Catalogue of International Charts Catalogue des cartes internationales . 1 M HCA13-08.1A PART B PARTIE B REGION M ANTARCTIC WATERS EAUX ANTARCTIQUES Coordinator : HPWG1 Chair Coordonnateur : Président du HPWG2 Summary of progress of INT chart coverage over the past year From the information available at the IHB, as of November 2013, a total of 71 INT charts had been produced, out of the 111 INT charts now in the scheme, that is 3 additional New Charts (NC) since HCA-12. They have been published by Brazil (INT 9126 and INT 9127) and Ecuador (INT 9129). No New Edition (NE) has been published during the reporting period. 18 INT Charts (NC or NE) are planned for publication in 2013 – 2015. They have been marked in yellow in the catalogue below. Doc. HCA12-08.1C provides a lay-out of the status of INT chart production in Antarctica, as of November 2013. Doc. HCA12-08.1B focuses on INT charts in progress or not produced. 1 Hydrography Priorities Working Group (of the Hydrographic Commission on Antarctica – HCA) 2 Groupe de travail sur les priorités en hydrographie (de la Commission hydrographique sur l’Antarctique – CHA) Part B – Region M S-11 Partie B – Région M November 2013 Novembre 2013 Catalogue of International Charts Catalogue des cartes internationales . 2 M Page intentionally left blank Page laissée en blanc intentionnellement Part B – Region M S-11 Partie B – Région M November 2013 Novembre 2013 Catalogue of International Charts Catalogue des cartes internationales M. 3 LIMITS OF INDEXES LIMITES DES INDEX Limits of Region M / Limites de la région M Part B – Region M S-11 Partie B – Région M November 2013 Novembre 2013 Catalogue of International Charts Catalogue des cartes internationales M. 4 LAZAREV SEA TO COOPERATION SEA MER DE LAZAREV A MER DE LA COOPERATION (20°W – 90°E) (20°W – 90°E) Part B – Region M S-11 Partie B – Région M November 2013 Novembre 2013 Catalogue of International Charts Catalogue des cartes internationales M. 5 LAZAREV SEA TO COOPERATION SEA MER DE LAZAREV A MER DE LA COOPERATION (20°W – 90°E) (20°W – 90°E) INT Prod. National TITLE / TITRE CHART LIMITS / LIMITES DE LA CARTE Scale / Echelle Date Format Printer No. No. (Nat. No. – Date NE) South/Sud North/Nord West/Ouest East/Est 1 : Lat 1st Ed/NE 902 See/Voir M.6 903 RU 40123 Sodruzhestva Sea 71°00.00'S 57°00.00'S 30°00.00'E 78º27'.00E 2 000 000 66°S 01/ 904 NO 550 Dronning Maud Land 73°00.00'S 60°10.00'S 15°00.00'W 33º20.00'E 2 000 000 66°S 02/ GB (4904–04) 905 See/Voir M.13 906 See/Voir M.13 9025 See/Voir M.9 9030 AU Aus 451 Sandefjord Bay to Cape Rundingen 70°20.00’S 65°43.40’S 73°11.40’E 81°00.00’E 500 000 68°S 92/ A0 9031 AU Aus 452 Cape Rundingen to Cape Filchner 68°10.50’S 65°07.00’S 79°45.00’E 92°10.00’E 500 000 68°S 02/ A0 9032 AU Aus 602 Approaches to Davis Anchorage 68°35.90’S 