Friday, July 17. 199H A~;iitba26. -f920eSako) LOK SABRA DEBATES (English Version) Second Session (Twelfth Lok Sabha) (Vol. IV contllillS Nos. 21 tn 30) LOK SABDA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Price. Rs. 50 no EDITORIAL BOARD Shri S. Gopalan Secretary-General Lok Sabha Dr. A.K. Pandey Additional Secretary Lok Sabha Secretariat Shri P.C. Bhatt Chief Editor Lok Sabha Secretariat Shri A.P. Chakravarti Senior Editor Lok Sabha Secretariat Shri J.C. Shanna Editor IORICiIN"I. ENUI.ISII PROclbOINGS INCLUDED IN ENGLISH Vf.RSION AND ORIGlN"1. HINDI PR()(~EF.llINl;S 1~,·l.tJl"·.D I~ HI""I V~M"I" Will "I TRb\l'W AS AUTORITA1'IVE AND Nor TilE l'RANSLA'f1ClN THnbOf. I CONTENTS (Twelfth Serl•• , Vol. IV, S.cond Session 1898/1120 (Saka) No. 24. Friday. July 17. 1998/Asadha 26. 1920 (Saka) SUBJECT COLUMNS ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS: • Starred Questions Nos. 442-444 ............................................ 1·20 WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS: Starred Questions Nos. 445-461 ............................................. 20·38 Unstarred Questions Nos. 4424-4597.............•.....•...................... 38·215 PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE ..................................................... 215·232 ASSENT TO BILLS..................................................•............ 232 BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE ....................................................... 232·235 RE : STAGING OF A MARATHI PLAY IN MUMABI-MEE NAT-HURAM GODSE BOLTOYA ........ 235·242 FINANCE (NO.2) BILL. 1998...................................................... 266·332 Motion to consider Shri Motllal Vora ........................................................... 267·2'70 Shri Rajendra Agnihotri. ..................................................... 271·272 Shri Yashwant Sinha ........................................................ 272·295 Motion for consideration-Adopted............................................... 297 Consideration of clauses Clauses 2 to 122 and Clause 1 Enacting Formula and TItle ...•..........•............ 297·330 Motion to pass ............................................................... 331 PRIVATE MEMBERS' RESOLUTIONS ............................................... 332·349 (i) National Housing Policy ..................................................... 332·334 Shri Ram Jethmalani ...................................................... 332 Dr. Laxminarayan Pandey .................................................. 332·334 Resolution· Withdrawn . ...................................................... 334 • The sign + marked 8bove the name of a Member IndicaIes thallhe question was actually asked on Iha floor of Iha House by thai Member. (i) (II) SUIIJICT COLUMNS (II) Rehabilitation of Sick Public Sector Undertaklng_ .................................... 334-349 Dr. AIIm Bala.............................................................. 335-340 'Shrl ShlvraJ V. Patll. ......................................................... 340-345 Shrl S. Mallikarjuniah ......................................................... 345-347 Dr. Laxmlnarayan Pandey........ : .............................................. 347-349 MOTION RE : CONTEMPT OF THE HOUSE BY SOME PERSONS FROM THE PUBLIC GALLERY.................................................... 349-350 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA necessary. Besides. special steps have been taken in the form of strengthening the Credit & Collection DiviSion of ITDC and reviewing the progress at top management level These Friday. July 17. 1998/Asadha 26. 1920 (Saka) efforts have rasulted in 15.1% reduction In outstandlngs of Hotels Division of ITDC from Rs. 41.05 crores as on 31.3.1997 to Rs. 34.85 crores (proviSional) as on 31 398 The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock It is a normal bUSiness practice in the Hospitality Industry to extend Credit facility to clients. Steps are taken to [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair) constanily review the situation within existing rules and procedure to reduce the outstanding dues. [English} SHRI ARJUN SETHI: Mr. Speaker. Sir. in the statemtlnt. AN. HON. MEMBER: Mr. Speaker. Sir, I thank you for it has been said that it is a normal business practice In the allotting us seats according to Division Numbers Hospitality Industry to extend credit facility to clients. In thiS '" (Interruptions) context, I would like to know tram the hon. Minister whether MR. SPEAKER: Q. No. 442. they have fixed any time limit for payment of the outstanding dues or the credits they have extended to their Clients ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Moreover. while extending the credit facililies to the clients. whether the Managers of the ITDC Hotels also look to the (English] credit worthiness of the clients. Outstanding dues of ITOC Hote's {Translation] + SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA' Mr Speaker Sir. as I '442. SHRI ARJUN SETHI: have said. it is a normal practice. There is a thirty day's SHRI MADHAV RAO PATIL : time limit in our total business. If you see Will the Minister of TOURISM be pleased to state' [English] (a) whether attention of the Govemment has been drawn MR. SPEAKER: I am appealing to the han Members to the news-item appearing in the Indian Express dated to kindly taka their seats as per the DiVision Numbers June 20. 