Open Poultry Ohio State Fair Thursday, August 12, 2021 Last, First City County Class and Class Description Animal Name Place Open CL RC-Rose Comb Clean Leg Ban ············· 75 records Adkins, David Lucasville Scioto 0100 - Silver Spangled Ha 1 Fourman, Elvin New Paris Preble 0100 - Silver Spangled Ha 2 Adkins, David Lucasville Scioto 0101 - Silver Spangled Ha 1 Fourman, Elvin New Paris Preble 0101 - Silver Spangled Ha 2 Fourman, Elvin New Paris Preble 0102 - Silver Spangled Ha 1 Fourman, Elvin New Paris Preble 0103 - Silver Spangled Ha 1 Fourman, Elvin New Paris Preble 0104 - Silver Spangled Ha 1 Adkins, David Lucasville Scioto 0105 - Silver Spangled Ha 1 Beneke, Wyatt Eaton Preble 0200 - RC Brown Leghorn( 1 Beneke, Wyatt Eaton Preble 0201 - RC Brown Leghorn( 1 Baker, Carl Zanesville Muskingu 0203 - RC Brown Leghorn( 1 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 0400 - RC Rhode Island Re 1 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 0400 - RC Rhode Island Re 2 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 0401 - RC Rhode Island Re 1 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 0401 - RC Rhode Island Re 2 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 0402 - RC Rhode Island Re 1 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 0402 - RC Rhode Island Re 2 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 0403 - RC Rhode Island Re 1 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 0403 - RC Rhode Island Re 2 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 0404 - Best Display R.C Rh 1 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 0404 - Best Display R.C Rh 2 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 0405 - R.C. Rhode Island R 1 Fourman, Elvin New Paris Preble 0500 - Black Rose Comb C 1 Fourman, Elvin New Paris Preble 0501 - Black Rose Comb H 1 Fourman, Elvin New Paris Preble 0502 - Black Rose Comb C 1 Fourman, Elvin New Paris Preble 0503 - Black Rose Comb P 1 Fourman, Elvin New Paris Preble 0504 - Black Rose Comb B 1 Fourman, Elvin New Paris Preble 0700 - Golden Sebright Coc 1 Brockschmidt, Rex Risingsun Wood 0700 - Golden Sebright Coc 2 Brockschmidt, Rex Risingsun Wood 0701 - Golden Sebright Hen 1 Fourman, Elvin New Paris Preble 0701 - Golden Sebright Hen 2 Brockschmidt, Rex Risingsun Wood 0702 - Golden Sebright Coc 1 Fourman, Elvin New Paris Preble 0702 - Golden Sebright Coc 2 Fourman, Elvin New Paris Preble 0703 - Golden Sebright Pull 1 Brockschmidt, Rex Risingsun Wood 0703 - Golden Sebright Pull 2 Fourman, Elvin New Paris Preble 0704 - Golden Sebright Bes 1 Brockschmidt, Rex Risingsun Wood 0704 - Golden Sebright Bes 2 Adkins, David Lucasville Scioto 0900 - Black Wyandotte Co 1 Drake, Dustin Mount Gilead Morrow 0900 - Black Wyandotte Co 2 Adkins, David Lucasville Scioto 0901 - Black Wyandotte He 1 Drake, Dustin Mount Gilead Morrow 0901 - Black Wyandotte He 2 Drake, Dustin Mount Gilead Morrow 1100 - Partridge Wyandotte 1 Drake, Dustin Mount Gilead Morrow 1101 - Partridge Wyandotte 1 Monke, Don Plain City Madison 1300 - White Wyandotte Co 1 Monke, Don Plain City Madison 1301 - White Wyandotte He 1 Monke, Don Plain City Madison 1302 - White Wyandotte Co 1 Monke, Don Plain City Madison 1302 - White Wyandotte Co 2 Monke, Don Plain City Madison 1302 - White Wyandotte Co 3 Monke, Don Plain City Madison 1303 - White Wyandotte Pul 1 Monke, Don Plain City Madison 1303 - White Wyandotte Pul 2 Open Poultry Page 1 of 18 This software is registered to Ohio State Fair 8/12/2021 8:15:09 AM ShoWorks 2020 - www.fairsoftware.com Last, First City