Marriage Commissioners Newfoundland and Labrador Location Name Phone 1 Phone 2 E-mail Appleton Flynn, Dermot, Mr. (709) 679-2232 (709) 424-2252 Arnold's Cove Deir, Michelle Marie, Ms. (709) 463-2237 Badger Roberts, Verley Lavina (709) 539-2611 [email protected] Badger's Quay Hunt, Lorraine Marina, Ms. (709) 561-5010 Baie Verte Payne, Kyle, Mr. (709) 532-8636 Bauline LeGrow, Craig, Mayor (709) 335-2071 Bay Bulls Walsh, John Thomas, Mr. (709) 334-2653 Bay Bulls Mullowney, Harold, Mayor (709) 334-3410 Bay Roberts Morrow, Judy Sharene, Ms. (709) 786-4813 Bay Roberts Parsons, Pamela, Ms. (709) 730-0065 Bay Roberts Sheppard, Paul, Mr. (709) 786-0801 (709) 786-9055 Bay Roberts Wood, Philip, Mayor (709) 786-0204 Bell Island Hoddinott, Karen (709) 725-9579 Bell Island Somerton, Joseph Patrick, Mr. (709) 488-2811 Bishop's Falls Dettanikkeaze, Marie, Ms. (709) 258-5129 Bishop's Falls King, Bryan, Mayor (709) 395-0096 Bird Cove Myers, Andre, Mayor (709) 847-7629 Bonavista Norman, John, Mayor (709) 468-7747 Botwood Sceviour, Scott W., Mayor (709) 257-3918 Branch, St. Mary's Bay Mooney, Priscilla Corcoran, Ms. (709) 338-2055 Brigus Rodway, E. Byron, Mayor (709) 528-3201 [email protected] Burgeo Billard, Sandra Loretta, Ms. (709) 886-7873 Burgeo Burke, Christopher (416) 884-6498 [email protected] Campbellton Clark, Maisie, Mayor (709) 261-2741 Carbonear Butt, Frank, Mayor (709) 596-0323 Carbonear Moores, Owen G., Mr. (709) 596-1874 [email protected] Carbonear Slade, Samuel, Mr. (709) 596-2940 Chance Cove Crann, Edgar, Mayor (709) 460-4291 Chance Cove Matthews, Craig, Mr. (709) 685-5616 [email protected] Channel-Port aux Basques Bell Chaisson, Joan, Ms (709) 695-3044 (709) 214-3044 Channel-Port aux Basques Spencer, John S., Mayor (709) 695-2314 Channel-Port aux Basques Short, Colin, Mr. (709) 695-9311 Channel-Port aux Basques Short, George W., Mr. (709) 695-2400 Chapel's Cove Wade, Isabelle F., Ms. (709) 727-6750 Chapel's Cove Doyle, Mary (Maggie), Ms. (709) 746-8650 [email protected] Charlottetown, Labrador Dempster, Lisa, MHA (709) 685-1284 [email protected] Charlottetown Penny, Margaret Ann, Ms. (709) 664-4161 Clarenville Gray, Marty, Mr. (709) 746-9863 [email protected] Clarenville Parrott, Lloyd (709) 466-4165 [email protected] Clarenville Russell, Frazer, Mayor (709) 466-2875 Clarenville Smith, Shelley, Ms. (709)425-2074 [email protected] Updated: July 2021 Marriage Commissioners Newfoundland and Labrador Location Name Phone 1 Phone 2 E-mail Clarke's Beach Moore, Elizabeth, Mayor (709) 786-1266 Conception Bay South French, Terry, Mayor (709) 834-3337 Conception Bay South French, Woodrow, Mr. (709) 834-5566 Conception Bay South Galloway-Butler, Colleen, Ms. (709) 834-5299 Conception Bay South McDonald, Ken, Mr. (709) 730-1048 Conception Harbour Williams, Craig Timothy, Mayor (709) 693-8301 Conne River Joe, Misel, Chief (709) 882-2470 Conne River Lambert, Colleen Mary Ms. (709) 538-7115 Corner Brook Provincial Court Judges (709) 637-2323 Corner Brook Carey, Jacqueline, Ms. (709) 634-1564 Corner Brook Christopher, Eric J., Mr. (709) 640-0025 (709) 632-5934 [email protected] Corner Brook Coleman, Ann Marie (709) 639-7202 (709) 630-0713 Corner Brook Luedee, Michael, Mr. (709) 785-6367 (709) 640-5284 [email protected] Corner Brook Organ, Tonya, Ms. (709) 