Index 22@Barcelona 142, 147–8, 151, 153, ALTANA 113 155–7, 383 Amazon, Inc. 178, 181 COI in 148–50 offices of 100, 168 development of 142–7, 156 AMBIOTEC 329–30 role of local government in 154–5 AMEE 178 educational infrastructure of 151 America Online (AOL) 63, 164, 168 workforce of 151–3 American Broadcasting Company 3-D imaging 54, 56, 59 (ABC) News 57 3DO Amgen 60, 217 acquisition of Archetype Interactive Ampex 56 IPO in (1958) 50 4entrepreneurship 96, 117 Amway European Entrepreneurship Global Entrepreneurship Summer Report (2012) 102 School 103 Andreessen, Marc 81 Social Entrepreneurship Academy background of 55 103 Andreessen-Horowitz 7digital 178 founding of (2009) 55 AngelPad 174 Acer Inc. 230 Antioquia Industrial Group 281 facilities of 237 Apple, Inc. 8, 50, 77 Accelerator Group, The 174 Apple II 231 ACI 283 iPhone 59, 66, 384 Aderans 214–15 IPO of (1980) 51 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD) Applied Biosystems 8, 49 founding of (1981) 61 Advanced Research Projects Agency Arab Spring Network (ARPANET) 62 use of social media in 64 as National Science Foundation Archetype Interactive Network (NSFNET) 62 acquired by 3DO 56 opening of (1995) 54 founding of (1995) 56 AERI 310 Meridian 59 56 Agfa-Gevaert 126 Argentina 279, 301, 342, 353 Agland Investment 310 Asian Entrepreneurship Award (AEA) Airbnb 64 216, 221 Alcatel-Lucent 126, 135, 318 ASSESPRO 317 Alfresco 176 AstraZenica 217 All-China Federation of Industry and A.T. Kearny 317 Commerce AT&T Inc. 7 Party Committee of 247 Bell Labs 8, 49 Alliance for Equity 283 technological developments by Allianz 95, 99–100 7, 53 391 Jerome S. Engel - 9781783470839 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/26/2021 01:25:41AM via free access 392 Global Clusters of Innovation Atari Betfair 167 Pong 66 Big Network, The 56 Audi 100 Biobrás 328 Austin Incubator 311 biotechnology 2, 34, 47, 60–62, 74, Austin Ventures 311 241 Australia 23, 83, 326, 382 cluster 328–30 Sydney 174 emergent firms 62 Autonomous University of Nuevo industry 60 Leon (UANL) 291 -related patents 62 Autonomy 178 Birch, Paul 164 Bit Torrent Inc. 64 Badoo 177 Blank, Steve 369, 373 Balderton Capital 166 Blippar 171 Bank of Opportunities Initiative 284 BMAT 152 Barcelona Design Centre (BCD) 148 BMW AG 95, 98, 100, 113, 115 Barcelona Digital Foundation 148 Bolivia 279 Barcelona Media Foundation 148 Bombardier Transportation 126 Barco 123, 126 born global companies 20, 29, 67, 70, BASF 113, 117 101, 150, 167–8, 173, 191 Bayer, Eben startups 101–2, 118, 180, 326 background of 366 Bosch 117 Bayerische Hypotheken und Boyer, Herbert 60–61, 82 Wechselbank 97 Brainlab 100, 102 Bayerische Vereinsbank 97 Brazil 137, 297, 299, 303–8, 310–11, Bayernwerk 98 316–17, 319, 328, 353 Beckman Instruments 49 Bahia Belgium 70, 120, 122, 129–32 Salvador 309 Agency for Innovation by Science Banco do Brasil 318 and Technology (IWT) 127 Bank of the Northeast 306 Antwerp 131 Brazilian Development Bank Brussels 131, 387 (BNDES) 299, 303, 315 economy of 121–2 Ceará 309 Flanders 120–23, 126, 131, 136, 139 CESAR, see CESAR Ghent 121, 131 CIN-UFPE, see Federal University government of 123, 139 of Pernambuco, Informatics Hasselt 131 Department (CIN/CIN-UFPE ICT sector of 122–3, 127–8, 137–9 