B Rom Lev 0 Ire Gtor Vi

B Rom Lev 0 Ire Gtor Vi

J STRONG S B ROM LEV 0 IRE G TOR VI HEVISED AND ENLARGED FOR ~891, Comprising all the Parishes of the Bromley" Union. TOGETHER WITH ~ap £If tge :®iatrid, O]lFICIAL ESTABLISHUENTS, LOCAL INSTITUTIG1'S, POSTAL ARRANGEMENTS, &c., &c. CONTENTS TRADE DIRECTORY Bromley........................... 7 Hayes 200 BeckenhlJ,m 99 Keston 211 Biekley 177 Knockholt 212 Chelsfield 181 North Cray 214 Chislehurst 18B. Orpington 214 Cudham 202 Shortlands 217 Down .•.•...•.•.........•....... 203 Sidcup 221 Farnhorough 204 St. Mary Cray 227 "Foots Cmy 206 St. Paul's Cray 23u Grove Park 208 We£t Wickham 231 REGISTERED AT STATIONERS' HALL. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY E. STRONG & SONS BROMLEY, KENT, PUOUC I~p 1/ L1BilARIE3 ""~/L C: !L{ :. : ·• ..CLAS3 _t-/2p/4.. BUREAU DE CHANGE. ·FQREIQ~1 MQ~IE¥ EXQWA GED. R. (FROM OXFORD STREET, LON DONJ GOLDSMITH, J EW!ELLER, "at~fl ~ ¢f~~ft ~n~trl ~lrtidn~1 ~tH 115, HIGH STREET, BROMLEY, KENT. ~ TA YLOR respectfully invites an inspection of his extensive and ({!)~ well sdeeted Stock of New and Fashionable, JEWELLERY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, &c., of guaranteed quality and the best London Manufacture. ~f?eaper ff?an J1onbon J&OU$CZ. CHOICE AND ARTIS1'IC DESIGNS IN 15 AND 18 CARAT GOLD JEWELLERY. A II the Newest Designs and Novelties in Silver Jewellery. IN GREAT VAItIETY. A very Large and Superior Selection of Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches. 'WEDDING, BIRTHDAY, AND OTHER PRESENTB IN SILVER AND ELEOTRO-PLATE. An officient St::tff of London Experienced Workmen employed on the pr<lmiscs for the .Repairing, O1eaning, &c.. of every de~cription of Watches. Clocks, JewelIery. &c., in a thoroughly practical manner, much below the usual prices. Diull1()nd IUld other ornaments He-mounted in all the modern Fashions. Family Jewels Be-set. Designs and Estimates furnished. ORDERS BY pos'r PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ESTABLISHED 1854. TRADES DIRECTORY. Advertisement Contractors. Strong & Sons, 14, Market Square, Bromley xxxiii Auctioneers and Estate Agents. Baxter, Payne & Ler;per, Bromley and Beckenham 16 and 98 Lansbury & Todd, Town Hall, Bromley .. , 61 Levens W. W., Railway Approach. Beckenham 103 Bakers and Confectioners. Hyde T., 16, The Pavement, Bromley Ii Maunder W., I and 2, Market Square, Bromley xlvi Bankers. London and Provincial Bank (limited) Beckenham 102 Bicycle Makers. Cowell Thomas, 3, Homesdale Road, Bromley xxxviii Monkhouse E. O. 82, High Street, Bromley 82 Sills A., 4 aud 6, East Street, Bromley ... x Bill Posters. Strong & Sons, 14-, Market Square, Bromley xxxiii Bookbinders, Stationers, &c. Strong & Sons, 14, Market Square, Bromley Iv Bootmakers. Ayling T. S., 15 and 16, The Broadway, Bromley xxxiv Ayles W., 2, Stanley Road, Bromley xliv Burgess J., 119, High Street, Bromley xxviii Brewers, Wine and Spirit Merchants. Fox & Sons, Farnborough insIde back cover Graley E., Railway Hotel, East Street, Bromley xxiv McMullen & 00., Beckenham 149-150 Shepherd, Neame & 00., H), Market Square, Bromley lvi Wall Oharles, Beech Tree, 63, London Road, Bromley xxii TRADES DIRECrORY. Builders and Contractors. Arnaud & SOll, 149, High Street, Brumley xx Attwood Albert, 18, Freelands Grove ... xv Copeland H., 1, The Pavement, Beckenham 175 Grubb W. A., I, Widmore Road, Bromley xvi Graty T. D', 3, East Street, Bromley 62 Lansbury T , Waldo Brick Works, Bromley xxiii Lowe R. A., Lower Camden, Chislehurst Iiv Payne D., 111, High Stroet, Bromley xlii Mersh W., 54, Palace Road, Bromley xv Building Society Bromley and Beckenham Mut.ual Building Society ii Butchers. Cooper H. G.) 13. Widmore Road, Bromley xxvii (Japon J., 28, Ea .