Open Poultry Ohio State Fair Thursday, August 12, 2021

Open Poultry Ohio State Fair Thursday, August 12, 2021

Open Poultry Ohio State Fair Thursday, August 12, 2021 Last, First City County Class and Class Description Animal Name Place Open CL RC-Rose Comb Clean Leg Ban ············· 75 records Adkins, David Lucasville Scioto 0100 - Silver Spangled Ha 1 Fourman, Elvin New Paris Preble 0100 - Silver Spangled Ha 2 Adkins, David Lucasville Scioto 0101 - Silver Spangled Ha 1 Fourman, Elvin New Paris Preble 0101 - Silver Spangled Ha 2 Fourman, Elvin New Paris Preble 0102 - Silver Spangled Ha 1 Fourman, Elvin New Paris Preble 0103 - Silver Spangled Ha 1 Fourman, Elvin New Paris Preble 0104 - Silver Spangled Ha 1 Adkins, David Lucasville Scioto 0105 - Silver Spangled Ha 1 Beneke, Wyatt Eaton Preble 0200 - RC Brown Leghorn( 1 Beneke, Wyatt Eaton Preble 0201 - RC Brown Leghorn( 1 Baker, Carl Zanesville Muskingu 0203 - RC Brown Leghorn( 1 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 0400 - RC Rhode Island Re 1 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 0400 - RC Rhode Island Re 2 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 0401 - RC Rhode Island Re 1 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 0401 - RC Rhode Island Re 2 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 0402 - RC Rhode Island Re 1 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 0402 - RC Rhode Island Re 2 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 0403 - RC Rhode Island Re 1 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 0403 - RC Rhode Island Re 2 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 0404 - Best Display R.C Rh 1 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 0404 - Best Display R.C Rh 2 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 0405 - R.C. Rhode Island R 1 Fourman, Elvin New Paris Preble 0500 - Black Rose Comb C 1 Fourman, Elvin New Paris Preble 0501 - Black Rose Comb H 1 Fourman, Elvin New Paris Preble 0502 - Black Rose Comb C 1 Fourman, Elvin New Paris Preble 0503 - Black Rose Comb P 1 Fourman, Elvin New Paris Preble 0504 - Black Rose Comb B 1 Fourman, Elvin New Paris Preble 0700 - Golden Sebright Coc 1 Brockschmidt, Rex Risingsun Wood 0700 - Golden Sebright Coc 2 Brockschmidt, Rex Risingsun Wood 0701 - Golden Sebright Hen 1 Fourman, Elvin New Paris Preble 0701 - Golden Sebright Hen 2 Brockschmidt, Rex Risingsun Wood 0702 - Golden Sebright Coc 1 Fourman, Elvin New Paris Preble 0702 - Golden Sebright Coc 2 Fourman, Elvin New Paris Preble 0703 - Golden Sebright Pull 1 Brockschmidt, Rex Risingsun Wood 0703 - Golden Sebright Pull 2 Fourman, Elvin New Paris Preble 0704 - Golden Sebright Bes 1 Brockschmidt, Rex Risingsun Wood 0704 - Golden Sebright Bes 2 Adkins, David Lucasville Scioto 0900 - Black Wyandotte Co 1 Drake, Dustin Mount Gilead Morrow 0900 - Black Wyandotte Co 2 Adkins, David Lucasville Scioto 0901 - Black Wyandotte He 1 Drake, Dustin Mount Gilead Morrow 0901 - Black Wyandotte He 2 Drake, Dustin Mount Gilead Morrow 1100 - Partridge Wyandotte 1 Drake, Dustin Mount Gilead Morrow 1101 - Partridge Wyandotte 1 Monke, Don Plain City Madison 1300 - White Wyandotte Co 1 Monke, Don Plain City Madison 1301 - White Wyandotte He 1 Monke, Don Plain City Madison 1302 - White Wyandotte Co 1 Monke, Don Plain City Madison 1302 - White Wyandotte Co 2 Monke, Don Plain City Madison 1302 - White Wyandotte Co 3 Monke, Don Plain City Madison 1303 - White Wyandotte Pul 1 Monke, Don Plain City Madison 1303 - White Wyandotte Pul 2 Open Poultry Page 1 of 18 This software is registered to Ohio State Fair 