■ f /■ '4' PAOB FOURTEEN lEuftthtg llfrald TOESDAY, JUNE lA 1861 J Tha Anne Spencer Rod Croaa Arerag# Dally Net Prem Run About Town Volunteer Nurses* Aides Corps will Summer School For Um Week Ended have a potluck and reunion Tues­ MRb U. 1968 day, June 25, at 6:30 p.m. at the The Weather Registration Up Gill Request for Apartments roresMt of U. a Wenthw BorwM . Lakot* OMauU, D«8T«« a t P om- home of Mrs. Wllllain Brennan, 21 LAZY "N" haatam, wttl meet and elect officers Mt. Nebo PI. Members not as yet 13 ,8 2 8 tomorrow « t 7:30 p.m. at Odd contacted may call Mrs. Brennan Kegistrations for the 1963 ses- On Hartford Rd. Is Approved Fair aad not as eool tonight. Fellows Kail. Hiere will be a for reservations. ■ton of ths Manchester. Summer Bteaber of the Audit Low arornid 80. Thareday partly RANCH Koram of OhNudsttoB klbohen social and refreatunents M u y and oontinDed warm. High a^fter the meeiUiij:. School have currenUy outdistanced The lonlng board of appeals lastfletter waa read froip WUliam The Omar Shitae Cllub will meot the 1962 figure by over 100, It PONY RID6S M anche$ter-— A City o f Village Charm In the mid 80s. Friday at WlUle’s Steak House. night granted a special exemption Olekslnskl,................. of Willle'a StMk I “BJver Since Stephen," a now OodotaHs wlU be served at 6:80 was reported today by Robert J. to Charles GUI to erect i 22-unlt House, withdrawing his request play ly Richard D,. V ^ era and apartment building a£ 679 Hartford for a variance to build a motel at 787 LYDAIX ST. pjn. and dinner at 7:30. Membetw Neanlne, direotor of the program, (Near Laks St.) VOL. LXXXn, NO. 221 (IWENTY-FOUR PAGES-IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1968 Dean Hensley, wHl be presented of the club wlU vlalt the Shrlners Rd., near Waddell Rd. Also grant­ 18 Henderson Rd. No reason was KSooelfied Advertiaing on Pago M ) Saturday at 8 p.m. in the Palmer ^ l e registrations have been ed were three extension^ for signs, given for the withdrawal. PRICE SEVEN CENTS Crippled Chdldren’s H o a p i t a 1, *** the math OPEN EVENINGS Audltoritun at Oonneeticut Cbl- Springfield on Simday. *17118 will tme for start of construction and In granting the exception for 4 PJ». to 8 PM. leffe In Now London for the an­ and ^ g U a h courses, and in typing, three variances. One variance re­ the multiple units on Hartford be the diab'e final meeting until creative writing and reading im­ SATURDAY-SUNDAT nual conference e t the Now Bbig- September.- quest was tabled and one had been Rd., the soning board specified land Southecn Oonference at the provement, some vacancies sUll withdrawn by letter. several changes In QlU's plans, to State N ew s MMhotlat Church. In all programs. Students meet the objections of several Terence B. Cttiotelat haa been Jarvis Manor, Inc., received two- Russian Space Couple ^ 1^ to register may do so at year extensions for signs at W. owners of adjacf>nt properties. A promoted to airman first dass In the fcrflowlng looaUons: flve-foot chain link fence and suit­ hOanoheeker Onangre will meot Uic U.S. Air Force. He is the Bennet Junior High School: To­ Middle Tpke. near Broad 8 t. and Roundup and elect officers tomorrow at 8 at Hilliard and Duval Sts. able shrubbery must be erected cm husMnd of the former Miss Judith morrow, 9 a.m. until noon. three sides of the building; east, Big Civil Rights Bid pjn. at Grange Hall. There wM be A. Fraser, 73 Wadsworith St., and The Connecticut Bank and Trust an auoUon table. nung Junior High School: To­ west and north. A play area for I a t Manchester High morrow, 1 p.m. until 3. Co. waa granted a five-year ex­ children must be maintained. Al­ SchwI. He is a data processing Mianchester High School: Thurs­ tension for Its sign at the North ATTIC FANS Ends Missions Safely^ so, the parking lot Is to be built Be ready for ths hot weather Bus Company Sale madilne openatoir in the 4082 Str«^ day, Friday, Monday and Tuasday, Bind Branch office. with two driveways, one for en­ teglc Wing. 9 a.m. until noon and 1 p.m. imtll Atty. Paul R. Marte, trustee for ahead with a HUNTER AT- try and one for exit. TIC FAN Installed In your Taken Over by U.S. 3. the property at 128 Tolland Tpke., GUI was represented by Atty nfGanrlty. daughter Registrations and recommenda­ waa permitted a 60-day extension [ home. Completa with fan I Eugene Kelly, who presented a Iduvers and all carpentry N of ice! tions for hoth the elementary read­ for start of construction for a new letter from Chief of Police James HARTFORD (AP) — The gas staUon. He had asked for 120 I work. ' He^ 