AUSTRALUP + C u I ."""",.mL ", ,,rL. - rm~~~~smc~m~INC. snoor[#$ AUWRALZPrint lprovedPP349181100364 h v r .: pa JANUARYVol.48,No.l 1995 "( C 4 -' 3. --3 L < - I\ t .. 4 - C I - r, - _h - l! 7.*' - - 4 1 -- I I -. .I I - / L - I. ", I =."- . n SHOOTING RULES - TFnP & SKEET,a- I _- centre page lift-out Australian Clay Target Association NATIONAL TRAP CHAMPIONSHIPS March 25-31,1995 To be held at the Melbourne Gun Club Victoria Road, Lilydale, Victoria - ACCOMMODATION - No camping or caravan sites whatsoever will be available at Melbourne Gun Club during the 1995 Trap Nationals. The Yarra Valley Regional Tourism Assoc Inc, PO Box 290, Healesville, 3777 has set up a hotlinefor accommodation bookinp in the area, they can be contacted on (059) 62 2600. 1995 Jon 21-22 Tas State Trap Championship Tasmanian GC Feb 3-1 1 Oceanic Games Auckland. NZ Feb 10-12 SA State DTL Carnival State Shooting Park, Virginia Mar 4-5 Western Zone Skeet Carnival Dubbo GC. NSW Mar 4-6 NZ Skeet Carnival Waitemata CTC, Auckland Mar 9-13 Australasian Pacific 'Grand Prix' Brisbane GC. Qld Mor 11-18 NZ Trap Nationals Waikato GC, Hamilton Mar 24-3 1 Trap Nationals Melbourne GC, Vic Apr 29-30 SA State Skeet Carnival South Australian GC, Bolivar June 3-4 Annual Golden Fox Open Dubbo GC. NSW June 9-1 2 NT State Trap &Skeet Carnival Darwin GC June 10-12 Vic Olympic & Double Trap Elimination Miidura GC July 12-20 World Championships Nicosia, Cyprus July 22-23 Vic Olympic & Double Trap Elimination Frankston Australian CTC Au~12-13 Tas State Skeet Championship Tasmanian GC Au~12-13 Vic Olympic & Doubie Trap Elimination Melbourne GC Sept 16-17 Vic Olympic & Double Trap Elimination Werribee-Victorian CTC Sept 2 1-24 Skeet Nationais Townsviile GC, Qld Sept 23-24 SA State ISU Carnival State Shooting Park, Virginia Sept 30-Oct 2 WA State DTL & Skeet Carnival WA Shooting Complex Oct 1 Vic State Doubie Trap Championship t.b.a. Oct 5-8 5th Australian Masters Games Frankston Australian CTC, Vic Oct 7-8 Vic State Olympic Trap Championship t.b.a. Oct 21-28 WA State ISU Carnival WA Shooting Complex Oct 21-29 Olympic Discipline Nationals WA Shooting Complex, WA NOV10-12 Vic State Trap Carnival Maryborough & District GC January 1995 Austrdan Clay Target Shooting News Page 1 NATIONAL EXECUTIVE Annual Subscrlptlon Rate: $25 (iunior shooters $15) Copy Deadlines: Feb~a~yissue closes December31 March issue doses January 31 PATRON ' The Right Honourable Australlan Clay Target Assoclatlon Inc. Malcolm Fraser, A.C., C.H. 3 Essex Rd (PO Box 557), Mount Waverley, Vic 3149 Ph: (03) 807 7577 Fax: (03) 807 2716 PRESIDENT EXECUTIVE DtRECTOR Mr Glenn Woodhatch MrGraeme Bmwn Chiman, Managemed Commlee 43 P~OUSBSRd, Bendig~,Vic3550 Ph: (03) 650 4396 BH . MANAGEMENT PrMed by Nemprinlars W Ud, Mebume Ad, SaUh Shepparton, Vk9630 Mr Allan Kenny Mr Bronte Evans ho res@nob, ty k acceplea oy the puonrkr lorme accuaq ot lnlomalan vice PESknt PO Bax 1796, Alce Springs. N1 ccma,ned inlkten 1 mamnsoramensernenrs Tw winom expfened nma 56Warlgs Rd, Glsmrchy.Tas7010 Ph: (089) 52 1833 BH magazne oa not necesranrf represent more of IM prb *her Ph: (OM) 72 4714 Mr B .ones Mr Granam Manoney Charma* Farre Comm nee Charman NalDM Chwanmps Commnee 10 Salnwooa Ave. Fldree hSW 2525 39 McDauralSI.Arwesea. Vc3230 P"h; (i42) 28 8353 Ph: (052) 53 2286 CONTENTS Mr Graham Micheli Mr Robert Nugent Churman, Wdr@Cmrtee Chaimn. Rwnotbn8 Dsvebpmant Commrtee 1211rnan~~~.Mmym,SA5253 mBox231,Rma.(lld4455 National President's ndes .. .. .. .. 3 Ph: (085) 31 1394 !4r (076) 22 2537 1994 NSW StateTrap Carnival . .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 Mr Ross Sibester Mount Isa Gun Club.. .. .. .. .. .. 6 ChCman, Coachlno Coumil ASOA tovisit Chinese antidoping counterparts .. .. 6 PO Bax91, boy an^, WA6237 . .. .. Ph: (097) 91 4MO BH Alice Springs Gun Club .. .. .. .. .. 8 Waratah State Notes .. .. .. 10 Hayden dminatesNovember 'Top Gun'awarda .. 10 Bundaberg GunClub .. .. ... ... .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. 12 Mr Mark Bulluss Mrs Elaine Fonvard 16 EXmWUlCrt. LBanyer, NT0812 Chakman, RulssCommXIee Editor's mailbox.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13 ~h:(ON) 27 82W W BOX68, TadJelW. WA 6320 1994 Winchester 'Top Gun' winners .. .. 14 Ph:(c94251137 Clermont Gun Club .. .. .. .. 15 Mr Tom Meaoows Mr John MLrpny New Zealand firearms regulations .. 15 180 0eBm-j St Omslo~Oh4150 PO Box 404.1(rqsmeadow.Tar 7249 .. .. .. .. Pn: (072)8626078?i Ph: (W3139 3236 Ken Burton Memorial Shoot .. .. .. .. .. .. 16 Maryborough Tid Bits, Qld 17 MI Andy Sanders Mr Ron Traill .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 85 RedhlU Rd, Wagga Waggs, NSW 2650 W Box TT. Rachder, Vic 3561 Tri-Se~icelargets ............................... ....... 19 Ph: (068) 22 4431 Ph: P54) 84 1356 Australia's Olympic involvement .. .. .. .. .. 