•t Street, Bromley .,. xlii Oab and Fly Proprietors. Austin & Son, Woodside, Park End, B~omley x Ward H., 14, West Street, Bromley ... liii Withycombe W. H., College Road, Bromley 62 Chandlers. Isard & Son, Markflt Sqnare, Bromley xvii Chemist· Baxter W. W., 40, High Street, Bromley ... xxxii Coal Merchants. Attwood Albert, 18, Freelands Grove, Bromley xv Grinsted Daniel, 124, High St., Bromley and 6, High St. Beckenham ... ... ... xiii Mersh Wm., 54, Palace Road, Bromley . xv Corn Merchant. Gnnsted Daniel, 124, High Street, Bromley, & 6, High Street, Beckenham ... '" ." ... xiii Dairyman. Stokes J. W., Coney Hall Farm, West Wickham xlvii Dentists. Pretty MessrtJ.,· 3, 'Widmoro Road, Bromley xxxvii TRADEd DIRECTORY. Dyers and Cleaners. Podger & Sons, 3, Market Square, Bromley, aad Beckenham xxi Shallard & Fendt, 18, Market Square, Bromley... ... xii Fruiterers and Greengrocers. Hopton J., Market Square, Bromley xxviii J ones E., Widmore Road, Bromley xxxviii Furnishers and Upholsterers. Lawrence John, 112 & 113, High Street, and 14, Masons Hill, Bromley ... xli Walker & Holmes, .67, High Street, Bromley 1 Furniture Removers. Dunn H G., 20, Market Square, Bromley Iii Pyrke G., 147 & 148, High Street, Bromley xxxv Walker & Holmes, 67, High Street, Bromley 1 Grocers. Batley, Widmore Road, inside front cover Cowell W., 32, Beekenham Lane, Bromley x Haynes Thomas, 88, High Street, Bromley xii Howard J., 59, 60, 64, and 65, High Street, Bromley, and at Beckenham xxvi Unstead E., Masons Hill, Bromley xxviii Hatter and Hosier. Lilly J., 18, The Broadway, Bromley xxxiv Insurance Agent. Royal Exchange Assurance Company xxxi Ironmongers. Burr William, 1 LB, High Street, Bromley xxxvi Hunt & Son, Farwig and East Street, Bromley xliii Weeks & Sons, 61, High Street, Bromley and Beckenham xxv Ladies' Outfitter. Mitchener J. E., 17, Market Square, Bromley xl Laundries· Hopgood Mrs, 8. Walpole Road, Bromley Common xviii Podger & Sons, 3, Market Square, Bromley and Beekenham... xxi TRADES DIRECTORY. -~~-- -- -----~~~- ~~ Library and Reading Room. Literary Institute. Bromley xiv Milliner~, Dressmakers, &0. Earle A. & M., 24, Market Square, Bromley xix Hadden Miss, 66, High Street, Bromley ... xlviii Hillier The Misses, Albemarle Road, Beckenham 176 Lynes Mrs., High ~treet, Bromley .. xix Phillips MIss C., Widmore Road, Bromley xlix Sanders Mrs., 24 & 25, Park Road, Bromley inside front cover Nurseryman. Wingfield James, Widmore Hill, Bromley xviI Pawnbroker. Pfeil C. F., Broadway, Bromley ... xxiii Photographers. Cowell W., ::2, Beekenham Lane, Bromley x Harman, 75, High Street, Bromley xlix Lavender E. D., Widmore Road, Bromley facing diary Pianoforte and Music Sellers. Harman, High Street, Bromley ... xli Howard, Morley, Phillips & Co., High Street, Bromley lviii Plumb el's, Painters, and Glaziers. Fry J. T., 5, Simpsons Road, Bromley ... xliv Hammond George, 19, Freebnds .Road, Bromley xvi Haywood G., 8, The Parade, "Bromley xlv Poulterers and Provision Merchants. Banks E. A., High Street, Bromley ... 