/ ■ • 'I .r „ ---------------;C 5 - n O il3 •“ 14ah^-State-H-ls-tbr-i6i'aX l i X S S o c . ' ^ fa lO n .. JJuUa u U a b;bavia Dr. •. B oise,, IJaHo 83706Go ^rco:^ r c o a p * Weatherher — - ______ . _ ~ Home _____• , -f r >- Windy WeekeiKBekend ■ m Final J. ' MMagic Valley’s^y’s HomeHoi Newspaper}aper VOL. 65 NO. 166 ^ •__________________ _______________ TOTOIN FALLS, IDAHO,iO , FRIDAY,FRIDAY SEPTEMBER1 27, 1968 . TEN CENTS Reds Loseose H jH H H I D ir k s e n R eJ fu f u s e s 276 Men In Attack I T o Bia at c k Cl lo o t t u r e iSAIGON (A P) — E nem y - -N,. v 'JM forces swarmed out off flooded ricclands closc to thc Cambo-Cambo­ dian iTordcr today andI lost at ^ . I I n F oo r r ta s F?ui u s s le a st 276 of thcir men InIn alm ost T ■ suicidal assaults on twoI well de-de­ fended Soulh Vietnamesecse fron-fron­ J • WASHINGTON (AP) —- A pc- !Scn. Clifford P. Hansen,nsen, R- si(sion that Justice Fortas has tier camps. Illion to cul off Senate debateIcbatc on ^Wyo.. said in a prepared bebeen an approving viewer of T he two atlacking forcesorces lo-to- ^ I / the' Abc Forlas nominationilion was :speech. »■*. JhiJhcse film s," Hu-ri sflid.- "But -»,,e taled about 900 men, andnd in ad-ad­ filed loday after Republican:publican in another preparedI speech.speech “certainly all of lhe public has dition to'nearly a thirdI of- their Leader Everett M. Dirkscn•kMn de-de- thet leader of lhe fight foror confir- Jh'the more accurate Impression • men,, they left large numbersm bers of livered a heavy, blow toJ FortasFortas’ mation| defended Fortas’sas's par- 'hat senators,' however right- _ rifJes. machine gun^ grenade . -riduaUun ln-nillTiEi> oil1 obi^ctilll-obsccnl- otiaiy disapproviiiA. have*t^ i i ^ . ^•;~i-TauhchoMf t f - ^ t h e r - chief Justice. ty and acciiicd his criticsi^cs of dis- slislipping inlo innumerable pri­ • • ■ equipment on tfie fieldss of bat­bat- mn. ' MaJority Leader Mikece Msns^M3ns= 1to n in g this role; vate showings." tle. field. D ^onl., filed thc petition _ . Fortas sided with the maJorl- The defenders reportedarted 11 r — to invoke thc Senatc^s■ debate- , Sun- Philip A. H art. D-Mlch.,D-Mich., ty In several technical rulings South Vietnamese killed and 100IOO '' limiting cloture rule to halth-iif an fil-fn : efforts to bran d F oDrtas rtas as a ththat reversed lower court flnd- f c - — !t.!« . purveyor of dirty movies nre as in wounded. Four Americanan .Green : ■. ibuster against his motion to ! e.s nre as ings that some films were ob- m nMinn "obsccnc and dfslastefulul as thethc scene.‘c Opponents have made his Beret men in-one. of thele campscam ps . take up thc Forlas nomination>mmation , them selves." vc were wounded. •*' for consideration. votes a maJor issue and have Coinciding • witfr' thee , fierce ' A vote is lo be takenken at 1 "Some of Ihe public may have hcheld viewings of the films in . Sround assaults on tlie camcamps ps at u je . p.m., Tuesday on thc, petition.netiiinn achieved' the erroneouss impres- ththeir bid to gather support. thien Ngon and PhuocIOC Tan, H ’ ■ { ■ B To cul off tho debate wl.ll'ill takelake a ^ ^ west of Tay Ninh City,/, enemenemy y B . - , " I Iwo-thirds maJority of sonator.senators _ _ . J . V ' gunners laid a savage barrageb arrag e J f c - i m vtJttng. ■*. r ' • Ji 1 * n ■ *i of rocket and mortar firere on the ....... Dirkscn, in a switchh of his I il I J ^ |T TOUCHES en-ai^ ai'rawetmeiit ler— < li_i5_C7lMriU4a_oI,lhe_lflbiQ_d6cowiionn'rom Jionf p ruvious'ipognion, .i&ia nfiwiimsti norlIi^f~tire"’provihclarca^it3,l”capit3, ” the presld^l’s banquetet af~tHe~iaflRe’annual Idaho Floristsr Associa- ebmmlTtee• for the banquet whichwhic wiil be- beld Saturday he would not vole forr cloture. which-was the target of9f an al­al- tion are, from left,. Vickiicki Dc FcFord, Norma Crandall and Jen olght.c And he left open whelher he still ta c k W ednesday In w hichch 135 cof f --------------------------------------------------" favors confirmation of Fortas. thc enemy were Wiled. TKe petlUon filed by Mans- T h e atta c k s In T ay N inh P ro v ­ field hnd the signaturesfSGoal of 23 Is[s $:$85,000 ince and intelligence , reports of Parley Pondered ISJ I I senators, 16 DemocratsIs and 7 ered Florists Gi Republicans. Only 16 signers other enemy forces maneuver­lan^EUver- UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. * ts Gather ^Newsman > signers Twin Falls United Fundund board IdnhoI< alumn! group In 1962. ing in the area brought massive (AP)—Support