8/12/2021 8:15:09 AM ShoWorks 2020 - Last, First City County Class and Class Description Animal Name Place Open CL RC-Rose Comb Clean Leg Ban ············· 75 records Monke, Don Plain City Madison 1303 - White Wyandotte Pul 3 Monke, Don Plain City Madison 1304 - White Wyandotte Be 1 Beneke, Wyatt Eaton Preble 1400 - Silver Laced Wyand 1 Beneke, Wyatt Eaton Preble 1401 - Silver Laced Wyand 1 Monke, Don Plain City Madison 1405 - Wyandotte Best of B 1 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 1500 - Dominique Cock 1 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 1500 - Dominique Cock 2 Harding, Rachel Ashville Pickaway 1500 - Dominique Cock 3 Harding, Rachel Ashville Pickaway 1501 - Dominique Hen 1 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 1501 - Dominique Hen 2 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 1501 - Dominique Hen 3 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 1502 - Dominique Cockerel 1 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 1502 - Dominique Cockerel 2 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 1503 - Dominique Pullet 1 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 1503 - Dominique Pullet 2 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 1504 - Dominique Best Disp 1 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 1504 - Dominique Best Disp 2 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 1505 - Dominique Best of B 1 Brockschmidt, Rex Risingsun Wood 1600 - AOV R. C. Clean Le 1 Johnson, Riley Pataskala Licking 1601 - AOV R. C. Clean Le 1 Brockschmidt, Rex Risingsun Wood 1601 - AOV R. C. Clean Le 1 Brockschmidt, Rex Risingsun Wood 1602 - AOV R. C. Clean Le 1 Brockschmidt, Rex Risingsun Wood 1603 - AOV R. C. Clean Le 1 Brockschmidt, Rex Risingsun Wood 1604 - AOV R. C. Clean Le 1 Brockschmidt, Rex Risingsun Wood 1605 - AOV R. C. Clean Le 1 Open Class AM - American ············· 57 records Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 0200 - Dominique Cock 1 Lucas, Steve Cambridge Guernsey 0200 - Dominique Cock 2 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 0200 - Dominique Cock 3 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 0201 - Dominique Hen 1 Lucas, Steve Cambridge Guernsey 0201 - Dominique Hen 2 Ward, Jim Jeffersonville Fayette 0201 - Dominique Hen 3 Ward, Jim Jeffersonville Fayette 0202 - Dominique Cockerel 1 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 0202 - Dominique Cockerel 2 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 0202 - Dominique Cockerel 3 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 0203 - Dominique Pullet 1 Ward, Jim Jeffersonville Fayette 0203 - Dominique Pullet 2 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 0203 - Dominique Pullet 3 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 0204 - Dominique Best Disp 1 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 0204 - Dominique Best Disp 2 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 0205 - Dominique Best of B 1 Drake, Dustin Mount Gilead Morrow 0500 - New Hampshire Coc 1 Drake, Dustin Mount Gilead Morrow 0501 - New Hampshire Hen 1 Drake, Dustin Mount Gilead Morrow 0600 - Barred Plymouth Ro 1 Ward, Jim Jeffersonville Fayette 0600 - Barred Plymouth Ro 2 Ward, Jim Jeffersonville Fayette 0600 - Barred Plymouth Ro 3 Ward, Jim Jeffersonville Fayette 0601 - Barred Plymouth Ro 1 Ward, Jim Jeffersonville Fayette 0601 - Barred Plymouth Ro 2 Drake, Dustin Mount Gilead Morrow 0601 - Barred Plymouth Ro 3 Ward, Jim Jeffersonville Fayette 0602 - Barred Plymouth Ro 1 Ward, Jim Jeffersonville Fayette 0602 - Barred Plymouth Ro 2 Beneke, Wyatt Eaton Preble 0603 - Barred Plymouth Ro 1 Ward, Jim Jeffersonville Fayette 0603 - Barred Plymouth Ro 2 Ward, Jim Jeffersonville Fayette 0603 - Barred Plymouth Ro 3 Ward, Jim Jeffersonville Fayette 0604 - Barred Plymouth Be 1 Beneke, Wyatt Eaton Preble 1105 - Plymouth Rock-Best 1 Open Poultry Page 2 of 18 This software is registered to Ohio State Fair 8/12/2021 8:15:09 AM ShoWorks 2020 - Last, First City County Class and Class Description Animal Name Place Open Class AM - American ············· 57 records Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 1200 - R.C. Rhode Island R 1 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 1200 - R.C. Rhode Island R 2 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 1201 - R.C. Rhode Island R 1 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 1201 - R.C. Rhode Island R 2 Beneke, Wyatt Eaton Preble 1201 - R.C. Rhode Island R 3 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 1202 - R.C. Rhode Island R 1 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 1202 - R.C. Rhode Island R 2 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 1203 - R.C. Rhode Island R 1 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 1203 - R.C. Rhode Island R 2 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 1204 - R. C. Rhode Island 1 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 1204 - R. C. Rhode Island 2 Carmon, Dominique Hebron Licking 1300 - S.C. Rhode Island R 1 Carmon, Dominique Hebron Licking 1300 - S.C. Rhode Island R 2 Carmon, Dominique Hebron Licking 1301 - S.C. Rhode Island R 1 Carmon, Dominique Hebron Licking 1301 - S.C. Rhode Island R 2 Beneke, Wyatt Eaton Preble 1301 - S.C. Rhode Island R 3 Campbell, Josilyn Plain City Madison 1801 - Silver Laced Wyand 1 Campbell, Josilyn Plain City Madison 1801 - Silver Laced Wyand 2 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 2100 - Black Lace Red Wya 1 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 2100 - Black Lace Red Wya 2 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 2101 - Black Lace Red Wya 2 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 2102 - Black Lace Red Wya 1 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 2102 - Black Lace Red Wya 2 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 2103 - Black Lace Red Wya 1 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 2103 - Black Lace Red Wya 2 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 2104 - Black Lace Red Wya 1 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 2306 - American Champion 1 Open Class AS - Asiatic ············· 18 records Beneke, Zoey Eaton Preble 100 - Dark Brahma Cock 1 Mcelroy, Sophia Orwell Ashtabula 201 - Light Brahma Hen 1 Clawson, Carson London Madison 202 - Light Brahma Cocker 1 Beneke, Zoey Eaton Preble 300 - Black Cochin Cock 1 Beneke, Zoey Eaton Preble 301 - Black Cochin Hen 1 Ely, Madison Lebanon Warren 301 - Black Cochin Hen 2 Beneke, Wyatt Eaton Preble 701 - Black Langshan Hen 1 Beneke, Wyatt Eaton Preble 702 - Black Langshan Cock 1 Beneke, Wyatt Eaton Preble 703 - Black Langshan Pullet 1 Mcelroy, Sophia Orwell Ashtabula 901 - Any Other Asiatic Vari 1 Bennett, Robbie Washington Cour Fayette 901 - Any Other Asiatic Vari 2 Bennett, Kamika Washington Cour Fayette 901 - Any Other Asiatic Vari 3 Bennett, Kamika Washington Cour Fayette 902 - Any Other Asiatic Vari 1 Bennett, Robbie Washington Cour Fayette 902 - Any Other Asiatic Vari 2 Ely, Madison Lebanon Warren 903 - Any Other Asiatic Vari 1 Ely, Madison

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