Company for the Development of iMinds, see iMinds the São Francisco River Valley independence of (1830) 121 (CODEVASF) 306 Leuven 131 economy of 326, 332 Mechelen 121 ‘Miracle’ (1968–74) 299 Verviers 121 Real Plan 301, 304 Wallonia 121 Federal Ministry of Science, YICs in 123 Technology and Innovation 315 Bentur, Arnon 197 Funding Authority for Studies Berger, Albert and Projects (FINEP) 315, TUM Chancellor 113 320 Berners-Lee, Tim ‘Zero-Interest’ program 315 development of hypertext protocol GDP per capita 299–300, 304–5 (HTML) 62 government of 299, 304, 307 Jerome S. Engel - 9781783470839 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/26/2021 01:25:41AM via free access Index 393 ICT sector of 296–7, 317, 325 Cambridge University 162, Iniciativa pelo Nordeste 309–12, 171 326–7 Cameron, David 165, 177–8 IT clusters in 308–312, 316, 323, Canada 325–7, 332 Montreal 156 Minas Gerais 33, 328, 330, 333 Toronto 168 Belo Horizonte 34, 328, 330 Canon Inc. 205 biotechnology cluster of 328–9 founding of (1937) 206 Paraná Capability Maturity Model Integration Curitiba 272, 277–8, 326–7 (CMMI) 291 Pernambuco 309, 312, 314–15, 317, capital 9, 49–50, 175, 180, 210, 249, 320, 331 323 Recife 33, 296, 309–12, 314–16, bridge 176 328, 332–3, 379, 383 early-stage 132 Porto Digital, see Porto Digital (PD) equity 195 Rio de Janeiro 33, 156, 296, 302, foreign 196, 198 308, 311, 320 growth 31 São Paulo 33, 278, 311, 326–7 human 359 Small Business Promotion Agency movement of 15, 325 (SEBRAE) 328 seed 132 Sorocaba 326–7 venture 12–13, 15 State Secretariat of Economic working 57 Development (SDEC) 317 Capital Gains Tax (CGT) 165 State Secretariat of Science and capitalism 253 Technology (SECTEC) 317 crony 32 Superintendency for the Cardoso, Fernando Henrique Development of the Northeast 304 (SUDENE) 299, 306–7 Center for International Superintendency of Development Competitiveness for the Amazon (SUDAM) 299 World Knowledge Competitiveness tax system of 300–303 Index 41 Brazilian Science Park Association 317 Centers for Technology and Innovation Brightsource Energy 22 Management (CETIM) 96, 103, Brin, Sergey 58, 68 117 Bristol-Myers Squibb 217 CESAR (Centro de Estudos e Sistemas Bristol University 162 Avançados do Recife) 310–13, British Broadcasting Corporation 315–18, 322, 324–6, 329–31 (BBC) 161 CESAR Participations (CESAR British Empire 161 PAR) 319 BSH 100 client projects 319 BSkyB 161 collaborative efforts of 327 Buarque, Sergio 315 personnel of 319, 325 Burda Publishing Group 100 Cetus Burma (Myanmar) 56 development projects of 61 business-to-business (B2B) 122 Chang, Morris 225 Channel 4 161 Cable News Network (CNN) 57 Chevron Oil 77 CNN International 161 Chiba University 216 California Institute of Technology (Cal Chile 301, 326, 382 Tech) 54 Santiago 278 Jerome S. Engel - 9781783470839 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/26/2021 01:25:41AM via free access 394 Global Clusters of Innovation China 20–21, 23, 32–3, 137, 201, 223, Development of Individual 238, 247, 252, 258, 261–2, 265–6, and Private Economy and 279, 297, 342, 357, 382–3, 388 Other Non-public Sectors of accession to WTO (2001) 235 the Economy’ (2005) 254 Anhui Province State Economy and Trade Wuhu 251 Commission 257 Xiaogang