68°32.60’S 77°42.00’E 78°00.00’E 12 500 03/Proj. 14? A0 9033 AU Aus 450 Cape Rouse to Sandefjord Bay 70°00.00’S 65°19.00’S 66°50.00’E 74°39.00’E 500 000 68°S 91/Proj. 14? A0 9035 AU Aus 449 Magnet Bay to Cape Rouse 68°13.00’S 65°07.50’S 56°00.00’E 68°21.20’E 500 000 68°S 93/Proj. 14? A0 9036 AU Aus 600 Approaches to Mawson 67°36.50’S 67°21.47’S 62°42.23’E 63°05.05’E 25 000 87/07 A0 Plan A - Horseshoe harbour 67°36.50’S 67°35.58’S 62°51.17’E 62°53.00’E 5 000 Proj.14? 9037 AU Aus 599 Gibbney Island to Kista Strait 67°40.78’S 67°32.00’S 62°14.84’E 62°51.18’E 25 000 11/ A0 9038 AU Aus 448 Kirby Island to Magnet Bay 67º47.00’S 64º35.00’S 45º00.00’E 57º25.00’E 500 000 68ºS 12/ 9040 RU 41143 Cape Ann to Zaliv Alasheyeva 68°00.00’S 65°00.00’S 41°20.00’E 51°40.00’E 500 000 66°S 00/10 9041 RU 43920 Zaliv Alasheyeva 67°46.00’S 66°59.00’S 45°16.00’E 46°46.00’E 100 000 66°S 99/10 9042 RU 48920 Molodyozhnaya Scientific Station and 67°42.70’S 67°38.00’S 45°42.00’E 46°01.00’E 12 500 99/10 Approaches 9045 JP W3922 Lutzow – Holmbukta and Approaches 70°00.00’S 67°00.00’S 32°00.00’E 44°00.00’E 500 000 69°S 11/ 9046 JP W3941 Ongul Island to Skarves 69°28.00’S 68°52.00’S 38°47.00’E 39°55.00’E 100 000 69°S 10/ 9047 JP W3950 Ongul to Langhovde – Kita Misaki 69°12.00’S 68°59.00’S 39°18.00’E 39°43.00’E 25 000 69°05’S 09/ Plan A – Showa Kichi and Approaches 10 000 9050 RU 31152 Sergei Kamenev Gulf to 70°10.00’S 67°27.00’S 09°20.00’E 19°30.00’E 500 000 66°S 99/ Neupokojevabukta 9051 RU 32934 Zaliv Leningradskij and Approaches 70°47.00’S 69°24.00’S 11°00.00’E 14°00.00’E 200 000 66°S 98/10 9055 DE 1701 Atka Iceport to Trolltunga 71°00.00’S 68°20.00’S 10°30.00’W 01°30.00’E 500 000 66°S 09/ 9056 ZA SAN 2004 Approaches to Dronning Maud Land 71°41.00’S 69°10.00’S 05°30.00’W 00°10.00’W 300 000 70°S 06/12 9057 DE 1702 Approaches to Atka Iceport 70°50.00’S 69°30.40’S 10°00.00’W 05°00.00’W 300 000 70°S 09/ Part B – Region M S-11 Partie B – Région M November 2013 Novembre 2013 Catalogue of International Charts Catalogue des cartes internationales M. 6 DAVIES SEA TO ROSS SEA (75°E – 165°W) MER DE DAVIES A MER DE ROSS (75°E – 165°W) INT Prod. National TITLE / TITRE CHART LIMITS / LIMITES DE LA CARTE Scale / Echelle Date Format Printer No. No. South/Sud North/Nord West/Ouest East/Est 1 : Lat 1st Ed/NE (Nat. No. – Date NE) 900 NZ 14900 Ross Sea 78°30.00’S 65°20.00’S 160°40.00’E 170°40.00’W 2 000 000 66°S 98/ DE GB (4900–11) 901 FR 7591 De Cape Goodenough à Cape Adare 71°30.00’S 57°40.00’S 122°30.00’E 170°30.00’E 2 000 000 66°S 06/ 902 RU 40124 Mawson and Davis Seas 70°00.00'S 55°00.00'S 75°00.00'E 123°27.00'E 2 000 000 66°S 00/10 909 See/Voir M.10 9000 IT Terra Nova Bay to Moubray Bay 78°05.00’S 73°05’.00S 162°00.00’E 175°00.00’E 500 000 76°S DE 9001 NZ 14901 Cape Royds to Pram Point 77°54.50’S 77°22.80’S 