grew amongam ong ____ were required by the rules.ules. set this y e a r's goal a t $85,000 A proclam ation designating B52 strikes. Of 10 raidsIs by'by the lesser members of the Unit- ^ Dirkscn was initially an oul- during its meeting Fridayday mom- 0October as United Fund month. big bombers, in the past 24 ed Nations today for a Big . spoken supporter of President ing at tho Depot Grill.I. Inlr Twin F alls will also be pre- hours, nine went Into Tayray Ninh Four isummit meeting pro- For State"ate Meet 1To Take Johnson’s nomination of Fortas e agencies sented at tho meeting. Mayor ?iL It was noted lhat the agencies s; Province and some 800J tons ot posed by Secretary-General to succccd Chief Justice Earl " t o ° r ^ A pproxim ately 200I ppeople e o p l e aJager of the Twin Falls Chambcr "w tice Earl involved need a minimumnlmum of ^Egon Kroll has issued the proc- bombs fell on the principalipal infil­Infil- ^ Thant In an effort to rc- I r Warren. 5102,501 to fulfill responsibilitiesonslbllllies hlomatlon to Bob Day, United tration rouJe toward Saigon.aigon, 70 <luce East-West tensionsns and ' cxpcctcd at the 36th annu- ofol Commerce. I ||C | And although Dirkscn voted luclear Idaho Florist’s Association for the year. The boardoard took ^Fund president. miles to tHe southeast. lessen the threat of nuclear * ^ U o n ‘be" Letterm an, Indianapolis,::::u.N. PostV with the maJorily of the Senate t. but felt A'* workers and chairmen are convention as' registration be- J „ this under advisement, but felt While Tay Ninh ProvinceInce wwas as w ar. , ^ own figure Judiciary Committee in approv- Timed!- Friday at the Holidayliri-iw Inn.Inn * “ nationally known figure It would be an error att this-timethIs-time “urged to aitend the Monday the scene of the heaviestst action, *^ero was no ImmedI- ‘ day inn. flori.sts. will actct as com- ;WASHINGTON (AP)>\ -_ Presl-Prcsi the nomination, he said loney In a luncheon. Gordie Shaw wili act ie Big The convenlion will conlinue n; to raise that much money In a U.S. headquarters reported reaction from the Big II conlinue nicntaior for a designign school dentdei Johnson has namedmnH Wash-w-Jch. ihcrc was "a strict undcrsland-th^t S community that has raised a « master of ceremonies end a- more fighting In the northern Four—the United Slates,es, Ihethe Ithrough Saturday withVUh many SaturdaySi morning. Four)ur top de- inn Post editor J.r R.T> Wiffu /i« . log in the commltlee^ tnthal. a i. the m axim um of $68,000 in1 the past.past prise will be given, •licoplers Soviet Union. Britainn and sspecial design schools:hools and signerssi will be featured in this gip f vote did not bind anybody.” provinces and three helicopters red m this gins, a strong supporter of his will nol campaign slogann islc "Your«'Vni.F . D uring the Friday m orning and a U.S. Marine Jet werewere shot France—lo TTianl’s suggcs-Juggcs- sspeakers featured. s(session. Vj( fill In al Word lhat Dirkscn will nol session John Roper, chairman V ietnam policies, to fili in as :’sTba£ Help Help But Help.” J .down there. Four of theJ helicop­hellcoo- t'O" foreign mlnis-minis- Tlte president’s banquetinquet aMand The arrangements from this U.S.U.: ambassador to »>,<.the UnilcdTiniinH volc to put the Scnatc’s debate- ,®‘P-. , of Ihe special gifts section, said ter crewmen and two» Marine during the current:urrent tball wlll be held Saturdayarday night .sessionsi will be displnycd at the Na i wecS of limiting cloture rule Intointo effect Br. Thad Scholes, driverive chal^chair- thet section Is well under way. ycd at the Nations In the waningig wecKsweeks 01ol brought -from MaJority Leader fliers were killed, end two hell- General. Assemblyibly toto /following the electionDn of new Holidayh Inn for the public. his administration, ly Leader man, indicated the campaign-impalgn- isIs havingJ. kicked off several days _____c o p ter CK w m en w ere wounded. le top-, officers that afiernoon. Daryl Hin. M ansfield. D-Mlont., ont., the better organized thanm in the ago.J funded. JS S .‘a'l'te™'' \ '^>'1 >"cludes a florists , 'Wiggins replaces veteran dip e as hell P“st. There are 30 per cont Dryden, Twin Falls, is tlie pres- „ will bo a >omat George W. Baliill whow ho aul!auTt '^ “ c^lon th at *’lt sure as hell per cent Jack Muldoon, who heads the Thant in his annual report I JS Uie pres auction and Ihero will bo a ilfflcult to more people working, on tho c report Ident this year.
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