For "All Departments Call RED BANK REGISTER RE 6-0013 VOLUME LXXVI, NO. 37 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 11,1954 10c PER COPY SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16. New Shrewsbury Adopts Budget; Play to Benefit 11,000,000 School Addition Dedicated High School Addition Dedicated; Building Fund Continues Police Code Hearing RUMSON—The Monmouth Play- Officials Praise New Facilities ers will present a three-act drama, "High Ground," performed last NEW SHREWSBURY—In one of answer a call because a borough month at Red Bank's River Street More than 500 persons attended at seeing the project completed its busiest sessions since this bor- has its own force. school, Friday, Apr. 9, at the high the dedication ceremonies of the and said the borough now can be ough was formed, borough council Mr. Zanetti said he is not against school hero for the benefit of the million-dollar lu-classroom addi- proud of the school's facilities. Thursday night adopted its 1954 the polico force as such, "but I, Presbyterian church building fund. tion to Red Bank high school Mon- Dr. M. Gregg Hibbs. superintend- budget and continued its hearing want to hnow what protection we'll The Players have used Blngham day night when all of the speakers ent of Red Bank schools, introduc- on creation of a police department. get." He said if eight or ten men hall, the parish hall ot the church, stressed the importance of voca- ed members of the superintendent's . Host of the three-hour session are needed, he favored getting that for meetings and rehearsals. Bob tional training, which is featured advisory group, members of the -was occupied with a discussion of many. Goodman of Naveslnk, Players' in the new building. lending boards, past board mem- the proposed t formalized police The, theme of the proKi.'im was ber?, borough officials and a num- force. The subject first came up Favors Present System president, this/Week said the per- ber of citizens who have been help- Leon Williams, announced Dem- formance will be given for the set by Edmund J. Canzona. presi- during tho public hearing on the dent"of "the'board' of "education."!! | ful '" 'I1.0 sch°o1 Program. He told budget and later was discussed ocratic candidate for council, said building fund's benefit in appre- he felt the present system of police ciation of the church's co-operation. his welcoming address when he the audience that when it reads more completely in the hearing on commented that "practically the reports about school problems - or the ordinance providing for the de- enforcement is adequate. Ho said Mrs. Bette Thatche1 r of Chapel $6,000 .would not bo enough for a Hill, stars in the ' mystery-drama, entire addition is devoted to voca- hears talk about the local schools, partment. tional education." "investigate the facts—we want tho regular force and it would not be set in a nursing sisters' convent in facts known." After several opposition opinions fair to make it more for a service England during a flood that inter- The program was held in the The high school glee club, di- were expressed to tho ordinance, "we cannot afford." rupts the return of a doomed pris- new gymnasium and was followed rected by Edward P. Brown, with Mayor J. Lester Rigby suggested, Louis A. Belanger and William oner to jail after her appeal has by guided tours. Teachers, board Miss Marinnna Ellis as accompan- and council approved, that the pub- Brown aro tho officers who now been rejected. members from Red Bunk and the ist, sang, "AIn'a That Good News" lic hearing be continued to next work at the rate of $1.25 an hour sending districts, and members of nnd "I Like It Han." The band, Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. Tho after their regular work days. the Parent-Teacher associations under direction of John Luckenbill, hearing on the ordinance lasted Sgt. Joseph Barnes, Fort Mon- served as guides for the visitors. playod "May Overture" and a med- one hour. mouth, a resident of William - st., Dog Ordinance The dedicatory address was ley, "Sweet to Swing." Tho budget of $180,667.88, an in- laid he represented 20 persons who made by Joseph E. Clayton, assist- Rev. James W. Marshall of Lit- crease of $11,817.07, calls for a tax ivould rather see the question on ant commissioner in the stfilo de- tle Silver, president of the Red rate increase of 53 cents for each .he ballot. In Operation partment of education and former Bunk Mmistcriuni, gave the invo- $100 of assessment. The estimated Mr. Parker -objected that the OCEANPORT -r This borough's Monmouth county superintendent cation, and Rabbi Arthur H. Her- new rate will be $9,03. In addition iollce commissioner would have too dog control ordinance, adopted last