78 Howard John, 59, GO, 64, and G5, High Street, Bromley, and ~B~k®~m ~rl Printers. Clarke & Son, High Street, Brumley and at St. Mary Cray xxix Strong & Sons, ]4, Market Square, Bromley xi Riding Master. Wood W. S., 10, Freelands Road, Bromley ylvii TRADES DIRECTORY. Rustic Works. Knight W., jun., Bickley Rustic Work ••... xliv Saddler and Harness Maker. Ferris & Sons, 103, High Str~p.t, Bromley, and at Beckenham xxxix Schools, Bare Miss .,. ix Bond H. 0., B'JYs' School viii Davis Miss, Drawing and Painting ix Fertel Mrs. and Miss, Ladies' School vii Gibson, Loiy & Chittenden, Boys' School ... iii High School for Girls ... ... iv High School for Boys, T. F. Harris v K[.,ynes Miss, Bromley Preparatory School i Moore E. H., Boys' School viii Religious of the Holy Trinity . vi School of Music, Beckenham . 104: Soames Rev. H. A., Boys' School yii Wheeler Miss, Ladies' School ... yi Stationers, BOuksellers, &c. Collius S., 17, The Pavement, Bromley ... xxx Strong & Sons, 14, Market Square, Bromley Iv Sweet Stores. Ryder, 42, East Street, Bromley XXXY Tailors and Habit Makers. Balls H. B., 30, Freelands Road, Bromley xlviii Smith H. R., 13, East Street, Bromley Ivii Tilbury A., 55, Widmore Hill, Bromley ... xliv Tobacconist. Sills A., 4 & 6, East Street, Bromley x Veterinary Surgeon. Springett H., 124:, High Street, Bromley ... xxvii Watchmakers and Jewellers. Dotter K., High Street, Bromley xviii How James, 107, Widmore Road, Bromley xxx Kirby G. E., 26, East Street, Bromley ix Pfeil C. F., Broadway, Bromley ... xxiii Steiert & Sons, 21, High Street, Bromley ... ... I Taylor R, High Street, Bromley opposite Trades Directory ~ptl%tie ru5otogpaF5~, ~ ~~.~..,...' ......,.,. E. DAVEY LAVENDER'S (OOlit> ffiEt>RliliIST) ~tc ~Jl!UDI8~,jt~ TWEEDY BUilDINGS, WIDMORE ROAD, BROMLEY, KENT . •••••••• _ •••~ •••• # ••• ~ ENTRANCE TO EQUESTRIAN STUDIO, '1 WEEDY ROAD. ~ STAMPS, TAXES, EXCISE. DUTIES,· &c. Stamp Duties. ;; s. d. Income Tax. \FFIDAVIT,or Statutory Declaration.. 0 2 6 Incomes amounting to £150 a year and under i\.GREEMENT,or Memorandum of £400 are rated at 6d. in the pound, but £120 of Agreement, under hand only, not the total income is exempt from taxation. Annual otherwise charged.................. 0 0 6 incomes of £400 and above that sum :lre rated at I\.RMORIALBEARINGS(GreatBritain).. II 0 6d. in the pound without deduction. If used on any Carriage. 2 2 0 Various Excise Licences and Duties. BILLSOFEXCHANGEondemand...... 0 0 I On a licence to be taken out by a £ s. d. BILLSOFEXCHANGEofany other kind, brewer for sale I 0 0 and also PROMISSORYNOTES:-Not Upon every 36gals. of worts ofa specific exceeding £5...................... 0 0 gravity of 1'055 degrees the duty of 0 6 Exceeding £ 5 and not exceeding £10 0 0 BEER RETAlLERS:- 10 . 25 0 0 3 Beer not drunk on the premises (Eng.) I 5 0 25 50 0 0 6 Beer drunk on the premises (U.K.).. 3 10 0 ,,50 " 75 0 0 9 Retailers of Table-beer (V. K.). 0 5 0 ,,75 " 100 0 I 0 PUBLICANS:- Every £100, and also for any frac- If the annual value of the house in tional part of £100, of such amount 0 I 0 which the retailer shall reside or BILL OF LADING 0 0 6 retailspiritsisunder£ro,thedutyis 410 0 CERTIFICATE.-Of goods, &c., being If £10, and under £15 6 0 0 duly entered inwards 0 4 0 IS, 20 8 0 0 Of birth, marriage, or death (certified 20, 25 II 0 0 copy of) 0 0 I 25, 30 14 0 0 CONVEYANcE.-When the purchase 30, 40 17 0 0 money shall not exceed £ 5 .

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