20 Mr Guy Yoannidis Break badges .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21 PMB6, Mt Gambler, SA 52% Ph: (087) 23 1159 CTSN classifieds .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21 Club news, programs and results .. .. .. .. .. 22 HONORARY LIFE REGISTRATIONS E. G. Big@ L G. Cannon (P.P.) G. H. Hall (P.P.) FRONT COVER: N. Haw E. F. Hawkins (P.P.) R. M. HoMreIer(P.P.) Les Chant and Glen Hayden stand in tront of one ot Winchester Australia's bading L J. Mallln (P.P.) C. Moll R. H. Moyse maciiines at their plant in Geelong, Vidoria, aner a tour lhrough the fadory. Les is R. Mdes A. P&rsan (P.P.) A. N. Rowe the 1994 Junior Top Gun' oflhs year winner, and Glen won the Open category. J. K Smll (P.P.) J. M. Tyquln (P.P.) N. Walk Destree Huddledonwas namd the Lad/ winner. Full slory insae. J. M. Wkon (P.P.) Page 2 Australian Clay Target Shooting News January 1995 The competitionis divided into four age groups, these belng: 35-39. 40-50. 51-60 and 6l+years. Should be a great three days ofshwting for anyone inter- National ested. En* forms and information can be obtained from: Vlc ilralth 51h Australlan Masters Games Presiderllt's GPO Box 2392V Melbourne. Vic. 3001 Notes Ph: (03) 666 4214 Fax: (03) 666 4232 Rules Wlth the rewrite of the Rules and the printing of the new ~le Representing your country -the hidden cost book, it is hoped that we have just about got it light. Sendin@anv soortinrr team overseas involves considerable ex- Unfortunately, the rule changes, as printed in the December pense Gr &e<assoZation. With the current policy ofthe ACT& CTSN, were not 100% correct. and were, in some cases am- to a&rd up-and-coming shooters, plus our established interna- biguous, this has now been attended to. Uonal cornbetitors. the Gecesslv. -&undine - in international compctltion, events such as the Oceania Chemplonshlps irl New It is hoped that now we will have rules that are clearly under- Zealand in February, arc oppormnlrics nor to bc missed. stood by all, and any dlscrepancies/ambiguitles. can be sorted out. Well laid plans olten go astray, and the proposal to send a large team to New Zealand of both funded and unfunded Please note that with the intmduction of the new rules effec- shooters, appears to be one such plan. tive Januaw 1. 1995. it is necesslv to canv over vour unmm- pleted bracket of 200 rargers forw&d onto tke neicard. On The reouirement of the Australlan Shootine Associatlon, that completing of this flrst bracket of 200 targets. this wlll fonn all ~o&~etltorscompeting in the Oceania event be completely the &st of thrcc brackets of200 tareets- lrotd- 600 tametsl,- re- outfitted in their clothing, Item 13 of the ASA competitors quired for any downgrading. agreement states 'To confon? with the Association's team clothing requirement which as a mintmum is: one pair of slacks or one skirt, one blazer, two shirts or two blouses (col- Articles for CTSN our beige), one team belt and buckle for slacks, one team tie. Again if you feel you have a story, an article, or information one team bae.- one team s~ortshlrt.one team tracksuit, one suitable for inclusion in the CTSN, please fonvard it to Dannl. par shoes, of an aplmovrd drslgn."Thlr is art lndivldual cost at the office. Ow magazine can or& be as good as the informa- of some $550 pvr competitor. which now nukes the uip ari un- tion supplied by you, the member. viable nroposiUan for the lndlvidual self-funded shooter.,and the ~u~t*lianClay Target Associatlon. The next, and very important function of the Rules Committee is to get our ACTA Sporting Rules in order. Sure. I agree that our international competitors must be well dressed, and, should they win, be well presented on the win- If you have any comments on our rules, please let us have ners dais. your thoughts (keep it nice) as to function effectiveiy, we must have input. It is very easy to critlcise, so please be positive. Ifwe had a high quality, Australlan Shooting Association tracksuit for all as the only requirement in ASA clothing. I Glenn G. Woodhatch could see no problem. The iracksuit would have to be suitable for the climate in which we were shootine. Recentiv one of our international teams was supplied wiL winter &eight tracksuits, when they were shooting in summer conditions. Makes one wonder1 At all Olvm~ic. Games. Commonwealth Games. World CUDS. etc.. all athletes receive their medals wearing tracksuits. INSTA-MOLD and this should be so, as it is in keeping with the sporting imaee.- Collar, tie. iackets, etc. look nice but are th;v reah Custom fitted necessary for all. hearing protectors * HYPO-ALLERGENIC AND NON.TOXIC 1995 Vic Health Australian Masters Games * MADE ON THE SPOT These games are to be held in Melbourne from October 5 to ONLY INSTA-MOLD OFFERS THE BEST 14th.
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