165°37.00’E 167°12.00’E 60 000 77°40’S 07/ DE 9002 NZ 14902 McMurdo Station and Scott Base 77°52.05’S 77°50.35’S 166°34.10’E 166°46.70’E 5 000 07/ 9003 NZ 14903 Approaches to Scott Island 67°40.00’S 67°00.00’S 179°32.00’E 179°21.00’W 75 000 67°20’S 08/ Plan A – Scott Island 67°24.20’S 67°21.20’S 179°58.50’W 179°51.10’W 25 000 9004 IT 884 Baia di Terra Nova (Terra Nova Bay) 76°00.00’S 74°06.31’S 162°06.00’E 167°38.16’E 250 000 75°00'S 07/08 9005 IT 881 Da Capo Russell a Campbell Glacier Tongue 74°55.00’S 74°36.00’S 163°40.00’E 165°10.00’E 50 000 74°45'S 00/ 9006 NZ 14906 Cape Adare and Cape Hallett 71°15’S 03/06 DE GB (3714–07) Plan A – Cape Adare 71°22.00’S 71°09.30’S 169°56.00’E 170°48.00’E 50 000 Plan B – Ridley Beach 71°19.00’S 71°17.30’S 170°09.40’E 170°13.50’E 50 000 Plan C – Cape Hallett 72°22.00’S 72°09.10’S 169°49.90’E 170°44.70’E 50 000 Plan D – Seabee Hook 72°20.00’S 72°18.00’S 170°10.00’E 170°14.66’E 15 000 9007 NZ 14907 Possession Islands 72°02.50’S 71°42.10’S 170°36.00’E 171°23.80’E 60 000 71°55’S 03/06 ½ DE GB (3716–07 9008 NZ 14908 Cape Adare to Cape Daniell 72°46.00’S 71°00.00’S 168°20.00’E 172°00.00’E 200 000 72°S 03/06 DE GB (3711–07 9009 NZ 14909 Cape Hooker to Coulman Island 73°47.00’S 69°18.00’S 165°00.00’E 174°10.00’E 500 000 72°S 04/ DE GB (3710–12) 9010 RU 51081 Cape North to Lednik Matusevicha 70°44.00’S 68°07.00’S 156°00.00’E 166°10.00’E 500 000 66°S 00/10 9011 RU 52909 Mys Belousova to Terra Nova Island 69°55.00’S 68°17.00’S 157°10.00’E 160°37.00’E 200 000 69°S 00/10 Plan A – Scientific Station Leningradskaya 1 000 9012 NZ 14912 Balleny Islands 67°59.00'S 65°20.00'S 161°20.00'E 165°45.00'E 300 000 65°45'S 06/ DE Continuation: Balleny Seamount 65°50.00'S 65°10.00'S 160°00.00'E 161°40.00'E 300 000 65°45'S 9014 AU AUS 603 Approaches to Commonwealth Bay 67°02.00’S 66°48.0’S 142°20.0’E 142°42.40’E 25 000 02/11 A0 Plan A – Boat Harbour 66°59.60’S 66°59.1’S 142°38.5’E 142°40.00’E 5 000 9015 FR 7592 (Mer Dumont d’Urville, Terre Adélie) Du 67°25.00’S 64°02.00’S 134°00.00’E 146°06.00’E 500 000 66°S 04/ Glacier Dibble au Glacier Mertz 9016 FR 7594 De la Pointe Ebba au Cap de la Découverte 66°58.00’S 66°17.8’S 139°16.00’E 141°45.00’E 100 000 66°40’S 04/ Plan A – Archipel Max Douguet - Port-Martin 66°49.40’S 66°48.0’S 141°21.70’E 141°24.40’E 10 000 Plan B – Archipel Max Douguet 66°50.90’S 66°47.2’S 141°15.10’E 141°26.00’E 30 000 9017 FR 7593 De l’Ile Hélène au Rocher du Débarquement - 66°42.10’S 66°34.0’S 139°42.00’E 140°11.80’E 20 000 02/ A0 Archipel de Pointe Géologie Plan A – Archipel de Pointe Géologie 66°40.30’S 66°39.2’S 139°58.90’E 140°01.80’E 7 500 Part B – Region M S-11 Partie B – Région M November 2013 Novembre 2013 Catalogue of International Charts Catalogue des cartes internationales M.
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