Tuesday Night — thirty Years tKsappeart offenders and that all n roof. Succumbs Before Arrival for the Boys' Athletic Club. Wow The other action against the cases except one have ^ iiiiicilnian- Donajhue calkd at Member* To See Local The fire had worked inside the •rd W Thorn represented the In Four Hours—Prealdwnt abattoir waa in the form of a pe- ,.„ to iiTI editorial in an out- At Doctor'* Office. up by the police. Mr. Man Take Office As Coun- wnlls from the rear to the highest Menu Club, Ben Smith talked for Wilson Once Spoke TW«. tition signed by about 100 resi praised tha pallet depai ,n >appr criticising tjhe coun- portion of the air space at the the Sunday school. donts in the action where it i: •„) II Uglng the decision on tfie 1 It was tfim that Mr. ty Commander. front By chopping holes in the Vincent Adams, 37, of 632 Mrs. Howard Thorn reported li»ra(p<l. The petitioner* ask tha asked what had been niinn ha<l been needlessly roof the flre fighters were able to Franklin street, Elizabeth, died of plans of the ladies' Mission Band Kish's hall, that, stood for more the abattoir be prevented from the curfew role. He .„_ ,1 Ifis motion that the bor- train streams on the new outbreak. heart disease nbout 4:30 p. m. Fri enlarging or extending its plan' At a meeting of Carteret Post Mrs. William Elliott outlined the than thirty ypgr.i in I^fayette council the curfew rejruli. Hitnrnpy write the editor The fire started in a lavatory at dap as !hc WUR on his. way home plnnn of the Mother-Teachers' As- in any way until thny have had op U*n i>rop«eed aa a meant < unlink nn apology was carried No. 263 American Legion Tues- from the plant of the Foster- street, disappeared completely last portunity to present their reasons day night officers were elected u the rear of the building where it sociation. [>r. H. L. Strandheiv ing- hoys oft* the rtreeta ' n minions vote of the council. is believed a patron dropped a Wheeler rnginecring Company, gave ihe plans of the Board of Friday, in thnn four hourn. for ohjwting Recently the abat- hours. Councilman D'lUrt Mi (/"wid representing the follows: Commander, Harold Ed- He was- in a c«r with other men toir obtained a contract to slaugh- wards: Jr, vie? compandor, Wai- lightext cigarette which smoldered TriiHlws nnd announced the board The building was a landmark in the curfew law had b*ta| . niil it was at the demand in rubbish (or hours before the inplovrd at the plant when the will meet Tuesday night. The plans Carteret. In was the scene of ter cattle for the government on a a few years afro and had Hiin office of the company ter Tomczuk; adjutant, Harry ttatk came. They hurried to the large scale. The rattle from the Gleckner; finance officer, Morris fire was discovered. Much of the of the Senior Choir were given many a g-ay ball, many a political mn ah protent because the I . -i-n that he waa seeking woodwork of the building in char- ffice df I>r. Joseph Wantoch but by Mrs. E. J. Bennett. Al Moore rally. President Woodrow Wilson drought area in the west were con- sounded at 10 p. m., din Cohen; service officer, Clifford ilams was dead when they arriv 1 signed to many slaughterhouses ad inn. He said the appli- Cutter; trustee for three years, red badly and will have to be re- represented the Senior C. E. spoke then years ago witen he was slumbers of persona IK i;ail been sent to the build- placed.
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