Republic oJ the Philippines Departuent of Education National Capital Region DIVISION OF CITY SCflOOLS Quezon City, Mefro Manila Augtut 18,20ll DIYISON MEMORANDT]M No. "?f2 ,s.2011 32"d QuEZON CITY DTyISION YOIING WRIITRS CONTESTS 2011 To: Assisant Schools Division Suporintendents * Division/ Distict Supervisors Principals, Head Ttnchers and Officer-In-Charge (Public and Private Elementaly Schools) 1. The 32d Quezon City Division Young Writers Contests 2011, this yea/s division schools press conference in the elementary level, will be held on Sopteinber 20,2011(Tuesday), for the individual contest cdegories, and September l5,20ll (Friday), for &e Radio Broadcasting and Scriptuniting competitions. The venues for the competitions, which will be in the morning will be Cubao Elementary School and Ponciano Bernardo Eiementary Sohool, respectively. 2. This yeads schools prcss confenence on all levels will continue to seek to serve as a forum for developing firther &e journalistic uriting skills of both students and teachers, and for eahancing these skills to promote a culture of peace through individual and group competitions. 3. The Quezon City Association of Elernentary School Paper Advisers (QC-AESPA), headed by its president Ms. Susana S. Acebedo, of Esteban Abada Elcmentary School, will continue to spearhead the young wri&rs competitions, in cooperation with the Division of City Schools, through Mr. Reynaldo F. San Diegq educational media supervisor. 4. The individual competitions will still be on the oategories of NEWSWRJTING EDITORIAL WRITING, FEATURE WRITING, SPORTSWRITING, COPYREADING AND HEADLINE WRITING, EDITORIAL CAKIOONING, and PHOTOJOURNALISM, in English and Filipino. Thus, one complete school delegation will be composed of fourteen (14) young writ€'rs, excluding the members of the cluster district taam for Radio Broadcasting snd Scriprtrrriting. The photo session for Photojounaalism will be on Septe,mber 15, 20ll (Thursday), 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, at the Division Office/ San Franoisco High School compound. Photojournalism contestants, with compact digital carnera 10-12 megapixel as rcquired equipment, should submit &eir SD memory cards to the Division OfEce througb their respective CD coordindors on September 14,20ll,l:00 - 3:00 p.m., as a preliminary requirement. Team contestants in Broadcasting should bring their own equipments (printer, laptop, extension cord eto.) since borrowing of equipmeat will not be allowed. 5. To defray €xpenses for this activity, a rcgisfiation fee of one hundred pesos (P100.00) per contestad (including Broadcasting) will be collected by the W-AESPA, plus an additional two hundred pesos (P200.00) for prooessinl printing in Photojournalism, chargeable against evailable school funds, subject to the usual accounting nrles and regulations. Tbe school's annual affiliation fee of two hunilrd pesos (P200.00) will likewise bc collected by the QC-AESPA. Participants are advisd to bring their own packed snapla. 6. The top seven (7) winners per category of the division contests, who shall be the Division's contestsnts in the 32d Metro Manila Young Writers Conferenoe and Contests, will be trained by the QC-AESPA on September 29 and 30, 2011, at a venue to be announced later. 7. Further dates relative to this yeat's Division Young Writers Contests arc hereunder: September 15, 201I - Early Registation, Division Offrce SepGmber 23, 201I - Cauvanssing of Contest Results, Division Office Conforence Hall, 9:00 a.m. Septembor 2l,zln*Awarding Ceremonieg venue to be announced later, 9:00 a.m. 8., School paper advisers and editorial boards are also directed to prepare the contest issues o{their sclgol papers, which should be submited ttre to Division Office, clo m. Reynaldo-DepED-NCR F. San Diego in November (finel date to be announced later), prior to screening by the Regional Office. Enties in Bracket A (Printed School Paper Category) should measule 9n x 12,' ryith-ry least eight (8) pages, while the Bracket B entries (MineogFaphsdl Photocopied Category) should measur€ 8 Yz" x 13" (long bond paper size), also with at least eight (8) pages, Uottt lti English and Filipino. g. Nominees for the Search for Outstsnding Elementary School Paper Adviser and Elementary Campus Joumalist should submit their nomination forms and supporting documents at the Division Office on or before September Z0,Z0ll. 10' Princrpals of schools paper advisers who will be designated by the QC-AESPA to be members of working committees to manage the division contest are requested to ensure their availability to serve during the competitions and the preparatory/ related-activities in order that fte Division can again successfully select the best young writers who will boost the Division's performance and sustain its dominance of the regional competitions. 11. Immediate and widest dissemination of the contents of &is Memorandum is earnestly desired forthe information and guidance of all concerned d coRAzoN c. RUBIO, CES() \rI Schools Division Superintendent Rcftrence:DepED McmomndxrNo. 15, s. 20ll Allotncnt l-4{- (D.O. 504?) To bc indicdod in tho Peme0ral ldex undcr thc followfurg subjac8: AS$OCIAJTNNVSOCIETY PROCRAMS/PROJECTS AWARDS PI.JPILS/STI,JDENTS CONTESTS ffHOOLS CONTRIBUTIONS/FEES SCHOOLPAPSRS OFFTCLALS Srbjoct CAMPUSJOURNALISM.
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