County Class and Class Description Animal Name Place Open CL RC-Rose Comb Clean Leg Ban ············· 75 records Monke, Don Plain City Madison 1303 - White Wyandotte Pul 3 Monke, Don Plain City Madison 1304 - White Wyandotte Be 1 Beneke, Wyatt Eaton Preble 1400 - Silver Laced Wyand 1 Beneke, Wyatt Eaton Preble 1401 - Silver Laced Wyand 1 Monke, Don Plain City Madison 1405 - Wyandotte Best of B 1 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 1500 - Dominique Cock 1 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 1500 - Dominique Cock 2 Harding, Rachel Ashville Pickaway 1500 - Dominique Cock 3 Harding, Rachel Ashville Pickaway 1501 - Dominique Hen 1 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 1501 - Dominique Hen 2 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 1501 - Dominique Hen 3 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 1502 - Dominique Cockerel 1 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 1502 - Dominique Cockerel 2 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 1503 - Dominique Pullet 1 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 1503 - Dominique Pullet 2 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 1504 - Dominique Best Disp 1 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 1504 - Dominique Best Disp 2 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 1505 - Dominique Best of B 1 Brockschmidt, Rex Risingsun Wood 1600 - AOV R. C. Clean Le 1 Johnson, Riley Pataskala Licking 1601 - AOV R. C. Clean Le 1 Brockschmidt, Rex Risingsun Wood 1601 - AOV R. C. Clean Le 1 Brockschmidt, Rex Risingsun Wood 1602 - AOV R. C. Clean Le 1 Brockschmidt, Rex Risingsun Wood 1603 - AOV R. C. Clean Le 1 Brockschmidt, Rex Risingsun Wood 1604 - AOV R. C. Clean Le 1 Brockschmidt, Rex Risingsun Wood 1605 - AOV R. C. Clean Le 1 Open Class AM - American ············· 57 records Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 0200 - Dominique Cock 1 Lucas, Steve Cambridge Guernsey 0200 - Dominique Cock 2 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 0200 - Dominique Cock 3 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 0201 - Dominique Hen 1 Lucas, Steve Cambridge Guernsey 0201 - Dominique Hen 2 Ward, Jim Jeffersonville Fayette 0201 - Dominique Hen 3 Ward, Jim Jeffersonville Fayette 0202 - Dominique Cockerel 1 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 0202 - Dominique Cockerel 2 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 0202 - Dominique Cockerel 3 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 0203 - Dominique Pullet 1 Ward, Jim Jeffersonville Fayette 0203 - Dominique Pullet 2 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 0203 - Dominique Pullet 3 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 0204 - Dominique Best Disp 1 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 0204 - Dominique Best Disp 2 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 0205 - Dominique Best of B 1 Drake, Dustin Mount Gilead Morrow 0500 - New Hampshire Coc 1 Drake, Dustin Mount Gilead Morrow 0501 - New Hampshire Hen 1 Drake, Dustin Mount Gilead Morrow 0600 - Barred Plymouth Ro 1 Ward, Jim Jeffersonville Fayette 0600 - Barred Plymouth Ro 2 Ward, Jim Jeffersonville Fayette 0600 - Barred Plymouth Ro 3 Ward, Jim Jeffersonville Fayette 0601 - Barred Plymouth Ro 1 Ward, Jim Jeffersonville Fayette 0601 - Barred Plymouth Ro 2 Drake, Dustin Mount Gilead Morrow 0601 - Barred Plymouth Ro 3 Ward, Jim Jeffersonville Fayette 0602 - Barred Plymouth Ro 1 Ward, Jim Jeffersonville Fayette 0602 - Barred Plymouth