8 2 Orbits^ She^ 4 9 ing improvement and elementary Reardon to the effect that the U.S. government has taken By JFK Assures Fight SAM YULYES named to the defui’s Hat ft>r the days. arithmetic improvement programs proposed building would create no over negotiations to sell the second semester at EJmereon Ool- are still coming in from the var­ A variance was granted to An­ SHOE REPAIR new Are or traffic hazards. Oppo­ WILSON MOSCOW (AP)—The So­ loge, Boflton. Mass. She Is a ious schools, but current figures thony Dsen to erect an addition to sition from six property owners In Connecticut Company bus SHOP J0T>*'«nore majoring in speech indicate that reading recommen­ a building on Stock PI. Orford Village was centered main­ ELECTRICAL CO. viet Union’s man - woman lines, the New Haven Rail- SS OAK ST. nrerapy, and was recently elected dations will be in excess of 500, Approval was given to Kenneth ly on traffic hazards, privacy and space duet returned safely to I’oad disclo.«ied today, of the Junior class of an increase of nearly 100 over Arnold of 365 W. Middle Tpke. to play area for children. 649-4817— 633.7376 earth today— he with a rec-' Office of Defense Lending His Request win b« on vocation last year's 428, and arithmetic erect an addition to his home. Mrs. Juno 20 thru July 8. recommendations will approach Arnold, who appeared before the ord 82 orbits and she with 49, i which'’LiriI''t?,«"^>f ’“ ^P'^rtment, T > 1 - John G. BoukiB, aviation ma- the 300 mark. board, explained that the only Kindly Pick Up Four m tawts mate airman apprentice Bhoea Befordiand Students and parents will re­ chance her family had for any NEW CAR the Soviet news agency Tass ** Broadest « the U. S. Navy, son o f Mrs. ceive notificajtion of acceptance privacy from the glaring lights said. ed to sell the company privately, t m vetxmioa A. Bouku.s of 10 Proctor together with reporting instruc­ ™ ., recently was graduated from near their home across from the CLIP’N’SAVE! Lt. Col. Valery Bykovsky and his tions on or about June 25, for ail Parkade entrance, was to build on RENTALS blonde ,dimple-chinned partner, In L.entury Avtlatlon Familiari2a,tion School programa. to the rear of the house. for future reference... A railroad sookesman wiiH fh . » at the Naval Air Technical Train­ Valentina Tereshkova, ended railroad spokesman said the ing Center, Memphis. Term. The The Royal Ice Cream Co., Inc., 1 SEE US FOR — flights In their separate space ve­ government "might at any time 27 Warren St., was granted per­ Vacation Specials e Window Cleaning hicles, Tass said. complete successful negotiations WASHINGTON (AP) — tw -w eek course covers flight e Floor Waxing Kaelctaigliam O ^ ry , flre-flghting, survlvaJ pro-1 Church Sponsors mission to build an addition to its Bykovsky was In his fifth day ® purchaser.” " P resident K ennedy sent Con- Oongregatimial Church plant for business expansion pur­ One, two or three weeks e Janitor Sendee cedures, and alrcraiPt mainteanace. poses. Weir Rt., Olsstonbnry A graduate of Manchester High ' I Vacation School ^ Get Our Rates — Commercial and Boukus entered the Navy in No­ The request for a variance pre­ Reaidential — Tass said Valentina landed I Haven, which is supervls- _ Program w hich he said STRAWBERRY SUPPER vember 1962. sented by Wendell Reid' of 387 Paul Dodge Pontiac Manchester Window about 380 miles northeast of Kara-1 reorganization of the railroad, would provide the most “re­ Miss Carole Johnson of Hunting- Burnham St. was tabled by the INC. Cleaning Company ganda, a coal mining center in 1 First word of the new develop- sponsible, reasonable and ur­ 9 ton Station, Long Island N Y SATURDAY. JUNE 22 board, subject to the presentation I 640-5334 I the central Asian republic of Kaz-1 i?®"^ came in a letter from Prof; gently«c.n,iv needednccuei solutions” to will direct a Vacation Bible Schoo'i i of more complete plans. Phone 649-2881 878 MAIN STREET 'akhstan; and Bykovsky about 330 William Moore, counsel for discrim innfirm in ■or\1ng 6-6-7 P.M. June 24 to 28 from 9 a.m. to noon i At the start of the meeting, a miles northwest. ^ the trustees of the bankrupt New discrim ination in public ac at Calvary Church, Assemblies of I "The cosmonauts are fueling | ^t^ven. com m odation s, education and MENU EAST HARTFORD God. I well,” Tass reported. “ The flight' ^ letter sent to individuals em ploym ent, Ham, Homemade Baked Beans, Christian has ended successfully.” i groups which had previously In a 6,500-word special me.ssage Potato Salad.
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