of schools. Mr. Clayton said, "Over shon, of Congregation Bnai Israel, to providing $6,000 in salaries and luch latitude In making assign- June, will be enforced from now tho yeai'3 Red Bnnk hns had an the benediction. outstanding school system" jind $1,000 in other expenses for the pro- ments of duty, and suggested that on, Mayor Edward C. Wilson an- Victor W. Ronfeldt, left, .irchitect of the new $1,000,000 addition to Red 3ank high posed police department, the bud- he, borough continue as is unless nounced at Thursday night's coun- thp additional facilities will bo able Ciifctcrla Renovated get calls for a range of pay in- a referendum is held. He also said cil meeting. school, presents a plaque to William L. Benncnt, right, vice president of the board of edu- to make it even better. In*additlon to the new gymnas- creases for borough employees. ;hat if a 20-man force |s needed The announcement followed adop- cation, at dedication ceremonies Monday night in th« new gymnasium on Harding rrl. Oth- School Changes NolotI ium with its additional facilities ot However, the only criticism from now, It should be started with 20 tion by council of a resolution au- Commenting on the type of fa- .ockor rooms, drying rooms, show- the 40 residents who filled coun- men. "Don't start small and then thorizing a contract between the ers in the photo, left to right, aro Edmund-J. Caniona, president of the board of education, cilities, Mr. Clayton said a compre- ers and lavatories for both boys cil's mooting room was about the lulld," Mr. Parker said. borough and Charles B. Carlton of and Dr. M. Gregg Hibbs, superintendent of schools. hensive program today is neces- incl girls, the public'was most in- provisions for the polico force. Also calling for a referendum was Neptune as dog warden. Under the sary because practically all chil- terested in the cafeteria which has (Voodrow Wilson. terms of the contract Mr. Carlton been renovated and provided with Want Referendum dren finish high school, whereas will receive a minimum contract years ago the percentage, was much i stage to be used for dramatic Most of tho persons who objected Four Cents of Tax Dollar price of $340 plus $1.70 for each dog lower. He also said tho aim of activities or club meetings. On tho to the proposal asked that it be Councilman Little said the appro- licensed over 200. 319 Parkway Land Cases Settled Mooney Joins schools is to teach people to get same floor the now medical rooms put to referendum so that the priation would represent about four Under the ordinance ail dogs must along in society as well as learn furnish greater space and equip- voters of the borough ,as a whole cents on each tax dollar. He added, bo licensed. No dog owner shall heir academic subjects. "Most of ment for health examinations and could decide on what they termed "sooner- or later we'll need a de- permit his animal to run at, large In County; 163 Placed in Litigation Donahue & Co. ill wo must prepare them to set of ii child who becomes ill such an important issue. partment, so why not start small in such a manner as to Interfere along^wlth one another. That is during tlio school day. On the The first opposition came during now." with traffic or. interfere with on RUMSON—Edgar B. Mooncy, Jr., second floor is the library with its of Buena Vista avc. has resigned tvhy we have different types of extended space, improved lighting the budget hearing. Gilbert Par- Councilman Epps said he would annoy persons. - However, no pen- Deals affecting something over similar land had been bringing on as sales director and sales promo- schools today than we did two de- ker, who said he is president of a ike it understood that "wo appre- alty shall be imposed for violation one out of three parcels of land the open market. In some cases, cades ago," he said. facilities. and extra book shelf newly-formed civic league and as ciate the work done by tho polico until after written notice has been being absorbed for construction of they said, Authority offers averaged tion manager of Bates Fabrics, Inc., space. Located near the library are such was representing about 50 now. We feel the change is neces- made to the owner. Under the the Garden State Parkway in Mon- $100 an acre for land whose owners to accept a position with the execu- Tho assistant commissioner talk- the guidance offices. One of the adults, asked -why, there should be sary because of the growth of the measure no person shall permit his mouth county await settlement, by insisted was worth $1,000 because tive group at Donahue & Coe, Now ed about the impression our sys- recommendations of the evaluative a change from the present system town.
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