1998 regarding outstanding dues of ITDC hotels amounting to Rs. 34.85 crores against politicians, {Translation] Govemment agencies and travel agents. etc.; SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA' What I want to say IS (b) if so. the facts of the news item; that if you see you will find that the turn over for year 1997-98 iB Rs. 310 crores When so much turn over takes (c) the steps taken by the Govemment to recover the place, there always remains possibility of some outstanding amount from all concerned; and dueB against tourists. hotels, govemment Officers It IS right that there have been Borne political parties which have paid (d) the steps taken so that henceforth the ITDC hotels leBs amount than what was due to them and In thiS process are not misused? some amount ramalned due against their names If there THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND remains extra every year. then it is recovered. ThiS IS a MINISTER OF. TOURISM (SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA) : continuous process of borrowing Other than thiS. there IS (a) to (d) A Statement is laid on the Table of the House. nothing special in it and neither any kind of partlfllily ha5 been adopted against anyone. St.tement SHRI ARJUN SETHI: The han. Minister has referred 10 (a) and (b) Yes. Sir. It is a fact that the outstanding the tum over for the year 1996-97. The net profit for the year dues of Hotels Division of ITDC as on 31.3.98 were ot 1996-97 under the accommodation and catering head was RI. 34.85 crores (provisional). These dues are against Rs. 50.60 crare. In 1997-98. it was reduced to Rs. 2595 various agencies such as Ministries/State Govemments! crore. Why haB this been reduced? Will the hon. Minister Public Sector UndertakingslTravel Agents/Private Parties/ tell the House the reasons for this reduction? ticencees/Credit Card Holders and others. (Translation) (c) and (d) Realisation of outstanding dues is a SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA: Mr. Speaker. Sir this conllnuous process which includes periodical remindera, is quite right. That the profit was Rs. 55 croresdunng the personal contacts, periodical review both at the unit and year 1996-97 and it was reduced to Rs. 38.61 crbres during Corporate level, seeking assistance from the Administrative reduc~d Ministry and resorting to legal action wherever considered 1997-98. Due to this, the profit was 3 Oral Answers JULY 17. 1998 to Ouestions 4 [English} [Translation} SHRI MANORANJAN BHAKTA: He is asking about the SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA: Yes Sir. only thiS much figures of accommodation and catering. could be done. Some cases of recovery are pending In courts, but I can say that we have recovered more than four [Translation] crores of rupees during the last one year and the efforts for more recovery are going on. SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA: No. no. About profit. SHRI MADHAV RAO PATIL : What has happened to SHRI ARJUN SETHI : What are the reasons for disinvestment? reduction in accommodation and catering head? (English) SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA : Reduction has not taken place only In the Hotels of ITDC but. it has been in SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA : The Disinvestment private hotels too. The reason for It Is that a large number Commission made following recommendations. of foreigners came to India due to the spurge in economic activities during last three to four years. Therefore. there [Translation} was an increase in the profits of ITOC hotels and"oltlerhotels. This was categorised in that. Recommendation was But during the last 1-2 years. lesser number of foreigners that- have arrived in India and lesser persons stayed in these hotels. leading to reduced profit in catering. As I have [English} submitted before you that this has occurred not only In ITOC Hotels but in other hotels too. I have with me the statistics ITDC is a non core .sector that has recommended of Delhi's hotels'-Asian Hotels, B;I::':~3t Hotels, Indian Hotels disinvestment of 274 per cent by leaSing auf hotels and and all other private hotels. The profit in these hotels had prime-locations. gone down during last two years. [Translation] MR SPEAKER: Shri Madhav Rao Palil. The Cabinet did not accept the report of the Commission [EnglIsh] in this regard. Cabinet has taken a decision regarding the non-implementation of the repon and instead appoint an SHRI ARJUN SETHI : I have not asked my second advisor and we have also given and advertisement for It. supplementary. That was the part of
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