660-6714 [email protected] Corner Brook Parsons, Larry James, Mayor (709) 637-1537 Corner Brook Peddle, David, Dr. (709) 634-7905 (709) 639-4559 Corner Brook Peddle, Sheldon, Mr. (709) 632-0997 [email protected] Corner Brook Wells, David, Mr. (709) 634-5802 Cottrell's Cove Roberts, Katherine, Ms. (709) 486-9325 Creston Chaulk, Ethel, Ms. (709) 636-9247 [email protected] Deer Lake Ball, Dean, Mayor (709) 635-2451 Deer Lake Higdon, Barbara, Ms. (709) 635-2787 Deer Lake Parsons, Diane, Ms. (709) 635-3817 Degrau Benwah, Jasen S., Mr. (709) 800-1380 (709) 214-0180 [email protected] Dildo Barker Pinsent, Catherine, Ms. (709) 582-2110 Dildo Warren, Shirley Grace, Ms. (709) 582-2522 Dover Keats, Tony R., Mayor (709) 537-5821 Eastport O'Grady, Samantha, Ms. (709) 677-3557 Eddies Cove East Parrill-Walsh, Olga (709) 456-6888 [email protected] Ferryland Dunne, Charles, Mr. (709) 432-2155 Flatrock Thorne, Darrin D., Mayor. (709) 437-5654 Fleur De Lys Dempsey, Kimberly, Ms. (709) 253-3330 [email protected] Freshwater-Placentia Wayne, Daniel Power, Mr. (709) 227-5156 Gambo Lush, Dennis, Mayor (709) 674-4674 Gambo South Lush, Peter Franklyn (709) 674-1518 [email protected] Gander Tucker, Geoffery H., Mr. (709) 256-8618 (709) 424-2613 [email protected] Gander Dillon, Desmond, Mr. (709) 256-2262 Gander Farwell, Percy, Mayor (709) 651-5920 Gander Power, Joanne, Ms. (709) 256-3360 (709) 422-3151 [email protected] Garnish Geraghty, Michael, Mr. (709) 826-2131 Gaultois Windsor, John Cameron, Mr. (709) 841-3321 Updated: July 2021 Marriage Commissioners Newfoundland and Labrador Location Name Phone 1 Phone 2 E-mail George's Brook-Milton Pardy, Craig, Mayor (709) 466-3680 Glenwood Kinden, Jason, Mayor (709) 424-5061 Goulds Evans, Barbara, Ms. (709) 237-2608 (709) 765-4043 [email protected] Grand Bank Cumben, Michael, Mr. (709) 832-4939 Grand Falls-Windsor McRae, Craig Allan, Mr. (709) 489-2432 (709) 293-9794 [email protected] Grand Falls-Windsor Mitchell, Leslie, Mr. (709) 489-4845 Grand Falls-Windsor Smith, Aubrey B. C., Mr. (709) 489-5068 [email protected] Grand Falls-Windsor Oxford, Bradley B., Mr. (709) 486-3980 [email protected] Grand Falls-Windsor Provincial Court Judges (709) 292-4212 Grand Falls-Windsor Manuel, Barry, Mayor (709) 486-4691 Grand Falls-Windsor Tibbs, Christopher Earl, Mr. (709) 290-3682 [email protected] Halfway Point Eldridge, Brenda, Ms. (709) 632-3141 [email protected] Happy Valley-Goose Bay Beals, Petrina, Ms. (709) 896-9653 Happy Valley-Goose Bay Hamel-Pardy, Cora, Ms. (709) 897-4774 Happy Valley-Goose Bay Mesher-Brown, Heather, Ms. (709) 899-5111 Happy Valley-Goose Bay Murphy, George Lawrence, Supreme Court Judge (709) 896-7885 Happy Valley-Goose Bay Provincial Court Judges (709) 896-7870 Harbour Breton Ollerhead, Georgina Mary, Mayor (709) 885-2231 Harbour Grace Coombs, Don, Mr. (709) 596-1919 (709) 589-5995 Heart's Content Moss-Woodley, Lynda, Ms. (709) 743-7515 Heatherton Heron, Catherine Nicole, Ms. (709) 274-2111 Hermitage Crewe, Stephen E., Mayor (709) 880-4124 Holyrood King, Sadie, Mayor's Designate (709) 229-4094 Humber Valley Resort Wells, Marvella, Ms. (709)632-8750 [email protected] Islington Branton, Clayton, Mayor (709) 588-2580 Jerseyside Greene, Donna, Ms. (709) 227-7380 King's Cove Mike Ricketts, Mayor (709) 541-3058 [email protected] Kippens Brake-Patten, Dr. Debbie, Mayor (709) 643-5627 Kippens Cornect, Anthony (Tony), Mr. (709) 643-6258 Kippens Jesso, Dillon (709) 649-3219 [email protected] Kippens Keating, Sharon, Ms. (709) 643-4818 [email protected] L'Anse Au Loup Casey, Terry J., Mr. (709) 927-5286 L'Anse Au Loup Ryland, Hedley, Mr. (709) 927-5695 Labrador City Benoit, Fabian, Mayor (709) 944-1388 Labrador City Brown, Jordan, Mr. (709) 944-0259 Labrador City McGrath, Nicholas K., Mr. (709) 280-5630 LaScie Morey, Kimberly, Mayor (709) 532-5803 LaScie Oake, Harry Walter, Mr. (709) 532-5987 Lawn Strang, Kenneth, Mr. (709) 873-3269 Lewisporte Clarke, Elizabeth, Mayor (709) 535-2227 Lewisporte Dawe, Stephanie, Ms. (709) 541-2365 Updated: July 2021 Marriage Commissioners Newfoundland and Labrador Location Name Phone 1 Phone 2 E-mail Little Bay Islands Weir, Jerry S. J., Mr. (709) 626-3171 Long Harbour Keating, Gary, Mayor (709) 228-2602 Mainland Oliver, Sheridan (709) 649-4597 [email protected] Makkovik Lane, Jodie, Ms. (709) 923-2447 [email protected] Markland Petipas, Peter, Mr. (709) 746-2039 Marystown Manning, Allison J., Ms. (709) 891-4103 Marystown Miller, Jessie, Ms. (709) 277-7297 Marystown Synard, Sam, Mayor (709) 279-1072 McIvers Curtis, Gerri-Lynn, Ms. (709)638-0755 [email protected] Millertown Humber, Fiona, Mayor (709) 660-5119 Monroe Stone, Chester C., Judge (Retired) (709) 663-4491 Mount Carmel Long-Nash, Edna Elaine, Mayor (709) 521-2358 Mount Pearl Aker, Dave, Mayor (709) 748-1030 Mount Pearl Denine, Dave, Mr. (709) 368-6521 [email protected] Mount Pearl Hayes, Denise, Ms. (709) 368-5998 Mount Pearl Rose, Margaret, Ms. (709) 221-0822 Mount Pearl Short, Georgina G., Ms. (709) 682-7928 [email protected] Mount Pearl Walsh, Paula M., Ms. (709) 745-4472 Nain Dicker, Ashley, Ms. (709) 922-2678 [email protected] New Bonaventure Miller, James, Mayor (709) 464-7742 Norman’s Cove Brenton, Henry, Mayor (709) 592-2657 (709) 689-5765 Northern Arm Hancock, Deanna Gail, Ms. (709) 257-3139 Northern Bay Stella Maria Johnson, Ms. (709) 584-3021 Norris Arm Higgins, Kimberly, Ms. (709) 293-4816 [email protected] Norris Point Sacrey, Zach, Mr. (709) 458-2782 Old Bonaventure Bailey, Garland, Mr. (709) 464-3574 Outer Cove Davies, Tina Gail, Ms. (709) 726-4223 Paradise Adams, Neil, Marine Captain (709) 682-6273 Paradise Bobbett, Dan, Mayor (709) 782-9044 Paradise Dicks-Peyton, Kathy, Ms. (709) 730-8549 [email protected] Paradise Glavine, Winnifred M., Ms. (709) 699-1502 Parson's Pond Biggin, Brenda, Mayor (709) 243-2553 Parson's Pond Keough, Charles Osmund, Mr. (709) 243-7242 Pasadena Walsh, Gemma, Ms. (709) 686-2356 Placentia Connors, Rachelle, Ms. (709) 227-7323 Placentia O'Keefe, Patrick, Mr. (709) 227-5825 Placentia Smith, Alyssa, Ms. (587)337-9910 [email protected] Port Anson Burton, Shawn Lee, Mayor (709) 652-3771 Port au Choix Lavers, Carolyn, Ms. (709) 861-3662 Port au Port East Ivany, Corey, Mr. (709) 648-2321 [email protected] Port Hope Simpson Burden, Margaret, Mayor (709) 960-0222 Updated: July 2021 Marriage Commissioners Newfoundland and Labrador Location Name Phone 1 Phone 2 E-mail Port Rexton Bailey, Ronald, Mayor (709) 464-7092 Port Saunders Ryan, Anthony, Mayor (709) 861-3155 Portugal Cove-St.
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