HERALD________________ GLEN COVE ______________ Gazette Scare up a Hooting with Schools getting Halloween bash the owls better and better Page 21 Page 9 Page 7 Vol. 26 no. 43 oCToBeR 26-noVeMBeR 1, 2017 $1.00 Glen Cove passes 2018 budget With 4-2 vote, tensions rise as election nears By Danielle agoglia ing department permit fees. [email protected] Lawrence said that relying on these building fees is compara- The City of Glen Cove’s 2018 ble to depending on one-shot rev- budget passed with a vote of 4-2 enue. “Who knows what’s going on Tuesday, with Councilmen to happen?” he told the council. Roderick Watson “A lawsuit could and Timothy Tenke happen … it could voting against it. go under, who At the first bud- e had no knows? It’s a possi- get presentation, bility. But it’s still d u r i n g a C i t y W choice. We one-shot revenue, Courtesy Sotheby’s International Realty Council meeting on had holes of over and you already Have $125 million? Oct. 10, Mayor Reg- said you’re not gie Spinello said he $3 million each using one-shot rev- Salutation Island is just a stone’s throw from downtown Glen Cove, yet it exudes Gold Coast wealth was pleased with enue. The following made famous by the Vanderbilts, Woolworths and Guggenheims. If you can swing it, the 46-acre the way the spend- of the past two year, that’s not property is for sale. See story, Page 4. ing plan turned years, and I filled going to be there … out. Some resi- and it worries me.” dents, however, that with revenue Lawrence added expressed concerns that he worried about the taxes the from the sale of that the “one-shot city has yet to the waterfront. revenue source” New World War II monument receive from the w o u l d n o t b e G a r v i e s P o i n t And if we did not replaced by recur- Waterfront project. r i n g r e v e n u e , “This year, there do that, the taxes which could have in the works for Landing vets is no borrowing, would have been come from taxes there are no one- from the water- By Danielle agoglia eral years. Recently, the City of lar age,” said Farnan, who is 86. shot revenues, and raised. front. The budget [email protected] Glen Cove accepted a $100,000 “Many of them were just four or the budget is exact- lists $2.4 million in grant from the Dormitory five years older than me.” ly how it lays out,” Reggie SPinello building fees from Almost 50 years ago, a monu- Authority of the State of New Anthony Jimenez, Glen Spinello said. “It’s Mayor Glen Cove the waterfront, but ment stood in the Landing neigh- York’s State and Municipal Facil- Cove’s new director of veterans a solid budget.” Spinello said that borhood, on Carpenter Street, ities Program, part of which will affairs, is helping to collect the Glen Cove resi- no tax revenue is displaying the names of local fund a new monument. names. “This is going to be dent Drew Lawrence, however, due to come in from the water- World War II veterans and as Farnan, a lifelong Glen Cover, inscribed, so we’d like to do it said he was concerned that the front in 2018. well as those who died in that envisions a sturdier memorial. right the first time,” he said. city might be over-projecting the This year, Spinello said, the war. But because it was made of He assembled a committee to “We’re scouring our records amount it will receive in build- CONTINUED ON PAGE 14 wood, the weather took its toll, determine what the structure here in the veterans office, and and eventually the monument would look like, and committee making public appeals through had to be dismantled. members would like to see a the military organizations.” He Ben Farnan, a Korean War large granite piece surrounded is also seeking help from the veteran and a past commander by lights, an American flag and Glen Cove Senior Center and of Veterans of Foreign Wars some shrubbery. other local groups. Post 347, has been trying to get a “I was aware of many of the So far, Farnan said, they have new monument erected for sev- veterans because of my particu- CONTINUED ON PAGE 14 2 October 26, 2017 — GLEN COVE HERALD GAZETTE 2017 — GLEN COVE October 26, Paid for by friends of Marsha Silverman 933144 eLeCTIOn 2017 3 One time colleagues, now challengers 2017 HERALD GAZETTE — October 26, GLEN COVE By Laura Lane Tenke: The focus on development has [email protected] been tilted towards new high end residen- tial space ignoring the need for next gen- Glen Cove needs a strong leader. With eration housing. Our focus will be on the new developments — Village Square, making sure our children and grandchil- The Villa, and Garvies Point — the city is dren can afford to live here by encourag- changing. Mayor Reggie Spinello would ing development that is in the best inter- like to remain to continue to move the ests of residents. Currently, not enough is city forward. Tim Tenke, a 12-year City Councilman, believes the time is ripe for being done to address the severe shortage him to take over the reins. Both have of affordable housing. I would like to see a practically the same vision for the city, greater number of new projects offer a but their journeys are different. higher percentage of affordable units for The Glen Cove Herald Gazette asked the total project when city involvement is the candidates a few questions, which we required. I would also encourage smaller believe are of the utmost importance. We projects, which are designed to build hope their answers will help voters make affordable housing exclusively. The revi- an informed decision on Nov. 7. talization of Lee Gray Court is an exam- Reginald Spinello Timothy Tenke ple of the types of projects that would fall Glen Cove Herald Gazette: While there into that category. are plans to attract new residents with Incumbent Challenger housing projects including the Garvies Party affiliation: Republican, Party affiliation: Democrat, Working HG: What do you believe is the most Waterfront, Village Square and The Villa, important issue facing the city and how what are your plans to attract and keep Independent, Conservative Families, Women’s Equality will you solve it? more businesses? age: 65 age: 55 Lives in: Glen Cove Lives in: Glen Cove Spinello: There is no one single issue reggie Spinello: It all goes hand in Career: Retired business owner, Career: Attorney for 27 years, Glen Cove that’s most important. The city must con- hand. More residents mean more dollars one-term city councilman, two-term Councilman for 12 years; Planning Board tinue to provide for its residents. Our infused into the local economy. The water- Glen Cove Mayor. member for 2 years. needs are many, but no different from the front project will infuse $50 million into Family: Wife and one daughter Family: Wife and two daughters the local economy and create over 1,000 needs of other communities. Our focus jobs. The Village Square project will cre- should be to provide our residents with a ate over 225 construction jobs and 65 full good quality of life, essential services, time jobs as a result of the project and the safe neighborhoods and housing options people who will reside there. That in turn for our youth, seniors and those under- creates another $6 million into our econo- the last 30 years. One of my priorities was sions may be necessary. However, the served. Additionally, we must help pro- my. Additionally, no administration has to make sure that every taxing district interests of the residents must be taken vide job opportunities close to home, done as much as we have to attract new had revenue that far exceeded expense into account when weighing the cost of maintain our parks, recreation and senior businesses and retain existing ones. At from day. (???) Over the next 40 years the those concessions to the taxpayer against and youth facilities. It’s important that we the benefit gained by the developer. last count (not including Garvies and Vil- city will receive over $225 million in reve- provide these services for the lowest price lage Square), we have attracted 70 new nue, our school district, $300 million, and possible, which we have been able to do by the county, $100 million in revenue. This businesses that have created over 600 new improving our finances, expanding our full and part time jobs since my adminis- is a cash positive event for all tax districts HG: The lack of affordable housing is tax base with new development, paying tration began. from day. (??)Additionally, the city was currently an issue in the city. What plans down our debt and stabilizing our taxes. able to recoup the millions of dollars it do you have to provide it, where would paid out in expense over the years in you consider building it and how soon do Timothy Tenke: Glen Cove should return anticipation of the waterfront develop- you believe you’d be able to solve the Tenke: All issues are important; it’s just to being the commerce center of Nassau’s issue? a matter of your perspective. The issue I Gold Coast. Our residents and neighbor- ment closing.
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