Village 250 Summer Olympics (2008) 261 Beijing 261 Supreme Court 252 daoye 250 Swing Door phenomenon 258–9 economy of 249, 255–6 Taiwanese IT clusters in 235–6 Five Year Plans 255, 260, 263–4 Zhejiang Province Fujian Province Taizhou 257 Anxi City 261 Chinese Association of Lighting Xiamen 250, 261 260 Glass Door phenomenon 258–9 Chinese Institute of Engineers 225 Guangdong Province 223, 235–6, Chinese People’s Political Consultative 238, 240, 250–51, 262 Conference (CPPCC) 257–8 Dongguan 235 National Committees of 257 Guangzhou 261 Chiron Pearl River Delta acquisitions of 61 Dongguan 260–61 Cisco Systems 71, 77, 126, 168, 178, Zhongshan 262 181 Shantou 250 Center of Innovation on Smart Shenzhen 250, 296 Cities 153 Zhuhai 250 Citi Group 284 Guojinmintui 256 City University London Hebei Province City Unrulyversity 172 Handan 252 Clark, Jim 43, 54, 81 Hong Kong 83, 161 background of 54 industrial clusters in 263–4 Geometry Engine 54 Jiangsu Province 238 investment in Netscape 55 Kunshan 223, 236 Clear2Pay 123 Suzhou 223 Cluster of Innovation (COI) 5, 10, private economy of 250–52, 254–5, 15–17, 20, 27, 33, 35, 49, 59, 66–7, 265 69, 71, 81, 84–5, 88, 115–18, 120, ‘red hat’ strategy 250–52, 253, 257, 130, 132, 149–50, 160–61, 164, 258, 265 168, 173, 181, 189, 191, 233, 242, Revolving Door phenomenon 258–9 249, 262–4, 278–9, 284, 291–2, Shanghai 223, 235–8, 240 298, 304, 316, 326–7, 330–31, 379, Sichuan Province 240, 263 389 Chengdu 223, 238 capital cycle of 15 Chongqing 223, 237 cluster policies 154 Panzhihua 263 concept of 3, 9–11, 42, 162–3, 247, Xichang 263 324, 385–6 SMEs in 247, 252–3, 258–60 covalent bonds 22–3, 69–70, 85, 151, special economic zones (SEZ) 250, 223, 381–2 296 development of 22–3, 33–4, 124, State Council 250 198, 332, 384, 386 ‘Several Opinions on Encouraging durable bonds 21, 23, 69, 84–5, 151, Supporting and Guiding the 157, 166, 170, 173, 223 Jerome S. Engel - 9781783470839 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/26/2021 01:25:41AM via free access Index 395 entrepreneurship in 11–13, 19, 191, Medellin Cluster (MC) 282–3 381 Ruta N 282, 284 Framework 3–6, 10, 24, 27–9, 84, Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) 145, 162–3, 165–6, 179, 190–91, News 57 223, 239, 296–7, 324, 333, Columbia University 87 378–9, 381–2, 385–6 Common Market 29 Global Network of (NCOI) 4, 6, 10, Communist Party of China (CPC) 251 21–4, 32, 35, 89, 124, 134, 136, Central Committee of (CCCPC) 148, 157, 163, 180, 343, 357 Seventeenth Congress of (2007) Framework of 10 254 ICT 127–8 Third Plenum of (2013) 265–6 industrial concentration in 10–11 Third Session of (1978) 250 industrial research centers 12, 71, Compaq Computer Corporation 239 86 CompuServe 63 management 13 computer-aided design (CAD) 53 mature corporations 12 Connect Ventures 166 multi-sector 30 Connecting Dreams 354 regional 134, 136, 138 Conversocial 178 resource mobility 14–15, 81–2, Conway, Ron 74 163–4, 191, 276–8 corporate social responsibility (CSR) role of government in 13–14, 79 384, 389 role of venture capital in 12–13, Costa Rica 15–16 Electronics and Information self-sustaining 31 Technology Cluster 309 service providers 13 San Jose 278, 296 startups in
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