Ro 2 Beneke, Wyatt Eaton Preble 0603 - Barred Plymouth Ro 1 Ward, Jim Jeffersonville Fayette 0603 - Barred Plymouth Ro 2 Ward, Jim Jeffersonville Fayette 0603 - Barred Plymouth Ro 3 Ward, Jim Jeffersonville Fayette 0604 - Barred Plymouth Be 1 Beneke, Wyatt Eaton Preble 1105 - Plymouth Rock-Best 1 Open Poultry Page 2 of 18 This software is registered to Ohio State Fair 8/12/2021 8:15:09 AM ShoWorks 2020 - www.fairsoftware.com Last, First City County Class and Class Description Animal Name Place Open Class AM - American ············· 57 records Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 1200 - R.C. Rhode Island R 1 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 1200 - R.C. Rhode Island R 2 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 1201 - R.C. Rhode Island R 1 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 1201 - R.C. Rhode Island R 2 Beneke, Wyatt Eaton Preble 1201 - R.C. Rhode Island R 3 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 1202 - R.C. Rhode Island R 1 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 1202 - R.C. Rhode Island R 2 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 1203 - R.C. Rhode Island R 1 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 1203 - R.C. Rhode Island R 2 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 1204 - R. C. Rhode Island 1 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 1204 - R. C. Rhode Island 2 Carmon, Dominique Hebron Licking 1300 - S.C. Rhode Island R 1 Carmon, Dominique Hebron Licking 1300 - S.C. Rhode Island R 2 Carmon, Dominique Hebron Licking 1301 - S.C. Rhode Island R 1 Carmon, Dominique Hebron Licking 1301 - S.C. Rhode Island R 2 Beneke, Wyatt Eaton Preble 1301 - S.C. Rhode Island R 3 Campbell, Josilyn Plain City Madison 1801 - Silver Laced Wyand 1 Campbell, Josilyn Plain City Madison 1801 - Silver Laced Wyand 2 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 2100 - Black Lace Red Wya 1 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 2100 - Black Lace Red Wya 2 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 2101 - Black Lace Red Wya 2 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 2102 - Black Lace Red Wya 1 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 2102 - Black Lace Red Wya 2 Derr, Isla Greenwich Richland 2103 - Black Lace Red Wya 1 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 2103 - Black Lace Red Wya 2 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 2104 - Black Lace Red Wya 1 Stichler, Mike Greenwich Richland 2306 - American Champion 1 Open Class AS - Asiatic ············· 18 records Beneke, Zoey Eaton Preble 100 - Dark Brahma Cock 1 Mcelroy, Sophia Orwell Ashtabula 201 - Light Brahma Hen 1 Clawson, Carson London Madison 202 - Light Brahma Cocker 1 Beneke, Zoey Eaton Preble 300 - Black Cochin Cock 1 Beneke, Zoey Eaton Preble 301 - Black Cochin Hen 1 Ely, Madison Lebanon Warren 301 - Black Cochin Hen 2 Beneke, Wyatt Eaton Preble 701 - Black Langshan Hen 1 Beneke, Wyatt Eaton Preble 702 - Black Langshan Cock 1 Beneke, Wyatt Eaton Preble 703 - Black Langshan Pullet 1 Mcelroy, Sophia Orwell Ashtabula 901 - Any Other Asiatic Vari 1 Bennett, Robbie Washington Cour Fayette 901 - Any Other Asiatic Vari 2 Bennett, Kamika Washington Cour Fayette 901 - Any Other Asiatic Vari 3 Bennett, Kamika Washington Cour Fayette 902 - Any Other Asiatic Vari 1 Bennett, Robbie Washington Cour Fayette 902 - Any Other Asiatic Vari 2 Ely, Madison Lebanon Warren 903 - Any Other Asiatic Vari 1 Ely, Madison
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